Chapter 7 - A Hidden Side

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"From the top!"

I inwardly groaned, this was the kajillionth time I heard that in the last hour. 

Yeah sure, I wasn't accustomed to the ways of basically-movie-filming videos, but it's their fault for choosing me of all girls. Prince D looked like he was either gonna scream, facepalm, or both.

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "I'm not cut out for this." I undid the headmic on my face and sat down where Barb was sitting a while back. She had to leave early to help her dad with the cocoa shop. I rested my head in my hands, which rested on my knees, and tried to pry my thoughts from this whole mess of things. But if I could just finish this project...

"Want one?" I looked up, and Branch was staring at me, holding out a soda can. I gratefully took it, my fingers brushing his. Cool fizzy soda sounded good to me.

"Thank you," I said politely, not really wanting to open up, because that's what he seemed like he wanted me to do. He sat down next to me, and I automatically tensed.

"Y'know, you do have a nice voice for singing," he said casually, swirling his can, making a soda tornado inside. I blushed, sipping my own drink.

"Thanks, I guess," I said. Being complimented my Mr. Musical Genius himself wasn't anything small, but again, I didn't care to boost his ego.

We kind of just sat in silence, focusing on our sodas. I glanced over at Branch, and he did the same, causing our eyes to meet. 

Okay fine, I admit his eyes weren't anything short of pure, brilliant blue. Reminded me of crystal clear blue rivers you see in those aesthetic photos.

Clearing my throat, I dropped my eyes elsewhere, anywhere but him.

"Can we just sing the song for fun? Like, not for the camera. It's been a while since I've just...let loose Y'know?" He asked, tilting his head to me.

"Uh..." I thought about it. What was he getting from that? Couldn't he just sing himself? 

"Pleaaaaaaase?" He made a face. Um...a really cute pleading face. I sweat dropped a little bit, squeezing my eyes slightly. 

"F-f...-F-f-fine!" I spat out, giving in. His face lit up, and he extended his hand to me, like a gentleman. Blushing, I took it. "But it's not like I'll enjoy it or anything!" I stated, making that clear. He just shrugged, looking pleased I'd even accepted. I put down my can and brushed off my outfit, and cleared my throat. 

"I got this feeling, inside my bones,

It goes electric-wavy when I turn it on."

Branch took over.

"And if you want it, Inside your soul,"

I joined him.

"Just open up your heart let music take control!"

After the song...

"Got this feeling in my body, Come on!"

I took a breath as Branch finished, smiling. Y'know, that was actually-



"THAT WAS SWEET!" Prince D hollered, giving us a thumbs-up

Wait what-

I slowly stared accusingly toward Branch, who sheepishly rubbed his neck. "What? I though if you weren't so stressed about the camera, you'd be comfortable!" He shrugged, still embarrassed. I looked away. 

"Well, thanks then...I guess," My face burned, because I had to be lied to, to be on camera comfortably? That sucked.

"Poppy, wait!" Branch grabbed my shoulder, and I turned around. He shyly smiled at me.

"I'm not lying when I say that was actually fun! I really enjoyed that, and the rest of the video should be a breeze!" He said genuinely. A smile tugged on my lips.

"Thank you, Branch," I said, kinda-maybe-sorta blushing. 

Nah. Totally not blushing. Mhm.

"Hey I'm just saying facts," Branch raised up his hands, as if saying 'no big deal'.

"...Well, I guess I'll be heading home?" I said. I didn't mean for it to come out as a question, and it sounded like I was asking for his permission!

"Sure, see you tomorrow then?" Branch held up a thumbs-up.

"Yeah...see ya," I grinned. I turned around to grab my backpack, and heard Branch suck in his breath.

"Hey, uh, um, you're going home right now?" He asked, not making eye-contact.

"Well, I'll be headed off to Barb's family's hot cocoa shop till evening," I shrugged at him.

"You think you could...I don't know, maybe show me around the neighborhood later? While I'm visiting here? I'd love to see some of the sights around here," He asked me.

I hesitated, I did have to work on our class project AND Creek's request, but the sensible part of my mind was quickly drowned out. The other half was saying 'YES, YES, YES!' "Um, sure! But I'll be bringing along my schoolwork, okay?"

"Of course!" Branch nodded, understanding, "...Thanks."

"No problem," I smiled happily. Where had this side of Branch been the time we met? 

Had I...judged him too soon?

"Then it's a date! See you later!"

"See you!" I waved, heading towards the Hot Cocoa shop. But something clicked into my mind just then.






Yes I'm alive and updating lol

Quick question: Am I rushing this story too much? Does it feel that way?

Peace out!💖

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