Fifty. I'll look after you

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L.   I'll look after you

Dylan tried not to think about the fact that Sarah was at the bonfire with her ex while John B was off flirting with another girl. It felt wrong in all sorts. Sarah and John B were meant for each other. They were from two completely different worlds and yet they found love through the hardships. It was something Dylan admired. She loved Sarah but John B was her brother. She didn't want to pick a side.

"It's called The Good Nurse. It's about that doctor who was killing all of those patients at the hospitals he worked at!" Dylan expressed while showing her phone to Pope. "You have to watch it with me!"

"Which doctor? You've told me about hundreds?" He asked her.

"Charles Cullen! Remember that documentary I made you watch with me? Capturing the Killing Nurse?"

Pope's eyebrows shot up when he realized. "Oh, yeah! He'd put drugs in the saline pouches."

"Yes!" She smiled widely. "They just came out with a movie about it. Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne. Please watch it with him."

He scoffed. "Like I'd say no."

Dylan smiled again and put her phone away. The couple started to dance to the music but it didn't last long when she heard yelling. She looked over and saw Sarah and Topper standing with John B and the girl he was flirting with, her now arguing with Topper. "Oh, shit."

Pope saw what was happening and sighed. "Can we not have one good night without drama?"

"Pogue life, baby."

Sarah and John B started arguing, which caused Topper to step in, and as Dylan started walking towards them, Kelce got in John B's face. "Hey, she don't want you anymore, bro."

"Shut the hell up."

"Kelce, back the hell off." Dylan snapped at him.

"DJ, stay out of this." Topper said to her.

She threw him a glare. "Why the hell are you still here?" She raised her voice.

"What you gonna do, John B, kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin? Huh? Do something—"

John B turned around and punched Kelce in the face. He stumbled back and Topper grabbed him by the shirt. "Get off of him!" Dylan yelled and went to pull him off.

Pope quickly grabbed her. "Hey, no!" He yelled at her.

Topper flipped John B on the concrete and they started fighting. By now, everyone had their phones out, recording. Another fight broke out between Kelce and a guy he bumped into. People started bumping into Dylan and Pope. "STOP!" She shouted at everyone.

"DYLAN!" Kiara shouted and pushed through everybody. "Move! Move!"

The girl that was flirting with John B pushed Sarah and she fell over the concrete. "Oh, hell no." Dylan huffed and finally got out of Pope's grasp. She ignored his pleading for her to stop.

"Move, bitch! What's your problem?" Kiara yelled in her face while shoving her back.

"Hey, what the hell? Whose side are you on?"

Dylan walked up behind her and grabbed her shoulder, shoving her to the side. "Hey, back off!" She yelled in her face.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled back and pushed her into a group of girls.

"Hey!" Shouted Kiara.

Dylan slipped out a laugh. She charged at the girl and grabbed her by the shoulders again. She dragged her to the ground, shocking everybody that knew her that was around them. She punched her in the face once.

"DJ!" Both Sarah and Kiara shouted.

"Get off me, you bitch!" The girl screamed and managed to flip her over. "Whose side are you on, Dylan?" She held her arms down so she couldn't move.

"Not whatever you are." Dylan said through her teeth and head butted her, causing her head to fly back and her black hair to cover her face. She took the opportunity to grab her and flip her over again.

At that time, both Pope and JJ ran to get their friends to stop fighting. Kiara tried to get Dylan off of her. "Dylan! Dylan, stop!" She yelled over the commotion.

The boys were in the middle of their own fights. The group of girls Dylan was pushed into broke them apart and Dylan tried lunging at her again. "That's what I thought, bitch. Back off my friends!" She yelled with her messy curls in her face.

"Hey, hey!" Shouted Kiara and she grabbed her face. "Stop. It's not worth it! We gotta get out of here!"

"Kie! DJ! Let's go!" JJ exclaimed as the boys ran past them.

The Pogues sprinted away from everyone and ran back to the Twinkie. Kiara faced Dylan and stared at her with wide eyes. "What the hell, Dylan? Why did you do that?"

Pope stood in front of her, eyeing her messy hair and the bruises showing up on her face. "You got into a fight?"

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" JJ smiled.

"She pushed Sarah and she was gonna fight you!" Dylan exclaimed to her friend. "And she was a bitch."

"Since when did you become a fighter?"

"When I stopped being scared of everything and started sticking up for myself!" She snapped. It got quiet and her lips sealed shut.

The Pogues got inside the Twinkie and John B held a cold beer to his forehead. Dylan took one for herself and held it to her face, now feeling the pain. Pope sat across from her in the back, shaking his head. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Shut up."

"Well, that was a little unexpected." JJ said with a laugh.

Kiara gave him a look. "Was it?"

Dylan glanced at John B, seeing him deep in thought, obviously thinking of Sarah.

"Hey, maybe she'll come around?"

She wanted to have faith that Sarah would choose them. With everything they'd been through, how could she just forget all of it? Dylan's faith was too strong sometimes.

"It's like everything that happened to us didn't matter." John B muttered.

"I'm sorry, B." She told him sincerely while frowning.

He looked at her, not saying anything, but his eyes told her everything. Kiara looked over her shoulder. "Thanks for sticking up for me." She told her.

Dylan half smiled. "Sure, KiKi."

"I've had more black eyes in the last month than I've ever had."

Dylan cringed and rubbed her bruised forehead. "I think this is my first one."

Kiara laughed. "I can't believe you head butted her. That's so not like you."

When they got back to the Chateau, John B started a fire and they crowded around it with beer and marshmallows and chocolate. "Oh, my poor baby." Pope faked a pout and pushed her hair behind her ear. His finger brushed against the bruise. "You're still cute, don't worry."

They laughed and she narrowed her eyes, pushing his hand away. She fell into his lap anyways. JJ came up behind her and patted her on the head. "I thought it was badass, DJ. Don't listen to them."

"Thank you, JJ!" She expressed. Then, her face twisted. "Oh god, I'm turning into JJ."

His jaw dropped and they laughed louder. "Did you guys really stick up for Sarah?" John B asked the girls.

Kiara and Dylan glanced at each other. "Of course. She's not a real Kook." Kiara responded.

"She's our friend. That's what we do." Dylan stated with a slight nod, her lover not a fighter side coming through again. She bit into the chocolate bar she was holding.

"Yeah, tell that to Topper." Said Pope.

They looked at John B again, whose face had fallen. It got quiet again. "I just want one bite." He uttered and bit into Kiara's food.

She gasped. "What are you doing? No, stop!" She fought against it but it ultimately on the ground.

"You're not having any of mine!" JJ quickly said.

"I thought you were gonna share!" John B stated and crawled around the back.

"I spent the last of my money on that."

"Sixteen years in most federal prisons."

Dylan scoffed. "Oh, don't pull that card on us."

"I'll forever pull that card, DJ." He told her.

"Well, I'm stealing your marshmallow." Kiara said and reached over to take his marshmallow.

"I believe that's a. . . not even a fair trade." Pope told her.

"It's not at all. Not even close!" She agreed.

Dylan laughed and held out her chocolate bar. "Here, Kie, I'll share with you." She offered.

Kiara gasped. "Really? I love you so much."

Pope looked offended. "When I asked, you said no."

She looked at him snd shrugged, feeling Kiara take the chocolate from her hand. "You were mean to me back there."

"I said I was sorry." He pouted. "And that you're cute."

"We already knew that." JJ chimed in, earning a glare from Pope and a laugh from the girls.

"Hey, hey!" John B whispered and shushed them.

They turned their heads and watched him slowly stand from the ground. He eyed the chicken coupe. "Somebody's here." He uttered.

Kiara lowered the chocolate bar. "You don't think that Topper would. . ." She paused.

"Or Rafe again?" Dylan guessed in slight fear.

"I wouldn't put it past either of them." Said JJ.

She stood from Pope's lap. Kiara asked if JJ had the gun. "Oh, now she wants the gun!" He sassed.

"Oh, now you don't have the gun?" She argued.


"Isn't that your "secret" weapon?"

"Shut up!" Both Dylan and Pope hissed at them.

They started slowly walking toward the chicken coupe. "Hey, who's out there?" John B called out.

"You Kooks better not try anything." Yelled Kiara.

"Who's there?"

Renfield appeared from behind the chicken coupe with his hands raised. "How y'all doing?"

Dylan huffed out a breath. "It's this piece of shit." Pope muttered angrily.

"Lively evening we're having. Look, I, uh. .  I don't hold a grudge with any of y'all, alright?" He walked closer to them with his hands still raised. He then lowered them. "But this can go hard, or this can go easy. You know what I'm here for."

The Pogues glared. Dylan cautiously found herself stepping in front of Pope.

"Let me give you a little demonstration. You see that swing there?" He pointed to the tree swing. "I got the best bow hunters in the Army Rangers with me."

JJ obviously didn't believe him. He hummed and gripped the rope of the swing.

Renfield whistled and an arrow suddenly came flying. It landed in the tree and Dylan gasped, feeling startled.

"Now, they're out there. They'll stick you just as soon as I say so." He continued to try and scare them. He went and stood in front of Pope, which only made Dylan move in front of him even more.

As JJ went to swing with the stick he was holding, Renfield whistled again and an arrow shot at the ground. "Uh, uh, uh," he laughed as a warning. "We clear?"

JJ looked at his friends and slowly lowered the branch.

He faced Pope again. "It's not going to happen." Dylan told him in a dark voice, the look on her face just as dark and evil.

Renfield looked down at her and slipped out another dark chuckle, which made all of them feel nervous. He whistled and an arrow shot past her into another tree, only inches away from her face, and Dylan felt her entire body lock up.

"Okay, okay." Pope instantly said and his hands went to her arms. He felt how tense she was. He looked at her, meeting her pleading eyes. She shook her head but he nodded his, their silent words contradicting each other.

Kiara ultimately stepped forward and grabbed Dylan's hand. She pulled her away and kept her close. The Pogues watched as Pope reached into his shorts pocket and he pulled out the key. He held it tight in his first, uttering a quiet and soft, "No."

"Oh." Renfield laughed.

"This key belongs to my family."

"I'm losing my patience with you, Pope." His laugh heightened. He stared him straight in the eyes and brought his fingers to his mouth, which caused Dylan to tense up again.

Pope finally gave him the key and Renfield snatched it happily. "You did the right thing, kid. Knowing you don't have a choice is an under appreciated talent."

She felt her heart drop at Pope's face and the fact that they just lost everything they'd been working so hard to find.

"You be safe." He walked past JJ, who had the branch raised again. "Easy there. Y'all have a good night."

Pope stared to pant. They all turned and looked at him, each worried about his reaction. "I'm so sick of this shit." He uttered with his whole heart.

He turned around and walked off. "Pope!" Dylan called out and ran after him. His hands went into his hair and he tugged on, visibly freaking out. "Hey, P."

"Did I just ruin everything?" He spoke and turned around, revealing his watery eyes. "What did I just do?"

"Hey, hey, it's not your fault, baby." She told him and stood in front of him. She cupped his face so that he was looking at her. "You didn't have a choice."

"They're taking everything from me, Dylan. Everything that's mine and my families." Pope told her with a break in his voice.

Dylan swallowed harshly, her emotions taking over. Seeing him upset broke her heart. When he cried, she cried. Whatever he felt, she felt deep in her bones 10x as much. "I know, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. His face went into her neck and she caressed the back of his head. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." She wished so badly to take all the hurt and pain he felt for herself so that he didn't have to feel any of it.

Last night's events made it hard for Dylan to sleep. She passed out on John B's couch with Kiara but she spent the whole night awake practically, listening to JJ's snores and Pope's rustling around, something he always did in his sleep. She was on edge now more than ever. Her protection mode was on. That's all she wanted to do was protective her friends.

Pope lounged out in the chair with a blanket thrown over his body. "Did you sleep at all?" He asked her.

"How could she? She almost got her head taken off by an arrow." Said JJ, who'd also been awake for a while.

"Thank you, JJ." She said sarcastically while staring at the ceiling of the Chateau.

After a few more minutes, all the Pogues were awake. Dylan rubbed her tired eyes. Kiara pulled her beanie over her eyes again. Sarah came walking into the Chateau which shocked and confused them all. "Well, hello, princess." JJ greeted her.

"You're actually here?" Dylan said to her.

"Yeah, shouldn't you be on Figure Eight with your little group of polo players?" John B questioned bitterly.

Sarah casted him a sarcastic smile. "Yeah, I'm here." She responded to Dylan, who looked away and back to the ceiling.

"Or did you break up with Topper?"

"We're just friends." She replied to his smugness.

"Oh, he's just a friend," John B repeated with a grin on his face to piss her off. "You have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron."

She spun around and faced him. "Yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own, too." She shot back.

"Jesus, even when you're not dating, you act like you're dating." Dylan groaned and covered her face.

"Alright, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for Pope."

That for their attention. Sarah turned to Pope, who looked confused by her statement. "I think I found the island room."

All at once, they sat up and their eyes widened. "Swear?" Dylan uttered.

Sarah looked her way and nodded. "Swear."

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