14 yr old mcyt fans [heavy aggreived sigh]

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I don't mean for this to be an attack on MCYT fans or whatever I literally don't care what you enjoy but good god some of you need to REEVALUATE

why are 14 year olds obsessed with trying to defend dream by saying he has adhd. Every time he does something shitty it's always the "nooooo !! He has adhd 🥺🥺 he's a widdle baby he can't help it !🥺🥺 ur being ableist!! 🥺🥺🥺" I'm going to start knocking heads.

people w adhd aren't helpless babies like I think twt has made it seem like adhd is some special little thing that absolves you from all criticism as if it's not an incredibly common disability. It doesn't excuse ur actions u still have to fucking apologize and do better. Absolute headassery.

The way these people act makes it seem like having adhd is ur get out of jail free card like shit bruh ! Didnt know I could yell "bomb" on call at an airport and then when someone was like what the fuck at me I could just say "hee Hee !! Sorry I'm a widdle dumb baby with no impulse control because I have adhd 🥺🥺🥺"

Like this is how they act. This is how they think adhd works. Neurotypical teens will read a fucking Twitter thread and suddenly think they're neurologists now just to defend content creators doing shitty things.

I genuinely had a kid explain adhd impulse control to me. Me. A person with adhd. And they, a person without adhd. Tried to explain it to me like I didn't already fucking know because I legitimately Live It Everyday.

Hey news flash? Intrusive thoughts are thoughts. If you have an intrusive thought to kill someone and then you act on it it's not just "ooh sorry intrusive thought and bad impulse control! My bad!! That's why I did that!!" You still Committed. A. Crime.

It's no longer an intrusive thought when you act on it see? Because that's not a fucking thought. Wow! Surprise!!!

I don't mean to generalize the mcyt fandom here because that would be very unfair of me. I'm only focusing on them bc it's a huge fandom and I see people within this fandom act like this The Most.

But anyway the complete fucking bastardization that adhd has suffered from kids on Twitter. They've gone so progressive they've started infantilizing us to the extreme.  Absolutely insane.

Like yes. Having a large nd community is good because there's more information and people to relate to but it's honestly a double edged sword. Because now people know medical terms (hyperfixate) and misuse them so that they have no meaning anymore. Hyperfixate isn't a funky word for Liking Something A Lot it is a medical term. For neurodivergent folk. If you are neurotypical you don't hyperfixate. You just Like Something A Lot or obsess over it.

Hyperfixate is now so misused that tbh every time I see it I cringe. It's gotten the "gaslight" and "trigger" treatment in which medical terms were memified so hard they have lost any seriousness previously applied. Like these are medical terms and no one thinks that anymore. And tbh thats dangerous but. I really don't have the time to get into it rn. Urhrbbsheb i hate y'all :)!

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