Reason i dont like TUA or GOT 7-8

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Lmao a tumblr post put into words exactly what I dislike about TUA and GOT S7-8 and it's the fact they write consequences just. Wrong. Idk how to explain this fully but in TUA the entire world being blown up, and the guy time police dude surviving to be with the woman he loved only for the second season to 1. Immediately kill him off and 2. The entire plot to be repeated and Anya's memories wiped so she has a clean slate like. There's no consequence. What was the point of him living just to die immediately first season. What was the point of the world blowing up only to repeat the same plot next season? It's all a waste.

The consequences that ARE there are random too. You don't know why they happened. Why did Anyas memory get erased in the first place besides it being a cheap out? I don't remember enough about TUA to totally flesh this out. Maybe I'll do a rewatch and make a big boy chapter on it but for now here's me ranting about GOT

In GOT S1-5/ASOIF George r r Martin does this so well. The deaths at the red wedding are shocking, but in hind sight you can CLEARLY see the build up. Catelyn never visiting Walder Frey and never attending weddings -> catelyn asking them for access to their bridge thus getting them involved in a war despite this -> Walder Frey making her promise to marry her son to his daughter before giving her the bridge and her MAKING THAT PROMISE -> Robb breaking his oath to marry a woman he loved -> Robb once again asking for the Frey's help despite this, and promising another groom for his daughter -> Frey siding with the Lannisters because of this continuous betrayal and massecring the Stark army at the wedding as a result.

It's spread over two seasons, and If you don't pay attention you think it's out of no where. But there's such a clear line from Action A to consequence B. The chaos it creates is built realistically, you know WHY it happens.  Season 7 and 8 don't have that. The consequences are random and you don't know why anything is happening, when it'll happen, or how it will effect the future. There is no clear A to B. It's just using chaos as a tool without creating a foundation for that chaos

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