2. Unknown man

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Author POV

She came to her home tired and sleepy. But soon it fades away by seeing her Grandfather.

Ariel- Grandpa, you didn't sleep.

Grandpa- How can I sleep when my child is out.

Ariel- Don't worry Grandpa, I am a big girl .

Grandpa- Ok , you freshen up. I will serve the dinner.

Ariel- Arraseo.

After the girl went away the Old man simply looked at full moon.

Grandfather POV

God I never asked for something but please protect my child. She is too innocent to know about this stuff . Please save her.

???- You think you can save her.

Author POV

As soon as he heard the voice he turned around , he met the unknown man.

???- You think you can save her.

Grandfather- Please leave her. She has nothing to do with him.

???- A contract is a contract. And he never turns down a contract.

Grandpa- Please have some mercy.

???- Not to disappoint you but we don't show mercy. BTW enjoy this time it may be the last time.

After saying those words the man disappeared leaving the old man alone.

Grandfather - Please save my child.

Soon the Girl came down and saw her Grandfather.

Ariel- Grandpa
Grandfather- Oh dear come and eat.
Ariel- OK

After having dinner the girl went towards her room . She did her night routine and went to sleep.

Ariel POV

I was sleeping peacefully in my room but when I woke up, I found myself in a Garden ? WHAT THE HELL - What I am doing here ? Why I am in a freaking GARDEN

But it's pretty though, I stood up and started to explore the Garden. It was a pretty place. The Garden is full of of different kinds of flowers. I was really very amazed by its beauty. I really didn't know the name of many flowers . Soon I came across a pretty hotel ?

WOW this hotel is so beautiful . I should enter over there and ask about this place. Soon I entered and looked over the desk .

Ariel- Hello is anyone there. Actually I am lost and I don't know where I am .

Looks like I should go towards the lobby.

Wow the lobby is really very beautiful. I wonder what's the name of this hotel.

???- It's Hotel Croissant de lune.

Soon I turned around a saw a man standing in the dark.

Ariel- Hello! Who are you ? Can you please tell me where am I ?

???- My introduction is not necessary and you will know this place soon .

Ariel- What do you mean by I will know this place.

With that the man soon started to walk away from there.

Ariel- Wait don't leave me-

Author POV

By saying those words soon the girl found her sitting on her bed.

Grandfather- Ariel dear,are you okay?

Ariel- Yes Grandpa.

Grandfather- What happened to you ? You were shouting.

Ariel- Nothing Grandpa . It was a dream, it was not real.

???- Sometimes dreams might come
true. He said with a smirk.

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