4. Invitation

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Author POV

The man is sitting in front of his office window and intently looking at the sky. The sky was dark just like his eyes.

???- Hyung.

The man turned around and looked at the man in front of him.

???- Ut Cognoscamus Jungkook altera lunae quando veniam ?( Say Jungkook when will the next Crescent moon come?)

Jungkook- Taehyung hyung it's after two weeks.

The man soon gave his infamous devilish smile

( so hot 🥵🥵 ! I am feeling dizzy now )

Taehyung- It's time to get my pay back.


The Girl is now standing infront of the amusement park with a emotionless expression on her face. The place where it all started and ended . The place that holds many stories, many secrets.

She doesn't know why she is there. But then again she felt the need to see the place . Maybe....in hope of.....something  or.......SOMEONE.


Another day in the streets of the busy city. Cars are honking.  Students are going to school. The adults are indulge in daily lifestyle. Kids are playing and laughing. But there is one girl who is silently looking at the Merry-Go-Round.

"Do you wanna ride it too?" The girl turned around and looked at the girl of her age.

Looking at her.

Without uttering any other word , she tried to leave from there. "We both can ride it you know" the girl again said. Before she can answer her , the girl already started dragging her towards the Merry-Go-Round.

That day she realised world indeed is beautiful.

Flashback ends

Ariel pov

Clutching the pendent tightly on my neck , I thought its better to leave this place. This place looks so beautiful yet so sad to me. It has been 10 years but still I have never forgot that promise each and every day I tried to make time to come over here in hope . In hope of finding that lost part of my life.

"I am home" announcing my arrival I entered the house. Looks like Grandpapa is out for some work. Hmm. I think I should go to my room and look for any kind of response from my job places.

Oh I forgot to mention, I am actually a graduate hotel management student. That's why I am looking at some hotels to work.

But before I can even go there , I noticed a purple envelope on the coffee table.


The envelope itself looks elegant. Who will send this invitation to us.

Hotel Croissant de lune.

A.......Hotel ?

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