《 Chapter 21: Bonding with the Vees?!! 》

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Utilizing his magical abilities, Valentino extracts a quill shaped like a skeleton along with a golden contract. While closely reading the contract, Damari looks at it in anxiety, as if she is unsure about what to do.

"Go on. Just sign this and all your problems will disappear."

With a sadistic grin, Valentino pushes the contract towards Damari and hands her a quill. Damari stared at the contract with hesitation while Valentino, Vox, and Velvette eagerly and anxiously waited. After thinking for a moment, Damari signs the contract as she writes her name in cursive. As soon as she finished it, the room spins around before her and she finds herself back on Earth. Looking around, Damari turns and sees her house. But what made her happy is she sees her parents along with Bonnie and Marceline inside her house.

"Mom! Dad!" she called out, rushing towards her house.

Just before she could reach the doorknob, flying chains wrapped around her hand and pulled her back. Damari looks down at it with confusion and horror.


More chains wrap around her body, her waist, arms, legs, and neck. She gets dragged down into Hell as she tried to reach out to them.

"No! Wait!!"

She then finds herself by the feet of the Vees as they grin nefariously at the sight of her in chains.

"Do you really think we'll allow you to go back to Earth? You're ours now." Vox said sweetly, stroking her cheek.

"You're going to love it here and be one of us!" Velvette giggled. "I even designed some clothes for you."

"We'll treat you better than princessa and those bitches you called friends. You're going to enjoy what we're about to do with you." Valentino grinned, leaning down and licking her chin.

Damari's face gets paled with horror as Vox and Valentino starts to sexually harass her with Velvette recording them. She struggled to get out of their grasps, but they're too strong for her and she's stuck in chains. She looked up to see her home started to close before her eyes. She tried to reach out to it.

"No! No! Please! No!! Mom! Dad!!!" she screamed out as Vox and Valentino covered her vision before everything turned black.


Damari wakes up with a gasp, panting heavily. She looks around to find herself in the parlor of the Hazbin Hotel with a computer on top of her lap. She notices Niffty cleaning around the room. Damari checks herself before sighing in relief that she's okay and still in one piece.

"It was just a nightmare..." she muttered.

Charlotte noticed her and jumps onto the couch, goes to her side, and cuddled her to comfort Damari. Damari looks down and smiles, hugging her pony with her free arm.

"Thanks, Charlotte."

Things were quite peaceful until it was ruined by a knock on the door. Damari looks up along with Charlotte and looks over at the door, wondering who could that be. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out.

"Damari! It's Vox~~"

Damari pretends to shoot herself. Charlotte gets defensive upon hearing an unfamiliar voice, sensing stranger danger.

"I've got good news!"

Vox and Velvette stand outside the Hazbin Hotel. Velvette texts on her phone, looking bored.

"I have Velvette here with me! I was thinking we could get some grub, you know, tear it up! See what happens! Maybe even go on a second date with me!"

With a chuckle, Vox then knocks on the door again.

"Uhh, open up!"

Damari sees Niffty walking by, singing softly and sweeping the floor. She whisper-shouts to her.

"Niffty! Niffty!!"

Niffty stops at what she was doing and looks at Damari, tilting her head.

"Tell Vox I'm not here!"

Niffty turns to the door.

"Damari's not here!" she called back.

"Are you sure?" Vox asked, leaning towards the door.

"Yes! She just told me!"

Closing her computer shut, Damari, panicking, shakes her head and wags her fingers. Charlotte jumps down from the couch and shakes her head.

"I mean no, she didn't just told me!" Niffty continued.

This made Vox laugh, knowing that she's lying and looks through the glass of the door to try and get a look.

"Niffty—where is Damari?" he asked again.

Damari makes a "zip your lips" gesture. Niffty looks at her, getting it and turning to the door again.

"She's putting on lipstick!"

Damari waves her arms, making some noises. Charlotte face-hoofed herself.

"She's swatting at flies!" Niffty continued.

"No! No!" Damari whisper-shouted.

Damari waves her hand around her throat, making a "cut it off" gesture. Charlotte does a shushing gesture with her hoof.

"She's... chopping her head off!" Niffty jumped up and down, pointing at Damari.

Damari clenches her fists and grunts in frustration. Charlotte kneels down and covers her face in frustration and embarrassment.

"She's... pooping?" Niffty questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Outside, Vox and Velvette look confused. Vox then smirked and placed his hands on his hips.

"I know you're in there, Damari! There's no way you're getting out of this!" he said, making Damari deflate in defeat.

Charlotte looks up at Damari with worry. Damari looks down at her pony to Niffty then to the door. Sighing, she walks up to the door and opens to find a grinning Vox and Velvette, who finally looks up from her phone.

"I am not going with you. You tried to steal my soul. Why should I even trust you?" Damari glared at them.

"Oh, come on. Haven't I been thoughtful enough to buy you that necklace from Bizarre Bazaar? Kept you company?" Vox said.

"Not enough. And my answer is still no. So have a good day." Damari said, going to close the door on them.

"Hold up. You can't just rat us out just like that. If you don't come with us, I'll just expose your human secret to everyone in Hell." Velvette threatened.

Damari stops and looks at her.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me. I have proof right here."

Velvette showed Damari from her phone where Damari can see herself in the office turning from a swan demon to a human. Damari gritted her teeth in anger.

"Go out with us and we won't reveal this little secret of yours to everyone in Hell." Velvette said, waving her phone around teasingly.

"Your choice," Vox added with a teasing tone, the same smug tone Alastor used with Vaggie when they were filming the commercial.

Damari gritted her teeth before a thought came into her head. Smirking, she looked at them.

"Oh really, because Alastor can make that image disappear just by getting close to that phone." Damari threatened, snapping her fingers, watching as those smug looks dropped in an instant.

"You wouldn't," Velvette said. Damari smirked before looking over her shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Ala-" before a blue hand covered her mouth.

"Okay, listen. We have something we need you to hear. And it has to do with how you got here," Vox said.

Damari looks down for a moment before sighing in defeat. Grabbing Vox's hand, she moved it off her mouth.

"Fine. Just let me get ready."

Vox grins happily while Velvette looks satisfied.

"Your dress is already set up in your room, delivered from Velvette. And wear that necklace I bought for you," Vox said.

"Just give me a minute," Damari said before closing the door on them.

She grumbled in annoyance as she walked upstairs, past Husk and Angel. The two noticed her bad behavior and looked confused, while Charlotte ran up after her.

"What's up with her?" Angel asked.

"Vox and Velvette invited her to go out." Niffty informed them, cleaning the couch where Damari and Charlotte used to sit.

"Wait, what? The Vees?!" Husk exclaimed in shock.

"What do they want with her?" Angel asked with worry.

"Just a simple hangout or a date for that matter. I tried to shoo them away under Damari's order, but that didn't work. I think she'll be having fun with them." Niffty said with a giggle before going back to cleaning.

Husk and Angel cautiously peek into the window to see Vox and Velvette on the phone, waiting for Damari. They look at each other with worry, hoping Damari will be okay. Damari looks at herself in a mirror as she's in her black a-line cocktail dress along with her black long gloves and black high heels and she's wearing her Hope Diamond necklace around her neck.

Looking down at her glove holds the red ring around her finger. She luckily got her ring found by Niffty after that loan shark attack incident. She sighs and looks down at Charlotte to see her pony holding up her black Madison Small Flap Crossbody in her mouth. Damari smiles and grabs her bag before gently patting Charlotte on the head.

"Well, here goes nothing."

She then walks out of her room to the lobby where she sees her friends. Husk and Angel were in awe at the sight of her dress as she bid them goodbye.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." Damari assured them, after seeing them look worried.

"Just don't let them take your soul." Husk warned her.

"I know."

She then opened the door, gaining their attention and Vox was speechless and takes in the sight of her. Velvette smirked and took a quick pic of her.

"Well, where to?" Damari asked, transforming into a swan demon but her clothes stayed the same.

Vox shook himself out of the trance and holds out a hand.

"I know just a perfect place for us to go."

Damari looked down at his hand for a moment before she reluctantly took his hand as he led her inside the limousine before he and Velvette went in with her last.


Before she knew it, Damari found herself inside a fancy restaurant as they headed towards the bar and took a seat. Bartender demon sees them and immediately puts on his best manners, looking nervous.

"E-Evening. What can I get for you?" he asked them.

"Whiskey," Vox said.

"A cocktail, anything really," Velvette said.

"I like a Roman Tiki, please," Damari said.

The bartender nods and starts making them drinks before pouring them into their glass cups.

"Y-You three look fine this evening," he said to them.

"I'm on a date with her," Vox said confidently, wrapping his arm around Damari's shoulders.

"Yeah..." Damari said with a fake smile, grabbing his arm to get it off her shoulder.

"I'm just here for moral support," Velvette said.

"Very nice." the bartender nodded before walking and going back to work.

"So, what did you two want to talk to me about?" Damari asked.

"Shortly after you last saw me, I had a small question. 'Where are there more like you?' To my shock, I was right," Vox explained as he pulled out a tablet.

"Tell me something, Damari, have you ever heard of Dante's Inferno?" Velvette asked.

"Yes, I read the story in high school senior year," Damari answered, taking a sip of her drink.

Vox took that moment to put the tablet in front of her.

"Yeah, well, that story was real," Vox explained. "There was actually a guy named Dante back in 1313, who somehow appeared in Hell, stayed for around seven years, only to disappear again. A year later, that book was published." Vox said as Damari stared at the sketch of a man holding a very familiar bejeweled box.

"That box, that's what brought me here," Damari said, shocked by this new revelation.

"Yeah, well all I got was that it's nicknamed Pandora's Box. There was nothing else I could find on it," Vox said as he takes a sip of his drink.

This made Damari disappointed that it's not enough for her to get home. Velvette notices her downed look.

"Oh, cheer up! Hell is better than the boring old human life! C'mon, let's find a table for us to sit in." she said, getting up after finishing her drink.

Sighing, Damari finishes her Roman Tiki before following Velvette and Vox to the table where she can see Pentagram City view from the big fancy window. She sits down on her chair and goes to scoot close to the table when Vox did it before her by pushing her chair and then sits in his own seat.

"...Thanks." Damari said, pulling out the menu.

"It's no problem, Little Doll." Vox said, pulling out the menu as well.

"It's Damari." Damari glared.

This made him chuckle and said nothing as the three ordered their food and drinks. While they wait, Vox decided to ask Damari something.

"So, what's life been going on Earth?" he asked, surprising her.

"Well... It's been fine. The places have changed along with some technologies. Last time before being sent here, my parents and I went on a trip to Hawaii for Spring Break." Damari explained.

"Hawaii, huh? Lucky you." Velvette commented.

"Interesting. Tell me, are televisions now more popular in your world than radios?" Vox asked, seemingly eager.

Damari glances away, not sure how to explain. Truth be told, radios are more popular than televisions as most people still listen to radios.


Suddenly, a waiter comes by with a tray of foods.

"Oh! Our lunch has arrived!" she said, changing the subject.

A plate was placed in front of her to reveal a nice cooked salmon and another plate was placed next to hers to reveal... a bowl of worms broth with some eyeballs.

"Uh... I didn't order this." Damari said, looking at the plate uncomfortably.

Vox stops eating and looks at the bowl.

"Odd. You definitely didn't order that. Waiter!!" he shouted.

A scared waiter rushes over to them.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Vox, sir?" he asked.

"My date was given the wrong order! She didn't ask for some disgusting worm noodles! What are you trying to do? Poison her?" Vox growled angrily, sparks coming out of him.

"B-But they said that she ordered that." the waiter replied nervously.

"Who?!" Vox demanded.

"I'm going to have to guess it's them." Velvette said, pointing to the direction behind her.

They looked over to see it was Toralei and those twin cat girls as they giggled mischievously while meowing. Damari and Vox glared, recognizing them.

"Ugh... Those pussy cats again. Damari, let me take care of that plate. You clearly don't deserve to eat some trash." Vox offered.

Damari was about to happily agree when she stopped to see a with her long tail as she's wearing a chef uniform. She notices the hydra demon lady appears sad that Vox called her dish a trash. Feeling bad, Damari looks down at her bowl and sighs.

(A/N: OC not mine as it belongs to BrokenBlade92 from Quotev. Just love the art and the story you all should check it out that involves Olivia. It's called "Le Bistrot de I'Hydra - Hazbin Hotel".)

"You know what? I'll just give it a try."she said, surprising both Vox and Velvette.

"Are you sure about that? It looks disgusting." Velvette said.

With a brave face, Damari picks up the worms and some eyeballs with a fork.

"Well, as I learned from my childhood movie, Hakuna Matata."

Damari then slurps up the noodles and eyeballs and chews them for a bit before swallowing. She smacks her lips and her eyes widens.

"Slimy yet... satisfying."

Hearing that made the hydra demon chef happy. Vox shrugs and waves the waiter off to let them enjoy their food. Meanwhile, Toralei hiss in anger that Damari is enjoying her worms. Damari happily eats her worms and her salmon while drinking as the three enjoyed their time. For the dessert, they had a scream cake, literally and Damari stopped questioning about that and actually enjoyed the cake. Right after they're finished, Vox, Velvette, and Damari are up on the fancy rooftop where they're relaxing in their chair while gazing up at the Pentagram sky.

"So, enjoying your time?" Vox asked, sipping his drink.

"Actually, yeah. I am." Damari said as she's now back into a human after two hours are up. "Though I feel bad that you guys are paying the food for me when I should be the one doing that."

"Nah, don't worry. We're rich. It's kinda our thing." Vox assured her.

"But I still wanted to show my appreciation to you. Like anything." Damari said, unintentionally making Vox and Velvette perked up at the word 'anything'.

"Anything, you say?" Vox smirked.

Damari nodded.

"Ever had a job here?" Velvette asked, referring to Hell they're in.

"No, not really. Why?" Damari asked.

"How about I offer you a job? You design clothes, right? You're just like me. I happen to be a fashion designer as well." Velvette proudly stated.

"Wait, you design clothes, too? I thought you only make potions." Damari said in surprise.

"That is my other job. I am open for some fashion designs you make and could use a best model."

"That's... very tempting, but I'll think about it."

"Why not think about now? Join us and we'll happily give you whatever your heart desire." Vox offered.

"Yeah, no. Sorry, but I still don't trust you." Damari shook her head, relaxing back on her chair.

"C'mon. You need m—I mean, us." Vox said.

Damari smiled and shook her head before she remembered last week with Alastor.

"Hey, can I ask you something about soul contracts?" Damari asked, the two peeking up.

"Sure, what is it?" Velvette asked.

"What would happen if an overlord like you guys were in a soul contract?" Damari asked, causing the two eyes to widen.

"What brought this on?" Vox asked.

"Curiosity," Damari said.

Vox took a sip of his drink before sighing. Turning toward Damari, she saw a face she didn't expect, pure seriousness.

"Listen closely Damari, this info is a one-time know," Vox warned leading the human to sit up straight. "Overlords can make contracts with other Overlords but it's as a last resort to save our power and status. But there is one thing that we never do... make a deal with a royal," Vox informed, making Damari's eyes widened.

"A royal, like Charlie?"

"Worse, Lucifer, the Sins, Goetia, and Lilith. If you make a contract with us, you can at least get out of it somehow. But with them, you might as well give yourself to the exterminators," Velvette said as she swirled her drink.

"That bad?" Damari asked, eyes wide.

Vox smiled at her.

"Yeah, which is a much better reason for you to sign a contract with us," Vox said, only for Damari to roll her eyes.

"You wish."

Damari said nothing and just close her eyes. Vox gets frustrated and starts thinking until he gets an idea. Velvette sees where this is going and pulls out her phone to start recording. Vox stands up and walks over to Damari and starts singing and wraps his arm around her, catching her attention.


You could use a partner
Don't you want a pal?

Vox then mimics Damari's voice and moves his hand to make it appear talking.

(Yes I do! Yes I do)
Girl, the way I see it
Your hotel friends should be leavin'
And you should stick around with us
And kill them

Damari turns to him with suspicion.

"What?" she asked.

Vox quickly smiles and lies.


So, Damari, don't fuck yourself
Defend yourself
Alastor is the one you should maim
Together we'll exterminate, assassinate

"No!" Damari gasped.

The finer points can wait
But first you gotta sign your name

Vox summons a golden contract from his sparked hand along with a skull pen.

Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him
Here you got a solid plan B option
I can bring Alastor so much pain
All you gotta do is sign your name
Girl, just sign it with your full name in a row
And you won't believe how far I'll go
I'm on the bench, but coach
Just put me in the game
All you gotta do is sign your name

Damari looks unsure.

I don't think I can
Well, I know you can
How 'bout a game of charades?
Yes, let's play it

Two words
Second word

First word
Close, but no
Sign contract?

Wow, I'm impressed
And all you gotta do is sign the contract
Just one signature it must be signed unbroken
Okay, go

Vox hands her a pen as Damari points at the golden contract.

Sign the contract
Sign the contract
Oh, wow, this is gonna be so good

Damari pulls the pen away from the contract and tossed it away. This shocked Vox.

You're so smart
A stand-up bro
I'll think about your offer
Let you know
But I prefer my chances down below

Sign the contract
Sign the contract
Being young and female doesn't mean that I'm an easy mark
I've been swimming with piranhas
I don't need a shark
Yes, life sucks
But not that much
Okay, Vox
Be a doll and spare the lecture

Vox gets frustrated and tries to persuade her.

I'm offering you a full time specter
But are you any good?
You bet'cha
Trust me, baby
I just met ya
Really it's a flattering offer
Don't you wanna see Alastor suffer?
I think I'd rather just jump off

Damari dramatically leans over to the edge, scaring Vox as he goes to catch her when she moves back up and gets away from it safely.

I may be suicidal
But Vox, it's not as if I've lost my mind

Vox was impressed by her resistance.

So, playing hardball, huh?
You are tougher than you look

Damari smirked and flipped her hair sassily.

Just wanna make sure I know who I'm working with
Got any references?

"Ugh. Just accept it, Damari. There's no way you can get out of this." Velvette groaned, still recording them. "Just trust us."

Vox noticed the demons coming by and immediately hypnotized them and makes them sing to Damari, who looked shocked.

Vox is sexy
Vox is smart
Vox is a graduate of Juilliard
He can help
We found him on Yelp
Our troubles all ended on the day that we befriended him
Every word is the truth
Vox, Vox, Vox

Vox then gets them out of his hypnotic as the two demons look around in shock.

What the heck was that?
So violating
There you go, girl
Couple of five-star reviews

He then pushes the demons off the edge of the roof before they could see Damari.

What was that?
That was possession
Any demon can do that in less than one lesson
Any demon?
Pretty much, any demon'll do sure
Then, Vox, what do I need you for?

Woah, woah, woah woah woah
Hold up, hold up, girl, I'm your pal
They're sweet, but I'm a demon straight from Hell
I know, I went a little hard on my sell
But we're BF-F-F-F's forever

Having enough of it, Damari punches him in the gut and tosses him into a trash bin. Velvette appears shocked and didn't drop her phone.

What? He had it coming
And you heard what he said, any demon can do that possession stuff
I don't need that demon
I the one can wreck anyone's evening
Alone, I can make a grown man weep
Velvette, I got a dinner date to keep

Okay, so what's your plan?
Teach demons a lesson
They're gonna freak when I mess with them
So they want the perfect human
I'll lead those lambs to slaughter
Yeah, I got game

Velvette was surprised by her boldness as Damari finishes her last song.

I'm gonna make them sign my name
(Make them sign your name)
I'll make them sign my name
(Make them sign your name)
I'll make them sign my name
(Make them sign your name)
Not running away
I'll make them sign my name

As soon as she's done singing, Vox gets himself out of the trash bin and notices Damari walking away holding her phone.

"Thanks for the lunch, but I got a hotel to get back to. I already texted Charlie to come pick me up. But I'll think about the job offer, not a contract. See you, guys." Damari said, not before flipping him off and leaving the roof and the restaurant without being spotted.

Vox stare at where she left, looking speechless. Velvette walks over to Vox, saving the recording on the phone.

"So, what's your next plan?" she asked.

"...She's hot." Vox said without a second thought.

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