《 Chapter 35: Ways To Be Wicked Pt. 5 》

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Meanwhile, Vox was being followed around by the persistent lionfish demon Lola, who was still trying to flirt and seduce the Media Demon. Vox was clearly beginning to get annoyed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head as Lola continued to throw herself at him.

The little landshark in his arms, meanwhile, still seemed blissfully unaware and happily swam in the carrier, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

As Vox walked through the streets, trying his best to ignore the advances of Lola, he eventually decided to speak up to her, his annoyance growing by the second as she continued to persist with her flirting.

"Listen, babe, you're really pretty and all, but I'm not interested. Can you please leave me alone? You're starting to give me a headache."

Lola was shocked and just smiled.

"Oh, you can't mean that. You're attractive and I just want to get to know you." she said, showing out her chest a bit.

Vox's eye twitches as his heart and mind goes to Damari only. Just as he was about to tell her off, he heard the door opened to see Damari, Velvette, and Valentino out of the day spa looking all clean and relaxed. He smirked and decided to do his trick as he turned to Lola.

"Will you excuse me? I need to get to my girlfriend Damari." he said with a hint of lie and walked up to the Vees.

Lola was shocked at this and glared at the disguised demon Damari. She put up her fake smile, not giving up on Vox and following after him.

Velvette and Valentino both had to suppress their laughter upon seeing Lola following after Vox and Damari, clearly amused by the situation.

"Looks like Voxy boy's got a little admirer on his tail." Valentino teased.

"Hahahaha! You can say that again. Look at her, she's practically drooling over him. It's hilarious!" Velvette laughed.

Vox gave both of them a smirk as he approached them, with Lola trailing behind him, still trying and failing to hide her attraction to him.

"Hey, dolls... you all had a good time in the spa? You look relaxed." Vox greeted them.

"Oh, we had a great time! Especially Valentino! You should've seen him, he was loving all the pampering he was getting..." Velvette sighed happily.

"A little too pampered..." Damari muttered.

Valentino put a dramatic hand to his chest, feigning shock and offense once more at her words, playing off her sarcastic tone.

"Ugh, your lack of respect for me hurts, doll... I guess I'll just have to punish you for that~" he winked, his voice laced with teasing implications.

"And that's where I keep a far distance from you." Damari cringed, backing away and standing next to Vox. "By the way, who's she?"

Damari pointed at Lola, who's still here. Vox chuckled, pulling Damari closer and putting his arm around her as he did so.

"Ah yeah... her. The wannabe seductress who's been trying to jump me the last 30 minutes or so..."

Velvette and Valentino both giggled at Vox's words, both clearly finding the whole situation hilarious.

"Hahahaha! You seem to attract quite the admirers, don't you, Voxy boy? It's hard being so devilishly handsome, isn't it?~" Valentino purred, smiling smugly as he spoke.

"I'm just wondering when this girl's gonna give up, honestly. She clearly hasn't gotten the hint yet." Velvette said.

Velvette and Valentino both turned to look at Lola, who was still watching the group with a sour expression on her face, clearly unhappy with seeing Damari so close to Vox.

As if to punctuate their words, Lola suddenly walked over to Vox, standing uncomfortably close to him as she spoke in a sultry voice.

"Sooooo, Vox... You have a girlfriend, hm? Isn't she a bit... plain?"

Damari deadpanned at this. Really? That's the best she could call her. Damari's been called worse, but the word Lola said just now is just... sad. Also, did she just say she's Vox's girlfriend? Since when?

Vox's eye twitched, his irritation at Lola's words growing with every second. However, he was quick to respond, his arm pulling Damari closer and his voice dripping with snark.

"Excuse me? Damari is not 'plain' by any means, thank you very much. She's one of the most stunning demons (humans) around here. I'd suggest you watch your words, sweetheart..."

Damari was surprised at his sudden defense. That's... the first she's ever seen him so protective of her.

Velvette and Valentino both shared a knowing look, both of them clearly amused by Vox's response to Lola's comment.

"Ohhh, look at Voxy boy go... defending your honor like a knight in shining armor, doll. Isn't that romantic?~" Valentino teased, winking at Damari in the process.

Velvette, also clearly amused, she nodded in agreement with Valentino's words.

"You're making that lionfish pretty mad, Voxy. Better watch out, or she might try to take a bite out of you...~" Velvette teased, giggling and gesturing towards Lola, who looked visibly irritated at Vox's defense of Damari.

Vox huffed, rolling his eyes at both Val and Velvette's comments. His gaze, however, soon turned back to Lola, who seemed determined to get between him and Damari, her expression becoming evermore annoyed as the minutes went by.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you, hun? You just don't know when to give up." he said, his voice becoming firm and stern as his irritation grew.

"Don't get me wrong, you're cute and all but... you're a nobody." Vox continued.

Lola's eyes widened as Vox said those words, her cheeks turning red from anger as her expression became even more heated than before.

"Excuse me? Are you calling me a nobody? I'll have you know I'm the hottest demon in this whole damn city!"

"Oh, please! You can't even beat Verosika Mayday's record. Not with you all dressed up like a clown." Velvette scoffed, criticizing Lola's outfit.

Lola's expression became even more pissed off as Velvette insulted her outfit, her face nearly turning as red as a tomato in anger.

"Oh, you do NOT criticize my style, little fashionista! I'll wear whatever I like; my style is fabulous and you know it!"

"Tch! Really? Compared to mine? This outfit was made by one and only me! I bet that outfit you got was from a thrift store!" Velvette glared.

Lola's expression became even fiercer the more Velvette mocked her, clearly incensed by the other demon's words.

"Oh, don't act so high and mighty, sugar! My outfit is designer, not some cheap knock-off like your little threads there. Unlike you, I have class and style!"

"Excuse me?! I bet your mom pampered you too much, she didn't realize she's raising a crazy gold digging bitch with no sense of fasion!" Velvette shouted.

"How dare you! My mother's a saint, unlike yours! And I do have a sense of fashion; it's just clearly too much for your inferior taste to handle, you...you... you jealous little wench!"

"What?!" Velvette yelled angrily. "Oh, you wanna talk about my mother?! Alright! Let's go! Your mother's so dumb, she went to Dre Dre for a pap smear!"

Hearing that made Vox and Valentino snicker while Damari covered her mouth to prevent laughter. Lola was offended.

"Something wrong, Dr. Dre! My coochie's doing a beatbox." Velvette mocked before doing a beatbox.

"Oh, yeah?! Well, your mother is so stupid, she exercises when she thought she could just get like liposuction or something." Lola smirked.

"Your mother's so old that her breast milk is powdered. You breastfeed like this." Velvette then blew off powder from her hand out of nowhere.

This made Vox, Valentino, including Damari to laugh.

"Your mother is so like... she's so..." Lola tried to roast back only to say nothing.

Vox, Valentino, and Velvette all continued laughing at the roasting session between Lola and Velvette, clearly amused by the whole thing. Meanwhile, Damari tried to quell her laughter, covering her mouth and muffling her giggles as Lola and Velvette went back and forth with their insults. Lola, however, seemed to be running out of steam, unable to match Velvette's quick wit and comebacks. Velvette smirked smugly, clearly enjoying herself as she continued to humiliate Lola in front of the group.

"Huh, looks like Little Miss Lionfish here's out of jabs. I guess I win this one, right guys?~" she said, turning to look at Vox and Valentino, both of whom were still laughing and wiping tears of mirth from their eyes.

Valentino and Vox both nodded, still snickering and smiling heartily at Velvette's performance.

"Hahahaha! You've got her on the ropes, darling, you're clearly the winner of this little catfight!" Valentino said.

"Yeah, I've never seen a demon as verbally slain as this gal right here. Damn, Vel!* " Vox chuckled, still holding Damari close and watching the roast continue with amusement.

Velvette smirked, clearly enjoying the praise while Lola looked more and more angry, her face nearly as red as a tomato.

"Hehe, what can I say? I'm just that good at roasting people...and I guess this little lionfish learned the hard way not to mess with me..."

Lola sneered at Velvette and looked at Damari, who's in Vox's arms.

"This isn't over. I'll get what I want."

Velvette scoffed, rolling her eyes at Lola's declaration. Meanwhile, Vox pulled Damari closer to him, almost possessively as Lola spoke. He was on full protective mode, not wanting anything to happen to the demon he held dear to him.

Valentino, who was still watching the whole thing unfold, smirked at Lola's statement, clearly finding the whole situation to be entertaining.

"Oh, really? And how exactly do you plan on doing that, hm? Vox here's not interested in you, doll. And he's got Damari to look out for him~" he taunted.

Lola's glare intensified at Valentino's words, clearly more determined than ever to be with Vox.

"Oh, watch it, fancy pants!* " she snapped at Valentino before turning back to Vox and Damari, her eyes narrowing as she spoke.

"I'm not giving up yet. Vox's bound to break up with that dull girl here eventually... and when he does, I'll be there when he needs me~"

Lola then walked away with a sway of her hips. Velvette and Valentino both rolled their eyes as Lola strutted away, clearly mocking her as she went. Meanwhile, Vox huffed, pulling Damari even closer to him, wrapping his arms around her like a protective shield.

"You can let go of me now, Vox. I'm fine." Damari said, looking at him.

Vox hesitated for a moment, almost reluctant to loosen his grip on her, but he eventually released his hold on her reluctantly.

"Yeah...you're right... sorry, doll. Guess I just got a bit... defensive there..." he said, his voice slightly sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Right... Anyway, what is that you're holding?" Damari gestured to the pet carrier.

Vox looked down at the carrier he was holding, seeming to have almost forgotten about it in all the ruckus that just happened.

"Oh, right, this? It's a little surprise I had in store for you." he said, a hint of mischief in his voice as he grinned at her.

"For me?" Damari raised her eyebrow.

Vox nodded, his smile growing wider as he spoke.

"Yep. I know we've been a bit busy with work lately, but I wanted to get something special for my gorgeous gal...and who says I can't spoil my dear Damari every now and then?~"

He chuckled and offered the pet carrier to her, clearly expecting her to take it from him. Velvette and Valentino were both watching the exchange, both of them seeming interested in what might be in the carrier.

Damari grabbed the carrier and looked into the cage to see Jeff, who gave her a cute sharp teeth smile with a wag of his tail. She immediately fell in love, hearts appearing in her eyes.

"Aww!! It's so cute! A landshark? That's rare. What's your name, little guy?" she cooed.

"RRRAAARRR!!" Jeff spoke with a gargle.

"Jeff? Even more cute!!"

Vox couldn't help but smile at the sight of Damari fawning over the landshark in the carrier. He was happy that she loved her gift, and he felt a surge of affection towards her as she petted and talked to Jeff, clearly smitten by the little creature.

"Aww, ain't that adorable...~" Valentino chuckled, clearly finding the sight of Damari and Jeff together to be adorable.

Damari unlocked the carrier and carried Jeff for her to lift him up for her to face him upclose.

"I'm gonna keep you." she declared before hugging the landshark.

Jeff let out a cute, garbled noise as Damari picked him up and hugged him. He seemed to relish the affection, his cute little tail wagging as he was held in her arms, before he started to lick Damaris cheek. Causing the girl to laugh at the ticklish feeling. Vox chuckled at the sight, clearly happy to see Damari so happy and attached to the landshark.

"Looks like you two are getting along swimmingly." Vox commented, amused by the cuteness of the situation.

Damari looked at Vox and smile shyly.

"Thank you, Vox. That was... an unexpected gift from you, but I appreciate it."

Vox's smile softened as he looked at Damari, his heart fluttering a bit at her words.

"Yeah, well, I wanted to show my gal how much I care for her...and when I saw this little guy up for adoption, I just knew I had to get him for you. Figured a little landshark would be a perfect companion for you." he chuckled, gesturing to Jeff in her arms.

"Well, he's perfect. I'm sure he's going to love my other little companions." Damari said.

"Ahem. A little something for me?" Vox cleared his throat, gesturing to his screen cheek.

Damari knew what he was talking about and rolled her eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.

Vox smiled widely as Damari gave him the requested kiss, his heart fluttering with affection as he felt the brief contact of her lips on his screen.

"Hehe, there you go, you attention addict." he teased, his tone affectionate and playful.

Damari blushed and looked away, hugging Jeff close.

"Shall we head back? I'm a little tired from all that yelling that bitch got me through." Velvette suggested.

Valentino nodded in agreement, still looking slightly amused by the whole situation.

"Yeah, let's get outta here. This place is givin' me a headache. Especially Little Miss Lionfish over there..." he said, glancing over at Lola before rolling his eyes.

Vox and Damari agreed, and the four including Jeff all headed back to the V Tower.


Once they arrived back at the V Tower, the group made their way back inside and towards the elevators. Jeff seemed fascinated by the elevator ride, his cute little head looking around as the elevator moved upwards towards the higher floors of the tower.

As soon as they're inside, Damari let Jeff down for him to explore the place before she placed her shopping bags on the table and collapsed on the couch with a sigh. Vox chuckled at Damari's tired expression and actions, moving to sit beside her on the couch as he spoke.

"Tired, doll? I don't blame you...you looked stressed as hell in there. That lionfish giving you a hard time."

"It's not that. Just tired is all. It was... nice hanging out with you guys." Damari admitted, smiling softly.

Vox smirked, putting his arm around her and pulling her close to him.

"Yeah, I gotta say, I had a pretty good time myself~" he glanced down at Jeff, who was currently exploring the living room with wide, curious eyes, seemingly fascinated by his surroundings.

Valentino noticed Jeff's curious exploration and chuckled, glancing over at the landshark before speaking up.

"Heh, looks like the little guy's all curious about the place. Guess the kiddo's never seen a fancy penthouse before~"

Velvette piped in, also eyeing the exploring landshark with an amused expression.

"Aww, he's so cute, running around and inspecting everything like that...he's like a baby puppy or something, ha!"

Vox smiled, keeping his arm around Damari as he looked at Jeff, who was now curiously checking out one of the many decorative plants in the room.

"Heh, you're not wrong. Little Jeff here's exploring everything like he's never seen it before. Gotta admit, he's pretty cute when he's being curious like that..." Vox said.

Damari smiled, silently agreeing with them. Vark eventually came out and Jeff bound up to him with an eager expression. Vark sniffed the baby land shark before the two started to play around. Just then, the door was opened to reveal Valentino's coworker.

"Um... sir?" he called.

"What is it?! I'm about to take a break and have a nap." Valentino snapped.

The worker fidgeted slightly for a moment, clearly nervous about speaking up. However, he managed to speak up despite his nerves.

"U-Um, sorry sir, but it's Angel Dust. He's here and ready for you."

"Oh." Valentino said, forgetting that he still do the porn movies.

Vox, Val, and Velvette all seemed to freeze for a moment, an air of surprise and, in Vox's case, annoyance, settling over them at the mentions of Angel's name.

Meanwhile, Damari froze in fear. She immediately got up, grabbed all of her stuff including her shopping bags before calling out.

"Come on, Jeff! We gotta go!"

Jeff let out a confused hum and then decided to follow after Damari.

"Uh... Do you guys know where I can go to the back door so that Angel wouldn't see me?" she asked, realizing she doesn't know where to go.

"I'll lead ya out." Velvette offered, walking over to her.

"Uh, nice working and hanging out with you guys. See you!" Damari said before she, Jeff, and Velvette left.

Vox chuckled, watching her go. He looks forward to seeing her more. Valentino grinned, thinking the same thing. Vox stood up and headed over to the window where he can see the view of Pentagram City.

"Soon, Hell will be ours to rule. And Damari will be mine..." he said with a nefarious grin.

Valentino joined Vox by the window, a cocky smirk on his face as he looked out at the city.

"Heh, it's all comin' together, Voxxy, just you watch. Pretty soon, the three of us will be the most powerful overlord trio this side of Hell~ and that little doll of yours will be ours..."

Vox nodded in agreement, his sinister smile growing even wider as he imagined the future he desired.

"Damn right, Val. It's all falling into place just as we planned. The three of us will rule this place, and Damari will be ours..."

With a grin, Vox teleported to his surveillance room and grinned to see Damari on screen as Velvette lead her and Jeff out of the tower without being spotted by anyone nearby. The background music started playing and then he started singing while watching her.


I'm back and I'm beaming, broadcast streaming
Right into your head with my mass machines (Hello)
And everything you want's in the palm of my hand
But you know how it is, there's supply and demand (Hahaha)
But I got a new peripheral (An-an-and I'm being literal)
If you're in my way, then I'm gonna make it physical (Hmm)
The last guy who tried was an analog horror
Kicked him to the curb (Now he's out to slaughter)

I am you're everything, 'cause everything is me
There's no going back to what you were
Log in and you will see (Oh, you will)
Every data point about you's mine to do with what I please
There's no stopping this еxpansion
Technological disease

Vox grinned as he zoomed the camera upclose for him to see Damari's face and stroked her cheek through one of the TV screens.

Now hеre at VoxTek, you all are our concern
Trust us with your security, your data, what you earn
It's not like there's competitors who can beat me or these bars
And if you don't like it, tough shit
This is what we are

Pay attention
This is what we are
Hear that, old timer?

Vox looks in his camera as Valentino sings next in one of his clubs. Pink smoke all over the place as he strutted on the stage.

Don't touch the dial, come stay a while
'Cause, babe, I've got a show (Oh, boy)
Of the ruling class, I've got the finest ass
'Cause I'm the one they call "Papito" (Valentino, hahahahaha)
I don't care if you've got a preference
To how you want to treat me with reverence ("Yes, daddy")
You're gonna do what I say, every which, every way
And it won't be nice or slow

Valentino grinned lustfully, imagining himself making Damari moan for him in bed.

I'll make you shine like diamonds
'Til you want me like a drug
There's no goin' back to what you were
Come give me all your love
Put your hands around my body, baby
Let me feel your lust
Sign your name and give your soul to me
You'll fit me like a glove (Hahahahaha)

Get down for me, show what you got
Work it out with how you flaunt it
Better keep yourself together
Don't you scream unless I want it
But misbehave or get all brave
And I'll have you seeing stars
'Cause Daddy V. has killed for less
This is what we are

Do you feel it?
This is what we are
Oh yeah

Vox and Valentino sing together.

I'm gonna make it all official
The pentagram is now our sigil
And now that Heaven is a no-show
Here's something everyone will soon know

In a vacuum of power
Hell is now ours to devour
The Overlords of the hour
We're gonna take our positions
And put you into submission
'Cause there'll be no competition
Now hear our ruthless ambition
This is what we are

Together, Vox and Valentino laughed evilly, enjoying the future plans they have in mind.

This is what we are
This is what we are

Vox looks at Valentino with a grin.

Ah, It's a thing of beauty, ain't it, Val?
Only if you're referring to me
Now give me some sugar

Valentino pulls Vox closer as the two start to make out.


As soon as they made it to the backdoor exit, Damari thanked Velvette for her help as she and Jeff ran as fast as they can from the door. Meanwhile, Angel decided to head to the balcony to take a smoke. But as he's about to, he thought he saw Damari running out from the door. Angel was surprised for a moment but he quickly shake his head, thinking he is loosing it because he knows she would never be at the tower willingly... right?

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