《 Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Trailer 》

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The TV picture flickers for a little while before clearing to show flames and mayhem surrounding the battleground, where a spiky-collared red demon is smiling while he stabs a larger, plump red demon beneath him. As he advertises, a hand with crimson claws that is familiar appears.

"Well, hello there, you wayward sinner." a radio voice greeted.

The two turned to face the camera after pausing what they were doing. Pointing at them is Alastor.

"Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature?" he asked.

After that, the camera pans to Angel Dust lying in bed and recording his moaning.

"Oh, Daddy, I—"

He stops what he's doing, sits up to confront Travis, Valentino, and other pornographers, and takes out a script from under the pillow.

"Do you really expect me to memorize this whole script?" Angel Dust asked, looking at all the pages of the script.

Cuts back to the industrial area of the Pride Ring

"Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell."

Using his mic cane, Alastor gives the Egg Boi a quick tap on the head. The Egg Bois is suddenly behind him and he faces an overlord in front of him. A screaming sinner douses himself in gasoline, sets himself on fire, and flees.

A shot of a brand new and improved Hazbin Hotel is seen as Alastor introduced it.

"What would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that?"

Party poppers are launched, and there are balloons and party hangars inside featuring Charlie, Angel Dust, Niffty, Sir Pentious, Damari in her Swan Demon disguise, and both of Charlie's bodyguard goats, Dazzle and Razzle, standing in front with fake smiles on their faces.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel."

The scene switches to the group, who are all looking serious, and Niffty, who is normal and happy. Charlie then appears and gives the camera a joyful, ecstatic face with thumbs up while Damari timidly waves.

"Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here."

The Hazbin Hotel is seen outside again with the words: CALL NOW!!! OR DON'T! I DON'T CARE! WE STILL DON'T HAVE A WORKING PHONE!

After the commercial concludes, the TV screen switches off, revealing Charlie, Vaggie, and Damari stunned behind it. Alastor smiled and turned to face the girls, having turned off the TV.

"So, what do you think?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?" Vaggie demanded, not liking that commercial.

"It was... fine, I guess?" Damari frowned.

"Uh, yeah. One note." Charlie said, agreeing with them.

"Just one?" Damari questioned, turning to her.

Alastor keeps his unwavering smile.


"This place is about second chances." Charlie said.

The hotel is blocked off, and Charlie and Vaggie clasp hands. They turn to see Egg Boi, Sir Pentious, Husk, Angel Dust, Damari, Niffty, and Egg Boi standing on the balcony, embracing one another.

"To convince Heaven the people of Hell can be redeemed."

The scene cuts to Sir Pentious, nervously clutching an angelic dagger in his captain's attire, and Cherri Bomb, all of the sinners standing guard in front of the Hazbin Hotel. Husk is cracking his knuckles, ready for a battle, and Angel Dust, dressed in a mafia suit, is standing next to him holding an angelic web pistol. Nifty, clutching a pair of scissors, laughs madly. Damari, floating above, is prepared to take a serious beating to those angels, radiating a red glow.

Charlie waved at the sinner on the bench, who's reading a newspaper.

"Hi, Mister!" she greeted.

The sinner looks up from his newspaper and glares at her.

"Go fuck yourself!" he yelled, making Charlie awkwardly walk away.

Charlie smiled thankfully to Alastor, who hands her his mic cane. She turns to the audience and sings.

Riding a motorcycle around Pride Ring while Husk and Angel Dust are screaming behind her is Damari.

🎵Have you ever wanted something that was so clear in your mind

That you could taste it?

Vaggie wears a dejected expression as she leans against the building's edge. She can see that every structure in the area is damaged, with broken glasses, missing parts, rumblings, and smoke emanating from them.

As he leans back in his chair, Adam laughs. A deadpan expression crosses Charlie's blinks. Adam faces Lute, who gives him a nod.

"You're gonna help sinners? Fuckin' hilarious! Ha ha!" he laughed.

With a non-amused expression on her face, Charlie fakes laughter.

🎵It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut...

With glowing hearts adorning the door to Angel Dust's chamber, Charlie stands in front of a picture of himself, Damari, Husk, Sir Pentious, Niffty, Fat Nuggets, KeeKee, and Charlotte all smiling together. Charlie touches his door with her hand and starts crying.

Husk and Angel Dust blush as Damari gives them hugs. The next scene shows Damari facing Valentino and Vox in an angry manner while her hair and shadowed eyes burned crimson and she seemed to be floating in midair.

"You hurt my friend!!" she yelled.

Charlie and Vaggie are holding hands through the crimson window while a blazing building can be seen behind them. The two took a seat and pressed their foreheads to one another.

"I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work." Charlie said.

"Are you fucking high?" Husk questioned, gesturing to his head.

"Here, hold this." Cherri said, tossing Charlie a lit bomb.

Charlie fumbles around it in panic.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

Damari comes to the rescue and immediately dumps a cup of water on the bomb, stopping it from exploding.

🎵For the first time in my life...

Charlie was just walking through a cannibal district as she goes past by a family that are eating a dead sinner when a spray of blood went into her eye.

"Holy shit! Why?" she shrieked, backing away from the cannibalism family while holding her eye.

🎵...Ready for this, ready to be...

Through the smoked and damaged building, a golden Clock Tower with an hourglass with the numbers moving rapidly.

"We got 24 hours before the extermination begins." Vaggie informed. "Let's get to work."

Damari joyously embraces Charlie and the others, viewing them as her family, and they happily return the hug.

🎵And although I kinda feel unsteady

Now I need to be ready for this

Smiling, the exterminators turn to confront the screaming sinners. One of them takes up in the air with a spear, swooping down to stab a sprinting sinner in the heart, killing him instantaneously.

"They're gonna fucking die." Vox laughed, sitting in his chair with TV screens all over the room and holding a mug. "They're— They're gonna die."

As they set Charlie down, the sinners begin to sing. Alastor and Rosie are standing next to her, singing along, and she seems overjoyed that she finally succeeded in performing it to them.

🎵For the first time in our lives

We know that we are ready for this

Charlie and Lucifer are positioned as a large doorway in the Hazbin Hotel, like a circus thanks to Lucifer's magnificent six large red wings.

Before they charge at someone in front of them, Vaggie draws her angelic spear and Damari draws her angelic sword.

🎵We'll show heaven in a fight they won't forget

Vaggie, Damari, and Charlie are singing and decorating the Hazbin Hotel when Charlie uses her magic to shoot light bulbs, causing them to glow brightly. Abruptly, a bomb explodes in front of the hotel, spewing large green plumes of smoke.

🎵It's time to take a stand

Charlie's hand shot up to the Heaven before clenching.

🎵It's time to lend a hand


She transforms into her demonic form and burns the doodled paper, which infuriates Charlie. Adam soars above her, unleashing the force as he plucks the chords of his celestial guitar.

Damari and Adam scowled at one another as their swords collided. With the exception of Valentino, nobody had ever seen Damari this furious before, but this was unprecedented as they watched the two deftly parry one other's strikes and swings while dodging each other's potent blasts. Damari's fiery eyes gleam as she firmly pushes Adam back.

🎵Against the angels and their deadly threats

A smiling Sera with flames in her eyes can be seen as she looks at the sinners.

🎵We cannot take it anymore

Erika Henningsen

Standing in front of the gate with the sinners and Alastor behind her, Charlie cheerfully gives away her voodoo head charms to someone.

🎵The time has come to go to war

Stephanie Beatriz

Vaggie is seen holding on to the ropes while standing in the ship's cruise nest and giving off the impression of singing.

Blake Roman

🎵Prepare to fight, we're ready for...

Angel Dust is crawling on four in his black latex suit, singing and flashing his golden tooth.

Zoe Saldana

Grinning, Damari clutches her cat-shaped helmet while wearing a motorcycling outfit and flipping her hair back.

Keith David

In his bar, Husk sips from his bottle of beer while glancing to the side and giving someone a middle finger.

Amir Talai

Grinning, Alastor speaks into his microphone cane.

"It's time I remind everyone why I'm here."

Alastor transforms into a demon and calls forth his voodoo doll demons. He then stabs the loan shark demons trying to ruin the Hazbin Hotel with his black tentacles. The body of the loan shark demon is ripped apart in front of a stunned Mimzy.

Takeoffing Adam raises his fist in a charge, and Damari, whose fist is burning crimson, charges back up.

Charlie is facing her father Lucifer, who is seated on his throne in the circus, surrounded by flames. Charlie and Vaggie embracing one another.

With a large "LOSER" sign behind them, Husk, Damari, and Angel Dust are seen dancing and singing together.

Adam violently punches the button, forcing the Pride Ring to go dark but revealing his menacing grin behind it. The Clock Tower lies at the center of the pentagonal shape that forms the entire city, whereas the Hazbin Hotel is situated far away in the distance. The moon with its pentagram is above the red sky, followed by Heaven.

Charlie seems hopeful as she finishes her song, but she also seems nervous.

🎵I really hope that I'm ready for this🎵


With a deadpan tone, Angel Dust read the script while dressed in a cloak and bloodied mafia outfit.

"I'm a bad man who never got enough hugs. Where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?"

Sir Pentious is standing in front of him, looking like a little sailor, and he's licking the lollipop. Niffty is holding on behind Vaggie, Charlie, Alastor, and Husk while they watch this play from a couch or chair. Damari stares and listens, looking exhausted and with pink eyes and dark bags under her eyes.

"Who wrote this?" Angel Dust demanded, not liking the script he's reading.

"It's great, right? Keep going." Charlie said with a smile, revealing that she wrote it.

Damari sat in the chair, her eyes wide with shock. She chuckles hysterically for a moment before bursting into a fit of crazy laughter. She then gets up, walks out of the living room, bangs on the wall, and disappears up the stairs.

Charlie and the others watch her leave in fear or worry.

"I don't feel safe." Charlie, Sir Pentious, Husk, and Angel Dust all said at once.

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