Chapter Four

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Hotel Scout
Chapter Four

By the time I had even finished, the conference had just started. I sighed heavily and looked around the banquet room, wondering how to hell I set up 800 formal dining seats in 2 hours.

It doesn't matter, as long as I got it done. I started gathering the extra plates I didn't end up using. I heard the familiar footsteps of none other than my boss.

I quickly turned around, obviously not thinking it through because two plates slipped off the stack and I tripped on the table leg.

One hand caught the plates while the other hand caught my waist. "M-Mr. Smith! I'm so sorry! I clearly wasn't thinking!" I stammered.

"It's fine, Mr. Jäger. You did good setting up the banquet hall. I expect all the spares away in 10 minutes. We need you at the front."

I nodded and walked him walk off before I carefully carried the plates back to the kitchen. "Eren! Do you need help with anything?" Sasha asked, worriedly looking over my huge stack of plates.

"N-No thanks..." I staggered in my steps when the stack started to wobble, "...I think I got it." She shrugged and went to go assist a guest. The truth is that I honestly really needed help, but I would get fired if I accepted it.

I weaved my way through the growing crowd before finally reaching the kitchen. Closing my eyes and sighing, I walked out the kitchen doors.

I immediately ran into someone without looking. I breathed out a curse and hoped my job wasn't on the line. Out of any where to bump into someone, it has to be a famous conference.

"I'm so sorry, sir! Are you alright? I wasn't looking, I apolog..." My face instantly turned red when I realized who I bumped into, "M-Mr. Ackerman!"

At first his look was a harsh one, but it softened somewhat when he realized it was me. "Mr. Jäger. You should really watch where you're going. Are you always this clumsy?"

"Not usually, Mr. Ackerman. My boss is working me extra hard this evening, so I'm just a bit tired." I explained and twiddled my thumbs out of habit.

His eyes gave off this odd gleam before he spoke again, "Erwin? Erwin Smith?" I nodded.

His nostrils flared as he looked at his surroundings. "What are you doing right now?" I gave him a confused look. "Excuse me?"

Levi scoffed, "Are you busy is what I'm asking. Stupid brat." He mumbled the last bit but I didn't really mind. "I'm working in the banquet hall right now. I have to put the extra dishes back in the kitchen."

"Fine. I'll help you then."

My eyes widened before I shook my head frantically, "No, no, no Mr. Ackerman! I got this! It's okay, really."

Levi furrowed his brows, "Usually when a famous guest offers you help, you accept the offer." I gave a sheepish smile as I began to walk back to the banquet hall, "That's the boss won't allow me to accept help unfortunately."

"That's absolute bullshit. I'm helping you. Erwin Smith can suck my ass." Levi rolled his eyes as he followed me. I hid my laughter behind a playful smile.

When we entered the banquet hall, I shut the French doors just in case Erwin caught us in here. "Mr. come you're so interested in me?" I shyly asked when I picked up another stack of tea plates.

"You can call me Levi, only if I get to call you Eren." He replied, mimicking my actions by grabbing a stack of salad plates.

A small smile laced my lips, "Okay, Levi."

Fortunately for us, Erwin didn't see us working together to clear up the extra dishes from the banquet hall. Just as the last plate was placed neatly on the rack, I sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Levi. I really appreciate it. That would've taken me another hour at least." I said, touching his arm lightly. A smirk appeared on his features, "It was my pleasure, brat."

"All guests, please make your way to the front of the ballroom. The auction will start momentarily."

I recognized the voice to be Christa's. "I guess that's your queue to leave?" I said playfully, nudging the man's shoulder.

Levi sighed, "Yes, unfortunately..." He started walking out of the banquet hall until I stopped him, "W-Wait! Levi!"

My face suddenly became hot as I recited in my head on what I was going to say. "Are you going to be free tomorrow?" And impossibly hotter, "I-I'm just asking o-only if you want know...hang out? Of course you probably wouldn't want to I'm only a commoner—" I stopped myself when I realized Levi's mouth was hovering over my ear.

"Not tomorrow, but I'm free on Tuesday." I shivered as he velvety voice seemed to travel down my spine.

"O-Okay. I'll see you Tuesday!" I called just as he closed the doors. I smiled softly at the thought of accompanying the man in less than two days.

Does he do this to everyone he randomly meets in hotels? I for sure thought he was dating Ms. Petra Ral. I had seen their very very explicit photoshoot on a magazine I found in Jean's room one time.

A deep cough pulled me out of my train of thought. And in that very moment, I was scared out of my mind. This whole time I've not been paying attention to Mr. Smith's whereabouts.

"Mr. Jäger." I slowly turned around only to be almost touching my very tall boss. "M-Mr. Smith! I finished the—" A strong grip on my wrist signaled for me to shut up. However, when the grip got stronger that when my heartbeat sped up in fear.

"S-Sir, you're hurting me..." I squeaked out, looking up at him for any sign that he was aware of his actions. Oh, he was aware.

"You're hurting me!" I screamed as I tried to get out of his grip. He grabbed my chin harshly like before, forcing eye contact upon us. "I gave you clear orders to stay the fuck away from Levi Ackerman. What part of that shit doesn't get through your dumbass head?!"

My eyes started to tear up. "S-Sir...please..." My voice cracked. Suddenly his hand moved to my hair, gripping it harshly, and pulling it back. "I'm going to give you one more chance to follow my orders or else you'll be off much worse than a simple hair pull."

"I'm s-sorry...please j-just let go—" I gasped when my boss tugged it harder. "Beg and maybe I'll forgive you." His look wasn't proud anymore, it was full of disgust and disappointment.

I swore to myself two years ago that I would never have to see that look in his eyes. But here I am, Erwin Smith bruising my wrist and pulling my hair back to the point where it feels like my whole scalp will rip off.

"P-Please forgive me, s-sir...I'm so s-sorry...I d-disrespected your o-orders. Please sir...p-please let go of me!" I sobbed. He let go and left me with a slap to the face. I cried as he harshly stepped on my hair that spread around me as I lied on the floor.

"I don't want to see you again with him. Do you understand?" I nodded meekly, trying to pull my hair out from under his shoe.

Finally, finally, that man left. I lied on the floor, shaking and sobbing. I didn't know what to think at that moment.

But I do know that I was not going to stay away from Levi Ackerman. I'm going to drive Erwin crazy till the point where he beats my face in. Hopefully, he will get thrown in jail for abusing me.

But no one would believe me now. I would have to do it in a public place. Damn you, Erwin. I trusted you.

I clenched my jaw and let angry tears spill out over my cheeks. "I won't let you get away with this!"

Author's Note: I just realized this is one of the shorter chapters. The future ones are longer, trust me. I also want to say that abuse is no topic to be taken lightly and I didn't intend for this fic to seem that way. With that aside, as you guys may or may not know (depending on wether or not you read the original story) Erwin slaps Eren in the original for sleeping with Levi. But, as that situation was entirely too rushed, I incorporated that scene with the current banquet hall scene in this version. You guys will be seeing a lot of accents from the original incorporated into this 2017 version. I really hope you enjoyed, as always! Much love! <3

Next Update: May 17, 2017

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