Chapter One

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Hotel Scout
Chapter One

I sighed as I swept the crystal floors. Another shitty customer equals another shitty day. Not only was I fed up with working at a famous hotel, I was fed up with the famous rich people.

"Eren!" A familiar voice called with the clacking of footsteps. I looked up from where I swept and groaned, "Sasha! I just swept that!" The young adult had tracked in mud from outside.

"Ah...sorry. Mr. Smith told me that you have to work overtime tonight." Sasha replied sheepishly. I blinked in disbelief, "Are you serious...?"

"Yep! Direct orders from the boss himself!" She turned around swiftly and skipped off, "See you at home later!"

I looked around my surroundings. There was no one in the lobby. But the boss had a huge conference meeting in the ballroom, meaning most of the guests were in there.

The distinct chatter and vibrations from the music confirmed my thoughts. I went to mop up the mud Sasha had tracked in near the back entrance.

Sasha childhood friend. Well...all my friends were childhood friends. I lived in a pretty big house with 10 of my other friends. Yes...10 other people. The property was split up into three sections.

There was the main house, where all 5 females slept. It was the two story lot. The the second section was a mini apartment where 3 of the boys slept, specifically Reiner, Bertholdt, and Connie.

Then the third section was the basement apartment where Jean, Armin, and I stayed. Usually everyone stayed in the main house to hang out with everyone. It was a good environment. Everyone had their space. Plus, the hotel payed well enough that we could pay rent and groceries.

After I had finished mopping up the floor, I wiped my forehead and looked at my handiwork. "Not bad, Eren. Not bad at all."

I put the equipment back in the storage room before resuming my work at the reception desk. 'It's only 9:47...what am I supposed to do until midnight?'

The chime of the automatic glass doors brought my attention to the guest.

"Welcome, mam'. How may I help you?" I yipped from behind the polished oak desk. "I have a room under Ral." The female said.

I snuck a look at her as I typed the name into the computer. She looked really familiar...I just couldn't find where she was from. Thankfully, she was polite unlike those other snooty hoes.

"Petra Ral?" I asked. "Yes, sir, that would be me." She smiled. I grinned back, "You booked the classic suite on level here's your key," I said as I handed her a small envelope with two scanning cards, "And will you be attending the conference anytime this weekend?"

"Yes, for tomorrow actually..." The woman, Petra, I reminded myself, leaned over to peer at my computer, "Would you, by any chance, know if a Levi Ackerman is attending this weekend?"

I blacked out the screen protectively, "I'm sorry, Ms. Ral, but that information is classified."

She huffed before reaching in her Gucci bag and pulling out a pink and gold purse, "How much money do you want, kid?"

"I-I don't want your money...I'm sorry, but that information is classified. I can offer you a free bottle of champagne for this inconvenience..." I said meekly. "I don't need that. I have enough money to buy myself 15 mansions. Thank you for your help anyway. I'll put in a good word in to Erwin." Petra's eyes flickered over to my name tag, "Eren Jäger...what a cute name..."

I blushed as she sauntered up to the diamond elevator, and disappeared from my sight. "What was that all about...?"

Well...I know who's getting a promotion tomorrow.

I quietly closed the door to the main house and walked down the entry way. I took my shoes and backpack off. The lights were on, meaning that some people were still awake. I figured as much. Only me, Ymir, Christa, and Sasha were required to work tomorrow.

When I walked in, I saw Reiner, Bertholdt, Connie, and Ymir all huddled on the couch watching The Conjuring. I shook my head and passed by them. "What's up, Eren? Come watch this movie with us. It's scary as fuck." Reiner said as he pat the empty spot next to him.

"Nah, I'm good. I have to go in tomorrow for work, remember?" I said as I made my way over to the kitchen. I heard Ymir curse in realization, "Ah shit. I've gotta go in tomorrow too. Sorry guys, gotta bounce!" She pat Connie's head and walked upstairs.

"W-Wait, Ymir! Don't leave!" Connie cried. I padded into the kitchen and saw Jean fixing himself some mac and cheese.

"Hey, Eren. I fixed you a bowl. I knew you'd be hungry." Jean yawned as he handed me the bowl. "Thanks, Jean. Who knew that you could be generous sometimes!" I gasped in fake disbelief.

"Shut the fuck up, Jäger. I'm always nice to you. Remember that time I caught you wanking—"

I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, "I'm leaving. Thanks for the food!" I shouted and exited the kitchen. Connie was still screaming and quivering while Bertholdt was asleep next to him.

I smiled softly and went downstairs to the basement apartment. Armin was asleep with the TV on, so I changed it to a Disney movie and quickly ate my dinner.

After that, a nice warm shower.

"Eren...wake up..." A soft voice called out. I groaned and rolled over. " have to wake up..." The voice snatched my blanket away, causing me to shiver.

"You monster." I lazily moaned, blindly searching for my blanket. I eventually opened my eyes and saw Mikasa standing there.

"Hmm, Mikasa? I thought Sasha wakes me up in the mornings." As soon as I said that, her eyes narrowed, "I was already awake making you guys oatmeal. So I took the liberty of waking up my baby brother, is that a problem?"

I yawned, "No—mmm—Mika...thank you for breakfast." I stood up and started to undress. "You're...welcome..." She blinked at my half naked form. She sighed and made her way up the basement steps, "Stop undressing in front of random people, have some modesty."

I could hear Mikasa mumble some more, so I started dressing in my uniform. It was a simple black and white suit, nothing too fancy. The females had to wear long skirts and cross aprons, causing them to look more like maids more than anything.

I pinned my gold name tag above my breast pocket and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I quickly brushed my teeth, slicked my hair back, and grabbed my backpack.

By the time I made it upstairs, Ymir, Christa, and Sasha were already at the breakfast table eating their oatmeal.

"Thanks for waiting, guys." I rolled my eyes. I sat down next to Sasha and noticed she was inhaling her food. Nasty.

"You were taking too long. By the way, you're driving today," Ymir tossed me the keys and I caught them easily.

"Okay. But Christa is driving on the way back." I said as I started eating my oatmeal. "I don't mind. But I have to stop by the gas station on the way back. I noticed Ymir's car was near empty." Christa replied.

"Why don't we just take Eren's car? He filled it up yesterday morning." Sasha said with a mouthful of oatmeal.

"No one touches my car! That's my baby!" I argued. Ymir rolled her eyes, "I thought your ass was your baby."

"Oh true. My car is a strong second though." I nodded. "If you guys have a problem with car settlements, you can borrow my car. I'll take Ymir's to go get refilled this afternoon if you'd like." Mikasa entered the parlor while drying her hands on a towel.

"Thanks, Mika!" I went to put away my bowl and kissed her cheek. "I'll go get the car started."

I trotted over to the entry way and out the front door. I heard Sasha slam her bowl on the table, "Woah, are you okay?" Christa whimpered.

I huffed and walked outside. It was pretty warm, which means most of the guests were going to be in the pool or beach today.

Which also means less people will bother me. As I was starting the car, I realized that the main conference was starting today.

Okay scratch the first part, people will bother me today. Ymir came outside with Christa, "Yo, Eren! Is it ready yet?"

"Yep! Let me go say goodbye to Mikasa real quick." I unlocked all the doors before peeking my head through the front door.

"Bye, Mika! I'll see you later tonight!" I called out. I heard her grunt out a 'have a good day'. I chuckled and held the door open for Sasha.

She thanked me before running over to the passenger seat, "Ymir! I was going to sit there! Go sit in the back with your girlfriend!"

"Uh, no. I have to charge my phone. And why do you always want to sit in the front when Eren drives? Maybe our little Sasha likes—"

"Guys, stop fighting!" I groaned and hopped into the drivers seat, "I really don't want to start off the day irritated."

Sasha childishly sat down in the back, "I always get scolded for things."

"That's because you always eat our fucking food that's prepared for the guests, genius." Ymir rolled her eyes.

"Do not!"

By the time we arrived at the hotel, I was relieved to see that there wasn't a long check-in line. Our good friend Marco also arrived when we did.

"Good morning, Marco!" Christa smiled as she clocked in. "Ah, good morning everyone! I heard that there was supposed to be someone really famous at the hotel today." He replied, clocking in as well.

I glanced over at him, "Who is it?" Marco shook his head, "I'm sorry, Eren. I don't know. I just know he's a model."

I shrugged and took my place behind the oak desk. Marco was in charge of checking people out and I was in charge of checking people in.

The big glass doors opened to a short, handsome, dark-haired man. He was in a nice suit with two bellhops rolling his bags behind him.

I leaned over to Marco, "Is that him?" I whispered. He nodded, "Yes! That's him!"

I smiled as the man approached the counter, "Welcome, sir!"

The man gracefully took off his sunglasses and looked me up and down. "I have a room under Ackerman." His velvety voice spoke.

Then I remembered Petra asking about a man named Levi Ackerman! This must be him! "A-Ah, yes, sir!" I quickly typed in his name and his reservation popped up. Damn, this guy must be loaded!

"Levi Ackerman...and you booked the president's suite for the next two weeks?" I asked. "Yes, that sounds right." He narrowed his eyes at my name tag.

I suddenly felt very embarrassed and uncomfortable, "'s your key. If you need any assistance at all during your stay, please call the front lobby and we'll send someone up."

When he took the envelope from my hand, the contact made me scuttle back. Levi raised an eyebrow. I shook my head frantically, "P-Please enjoy your stay!"

Levi gave me a skeptical look before he walked up the crystal staircase towards the elevators. "Eren! You can't get all embarrassed like that with a customer!" Marco scolded politely after Levi was out of sight.

"I'm sorry! He was really attractive! Not to mention he was glaring lasers into my fucking body!" I gave him a harsh look. Marco shook his head, "If you do that again, Mr. Smith will start to get calls."

The clacking of heels brought our attention to Ymir. "Speak of the devil, Mr. Smith wants Eren in his office." She handed me a sealed envelope.

My face paled, "Do you think that Ackerman guy already filed a complaint?" Marco put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "Maybe he's giving you a promotion?"

Ymir smirked, "Maybe." She turned around and waved, "Good luck, Eren!"

"Eren Jäger to Erwin Smith's office, please."

Authors Note: I know this chapter was pretty boring, but can you guys see the difference between the old and the new?! It's crazy! I hope you guys like it! Look forward to the next update!

Next Update: April 12th, 2017

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