Hourglass - YunJae [Completed]

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Title: Hourglass

Author: narutocute_11

Pairings: Yunjae...other pairings to follow ^^
Rating: PG-13 (for boy to boy pairing)
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama

Jaejoong hasn't been back to Korea since he went to America when he was just 14 years old. Upon the request of his sick grandmother, he comes back to Korea unwillingly. Even though Jaejoong is a full Korean, his heart just doesn't belong to the Land of the Morning Calm. His long stay in the States made him like this, unnationalistic and detached.

After ten long years, he is back to Korea to visit his family for one week. What he expected to be a very bad choice might turn out to be the greatest decision he has ever made in his life.

Thanks to Rita Yoo @ Flight Sventeen for the wonderful poster!

Chapter 1

Home Sweet Home

Chapter 1: Home sweet home



int showMenu() {

int choice;

printf ("**Menu**


printf ("[1] Get account


printf ("[2] List


printf ("[3] Search


printf ("[4] Withdraw


printf ("[5] Deposit


printf ("[6] Exit


printf ("Choice:");

scanf ("%d",&choice);

return choice;


struct Account {

int acctNum;

char acctName[30];

float balance;



Jaejoong was busy typing codes on his computer for a new project that he was working on. It was a program for a new bank a couple of blocks away from the building of Jaejoong’s company. Putting his full concentration on his program, he didn’t notice that his phone was ringing. The volume of the ringtone just kept on increasing as the seconds ticked by. Slightly annoyed at being interrupted in his work, he flipped open his phone and answered it hastily without looking at the name of the caller.

“Hello?” Jaejoong said as he turned his back on his computer and faced the large expanse of transparent glass of his office. The view outside was spectacular. Almost every building can be seen from Jaejoong’s position.

“Hi honey. How are you doing?” the voice on the other line spoke.

“I’m fine Umma. How are things there?” Jaejoong asked as he gazed outside the building.

“Oh, everything is alright.” Mrs. Kim said nervously. Jaejoong caught her tone and became suspicious.

“Umma, what is it?” Jaejoong knew that his mother didn’t call just to ask if her son was doing well.

Mrs. Kim hesitated for a few seconds, carefully thinking how to tell Jaejoong what she should say. “Uhm, Jaejoong, your grandmother is very sick at the moment. She has been in the hospital for a week already and her body shows no sign of getting better. She is getting weaker every day.”

Jaejoong stayed silent. He loved his grandmother very much and it made his heart ache that he couldn’t be at her side.

“And now, she thinks that she won’t be able to live much longer.” Mrs. Kim continued, her voice unstable and beginning to crack. “She has already arranged her last will and testament with her lawyers. She’s really acting as if she will pass away tomorrow.”

Jaejoong felt how hurt his mother was on how his grandmother was acting. He gave his mother words of comfort by saying, “It will be okay Umma. She will recover soon. Don’t worry too much.”

“But Jaejoong...” Mrs. Kim paused, preparing herself for Jaejoong’s reaction. “She wants you back here in Korea as soon as possible.”

“What?” Jaejoong said in disbelief. He immediately got up from his seat by instinct and paced in his office.

“Honey, I told you already that she really thinks she would die soon and she really wants to see you. So please, just do as your grandmother wishes and visit us here.”

“Umma, you clearly know that I don’t want to go back there!” Jaejoong’s voice was in a high pitch as he argued with his mother on the phone.

“Jaejoong, there is no harm in staying here for just a couple of weeks. Your grandmother misses you so much. We miss you so much.” Mrs. Kim pleaded on the other line. She was determined to do everything she can to persuade Jaejoong to go back to Korea.

“I miss all of you too.” Jaejoong forced himself to calm down. “But I just can’t, I don’t want to go back.”

“Please Jaejoong. Treat this as your grandmother’s dying wish.”

“But Umma...” Jaejoong complained.

“Just think about it first Jaejoong. I’ll call you again soon. Always take care of yourself and send my regards to your uncle.”

“Thanks Umma. You take care of yourself too.”

“Your grandmother will be very happy to see you.” Mrs. Kim said and hung up. Her last words made Jaejoong very guilty.

“Ugh, what am I going to do now?”


Jaejoong’s conversation with his mother bothered him all day. He couldn’t concentrate anymore on his program and decided to call the day off. He went back to his house with a heavy heart and a tired brain.

While preparing something to eat for dinner, the doorbell rang and Jaejoong abandoned the kitchen for a moment and dashed up to the front door. He opened the door to reveal his uncle.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you today Uncle. Come in.” Jaejoong said and gestured his uncle to come inside.

“I bought sushi for both of us.” Jaejoong’s uncle said. He continued to the dining area and set the food on the table.

“Thanks for the sushi.” Jaejoong gave a weak smile and his uncle noticed that there was something wrong.

“What’s wrong Jaejoong?” his uncle asked.

“Nothing.” Jaejoong denied and dropped his gaze to the bag of sushi.

“You know that you’re a bad liar.” His uncle said, quite amused. “Come on. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“Well, grandmother wants me to go back to Korea. Umma called me this morning and told me that grandmother is in a very bad condition. She’s in the hospital right now.”

“So, Umma wants you to go back and you don’t want to. Am I right?”

Jaejoong didn’t answer and just nodded.

“I think it’s now time for you to go back to Korea. You haven’t been back there since you first came here with me. A couple of weeks won’t hurt right? You just go and visit Umma and then come back here again. I know that you’ll make her happy.”

“But I’ve got work here...” Jaejoong tried to argue.

“Oh, don’t use your work to escape this Jaejoong. You can just take a leave. Besides, it’s not very important for you to go to your office every day. You perfectly know that you can bring your work everywhere with you.” His uncle said and looked at Jaejoong with understanding.

“I know that you really don’t want to go back to Korea but do this for your grandmother, okay? She hasn’t seen you for years because she can’t visit you here like your parents and siblings do due to her condition.”

Jaejoong’s feeling of guilt intensified with his uncle’s words. He thought about his problem all night and finally came to a decision. The next morning, he came to his office as usual and fixed everything for his short absence. He already filed a leave for a week which he said was due to family problems. After that, he called his mother to tell him the “good news” which was not that good for him. Mrs. Kim was very delighted with her son’s decision.

Jaejoong booked a flight to Seoul, South Korea and was scheduled to leave the day after tomorrow.


Jaejoong’s flight finally came and he was getting ready to go to the airport. His things were already packed inside his luggage bag. He checked and rechecked if he got everything he needed.

“Okay, I have my passport in here. I’m good to go.” he said as he finished checking his things. He waited for his uncle to pick him up and drive him to the airport.

After a couple of minutes, Jaejoong’s uncle arrived and pulled in front of Jaejoong’s house. They were able to go to the airport quickly because there was little traffic on that time of the day. Both of them patiently waited inside the airport until Jaejoong’s flight came.

Thirty minutes have already passed since their arrival when a voice boomed inside the airport informing those people whose destination was in Seoul, South Korea to board the plane.

“I guess it’s goodbye then.” Jaejoong said to his uncle.

“Yeah, see you in a week. Send my regards to the rest of the family. Take care of yourself.” His uncle said and hugged Jaejoong like a father would.

“I will.” Jaejoong answered and pulled away from his uncle. “Bye then.”

His uncle waved goodbye at him and watched his back as he entered the glass doors along with the other people. After a few seconds, Jaejoong was out of sight.


After many hours of sitting on the plane, they have finally arrived in Korea. The plane trip was quite alright for Jaejoong even though it has been years since he last rode on a plane. He already got his bags and was now searching for familiar faces among the crowd of people waiting inside the airport.

“Jaejoong!” a voice shouted. Jaejoong turned his head to the direction of the voice and immediately saw his mother waving happily at him. He quickly walked towards his mother. The moment Jaejoong was close enough, his mother flung her arms around him.

“Oh, Jaejoong! You don’t know how happy I am to finally see you again.” His mother cried with joy. Tears of happiness were brimming in her eyes.

“I’m glad to be back here.” Jaejoong said half-heartedly. He was happy to see his family again but being back in Korea was an entirely different thing. He was starting to doubt whether he made the right decision.


Chapter 2


Chapter 2: Mysterious

Mrs. Kim never left Jaejoong’s side on the entire trip back to their house from the airport. She urged Jaejoong to tell her about his life in America and noticed that her son was really attached to his new home. This bit of information made her lonely and hurt because in a few days time, Jaejoong would be gone again. Her youngest son would leave her again.

Jaejoong’s siblings have their own lives already like him for they are old enough, except his younger sister. Some of them even have their own family. Their mother and father are the only ones left in their house, along with their grandmother and younger sister. Mrs. Kim’s children would occasionally visit in their house on weekends but Jaejoong had never done this for he is so far away from Korea.

It was never his plan to stay long in America. Jaejoong went abroad for his education. That was his only purpose when he first set foot on the United States’ foreign soil. He never imagined that he would be permanently living there.

After staying in America for some years, a possibility came to Jaejoong that he wanted to stay there permanently. He was deeply satisfied with the life that he was living there. Different opportunities became available to him; earning a scholarship at a prestigious university, his hobby of programming becoming his profession, high paying jobs at his disposal. He really seemed to get everything he wanted.

He was currently living the time of his life. He has a very high paying job at a big IT company as a programmer. He already has his own house and a very expensive car. Being really blessed in his life in America, the years that he spent being away from his own country made him slowly forget Korea.

Jaejoong was now an entirely different person. Being used to the American life and culture, it made him detached to his original roots. He really preferred living in America than in Korea, his homeland.

But that doesn’t mean that Jaejoong didn’t care about his family and friends back in Korea. Of course he loved them deeply. His relationship with them is an entirely different story from his desire to stay in America. Living in Korea wasn’t just an option for him. If he could avoid it, he doesn’t want to go back.

At that point in Jaejoong’s life, his current status and position was the most important thing for him. It wasn’t easy for him to get there. He had to face many obstacles before becoming successful in a foreign country.

Being a transfer student and living in America was the most difficult part in his life. He had to endure the sadness of being away from his family for the first time. There was also the language barrier. Jaejoong wasn’t fluent in speaking English when he first went to America. Another thing was the attitude of some Westerners to an Asian like Jaejoong. Facing the truth, not everyone was kind. There are many racists that speak foul language towards other people that are not from their kind. But despite all of the difficulties, Jaejoong achieved success in the end.

The thing that Jaejoong was most afraid of was losing everything that he had earned with hard work and determination in America. This was the main reason why he doesn’t want to go back to his own country. He was afraid that once he goes back, everything might not go as he planned and wanted. He was afraid that something might change his mind and change the course of his life forever, which meant giving up everything that he has earned in America. If he could avoid something like that from happening, Jaejoong was willing to do anything. His long stay in America really made him ambitious that he could resist his loved ones for his desire. But Jaejoong couldn’t be blamed for his actions, he just wanted to protect what he thought was rightfully his.

They were driving in the streets of Seoul. Jaejoong gazed outside the window and everything that he saw was unfamiliar to him. The Seoul that he remembered ten years ago was gone.

“I really have been gone for a long time. I don’t remember Seoul being like this.” Jaejoong said to his mother.

“Yes, there have been many changes over the years.” Mrs. Kim replied. “Now Jaejoong, how about staying longer here? A week is very short.”

“Umma, I can’t stay here for more than a week. I’ve got things to do.” Jaejoong answered and noticed the sad expression on his mother’s face.

“I’m sorry for not being able to grant your request, but you have to understand me.” Jaejoong continued, gazing softly at his mother.

Mrs. Kim sighed. “I’m really fighting a losing battle right? Nothing I say will make you change your mind?”

“Yes” Jaejoong answered. His mother’s expression softened.

“I’m sorry son. I won’t ask you something that you clearly don’t like to do. I won’t force you to stay here longer anymore.”

“Thanks Umma.” Jaejoong said and gave his mother a tight hug.


Jaejoong and his mother arrived in their house shortly from the airport. What happened next surprised him. As he opened the door to their house, many familiar faces greeted him happily. There was his father, looking very old with his increasing number of white hair and wrinkles; his older brother Junki grinning widely and looking as handsome as ever; his two older sisters together with their husbands and adorable babies; his younger sister Sohee, looking very beautiful and has bloomed into a young woman over the years; and his three trusted friends way back in primary school until now, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin.

The four of them have kept in touch with each other through emails. But due to their busy schedules, they haven’t been able to communicate for some time. They really have some major catching up to do.

Jaejoong’s face was in full shock as he saw everyone in the living room.

“Welcome home son.” Mr. Kim said and embraced his son. Jaejoong hugged his father back. His father’s warmth was a bit strange for him because it seemed ages ago when he last shared a hug with his father.

“Yah, Jaejoong. What took you so long to come back here?” Junki said and smiled. Jaejoong pulled away from his father to face his brother.

“Sorry hyung.” Jaejoong answered quietly with an apologetic smile.

“Come here you little punk!” Junki said playfully and pulled Jaejoong into a brotherly hug. After finishing his turn, Junki let his sisters talk to Jaejoong.

“Jae, you didn’t even come to our wedding.” Jaejoong’s older sister said and pouted.

“Yeah, and you still have to make up for that.” His other sister seconded. They both hugged their brother tightly.

“We really missed you.” Both of them said.

“I’m really sorry. I missed you too.” Jaejoong said apologetically. He was really feeling guilty that he hasn’t visited his family for the past ten years.

“Jae!” Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin chorused as they ran towards Jaejoong and hugged him tightly. Jaejoong’s face started to go white with the lack of oxygen.

“Yah!” Jaejoong managed to say as he was gasping for air. “I...I can’t breathe.”

“Oops! Sorry about that.” Junsu apologized and quickly removed himself from Jaejoong. Yoochun and Changmin did the same.

“We just missed you so much.” Yoochun said sheepishly.

“Yeah. That’s so mean of you, coming back after ten long years.” Changmin said. Again, Jaejoong’s guilty feeling resurfaced.

“I’m really sorry guys.” Jaejoong once again apologized. He found himself saying sorry to everyone and noticed that he has not yet said sorry to one person. He glanced around the living room and found Sohee sitting on one of the couches. He walked towards her and Sohee pouted and glared at his brother.

Jaejoong sat beside Sohee and put his arm around her shoulders. “Hey, puffycheeks, aren’t you happy to see oppa?”

“Don’t call me that anymore. That’s very childish.” Sohee complained and looked angry. Jaejoong laughed heartily. He really liked it when Sohee gets angry. She looks adorable and cute.

“I know you are not a child anymore. I’m really sad that I didn’t get to see you grow up to be a very charming and beautiful young woman.” Jaejoong said and Sohee’s cheeks blushed from the compliment. “But you are still my puffycheeks no matter how old you are.”

“Oppa...” Sohee gazed at his brother, her tears threatening to go down her cheeks. Not being able to hold back anymore, she embraced Jaejoong tightly and cried her heart out.

“There, there. Don’t cry anymore. You’re making my heart break.” Jaejoong comforted his sister.

“I’ve really missed you oppa. And it’s your fault. You made me cry.” Sohee blamed. She truly missed his favourite brother very much. The only chance that they saw each other since Jaejoong left Korea was when his family visits him in America. These chances were very rare because Korea is so far away from America.

“I’m truly sorry.” Jaejoong said. He turned to face everyone on the living room. “I’m very sorry to everyone. I really missed all of you a lot.”

All of them had dinner together that evening. Jaejoong’s older sisters introduced him to their husbands and he also got to meet his adorable nephew and niece. Both of his sisters have a child already. After eating dinner, he had a long and fun chat with his friends, catching up with each other’s lives.

When it was already late in the night, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin bade goodbye to Jaejoong and his family. Everyone went to their own rooms to retire for the night. Jaejoong found himself again on his room which was uninhabited for ten years. Mrs. Kim made sure that his room was in order for his arrival. He plopped down on his unfamiliar bed and immediately fell asleep.


The sun’s bright rays of light woke Jaejoong up the next day. As he sat himself down on the side of his bed, he felt his head spinning. He was experiencing jetlag due to the sudden change of time zones.

“Ugh, jetlag.” Jaejoong groaned. “This is why I also hate coming back here.”

It will surely take some time before his body adjusts to the change of time zone. Just when he was about to lie down on his bed to get some more sleep, someone burst inside his room.

“Oppa! Get up now!” Sohee said excitedly and launched herself on Jaejoong’s bed. He immediately pulled the covers over himself to hide his body from his sister.

“Sohee, I need to get some more sleep.” Jaejoong muttered under the covers.

“Oppa, all of us are going to visit grandma today. You better get up now and prepare.” Sohee said as she shook Jaejoong’s shoulders.

“Today? Can’t I just go and visit her tomorrow?” Jaejoong complained.

“You have to pay her a visit now. She is looking forward to this day. You can’t possibly disappoint her. She’ll be devastated.” Sohee said trying to make his brother guilty. Jaejoong was reconsidering whether he wanted to stay on his bed or not. Sohee did a great job making him guilty for he sat up straight on his bed and looked at his sister.

“You really think grandma will be disappointed if I don’t visit her today?” Jaejoong asked.

“Very” Sohee answered right away. “Now go and take a bath right now.”

“Alright alright. You’re starting to sound like Umma.” Jaejoong teased and grinned at his sister.

Sohee made a cute pout and stuck her tongue out at her brother. “Hmph!” She quickly removed herself from Jaejoong’s bed and stormed out of the room.

“That was a joke Sohee!” Jaejoong shouted as Sohee was outside of his room already. Seeing her cute little sister was enough to make Jaejoong’s day bright. He happily went inside his bathroom and took a shower. Then, after changing to his fresh clothes, he went downstairs to their dining area.

“Good morning son” Mrs. Kim greeted Jaejoong happily. She was in the kitchen frying some eggs. “I made you breakfast. You just go and sit there with your siblings.”

“Thanks Umma.” Jaejoong said as he kissed his mother on the cheeks. He continued to the dining table and sat beside Sohee. His entire family was complete. Junki and his two elder sisters decided to stay in their house until Jaejoong goes back to America. Jaejoong was deeply touched at his siblings’ gesture and sacrifice to stay at their house for the moment. He felt the love that he has been missing for the past ten years.

Mrs. Kim watched her family happily eating and talking at the dining table. The scene before her was heart-warming. Seeing her family complete and happy made her heart swell with extreme joy. Not wanting to ruin this happy moment, she forced to stop her tears that were threatening to fall down.

“Eat up everyone. Especially you Jaejoong. You’re so thin.” Mrs. Kim said as she set a plate of fried eggs on the table.

“I will Umma. Don’t worry.” Jaejoong assured his mother.


After they have finished eating breakfast, they went straight to the hospital where Jaejoong’s grandmother was confined. Jaejoong was starting to feel nervous as they moved closer to his grandmother’s room. He found himself standing outside the room after minutes of walking. All of them entered the room one by one, Jaejoong being the last.

He slowly walked inside the room, feeling everyone’s eyes on him. His eyes scanned the room. It was very large and had a light atmosphere in it. There were comfortable couches inside the room and at the end of the room was the patient’s bed near the windows. His sick grandmother was lying on the bed with a surprised and happy expression.

Jaejoong felt his heartbeat increase its pace as he walked towards his grandmother. It has been ten years since he last saw her and realized that she has aged much. She looked weak and very frail, no longer the very energetic woman that he has known before.

“Jaejoong” his grandmother said, more like a whisper because of her already weak body. She gazed at her grandson with pure love and longing. Tears were brimming in her eyes.

“Grandma, I’m so sorry.” was all that Jaejoong said and he embraced his grandmother tightly. His grandmother cried silently as she hugged Jaejoong back. Seeing her grandson after a very long time made her extremely happy and satisfied, like everything is well. They held each other for a long time with the others watching silently.

“So how are you? You have grown into a very handsome young man.” his grandmother praised.

“I’m alright grandma. I’m doing well. And you?” Jaejoong answered.

“Oh, I think I’ll be able to live longer now that I’ve seen you.” She replied happily. She truly looked happy with Jaejoong’s arrival. She has been thoroughly depressed for the past few days and finally seeing her grandson made her heart light and happy.

Jaejoong gained special attention from his grandmother the whole time he has visited her. The other family members left early to give Jaejoong and his grandmother some alone time together. They bade goodbye to their grandmother and left the hospital. Jaejoong took this opportunity to take care of his grandmother even for a short period of time. He prepared fresh fruits for her and told her stories about his life in the States.

It was already in the evening when Mr. Kim came back to the hospital to switch places with Jaejoong. He kissed his grandmother goodbye and promised to be back tomorrow. He took the elevator down to the hospital’s lobby and exited the building.

It was nice to breathe some fresh air after a whole day inside the hospital. Jaejoong flexed his slightly numb muscles a bit and didn’t notice an old woman walking on his direction. When he turned, he collided with old woman. She lost her balance and fell to the floor.

“I’m very sorry. Are you alright ma’am?” Jaejoong asked politely while helping the old woman get up. The woman looked at Jaejoong’s face and her expression became worried and nervous.

‘It’s him. The runes were right.’ The old woman said to herself.

Jaejoong was starting to worry because the old woman seemed to be lost in her own world, gazing into his face. He slightly shook her shoulders to get her back to reality.

“Ma’am?” Jaejoong said. “Ma’am, are you alright? Please say anything. We’re in front of the hospital. I can take you inside if you don’t feel well.”

The woman suddenly smiled, breaking from her trance. “Oh, there is no need for that young man.”

“Are you sure?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yes. And the runes were right. Here you are in front of me.” She said happily.

‘Runes? What the hell is she saying?’ Jaejoong thought wildly with a confused expression. He thought that the woman might be crazy or under the influence of alcohol.

“Ma’m, let me take you to the hospital. You are clearly not alright.” Jaejoong insisted.

“No, you are the one with the problem young man.” The woman said. She started rummaging inside her bag and smiled when she found what she was looking for. She grabbed Jaejoong’s left hand and put something inside it.

Jaejoong stared at the object in his left hand with a very confused face. “Excuse me, but what is this?”

Nobody answered. Jaejoong glanced up and saw that the old woman was no longer there. He quickly scanned the area for any sign of her but didn’t see any. The mysterious woman just disappeared.


Chapter 3

The Necklace

Chapter 3: The Necklace

Jaejoong quickly went home after that very strange incident in front of the hospital with the old woman. He couldn’t take it if any more strange things happen to him on the same night and decided to go home immediately. He put the object that the woman gave him inside his jeans pocket.

Finally arriving home, he immediately went upstairs in his bedroom and lied on his bed. His body felt really tired after a whole day of being out. Remembering the incident with the old woman, he took the object out of his pocket and examined it.

It was a silver chained necklace with what seemed to be an hourglass dangling from it. The silver shimmered as Jaejoong moved it in the direction of the light. The hourglass was about the size of a very small bottle, approximately two inches in height. Jaejoong expected to see sand particles inside the hourglass but was wrong. Inside it was gold dust.

Curiosity getting the best of him, he shook the little hourglass and what he observed was a little bit odd. Normally, when an hourglass is put in an upright position, the particles on the upper portion would come down until all of the particles are on the bottom half of the hourglass. But this wasn’t the case with the hourglass that Jaejoong was holding. It seemed like the golden particles were stuck in one half of the hourglass. Jaejoong tried shaking it vigorously but was unsuccessful. The gold dust remained on its position.

“What the?! This thing is clearly broken. Talk about leaving broken things to strangers.” Jaejoong huffed feeling annoyed. He put the necklace on his bedside table and went downstairs.


The next day, Jaejoong met up with his friends after another day of taking care of his grandmother. He went inside one of the popular bars in the city and spotted his three friends sitting at a table in the far corner of the bar.

“Sorry for being late.” Jaejoong said and took a seat.

“We are already used to your tardiness Jae.” Junsu teased.

“Yah, if it wasn’t for my grandmother I wouldn’t have been late.” Jaejoong defended.

“And we thought that your tardiness has already disappeared from living in America for ten straight years.” Yoochun joined.

“Oh I give up! I know I wouldn’t win with you guys picking on me.” Jaejoong said in defeat.

All of them laughed along with Jaejoong. He has been branded since primary school for being always late.

“So how is your grandmother?” Changmin asked.

“She’s getting better. And it’s really hard for me to leave her once I’m in the hospital.” Jaejoong answered.

“You should just get chained to your grandma.” Changmin said sarcastically.

“Yeah, that way you won’t have to leave her side.” Yoochun seconded.

“Yah, you guys! Stop joking about Jaejoong’s grandmother. She’s been very good to us.” Junsu scolded.

“That was just a joke Junsu. You know, a joke, nothing serious?” Changmin said.

“Well, that was a bad joke. Learn to respect elders.”

“Yes sir!” Yoochun joked with a matching salute.

“Yah! Stop bickering already!” Jaejoong said. “And I don’t want to be by my grandma’s side forever. I have to go back to America.”

All of them went silent, pondering about Jaejoong’s statement. They all knew that their time with each other, especially with Jaejoong, was limited. In a few days time, he would be back in America once again. Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin didn’t like to experience losing their friend again now that he was back.

“Oh, I almost forgot, I met a weird old lady last night.” Jaejoong mentioned to lighten the mood.

“Really?” Changmin said, getting interested and thankful at the same time for the change of subject.

“Yeah. She was talking about runes or something.” Jaejoong said. “And she gave me a weird necklace.”

“Well that’s nice of her. She gave you something for free.” Junsu joined.

“Where’s the necklace?” Yoochun asked.

“I left it at home. I think that necklace is broken. It has an hourglass for a pendant but it doesn’t work.” Jaejoong answered.

“What do you mean by it doesn’t work?” Changmin asked curiously.

“Uhmm” Jaejoong paused to think about how to explain it properly.

“Well, we all know that in a typical hourglass, if you make it stand in an upright position, the particles inside the hourglass should fall to the other side, right?” Jaejoong said while making a gesture of holding an invisible hourglass.

“Yeah.” Junsu, Changmin, and Yoochun all agreed.

“But the hourglass pendant that the old woman gave me doesn’t. The gold dust inside it is stuck in one side and won’t fall on the other side no matter what I do.”

“Whoa, did I hear it right? Gold dust is what’s inside it?” Changmin asked being his observant and attentive self.

“Yup. I think it is. It doesn’t look like glitters so I bet its gold dust.” Jaejoong answered.

“That necklace must be special.” Junsu commented.

“I don’t think so.” Jaejoong said bluntly.

The night passed with the four of them enjoying each other’s company while talking, laughing, and drinking the night away. They all ended up being drunk and called Junki to pick them up.

“Yah, get up now. I can’t carry all of you.” Junki scolded on the drunken friends. The four of them tried getting up but collapsed on their seats from the effort.

“Aish! You guys are hopeless. What would you do without me?” Junki said in frustration and helped his brother get up.

“You’re the best hyung!” Jaejoong shouted happily.

“Jae, don’t talk anymore. Your breath reeks of alcohol.” Junki said while trying to keep his balance as he heaved Jaejoong out of the bar.

Junki helped Junsu next as soon as he settled Jaejoong inside his car. Two employees of the bar helped Yoochun and Changmin out of the bar and into Junki’s car.

“You guys owe me big time for this.” Junki muttered as he started the engine. He dropped Jaejoong’s friends one by one to their houses. Once the others were safely asleep in their own houses, Junki drove back to his parents’ house.

Junki carried his brother inside the house and into Jaejoong’s room. He dropped Jaejoong a bit forcefully on the bed but Jaejoong didn’t wake up. Junki arranged him into a proper sleeping position.

Junki gazed at his brother’s peaceful looking face and realized that that was the first time he had seen Jaejoong drunk. It was also the first time that he acted like a real brother to Jaejoong. He didn’t get a chance to help Jaejoong like that in the past for Jaejoong lived in America. He felt sad that it was just the first time he helped Jaejoong with something like that. As an older brother to Jaejoong, he wanted to be the one to always help his brother. Junki’s wish wasn’t possible because both of them lived far from each other. Jaejoong’s stay in Korea is just temporary and he would be gone in a couple of days.

“I wish you could just stay with us Jae.” Junki whispered softly to his sleeping brother.


Jaejoong woke up the next day with a heavy head and a painful headache.

“Ugh, I shouldn’t have drunk that much last night.” Jaejoong said groggily. He reached to his bedside table to grab his wristwatch but got the mysterious necklace instead.

“Huh?” Jaejoong observed the object in his hand and was a bit confused. He blinked a few times to help him focus his eyes on the object. “This doesn’t look like my watch. Oh, how stupid of me, it’s the necklace.”

He was about to grab his watch when he noticed something weird happening to the hourglass. The little hourglass was mysteriously emanating a faint gold glow. He moved it closer to his face and observed it.

“What’s happening to you now?” Jaejoong said as he curiously gazed on the hourglass. He shook the hourglass a few times but it was still glowing. He shook it again and it was still the same.

“What the” Jaejoong was cut off by what happened next. An unexplainable thing happened inside his room. The faint gold glow of the hourglass filled the whole room and blinded Jaejoong momentarily so he didn’t see what took place.

Jaejoong felt himself being sucked inside a very small tube. For a few seconds, he wasn’t able to breathe and was being suffocated. He kept his eyes closed all throughout the uncomfortable experience. It lasted for a few seconds and fresh air rushed inside Jaejoong once it was over. He breathed a lungful of air before opening his eyes.

“Oh my God” was all Jaejoong could say as he opened his eyes.


Chapter 4


Chapter 4: Stranger

“What the hell is this?!” Jaejoong shouted out in panic. His eyes went wide with disbelief with what he saw. He was no longer inside his room, nor in his house, nor in their subdivision. He was in a very unfamiliar place.

Everywhere he looked, all that he could see was a vast expanse of mountains and trees. The sea could be seen from where Jaejoong was standing. In front of him was what seemed to be a village. There wasn’t a trace of the Seoul that he was in a few seconds ago. There were no longer tall buildings, shopping malls, restaurants, houses, and small shops. Streets and cars couldn’t be seen anywhere.

“Where the hell am I? Am I still in Korea?” Jaejoong said to himself as he continued to observe his surroundings. “I can’t see even a single living soul here.”

“The last thing that I remember was this necklace glowing mysteriously and then I was blinded by something very bright.” Jaejoong recounted what he remembered. He gazed curiously on the necklace in his hands. He held on the chain and observed the little hourglass hanging from it.

“Something is definitely not right.” he muttered as he continued to stare at the hourglass. He wore it around his neck. “But before that, what is going to happen to me now? I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere. What am I going to do?”

After a few minutes of thinking about his options, Jaejoong decided to continue walking until he sees someone that he can ask. He walked on the unfamiliar path leading to the nearby village.

“Why is this road so long?!” Jaejoong complained. He still felt a little bit dizzy from being drunk but the fresh air around him soothed his dizziness. He was beginning to get tired from walking. He wasn’t used to walking long distances because he has a car in America. He constantly reminded himself that he needed to reach the village to seek for help and forced himself to continue walking.

Jaejoong was already drenched in sweat after minutes of walking under the scorching sun. His energy was almost depleted and he decided to rest for a while under the shade of a nearby tree.

“Damn that village.” Jaejoong cursed as he sat down and leaned his back on the tree trunk. “I’m going to have a heat stroke if I walk any further.”

‘Someone, anyone. I really need to see a human being right now.’ Jaejoong said to himself. Just like a miracle, his wish was instantly granted. A woman about the same age as Jaejoong came into view. She was carrying a basket filled with food.

Jaejoong’s hopes instantly went up the moment he saw the woman. He felt relieved to see that he wasn’t alone in that unknown place. He immediately stood up and approached the woman.

The woman noticed Jaejoong walking straight towards her direction and her recently peaceful face was replaced with fear. She slowed down her pace and waited for Jaejoong to approach.

Jaejoong saw the change in expression of the woman in front of him. ‘Why does she look scared? Wait a minute, she’s looking at me! I’m not going to eat her or something!’

“Wait! I don’t mean you any harm. I just want to ask something.” Jaejoong quickly said and gave a friendly smile.

The woman seemed to be spacing out as she gazed at Jaejoong’s handsome face. She was clearly enthralled by Jaejoong’s stunning features. Even though he was sweating profusely due to walking in the very hot weather, he was still perfect in every way. His flawless pale skin, well-toned body, broad shoulders that perfectly compliment his slim waist, soft auburn hair, big beautiful eyes, perfect nose line, and plump lips, who could resist that?

“Uhm, are you okay?” Jaejoong asked the stunned woman.

“Wha- oh, yes. I’m alright.” the woman quickly answered as she broke from her trance. She blushed red from being embarrassed. She talked in the Korean language and Jaejoong was relieved to know she could understand him.

“Are you from that village?” Jaejoong asked as he pointed his fingers on the nearby village.

“No. I’m from the village in the opposite direction. Why did you ask?”

“Well, I’m kind of lost. I’m not familiar with this place. Where exactly is this?”

“You’re in Hanseong, the capital of the Choseon Dynasty.” the woman simply answered as if that was a common fact.

Jaejoong tried to register what the woman said. ‘Hanseong? Choseon Dynasty? Wait, it kind of sounds familiar.’

“You’re not from here right? I mean from the Choseon Kingdom.” the woman asked.

“Yes, I’m not from...uhm...what was that...Cho...ah, Choseon Kingdom.” Jaejoong answered. ‘Whatever the hell is that.’

“Wait, how do you know that I’m not from this place?” Jaejoong asked curiously.

“Well, your clothes are different from the people in this Kingdom. We all wear hanboks here.” The woman answered.

Jaejoong looked at the woman and saw that she was indeed wearing a hanbok. The difference between them could not be mistaken. The woman was dressed in a hanbok, Korea’s traditional clothing, while Jaejoong on the other hand was wearing a simple white printed shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers.

“I can see that. Well, from where I come from, this is what we normally wear.” Jaejoong explained.

“Oh. So, where do you come from?”

“I’m from Seoul. I don’t even know why I’m here in the first place. When I woke up this morning, I was still inside my room and then the next minute, I’m stuck in this place.” Jaejoong answered. “Do you know how I can go back to Seoul?”

“Seoul? There’s no place here named ‘Seoul’.” the woman answered.

“What?” Jaejoong was getting confused. “I’m definitely still in Korea. How can Seoul not be here?”

“There are only eight provinces in the Choseon Kingdom and none of them is named Seoul, even the places within each province’s vicinity.”

“Can you stop mentioning that Choseon Kingdom or whatever the hell is that?” Jaejoong’s temper was starting to rise. The woman was not being any help to him.

‘Where the hell am I? Am I in a different dimension or something? But that can’t be, there’s nothing weird in this place. It’s just full of mountains and trees. Besides, there is this woman who can speak Korean and is even wearing a hanbok. I’m positive that I’m still in Korea.’ Jaejoong thought. He was starting to feel worried.

“Well, this is Choseon Kingdom and you can’t do anything about that.” the woman’s tone turned cold. She seemed offended by the sudden rise of Jaejoong’s temper.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. I just need to go back to where I came from.” Jaejoong apologized.

“You can come to our village if you want to. Somebody might be able to know about the place where you are from.” the woman offered.

“Okay. Thank you very much.”


Jaejoong accompanied Sunye, the woman that he met, to the other village. What he saw completely shocked him. All of the people in the village wore a hanbok. Not one single person wore the same clothes as Jaejoong. Everyone stared at him as he walked beside Sunye. He felt really uncomfortable with all the attention that he was getting.

The clothing of the people in Sunye’s village wasn’t the only thing that shocked him. The houses of everyone in the village weren’t what Jaejoong was used to. There weren’t modern-looking houses like in the subdivision where his family’s house is. Instead, there were Hanok, traditional Korean houses.

Jaejoong really felt out of place in that village. He was a complete stranger in everyone’s eyes. He wanted to just disappear at that moment. Some of the villagers were even whispering about him. As they were continuing to walk, two men stood in front of Jaejoong and Sunye and blocked their way. They were one of the guards protecting the village.

“Halt. Who is this strange person?” one of the guards asked.

‘Strange? You guys are the one who’s strange.’ Jaejoong muttered to himself, a little bit offended.

“He’s with me. He’s not from our Kingdom and he is lost. I brought him here to help him go back.” Sunye answered.

“Bringing strangers in this place is strictly forbidden. He might be an enemy, a spy from the West to invade our country.” the other guard said.

“I know that and I think he brings no harm to this Kingdom. I’m sure he’s not from the West because he speaks our language.” Sunye defended.

“Well, if he’s not from the West and he’s not from our Kingdom, then where is he from?”

“I’m from Seoul. Seoul, South Korea.” Jaejoong finally spoke.

“Seoul? There isn’t a place in this country named Seoul.”

“What country are you from?”

“I’m from this country.” Jaejoong answered, quite convinced that he is still in Korea.

“Look now, don’t joke around with us or you’ll end up regretting it.” The guard threatened. “This country is the territory of the Choseon Kingdom. You said that you are from Seoul and you are from this country. Once again, there is no place in this country named Seoul. Leave this village now.”

“Why do you guys keep on mentioning that Choseon Kingdom or whatever?!” Jaejoong burst out his frustration. “This country is Korea, not Choseon!”

The two guards and Sunye just stared at Jaejoong with a surprised look. His sudden outburst caught them by surprise. But after a few seconds, Jaejoong’s angry expression was instantly replaced with disbelief. His eyes went wide and thoughts were running wildly inside his head.

“Jaejoong? What happened?” Sunye asked, getting worried.

“What...what year is it?” Jaejoong managed to ask, dreading the answer.

“1800.” one of the guards answered.

Jaejoong’s already pale face became paler, almost ghostly. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him.

‘Today is the year 1800. And I remember from my history class during grade school that Korea was once known as Choseon during the time of monarchs. So that’s why they don’t know about Seoul. Seoul doesn’t exist in this year because it’s still called Hanseong. And that’s why everyone here is dressed in hanboks and the houses in this village all look ancient. It all fits!’ Jaejoong fit the pieces of information together.

“I’m in Ancient Korea.” Jaejoong whispered to no one in particular. “I’m stuck in the past!”


Chapter 5


Chapter 5: Savior

Panic was starting to form inside Jaejoong. Being stuck in Ancient Korea isn’t good news after all.

“Wait. I know! This must be a dream. Any minute now I’ll wake up from this awful dream. That’s right Jaejoong. No need to panic.” Jaejoong tried to convince himself. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and opened them again, only to be disappointed. His surroundings were still the same, Korea in 1800.

“Wake up now Jaejoong! Wake up!” Jaejoong insisted. He clearly knew that he wasn’t dreaming but he still couldn’t let go of the little hope inside him that all of that might only be just a dream.

“Uhm, Jaejoong, I think you should stop doing that. Everyone is staring at you.” Sunye said.

“Huh?” Jaejoong was distracted from his thoughts and he saw that everyone’s eyes were on him. He instantly turned red from embarrassment and ran away from the village. He continued on running, completely ignoring the people in Sunye’s village, and stopped when he was once again back on the spot where he first appeared.

“Looks like I’m back from the start.” Jaejoong gave a weak laugh. He didn’t want to go back to Sunye’s village and decided to move forward towards the other direction. As he was walking along the road, he started to think about things. What would happen to him? How can he go back to the present? Those questions bugged Jaejoong as he walked but no matter how much he thought about it, no answer came to him.

It was almost night time when Jaejoong reached his destination. The village that Jaejoong attempted to go to earlier was actually not a village. It was the main trading place of Hanseong and it was also the place where the King’s palace was. The whole place was full of small stalls selling different things; vegetables, fish, meat, live poultry, clay pots, weapons, and many more. There were also houses on the far sides of the trading place.

A slight distance from the trading place was the magnificent palace of the King of Choseon Dynasty, the Changgyeong Palace. The only things that are visible of the whole palace were the high palace walls and the topmost portions of the palace buildings.

“Wow, that palace is really big.” Jaejoong stared with awe at the vast palace. “I’m sure it’s more fantastic inside.”

Jaejoong stayed away from the people because he was sure that strolling around won’t be a good idea. They would think he’s someone strange and everyone’s attention would be on him again. He stayed a good distance away from the trading place and hid himself among the trees.

It was already dark when Jaejoong decided to hide himself from the people. His mind drifted to how he was mysteriously transported to the past. He tried to remember what happened earlier inside his bedroom.

“It’s all because of this necklace.” Jaejoong said as he touched the hourglass pendant. “I’m sure about this.”

Jaejoong was absolutely right. The necklace was the reason he was transported in to the past. The necklace turns out to be a Time-Turner. It has the power to transport someone to any time in the past, but not in the future. Jaejoong, not knowing the powers that the necklace possesses, accidentally transported himself to Ancient Korea when he shook the hourglass when it was glowing.

“But if this is the reason how I got here, how can I get myself back to the present?” he asked himself and observed the little hourglass in his hand. There was something weird about the necklace again. The gold dust inside it wasn’t stuck to one side of the hourglass anymore. Actually, the hourglass was functioning like an hourglass should. The gold dust from the upper portion of the hourglass was slowly falling down, but a lot more slowly than usual. A typical hourglass only takes a few minutes for the particles to go from one side to the opposite side but that wasn’t the case for Jaejoong’s hourglass.

“This is really one weird hourglass. Well, it’s not broken anymore but it is still strange.”

Jaejoong tried inverting the hourglass but the gold dust that has fallen on the bottom didn’t come back to the side where it came from. No matter how he shook the hourglass, it remained the same, like nothing happened to it. The gold dust kept on falling slowly at a constant rate. Getting annoyed, he removed the necklace and threw it forcefully at a good distance away from him.

“Stupid necklace” Jaejoong muttered. He was about to get up from his position when he heard a howl of pain a few meters from him.

“Ahhh! What the hell was that? How dare you throw something at me?! Show yourself!” the voice shouted.

‘Shit! What am I going to do now? I can’t let him see me or else.’ Jaejoong panicked. He hid himself carefully on the bushes to avoid detection.

“You’re dead meat.” The voice said. “All of you, search the vicinity!”

The once silent surrounding was full of noises from the men searching for Jaejoong. Jaejoong’s heart was racing from fear of being seen. He put his hands on his mouth to cover it and prevent any noise.

“We didn’t see anyone.” One of the men said after they have searched.

“Never mind it. We have more important things to attend to. Let’s go now.” the voice once again spoke.

Jaejoong heard footsteps and after a few seconds, the noise died away. When he felt that it was already safe to leave his hiding place, he stood up from his crouched position. He was wrong.

“There you are.” the authoritative voice said.

Jaejoong gasped. His eyes widened with fear as he saw the people surrounding him. There were fifteen men, the person in the middle being the one whom Jaejoong had hit. All of them were dressed in dirty and patched Ancient Korean clothing. Their appearance was quite dirty, with their long hair and beard. They were thugs in Hanseong and their leader was the one in the middle. All of them looked ominously at Jaejoong.

“W-what do you want from me?” Jaejoong managed to say.

“Hmm, you look different. You’re not from this village or from anywhere near this village.” the leader said.

“Yes, I’m not from here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got better things to do than talk to you guys.” Jaejoong said and quickly turned around. He was about to run and escape when a hand grabbed his arm.

“Oh, you can’t escape from us that easily. You still have to pay for something.” The leader said. He pulled Jaejoong by the arm and his men encircled around Jaejoong to prevent him from escaping.

“I don’t have to pay anything. It’s your fault that you were in the way when I threw the necklace.” Jaejoong retorted.

“Necklace? What necklace?” the leader was confused.

“I can’t believe how stupid you guys are.” Jaejoong said to annoy the thugs. He might look brave but he was deeply scared inside. He was all alone compared to the fifteen men around him. He didn’t want to give the thugs satisfaction from their bullying by showing that he was scared.

“What?! Stupid? Why you little...” the leader didn’t finish what he was going to say as he launched himself to Jaejoong. He was about to punch Jaejoong on the face when a hand grabbed his wrist.

“It’s you guys again. You really don’t learn, do you?” the unknown person said.

“Don’t meddle with our business!” the leader said.

“You’ll always see me if you keep on doing this. Bullying someone who is all alone, you guys are really something. I definitely should give you a much more intensive beating than last time.”

The leader’s men attacked the unknown man all at the same time but they were no match for him. He beat all of them unconscious one by one.

“You guys don’t have any hope at all.” The unknown man said. He turned to Jaejoong who was rooted at the same spot while watching his savior beat up the thugs. “Are you alright?”

“Uh...yeah. I’m alright.” Jaejoong said, amazed at his savior.

“You shouldn’t wander around alone this late in the night. There are many people like them in this place.” Jaejoong’s saviour warned.

“I’ll remember that. Thank you for saving me.” Jaejoong said.

“It wasn’t really my intention to save you. I just don’t like people bullying someone who is helpless.”

‘Helpless? The nerve of this guy! Calm down Jaejoong. He still helped you anyway.’ Jaejoong reminded himself.

“Well, thank you anyway.” Jaejoong said trying to suppress his anger.

“And I believe this is yours?” the man held the necklace with the hourglass pendant.

“Yeah. How did you know?” Jaejoong asked curiously.

“I heard you talking about a necklace earlier. I came across this thing. It looks precious and special.”

“I don’t think so.” Jaejoong responded.

The savior was about to say something when a voice called his name. “Yunho! Come on now. You have to go back.”

“I’m coming!” Yunho shouted to his friend, Donghae. He handed the necklace to Jaejoong. “Here”

Jaejoong watched as Yunho ran away from him and completely vanish from sight.

‘Yunho’ he repeated the name of his savior inside his head.


Chapter 6

A Place to Stay

Chapter 6: A Place to Stay

Jaejoong wore the necklace that Yunho had given him around his neck.

‘I guess I’m stuck with this necklace.’ Jaejoong thought. “Now where am I going to sleep? I can’t sleep here in the woods. I better look for a place to stay in the village.”

It was already very late in the night and almost everyone in the vicinity was asleep. The stalls were closed and the houses on the far side of the trading place had their lights off. The whole place was dimly lit by the lanterns on the streets.

Jaejoong made his way across the place, searching for a place to sleep the night away. He passed several stalls and some houses along the way. After minutes of exploring the trading place, he was on the verge of giving up because none of the houses can be entered without him causing a commotion with the owner of the house. But luck was still with him as he passed a house that was quite far away from the stalls at the trading place. The house had a little shack beside it.

Jaejoong walked towards the shack as quietly as possible to avoid waking up the owner of the house and made his way inside the shack. Once inside it, he noticed that the shack was used as a shed for a beautiful white horse. The horse was fast asleep on its stable.

Jaejoong’s eyes searched the whole shed for something that he could sleep on and fell on the haystacks at the far corner of the shed.

“I can’t believe that I’m doing this.” Jaejoong said to himself as he walked towards the haystack. He made himself a bed using the hay.

“I guess this will do.” Jaejoong said as he eyed his bed made of hay. He lied on it and immediately fell asleep.


“Young man, you won’t be able to return to the present if you don’t solve your problem within you. You have to realize what is really important to you.” the old woman said.

“My problem? I don’t have a problem. Just let me get back to where I really belong.” Jaejoong answered back, annoyed with the old woman.

“Well, do you really know where you belong?” the old woman asked which made Jaejoong confused.

“O-of course I know where I belong. I have to go back to America.”

“You won’t be able to go back until you realize what is important in your life. Remember that because it is the key to go back to the present, and also the necklace. Do not lose it no matter what.” the woman said and vanished once more.

“Wait! Don’t go! You can’t leave me here!” Jaejoong screamed.

“Yah! Wake up!” a voice said. Someone was shaking Jaejoong vigorously. Jaejoong opened his eyes slowly and struggled to focus them on the person in front of him.

“What’s happening?” Jaejoong asked groggily. His eyes widened when he saw the person in front of him. “Yoochun! You’re here! How-why?”

Jaejoong launched himself to the owner who looked like Yoochun and hugged him tightly. “Oh, I’m so happy to see you!”

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Yoochun said and pulled Jaejoong away from him. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Huh?” Jaejoong didn’t understand.

“What do you think you’re doing, hugging me like that when I don’t even know you? And why do you know my name? This is definitely the first time that I saw you.”

Jaejoong’s face was completely confused. The person in front of him completely resembled Yoochun. Everything about his friend’s features could be seen in the owner of the shed.

‘There’s no mistake about it. He’s definitely Yoochun. But why doesn’t he recognize me? Did his memory get erased or something?’ Jaejoong thought. ‘Oh, wait. I’m in the past. Maybe he’s Yoochun’s great great great great grandfather or something.’

“Sorry about that.” Jaejoong said, greatly embarrassed.

“Well, you are also trespassing in my property.” Yoochun said with a serious voice.

Jaejoong remembered that he really did trespass. He didn’t ask the owner’s permission and just entered the shed. He immediately apologized without looking at Yoochun. “I’m really sorry. I have no place to go and I know no one here. I needed a place to sleep in last night and I came across this shed. Please forgive me.”

‘Hmm, he looks sincere with his apology...and also beautiful. Ah! What am I thinking!’ Yoochun said to himself. He coughed from embarrassment and fixed his expression into a serious one.

“It’s alright. No harm done. But I’m curious though.” Yoochun forgave Jaejoong. He just couldn’t resist someone as beautiful as Jaejoong.

“About what?” Jaejoong asked.

“You said earlier that you have no place to go and that you know no one here. Where are you from and how did you end up in this place?”

“Well, it’s a long story and you probably won’t believe me even if I told you.” Jaejoong answered.

“So, where will you go now?”

Jaejoong didn’t answer Yoochun at once and thought about his question. He didn’t know what would happen to him. “I-I don’t know.” he answered quietly and that fact saddened him.

‘Poor guy. He doesn’t have anywhere to go. I wonder what happened to him. He looks so fragile to be kept wandering around. It’s very dangerous to be roaming around in this country, especially if you are alone. What if I just offer him a place in my house? I don’t live with anyone so it is not a problem.’ Yoochun thought. Something inside him didn’t want Jaejoong to go. His instinct was telling him to protect Jaejoong.

“What if you just stay here in my place?” Yoochun offered. “Outside this village is not a friendly place. There are all kinds of bad people out there and I think that you’re safe here. It’s better for you to just stay here.”

“Really? I can stay here?” Jaejoong asked excitedly.

“Yes. I live alone so there is no problem with you staying here.”

‘He looks like a good person so I guess it’s safe for me to take his offer. Besides, I have nowhere else to go so I just have to grab this opportunity.’ Jaejoong mused. “Thank you very much!”

“You’re welcome. Oh, by the way, what’s your name?” Yoochun asked.

“Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong.”

“I’m Yoochun. Park Yoochun. Well, you already know that but I just want to make things formal for our first meeting.”

“It’s nice to meet you Yoochun. You don’t know how much you have helped me.” Jaejoong said and smiled. ‘Yoochun must be a descendant of this Yoochun here. He’s even a Park.’

Yoochun looked like he was stunned by something. It was his first time to see Jaejoong’s smile and he was completely mesmerized.

“Yoochun, are you okay?” Jaejoong asked, getting worried.

“Oh, I’m alright. Sorry about that.” Yoochun said as he broke from his trance. “Come on. Let’s go inside my house. You must be hungry.”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, I really am hungry.” Jaejoong said and followed Yoochun inside his house.

Yoochun’s house was like any traditional Korean house. It wasn’t big like the houses of rich people but it was enough for two people. Jaejoong sat down on one of the chairs beside the table and watched Yoochun as he prepared him something to eat.

“Uhm, do you mind me asking questions?” Jaejoong asked.

“Sure. Go ahead.” Yoochun said. He put the food in front of Jaejoong and sat down on the chair opposite him.

“Why do you live alone in this place?” Jaejoong asked and gulped down a spoonful of soup.

“Oh, that. I’m not originally from this place. I’m from the province next to Hanseong. I left my hometown to work here in the capital of Choseon Kingdom. I work as a potter. There are a lot more opportunities here in Hanseong than in my province so that’s why I live here.” Yoochun said.

“I completely understand you. I guess were kind of in the same situation.” Jaejoong said. “Do you miss your family?”

“Of course. I miss them so much but I need to stay here for my dream. I want my work to be recognized by the whole country.” Yoochun said with determination. “Now enough about me. Your presence is really getting me curious. Where are you from?”

“Well, stating the obvious, I’m not from Choseon Kingdom.” Jaejoong explained. “This sounds weird and it’s okay if you don’t believe me but I’m from the future.”

“The future?” Yoochun was confused.

“Yes. I don’t know what happened but I mysteriously travelled back in time. From where I come from, it’s already 2009. So I’m stuck 209 years in the past.” Jaejoong said.

“You travelled back in time? But how? Why?”

“It’s because of this necklace.” Jaejoong showed the necklace to Yoochun. “It was mysteriously glowing yesterday and then I was transported to this year, 1800. As for the why, it wasn’t my choice that I had gone back through time.”

“How can you go back to the future?” Yoochun asked.

“Wait, you believe me?”

“I guess so, looking at your clothes and how you don’t fit in this place.”

“I don’t know myself how to go back.” Jaejoong said.

“Maybe you can use the necklace. It was how you got in here, right? So it’s probably the way you can go back.” Yoochun suggested.

“The old lady already told me that in my dream. She said that the key to go back to the present is this necklace but I don’t know how this can get me back to 2009.” Jaejoong touched the hourglass and took a glance.

“Old lady?”

“Yes. An old lady gave me this stupid necklace.” Jaejoong answered.

“Oh, but she must have given that to you for a reason.”

“Whatever her reason is, I don’t like it.” Jaejoong said.

Being stuck in the past really annoyed Jaejoong. He didn’t know how long he would be staying in the past before he could come back to the present. But he decided that he should just play along and let things happen. What he didn’t know was that the unexpected was about to happen in his life.


Chapter 7

Stuck with you

Chapter 7: Stuck with you

After Jaejoong had finished eating, Yoochun cleared the table and prepared to go to work.

“Jaejoong, I’m going to the trading place now.” Yoochun said.

“You’re leaving me here?” Jaejoong asked, worried about being alone.

“Well, yeah, I’ve got work to do.” Yoochun said and noticed the sad expression in Jaejoong’s face. “But if you want to, you can come with me.”

“Really? I’ll come with you!” Jaejoong said a little bit energetically.

“But before we go, we have to fix some things.” Yoochun said as he eyed Jaejoong.

“Fix things?” Jaejoong said with a blank stare.

“You can’t go with me wearing those clothes.” Yoochun said.

“Oh.” Jaejoong said and took a glance at himself. He realized that his “modern” clothes weren’t appropriate in Ancient Korea. People would think that he was someone strange. Jaejoong would have to blend in with the crowd if he would be staying in Hanseong.

“You’re right. But I don’t have anything to wear.” Jaejoong said.

“I’ll just lend you mine. We’re about the same size so I guess that’s not a problem.” Yoochun said and went to fetch a hanbok from his room. Jaejoong waited for Yoochun to come back.

“Here. Wear this.” Yoochun said and handed Jaejoong a hanbok. The hanbok wasn’t made of fine cloth. It was just a plain working hanbok for everyday use. Yoochun’s status in society wasn’t high. He was just a common folk in Hanseong so the clothes that he wore were just plain hanboks.

“O-okay.” Jaejoong said reluctantly. He never imagined himself wearing a hanbok.

“You can change in there.” Yoochun pointed at a room opposite his. “That’s going to be your room.”

Jaejoong entered the room and changed his clothes. After a few minutes, he emerged from the room wearing the hanbok.

“It feels weird to be wearing this.” Jaejoong commented as he looked down to examine himself.

“I think it looks good on you.” Yoochun commented. “Let’s go now.”

Both of them left together and walked to the trading place. They passed several stalls until they reached Yoochun’s.

“Yoochun! What took you so long?” a high-pitched voice complained.

“Sorry, Junsu. I had to fix some things.” Yoochun apologized.

‘Junsu? Junsu is also here. Well, he’s not the Junsu that I know but he sure looks like him. Is this Junsu also a far relative of Junsu? This is like a reunion. I wonder if Changmin is also here. This is driving me crazy!’ Jaejoong said to himself, completely absorbed in his thoughts.

“Who’s this?” Junsu asked as he noticed that Yoochun was with someone.

“Oh, this is Jaejoong.” Yoochun said and glanced at Jaejoong. Jaejoong didn’t notice Yoochun introducing him to Junsu because he was thinking about something.

“Jaejoong, are you alright?” Yoochun asked.

“Oh, yes. Sorry about that.” Jaejoong said.

“Hi! I’m Kim Junsu. It’s nice to meet you Jaejoong.” Junsu greeted with a friendly smile.

“I’m Kim Jaejoong. It’s nice to meet you too.” Jaejoong greeted back.

“Are you new in this village? This is the first time that I have seen you.” Junsu asked.

“Oh, yeah, I’m new here.” Jaejoong answered.

“He’s my old friend back in my province.” Yoochun lied.

“Oh, well let’s get to work then. This is going to be a long day.” Junsu said and began moving around his stall, fixing things. Junsu worked as a merchant in Hanseong’s main trading place. He sold a variety of things. His stall was just beside Yoochun’s.

“Wow, your works are beautiful Yoochun.” Jaejoong praised as he went about the ceramics on display.

“Thanks, but I’m not good enough.” Yoochun humbly said.

“You’re just being humble.” Jaejoong commented and continued to admire Yoochun’s works.

An hour passed and all of the stalls in the trading place were all open for business. The trading place was full of noise and busy people going about their work. People were also busy roaming around and buying things. About that time, an elderly man went to Yoochun’s stall. The man was a ceramic lover and he loved to buy Yoochun’s works.

“Good morning Mr. Choi!” Yoochun greeted happily to his favourite customer.

“Good morning to you Yoochun.” Mr. Choi said and spotted a new face accompanying Yoochun. “And who is this handsome new face?”

“Oh, this is Jaejoong, Mr. Choi. He’s my friend back in our province.” Yoochun said. He then turned to Jaejoong and said, “Jaejoong, this is Mr. Choi. He’s one of my treasured customers.”

“It’s nice to meet you sir.” Jaejoong greeted politely and bowed in respect.

“It’s nice to see a new face in this place. Your presence refreshed me. I’m actually getting tired of always seeing Yoochun and Junsu in this part of the trading place.” Mr. Choi joked.

“I heard that Mr. Choi!” Junsu shouted from the stall beside Yoochun’s.

Mr. Choi laughed heartily at seeing the energetic and young people in front of him. “Oh, by the way Yoochun, I came here to pick up my order.”

“Oh yes. I’m so sorry. I left it at home because I thought you’ll be going to pick it up tomorrow.” Yoochun apologized.

“I can go back and get it.” Jaejoong offered.

“Are you sure? Do you remember the way back?” Yoochun asked worriedly.

“Of course. I’m quite good at directions so you don’t have to worry about anything.” Jaejoong assured and smiled.

“Well, okay then. It’s just on top of the table in the dining area.” Yoochun instructed.

“Okay. I’ll be right back. Please wait for a while Mr. Choi. This won’t take long.” Jaejoong said and started his way back to Yoochun’s house.


“Donghae, is the coast clear?” Yunho asked as he emerged from his hiding place. He was wearing ancient Korean clothes like the common folk of the village.

“Yeah. You need to hurry up so that you can catch up when the main gate opens.” Donghae said.

“Alright.” Yunho said and walked to Donghae’s position. Donghae was standing beside a black horse. When Yunho was just inches away from the horse, he patted it and stroked its body.

“How are you, Cassie? We’re going to take a ride today okay?” Yunho said to his beloved horse. The horse neighed in reply to Yunho’s request. Cassie was a gift by Yunho’s father.

“Yunho, the gates are about to open. You better get ready.” Donghae reminded. Yunho nodded and heaved himself on his horse’s back. He focused his eyes on the main gate and waited for it to open.

“Now!” Donghae shouted as the gates opened.

“Thanks Hae!” Yunho shouted as he and his horse rode across the courtyard and towards the main gate.

“Sure thing!” Donghae shouted to his friend and watched him disappear.

“There he is! He’s already outside. Everyone, follow him!” one of the guards shouted. Every one of them followed Yunho outside.


Jaejoong was walking back to Yoochun’s house when he felt that someone was behind him. He pretended to be normally walking and planned to glance behind him.

‘Just wait till I catch you. One, two, three!’ Jaejoong said mentally and looked behind him.

“Hmm, that’s weird. I really thought that someone was behind me.” Jaejoong said. He was about to turn around and continue walking back to get the ceramic that Mr. Choi ordered from Yoochun when a hand grabbed his wrist.

“I need a place to hide, fast!” Yunho said desperately.

“You!” Jaejoong said as he remembered Yunho’s face. “Let go of me!”

“Where is your house? I’ll just stay there for a few minutes until the people chasing me are gone.” Yunho said, glancing around him.

“And why should I help you? I don’t even know you. How can I know that I can trust you?” Jaejoong said, annoyed with Yunho.

“Is that how you repay your savior?” Yunho suddenly said. He completely remembered Jaejoong.

“Savior?” Jaejoong repeated and the truth struck him. He remembered that Yunho was the one who saved him from the thugs.

“You remember now?” Yunho asked.

“Uh, yeah.” Jaejoong answered.

“Well, hurry up. I can’t be seen.” Yunho said. Jaejoong led the way to Yoochun’s house. He didn’t know why he was helping a complete stranger but it felt right to help Yunho. He was indeed Jaejoong’s savior after all. Yunho followed silently, pulling his horse with him.

They were just a few meters away from the house when the sound of hooves shattered the quietness. The people chasing Yunho could be seen from Jaejoong and Yunho’s position.

“Oh, perfect. They’re here already.” Yunho said sarcastically and quickly dragged Jaejoong and lifted him up to his horse.

“Yah! What are you doing? Let me down!” Jaejoong screamed. He struggled to go down but Yunho just won’t let him.

“Shut up, will you?” Yunho said and climbed up his horse.

“I’m not going to shut up! This is kidnapping! I’ll sue you! Help!” Jaejoong continued to shout. Yunho ignored Jaejoong’s rants and kicked hard on his horse. The horse ran fast while Jaejoong held on to his dear life. He wasn’t used to riding horses and the fast speed of Yunho’s horse scared the hell out of him.

They rode through the forest to lose Yunho’s chasers away. After shouting for some time, Jaejoong gave up and just closed his eyes all throughout their ride. The horse began to slow down and Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes and reviewed his surroundings.

“Where the hell is this?” Jaejoong asked to no one in particular. Yunho hopped down from his horse and stroked its mane back and forth.

“I don’t know myself. But what’s important is that those guys are gone.” Yunho said as his eyes surveyed the area. In all directions, all that could be seen were thick, tall trees. The expanse of trees seemed to stretch farther away from their position.

“What do you mean you don’t know?! You dragged me here and then you tell me you don’t know where we are?!” Jaejoong shouted in panic. He attempted to go down the horse but was completely unsuccessful. He didn’t know how to ride horses so he had a hard time going down. Yunho came to his aid but Jaejoong shoved him away.

“Get away from me! I don’t need your help.” Jaejoong said stubbornly.

“Okay then. Try going down.” Yunho dared.

Jaejoong looked around him and tried to figure out the best way to go down the horse. After a few seconds of thinking, he realized that it would be best to take Yunho’s help. He might just cause himself an injury if he tried going down without help.

“Okay, I take back what I said. I need help.” Jaejoong said, a little bit embarrassed. Yunho smirked and moved closer to Cassie, his black horse. Jaejoong accepted Yunho’s help and avoided eye contact with him.

“Put your feet in there and push yourself away from the horse. Swing your free leg away.” Yunho instructed. “I’ll be here to assist you.”

Jaejoong obeyed and followed Yunho’s instructions. He was about to hop down from the horse when he lost his grip. He was about to fall to the ground when a pair of strong arms caught him.

“You really attract danger.” Yunho said and flashed a smile. Jaejoong wasn’t able to react quickly and just stared at Yunho’s face which was so close to his face. Yunho set Jaejoong down carefully.

“T-thanks.” Jaejoong said.

“No problem.” Yunho replied. “Now, we need to find the way back to the trading place.”

“We really need to find the way back. I don’t want to sleep in this secluded forest. Who knows what creatures lurk in here at night?” Jaejoong worried.

“Don’t worry about that. You have me here.” Yunho teased.

“Well...” Jaejoong tried to say something but couldn’t form a proper reply to Yunho’s sudden statement. Yunho’s message stumped him.

“Anyway, why did you drag me here in this forest if you don’t know this place?” Jaejoong said to change the subject.

“I didn’t realize where I was going till when we were inside this forest. My focus was to get away as far as possible from those people chasing me earlier so I didn’t mind where I was going.” Yunho answered.

“This is completely your fault. Why did you have to take me with you? You could have just escaped by yourself.” Jaejoong said in an annoyed tone.

“Well, you might tell them the direction that I went into so I just brought you with me.” Yunho simply said.

“Oh, great! Just great! You dragged me here in the middle of nowhere because of that!” Jaejoong said in frustration. “Very brilliant! You totally annoy the hell out of me!”

Jaejoong walked past Yunho angrily and went to find the way back on his own.

“Yah! Where are you going? It’s not a wise decision to go wandering around deep in the forest alone.” Yunho warned and followed Jaejoong.

“I think it’s much wiser than staying with you.” Jaejoong said without stopping.

“Let’s just go together. My conscience would not be able to take it if something happens to you. It’s my fault after all that you’re here.” Yunho tried to convince Jaejoong.

“Oh, good thing you realized your fault.” Jaejoong replied and continued walking, increasing his pace every second.

‘Why is he so stubborn?!’ Yunho said to himself and ran to catch up with Jaejoong. Jaejoong glanced behind him and saw Yunho running towards his direction. He attempted to run away but Yunho was faster. He grabbed Jaejoong’s wrist once he caught up with him and forced him to stop.

“Wait! Just listen to me!” Yunho said and locked his eyes with Jaejoong’s. Jaejoong sensed that Yunho was serious that time and listened to him.

“Don’t be stubborn and let your annoyance get the best of you. It will be much faster to find the way back if we work together. This forest is very dangerous so it is very advised if we go together. I don’t want to be stuck with you also but I have no choice.” Yunho explained.

“Well I don’t want to be stuck with you also.” Jaejoong retorted.

“Even if we don’t want to stay with each other, we just have to deal with it. We won’t die if we stand each other for just a few hours right?” Yunho said and smiled.

“Yeah, I guess I can stand you for a couple of hours.” Jaejoong smiled back.

They explored the forest, walking between the trees. Their little adventure inside the deep forest wasn’t bearing them good results. After two hours of walking, it seemed that they were still lost. They used stones to mark the places that they passed but they end up in the same position as before. They were just making circles on that part of the forest.

“This is no use! We’re not going to find the way back to the village!” Jaejoong said and sat on the ground. He was exhausted from all the walking that they have done.

“Don’t give up that easily. Let’s try this direction.” Yunho said, not losing hope. He walked closer to Jaejoong’s position and extended his hand. Jaejoong grabbed it and Yunho helped him up.

“Wait, can’t I just ride your horse? I really can’t walk anymore.” Jaejoong asked tiredly.

“Okay.” Yunho agreed, seeing Jaejoong’s exhausted state. He helped him get on the horse’s back. They travelled for a couple of minutes on Yunho’s suggested direction. They walked along a steep path of the forest that went down. Because of the steepness of the path, Yunho’s horse lost its balance and Jaejoong was thrown from its back. Yunho tried saving Jaejoong, quickly jumping to his direction.

Yunho was unsuccessful in his attempt and both of them went rolling down the steep path down the forest. On and on they went downwards, getting scratches on their skin and their clothes being torn by branches. There was an opening at the end of the steep downward path and Yunho and Jaejoong rolled inside it, not being able to stop themselves on time. The opening belonged to a cave and Yunho and Jaejoong were trapped inside it.


Chapter 8


Chapter 8: Thief

“Aaaah!” screamed Jaejoong.

“Aaaaah!” screamed Yunho.

The screams ended as their bodies hit the cave floor. Yunho’s back hit the cold, hard earth first. Jaejoong landed on top of him, Yunho being on the receiving end of the impact. Yunho just groaned in pain as he put up with Jaejoong’s weight. Both of them were all alone inside the cave, trapped and stuck with each other.

Yunho’s eyes surveyed their surroundings but he could see nothing. Everything was pitch black and the only light came from the opening above them. His eyes fell on Jaejoong and he realized that Jaejoong was still on top of him.

“Yah! Get off me!” Yunho shouted and removed Jaejoong’s body away from him. “I think some of my bones got broken because of you.”

“You deserve that.” Jaejoong said as he stood up and analyzed their situation. “Where are we?”

“I think we’re inside a cave.” Yunho answered, sitting on the ground.

“A cave?!” Jaejoong screamed in frustration. “Oh great! Just a few minutes ago I was stuck with you inside a deep forest. Now, I’m stuck with you inside a cave.”

“You think I wanted this to happen? Of course not. I also want to go back but with the current situation, I think I’ve got to put up with you for the mean time.” Yunho retorted.

“So, how can we get out of this cave?” Jaejoong asked once he was calm enough.

“I don’t know. The opening where we came from is very high from this position and there is now way that we can climb all the way up there.” Yunho answered.

“You’re right. But there has to be another way out right?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yeah, there’s probably another way out, but the problem is how do we find it? It’s so dark in here that I can’t see anything.” Yunho said.

“Let’s make fire.” Jaejoong suggested. “There should be wood inside this cave and we could use stones to produce fire.”

“Okay.” Yunho agreed and stood up to help Jaejoong look for pieces of wood and stone. Without their sense of sight, the two of them used their hands to know what the things inside the cave were. After minutes of searching, they found plenty of wood for the fire and the only thing missing was the fire itself. Yunho grabbed two of the stones that they found and rubbed the stones against each other.

“Ah, it’s no use!” Yunho said in frustration. He had been rubbing the stones for some time and nothing was happening.

“Keep trying.” Jaejoong said.

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one suffering here.” Yunho said, slightly annoyed.

“You deserve that as well. If you didn’t drag me along with you, I wouldn’t be stuck in this damn cave with you.” Jaejoong retorted.

“Alright, alright. I admit that it’s my entire fault. Now will you stop blaming everything to me already?”

“Fine” Jaejoong agreed.

After minutes of constant rubbing, Yunho’s efforts finally paid off as fire suddenly ignited because of friction. He immediately lighted the wood that was arranged in a bon fire and light flooded the dark cave. Both of them were momentarily blinded by the sudden flush of light.

“Let’s go explore this cave and find the opening.” Yunho said and used a piece of wood as a torch. Jaejoong followed him and both of them made their way inside the cave. To prevent getting lost inside the confines of the cave, they left small stones on the path that they took.

They walked for an hour already but their exploration wasn’t bearing them good results. They were still trapped inside the cave.

“I think we should just go back. We’ve been walking for ages but nothing is happening. We’re just going in circles.” Yunho suggested.

“Okay.” Jaejoong agreed. He has been very quiet during their whole exploration of the cave. They made their way back by following the stones that they left.

“Hey, are we going on the right way?” Yunho asked.


“Yah...” Yunho turned to Jaejoong. He took a glance behind him because Jaejoong didn’t say anything when he asked him a question. What he saw made him worry. His heart raced in nervousness as he saw Jaejoong lying on the ground, unconscious. Yunho immediately rushed to Jaejoong’s aid and carried him on his back. He quickly carried Jaejoong back to their original position.

Yunho removed his shirt or jeogori and used it as a pillow for Jaejoong’s head. He carefully laid Jaejoong down on the ground. Worry was flooding Yunho’s emotions as Jaejoong remained motionless on the ground. He put his hand on top of Jaejoong’s forehead and felt his temperature.

“You have fever.” Yunho whispered to the unconscious Jaejoong. “I think this day really exhausted you and your body couldn’t take it anymore.”

Yunho felt guilty as he stared at Jaejoong’s tired and unconscious state. It was entirely his fault that Jaejoong was lying there next to him. It was his fault that Jaejoong was suffering at that moment. He stayed by Jaejoong’s side the whole time that Jaejoong slept.

Yunho didn’t dare to fall asleep as he watched over Jaejoong. He wanted to see Jaejoong when he wakes up.

It was already night time because no light could be seen from the opening above them. The fire that they have set up was burning brightly and provided them warmth from the cold night air. Yunho kept himself close to the fire and wrapped his arms around him to keep him warm. He stared at the dancing flame and thought about things.

‘I wonder what’s happening back home. If they knew that I am nowhere to be found, they would go crazy. I should really prepare myself for a punishment when I go back.’ Yunho thought. He was distracted from his thoughts when Jaejoong uttered unrecognizable words.

“That surprised me.” Yunho said as he gazed at Jaejoong’s sleeping face. He examined Jaejoong’s features and realized how beautiful Jaejoong’s face was. It was his first time to see someone as beautiful as Jaejoong and it shocked him how Jaejoong was more beautiful than the women in Hanseong.

“You are uncommonly beautiful for a man.” Yunho commented.

Yunho felt something as he stared Jaejoong. It was a feeling that was totally unknown to him. Jaejoong was like a magnet, drawing him closer and pulling him.

“Now that I have thought about it, I actually don’t know anything about you, not even your name.” Yunho realized.

“Hmm, I wonder where you come from. You don’t look like someone from this kingdom. You must be from another country, judging from your appearance when I first saw you.” Yunho said to the sleeping Jaejoong. He remembered when he first saw Jaejoong. He actually found Jaejoong weird the first time that he saw him because of his weird clothes and dyed hair. Jaejoong tried blending with the crowd by wearing a hanbok just like everyone else but to Yunho, there was something about Jaejoong that made him stand out from the rest.

If staring could melt someone, Jaejoong would have already melted from Yunho’s gaze. Without Yunho realizing it, he had been looking at Jaejoong for quite some time, not breaking it even for a second.

“I just wanted to try something.”


Jaejoong woke up the next morning and found himself lying on the ground. He didn’t know why he was there and he couldn’t remember anything from last night. The cave was once again dark because the fire had already died. Their only source of light was the one coming from the opening above them.

“How did I end up here?” Jaejoong tried to remember but nothing came to his mind. He searched for Yunho and found the outline of his body on the ground. Yunho had fallen asleep in the middle of watching over Jaejoong. Jaejoong’s hands touched something soft near his head and realized that it was Yunho’s shirt.

“What is this doing here?” Jaejoong mused. He tried remembering what happened again and he was distracted when he heard sounds coming from the opening. He listened hard to verify if there were people above them. Jaejoong was convinced that the sound came from talking voices.

“Is someone up there?” Jaejoong shouted. The noise woke Yunho up.

“What’s happening?” Yunho asked.

“There are people up there.” Jaejoong said excitedly.

“Really?” Yunho quickly got up and joined Jaejoong in shouting for help. “Help! Is someone up there?”



“Is someone down there?” a voice shouted from the opening.

“Yes! We need help!” Jaejoong immediately responded.

“We need help in getting out of this cave!” Yunho shouted.

“Alright! We’ll throw a rope down there and we’ll pull you up!” the voice said. Relief flooded Jaejoong and Yunho. Someone was going to help them get out of the cave.

The man from outside the cave lowered a rope down the opening. Once it reached Jaejoong and Yunho’s position, both of them ran towards the rope.

“You go first.” Yunho said. He wanted to be sure that Jaejoong got out first.

“Okay.” Jaejoong agreed and grabbed the rope. He held it tightly and the people outside the cave pulled him up towards the opening. Once Jaejoong was safely out of the cave, the men helped Yunho next. After a few minutes, Yunho emerged from the cave’s opening.

“Thank you so much for helping us.” Jaejoong and Yunho bowed low to show their appreciation to the men who helped them.

“It’s nothing.” one of them said. “Why were you down there in the first place?”

“Well, we were initially lost inside this forest. While we were searching for the out, we rolled down that steep path and landed inside the cave.” Yunho explained.

“Oh. Well, if you like, we can accompany you out of this forest. We were just on our way out when we heard voices coming from the cave.” the man offered.

“Really? Thank you very much!” Jaejoong said excitedly.

Jaejoong and Yunho joined the party of woodcutters out of the forest. Both of them silently followed the woodcutters. They weren’t able to talk to each other during the whole time that they were walking out of the forest. Yunho was itching to ask Jaejoong questions but stopped himself. Jaejoong wanted to ask Yunho what happened to him last night but didn’t voice out his questions.

“Thank you so much for helping us.” Jaejoong said once they were out of the forest.

“You’re welcome. Now you two take care. Don’t go wandering anymore near the forest.” the man warned.

“Oh, I won’t be doing that anytime soon. You should warn this person beside me.” Jaejoong said as he pointed at Yunho. “He’s the one who dragged me inside the forest.”

The group of woodcutters bade goodbye to the two of them and left them alone. Jaejoong and Yunho walked back together to the trading place.

“I’m really sorry about dragging you to the forest.” Yunho sincerely apologized while they were walking.

“It’s okay now. Nothing bad happened to me so apology accepted.” Jaejoong responded.


“Yeah. Why, you don’t believe me?”

“No. I was just surprised that you have forgiven me that easily.”

“Well, we won’t be seeing each other anymore so I guess I should just forgive you.” Jaejoong simply said. Jaejoong’s statement made Yunho feel unexpected sadness. He didn’t know why but he just felt like it.

“What do you mean that we won’t be seeing each other anymore?” Yunho asked.

“As much as possible, I don’t want to see you again because I just realized that every time you show up, I get into trouble.” Jaejoong explained.

“I just want to know one thing about you.” Yunho said.

“What is it?” Jaejoong asked and stopped walking. They were now outside the trading place of Hanseong.

“What’s your name?” Yunho asked.

“Oh, you don’t need to know my name. We won’t be seeing each other again remember?” Jaejoong said and smiled. “Well then, goodbye.”

Jaejoong entered the trading place first and Yunho watched him.

‘I’m not so sure that we won’t be seeing each other anymore.’ Yunho thought and made his way back to his home.


Jaejoong didn’t go back to Yoochun’s house because he figured that he would be at his stall. He went straight to the stall and prepared himself in explaining everything to Yoochun.

“Jaejoong! Yoochun! Jaejoong’s back!” Junsu shouted as he spotted Jaejoong among the crowd of people. Yoochun stopped whatever he was doing and searched for Jaejoong.

“Jaejoong!” Yoochun said and ran towards Jaejoong. He hugged him tightly which surprised Jaejoong. Yoochun pulled away and said, “What happened to you? I was so worried.”

“I’m so sorry for making you worry.” Jaejoong said apologetically.

“Are you alright? Did something bad happen to you?” Yoochun asked.

“I’m alright. I’ll tell everything to you later. It’s such a long story.” Jaejoong promised.

“Well, okay.” Yoochun agreed and both of them went back to Yoochun’s stall.


“So, what’s your punishment this time?” Donghae asked.

“I’m going to have to help in the library of records.” Yunho answered. “Another boring work that I’ll definitely skip.”

“What really happened to you that you weren’t able to come back yesterday?”

“Do you remember the man that I saved from the thugs the other day?”

“Yeah. Why?” Donghae was getting confused because he didn’t know where their conversation was going.

“Well, I met him yesterday and dragged him into the forest with me while I was escaping the guards. We got lost because I was not familiar with that forest. I didn’t realize where I was going until I was inside the forest.” Yunho explained. “While we were searching for the way out, we accidentally fell down a steep path of the forest and landed inside a cave.”

“That was one heck of an adventure.” Donghae commented.

“It really was. And I was able to steal something.” Yunho said.

“Huh? Why would you steal something? You already have everything.” Donghae asked, getting confused.

“I didn’t steal money, jewelry, or any other material thing.” Yunho said. “I stole something different.”

“Well what is it? Stop all of the suspense and tell what it is.” Donghae said impatiently.

“A kiss. I stole a kiss.” Yunho said and smiled.


Chapter 9

Mischievous Wangja

Chapter 9: Mischievous Wangja

After the incident of getting stuck inside the forest and the cave, Jaejoong hadn’t seen Yunho even once. What he said was coming true, that they won’t be seeing each other again. That was what Jaejoong wanted, never seeing Yunho again during his stay in Hanseong, but unexpectedly, he was feeling the opposite of it.

A week had already passed and Yunho just kept popping on Jaejoong’s mind. It was driving Jaejoong crazy because he didn’t know why he kept thinking of Yunho. The fact still remained that he despised Yunho but after not being able to see him for some time, he was starting to feel something else.

‘Why do I keep thinking about that man? Stop it Jaejoong! Stop thinking about someone that you won’t see anymore.’ Jaejoong mentally said as he was accompanying Yoochun in his stall in the trading place. He gazed at the crowd walking past Yoochun’s stall and saw someone about the same height and body built as Yunho. Jaejoong’s heartbeat instantly quickened as he got excited. He stood up to get a better view of the man and his heart sunk with disappointment. The man wasn’t Yunho.

‘That was so stupid of me!’ Jaejoong thought. ‘What I’m doing is so wrong. I’ve got to stop this now.’

“Jaejoong, is something wrong?” Yoochun asked as he saw Jaejoong deep in thought.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just thought I saw someone I knew.” Jaejoong answered.

‘Stupid Yunho. Even without you here, you’re still causing me problems.’ Jaejoong thought. Because Yunho annoyed Jaejoong, Jaejoong doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that he was indeed missing Yunho. Deep down inside, that was what he was feeling.


“Yunho, your father wants to see you.” Donghae said as he entered Yunho’s room.

“About what?” Yunho asked.

“I don’t know. I think he’s probably going to scold you again.” Donghae answered.

“But I haven’t done anything that will earn me another punishment. I’ve lied low this week.” Yunho said, getting up from his bed.

“Well, that’s true. You better just see your father to know what he wants to talk about with you.” Donghae said and was about to leave the room.

“Yah, wait! Let’s go together.” Yunho shouted to Donghae. Donghae waited for his friend to catch up and both them made their way towards the room of Yunho’s father.

“So, why aren’t you doing your nightly explorations this past week?” Donghae asked as they walked along the corridor. They passed servants and all of them bowed low as they saw Yunho.

“I just wanted some rest and I don’t want to get on my father’s nerves.” Yunho said and smiled mischievously. “But my rest is over. I’ll go out tonight.”

“I thought you were sick or something this past week because of your good behaviour.” Donghae teased.

“Yah, I’m not that bad.” Yunho said and playfully slapped Donghae’s arm.

“That hurt!” Donghae complained and hit Yunho back.

“That was totally unfair! I didn’t hit you that hard.” Yunho said and was about to aim another slap at Donghae when he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of one of the consultants of his father. Yunho and Donghae bowed low in respect. The consultant bowed back.

“The King is waiting for you Your Highness.” the King’s consultant said.

“I understand.” Yunho said and turned to his friend. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” Donghae nodded and left.

Yunho opened the door to his father’s quarters and slowly walked inside. His father was sitting on his chair as usual and in front of his father was Yunho’s younger brother, Changmin. Yunho sat beside Changmin.

“Now that both of you are here, I just want to talk about your training and classes.” King Jeongjo said, his voice full of authority.

‘Here we go again.’ Yunho thought. He knew where their conversation would be leading.

“Changmin, have you been attending all of your classes?” their father asked. The King knew everything that was going on inside the palace, especially with his sons, but he just wanted to talk to them.

“Of course Father.” Changmin answered. He was a complete opposite of Yunho. Changmin was in every way different from his older brother. He was responsible, obedient, and diligent while Yunho was free-spirited, stubborn, doesn’t like responsibility, and likes to slack off.

“Very good son. Now how about you Yunho?” King Jeongjo said as he turned to Yunho. He looked at his son with a penetrating stare.

“I’m attending my classes.” Yunho said, half-true. He was indeed attending classes, but not all of them. Upon impulse, Yunho skipped classes just like what he did the last time he escaped.

“Are you sure?”

“Okay, not all of them.” Yunho admitted.

King Jeongjo sighed. He really didn’t know what he would do with Yunho. His son’s character was really strong that Yunho couldn’t be pinned down.

“Yunho, you are the Royal Prince. Do you still not know what that means?” King Jeongjo said. He had been trying to talk some sense out of Yunho but his son was really hard to penetrate. Yunho just didn’t have any slight interest to become the next King.

“I know what it means Father.” Yunho answered.

“If you know what it means, why aren’t you taking your classes seriously? You have a big responsibility Yunho. You should realize that by now.” the King said with frustration in his voice.

“I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this responsibility from the start.” Yunho said and walked out of his father’s room.

The King sighed again. ‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to fulfill my promise to you Hyewon.’

“Have patience with Yunho father.” Changmin said, trying to mediate between his father and brother.

“I’m being patient and extending it as far as I can Changmin.” King Jeongjo said. “I just don’t know what to do with your brother.”


Yunho once again went out of the palace walls to clear his mind of the conversation with his father. It frustrates Yunho every time his father reminds him about his responsibility as the next ruler of Joseon Kingdom. It has never crossed Yunho’s mind that he wanted to be king of his country. Being responsible of a whole country wasn’t what he wanted.

He brought Cassie, his horse, along with him as he escaped from the palace guards. The guards were just not fast enough for Yunho. After minutes of riding his horse around the vicinity of the trading place, he decided to take a rest and sat beside a tree at the edge of the forest near the trading place.


It was already night time and Yoochun and Jaejoong just finished eating their dinner. Yoochun resumed to his work place to finish his work of making ceramics while Jaejoong went to the horses’ stable to feed them. As much as possible, Jaejoong wanted to help Yoochun with whatever he could in return for Yoochun’s generosity of giving him a place to stay.

Yoochun’s white horse was magnificently standing on his stable as he eyed Jaejoong who was entering the stable.

“How are you?” Jaejoong asked as he stroked the mane of Yoochun’s horse. He grabbed a handful of hay from the haystack and began feeding the horse. Jaejoong just watched the horse feed itself and his mind wandered once again.

“Hmm, I wonder when I’ll be able to go back to the future.” Jaejoong mused. He had been stuck in ancient Korea for almost two weeks already. “My family must be worried about me. They don’t know where I am. I just disappeared out of the blue.”

The horse just silently ate while Jaejoong talked to himself about his problems and frustrations.

“I really miss everything about the future. My family, Korea...” Jaejoong paused. “Wait, did I just say Korea? That was weird.”

“But what’s weird is the fact that I’m actually beginning to like this place. Even though this is so much different from my life in America, I’m slowly being comfortable with the simple life here.”

Jaejoong took a glance at the hourglass on his necklace and noticed that one-fourth of the gold dust was already on one side it. “I wonder what this means. That old lady doesn’t appear on my dreams anymore.”

Jaejoong was distracted from his thoughts when the horse neighed. “Oh, you want some more?” He grabbed more hay and fed it to Yoochun’s horse. “Here you go.”

When Jaejoong finished feeding the horse, he exited the stable but he didn’t go inside the house at once. Jaejoong figured that Yoochun was still busy with his work that he won’t be able to notice Jaejoong going out for a while.

Jaejoong decided to take a stroll outside. The cool night air was refreshing to his skin as he walked. He was getting close to the forest near the trading place but didn’t dare entering it because of his experience with the thugs and also with being stuck with Yunho.

“I really don’t like forests now.” Jaejoong said as he reminisced. “I wonder where that Yunho is. I don’t know if he is from this place or somewhere far.”

“How come you know my name but I don’t know yours?” a voice said.

Jaejoong was shocked to hear the voice of the person who spoke. He thought that he was all alone and didn’t expect to see anyone. He took a glance at the person who suddenly made an appearance and saw that it was Yunho. Jaejoong’s heartbeat unexpectedly increased.

“You really like to surprise people do you? You’re just like a mushroom, popping out of nowhere.” Jaejoong said. Of course, he was still annoyed with Yunho but he was glad to see him at the same time.

“Well, that’s just the way I am.” Yunho said and smiled. Once again, Yunho’s smile captivated Jaejoong. It was a smile that casts a spell on Jaejoong every time he sees it, making him completely absorbed in it.

“Hey, are you alright?” Yunho asked as he noticed Jaejoong spacing out.

“Huh?” Jaejoong said as he snapped out of his trance.

“You were spacing out a few seconds ago.” Yunho answered.

“Oh, sorry about that. What are you doing here anyway?” Jaejoong asked.

“Nothing. I just took a ride with my horse and I ended up in the forest.” Yunho said. “You?”

“I just wanted to take a quick stroll.” Jaejoong said.

“Mind if I accompany you?” Yunho asked hopefully.

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Jaejoong answered. He didn’t know what made him want to be with them man beside him but he felt unexpectedly comfortable with Yunho.

“So, where do you live here in Hanseong?” Yunho asked. It was now his chance to get to know as much as he could about Jaejoong. Jaejoong was such a mystery to him that he was itching with curiosity.

“I live near the trading place. Just a few minutes of walking from here. You?” Jaejoong said as they walked.

“Me? I also live near the trading place.” Yunho said. It was indeed true that he lived near the trading place, he just left out the part that he actually lived inside the palace.

“Oh, you also live here. I guess what I want won’t be coming true.” Jaejoong said.

“What you want?” Yunho asked with confusion.

“I told you last time that we won’t be seeing each other right? But I guess that won’t happen because we might always bump with each other since you also live here.” Jaejoong explained.

“I guess you’re right.” Yunho said happily. The fact that he might see Jaejoong often in Hanseong made him happy. He was really getting fond of Jaejoong recently. There was something about him that makes Yunho want to see him and be with him. It was weird for Yunho to be feeling that way towards someone, especially towards a man. But he ignored it since seeing Jaejoong made him feel happy and forget his problems.

“I wanted to ask you this the last time that we met but I didn’t get a chance. What happened to me inside the cave? I just found myself lying on the ground when I woke up.” Jaejoong asked.

“Oh, that. You passed out while we were exploring the cave for the way out. I think you were too tired that your body collapsed from exhaustion. I carried you back to the place where we fell.” Yunho explained.

“So, you watched over me?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yeah. I was worried because it was all my fault that you collapsed. If I didn’t drag you with me, you wouldn’t have been so tired that you even collapsed.” Yunho said with sincerity. “I’m so sorry.”

“I-it’s alright.” Jaejoong said. He was surprised to know another side of Yunho. Yunho’s concern for him made his annoyance slowly fade off.

“But you’re not originally from this place right?” Yunho asked again.

“Yeah. How did you know?” Jaejoong asked.

“When I saved you from those thugs, you were wearing weird clothes so I figured that you are not from this place.” Yunho answered.

“You’re right. I’m not from this place. I come from somewhere far from here.” Jaejoong said. He stopped himself from telling Yunho that he has from the future.

“From another country?” Yunho guessed.

“Uhm, yeah.” Jaejoong lied. He was not yet ready to let someone else know that he was from the future, beside from Yoochun.

Both of them talked all throughout their walk and got to know a little bit about each other, except from the fact that Jaejoong was from the future and Yunho was a prince. When Jaejoong notice that it was getting a bit late, he decided to go back.

“I’ll be going now then. My friend is probably looking for me already.” Jaejoong said.

“Yeah. Take care.” Yunho said and watched Jaejoong turn his back on him and walk away. Jaejoong was just a few meters away when Yunho remembered that he forgot to ask something important.

“Wait!” Yunho shouted. Jaejoong stopped walking and turned to Yunho.

“I forgot to ask your name.” Yunho said.

“Jaejoong. My name is Jaejoong.” Jaejoong answered and continued on his walk back to Yoochun’s house.

‘Jaejoong’ Yunho repeated. ‘What a nice name.’


Chapter 10

Take it to the next level

Chapter 10: Take it to the next level

During the two weeks that passed after Yunho and Jaejoong bumped into each other again that night that Yunho fled from the palace, they had been seeing each other every night. In those fourteen days, they began to get to know one other through lengthy conversations and endless laughter. Both of them were extremely comfortable with each other.

But even if they were already friends, they were still keeping something: Yunho’s identity as the Royal Prince of the Kingdom of Joseon and Jaejoong belonging to the future. Those two things were something that they weren’t ready yet to reveal to each other.

Yoochun was oblivious to Jaejoong’s nightly explorations with Yunho. He was always busy during the night time that he doesn’t notice that Jaejoong goes missing at night. As for Yunho, he was escaping from the palace very often than before because of his desire to see Jaejoong every night. They couldn’t see each other during the day because Yunho could only escape at night.

Their relationship with each other was a genuine friendship, but deep down, they were feeling something else. Both of them couldn’t explain it, but they were feeling something that was very foreign to them whenever they were with each other. Yes, they were friends and that was a fact, but there was something about each other that they couldn’t see in their other friends.

Whenever Yunho was with Jaejoong, he always felt an unexplainable feeling that was always absent when he was with his friend Donghae. It was the same for Jaejoong. Whenever he was with Yunho, he could also feel something unfamiliar that he couldn’t experience when he was with Yoochun, Junsu, or Changmin.

“Jae, I want you to take you somewhere.” Yunho said. Both of them saw each other again. “I’m sure you’ll like it there.”

“Where are you taking me?” Jaejoong asked suspiciously as he eyed Yunho with curiosity.

“It’s still a secret.” Yunho answered with a smile.


The moon was shining brightly in the blackened sky, giving a faint light to the dark surroundings. Among the things that the moonlight touched was a house in the province of Hanseong, not far from the trading place. Four men clad in hanboks made of silks made their way towards that house. The whole Kingdom of Joseon was oblivious to the plans that were being formed that night.

“Is everything going according to our plan?” the leader said.

“Yes sir. Everything is being prepared as planned.” one of the four men answered.

“Good.” the leader smiled in satisfaction.

“When will we execute the main event sir?” another man asked.

“As soon as everything is ready. Be patient. We should wait until the perfect time comes. And then we will have what we want.” the leader answered. ‘Just wait and see my dear cousin. I will take back everything that you took from me.’


“Wow! This is really beautiful!” Jaejoong exclaimed as his eyes gazed at the beautiful sea in front of him. The bright moon shining over them was mirrored in the glassy surface of the water, making the view of the sea extremely magnificent.

“I told you you’ll like it here.” Yunho said. He sat on the sand and Jaejoong did the same. Both of them gazed at the spectacular scene in front of them. They were silent for a while, appreciating the beauty of the sea during the night. It was truly a wonderful sight, especially for Jaejoong who didn’t get to see the sea very often. What made their experience more special apart from the very beautiful scenery was the fact that they shared it with each other.

“Thanks for taking me here.” Jaejoong said first, still gazing at the calm waters of the sea.

“No problem. You mentioned that you wanted to visit the sea so that’s why I brought you here.” Yunho answered, shifting his gaze from the sea to the man beside him. To Yunho’s eyes, one thing that could compare to the beauty of the sea in front of them was the man beside him. Gazing at Jaejoong brought him a feeling of happiness and contentment, just like what looking at the beautiful scenery of the sea gives him.

Jaejoong was oblivious to the fact that Yunho had been looking at him for quite some time. He was so absorbed in the beauty of the sea that he didn’t notice Yunho. As the minutes continued to tick by, the unknown feeling that Yunho felt whenever he was with Jaejoong began to heighten. Different thoughts were filling his mind and it was driving him crazy. As he continued to gaze at Jaejoong, his eyes fell on the other man’s full and plump lips which reminded him of his stolen kiss.

He didn’t understand why, but the sudden urge to claim Jaejoong’s lips came to Yunho. The feeling of Jaejoong’s lips on Yunho’s was still etched on his mind. Jaejoong’s lips were soft and so sweet. The more Yunho reminisced, the more that he wanted to kiss the man beside him. What was stopping him from doing that was the fact that it was wrong for them to do that. One reason was that both of them were men. Another thing was that he would have to take responsibility of his actions. He didn’t know how to explain to Jaejoong about his feelings. Another reason was that Jaejoong might not feel the same way about him.

‘Yunho don’t look anymore! Stop it!’ he mentally reminded himself as he looked away from Jaejoong’s tempting lips. He forced himself to focus on the sea and kept his thoughts away from Jaejoong.

“Yunho, what’s wrong? You look troubled.” Jaejoong said as he noticed Yunho’s weird actions. Yunho’s face clearly showed that something was bothering him.

Yunho was distracted from his thoughts by Jaejoong’s voice. When he moved his head to face the man beside him, he was caught off guard. Jaejoong’s face was just a few inches away from him. They were in an extremely close proximity. Jaejoong was watching Yunho with curious and concerned eyes while waiting for an answer from him. Yunho on the other hand was surprised at their close proximity and his desire just heightened.

‘Oh, what the hell! I’ll just worry about everything later.’ Yunho said to himself and leaned in to capture Jaejoong’s lips. It was Jaejoong’s turn to be caught off guard. Yunho’s sudden kiss was totally unexpected but he didn’t move away from Yunho. In fact, he actually enjoyed it.

Yunho’s kiss was a quick and chaste one. He moved his face away from Jaejoong and waited for him to react.

“W-What was that for?” Jaejoong asked awkwardly. It was his first time to kiss someone of the same gender and it was slightly weird for him. Yes, he liked it, but it was still weird.

“Uhm...” Yunho started. ‘How do I explain it? I don’t even know myself why I wanted to do that.’

“Jae, I’m so sorry for doing that!” Yunho apologized. “I didn’t know what got into me.”

“Oh, it’s alright Yunho. No harm done.” Jaejoong said with a disappointed tone. In the back of his mind, he was waiting to hear something else from Yunho.

“Let’s just get back. It’s getting late already.” Yunho said to change the topic. The air around them was starting to get awkward. ‘You’re so stupid Yunho! Why did you have to do that?!’

The two of them got up from the sand and went back to the trading place.


“Donghae! I need your help!” Yunho said desperately to his friend the moment he arrived back in the palace. He swung open the door to Donghae’s room in the palace and entered it without invitation.

“Why? What problem did you cause this time?” Donghae asked as he fixed himself in a sitting position on his bed.

“Yah! That hurt. I didn’t cause any problem this time.” Yunho defended. He sat on the edge of Donghae’s bed.

“Okay, okay.” Donghae said while laughing. “What is it?”

“You already know Jaejoong right?” Yunho asked.

“Of course I know him. He’s the one that you talk about all the time. How am I not supposed to know him?” Donghae said with a sarcastic tone.

“Okay, enough about that. Well, I didn’t know what made me do it, but I kissed him again earlier.” Yunho confided.

“Whoa! You kissed him again?” Donghae asked incredulously. “Do you two already have a relationship?”

“No! We’re...just friends.” Yunho said, mentioning the last two words with doubt.

“If you are just friends, then why did you kiss him?” Donghae challenged.

“Well, that’s why I’m here. I don’t know why I kissed him Hae. I’m really confused right now.” Yunho said helplessly. The air around them started to get serious and Donghae felt pity and slight worry for his friend.

“Yunho, I think you are in love with him.” Donghae stated with an air of confidence.

“In love? With Jaejoong?” Yunho said with disbelief. “Yah, Donghae, I’m serious here, okay? I have no time for your jokes.”

“I’m not joking here Yunho.” Donghae said seriously. He looked straight into the eyes of his friend, “You love Jaejoong.”

“He’s a guy, Donghae. I’m a guy.” Yunho stated the obvious.

“Yes, I know that, so? It doesn’t change anything Yunho. Whether Jaejoong is a guy or a girl, you definitely love him.” Donghae tried putting some sense into his confused friend. “From the way that you talk about him, I know that he’s very special to you.”

“Yes, he’s someone special.” Yunho admitted.

“You’re attracted to him right? I know that he’s not just a friend to you Yunho. Your relationship with him is very different from ours.” Donghae explained. Yunho was silent for a moment as he thought about things.

“Y-yeah.” Yunho admitted again.

“Do you care about him?” Donghae asked like an interrogator.


“Do you always think about him?”


“Do you always want to see him and spend your time with him?”


“Do you want what is best for him?”


“Do you want him to be happy?”

“Of course”

“Will you get hurt if you see Jaejoong with another?”

Yunho didn’t answer immediately as he thought about Donghae’s question seriously. He pictured himself in that situation and he instantly felt his heart break just thinking about Jaejoong being with somebody other than him.

“Yes.” Yunho answered with confidence.

“Then you definitely love him Yunho.” Donghae concluded and smiled.


Chapter 11


Chapter 11: Saranghae

“Junsu, I have something to ask you.” Jaejoong said. He was helping out in Yoochun’s stall that day and something was greatly bothering him.

“What is it Jae?” Junsu asked and stopped what he was doing to listen to his friend.

“What does it mean if someone kisses you?” Jaejoong asked.

“Why do you ask?” Junsu asked curiously.

“Uhm, it’s just something random. It just crossed my mind.” Jaejoong lied. The thing that was bothering him was Yunho’s kiss. He had been thinking about it ever since their last night together. They haven’t seen each other again since their sudden kiss. He really didn’t know why Yunho kissed him and it was driving him crazy.

“Well, from what I know, a kiss is a gesture to show that you love or like someone.” Junsu explained. “So, if you kiss someone, you probably like that person or you are attracted to that person.”

What Junsu said made Jaejoong’s thoughts go wild. “So there’s a chance that he likes me?” he whispered to no one in particular.

“What was that?” Junsu asked as he thought that Jaejoong said something.

“Oh! It’s nothing.” Jaejoong denied. “Junsu, there’s a customer.”

Junsu took a glance and there was an elderly woman checking out the merchandise on display. He was sure that Jaejoong was hiding something from him because of Jaejoong’s weird actions but Junsu didn’t press his assumptions. One reason was that there was a customer in his stall. Another was that he didn’t want to force Jaejoong into telling the truth if he still wasn’t ready.

‘Yunho likes me? Is that the reason why he kissed me?’ Jaejoong thought. ‘And if he really does like me, how will I respond to that? I mean, he’s a guy and I’m a guy.’

“I really got to think about this.” Jaejoong decided.


That night, Jaejoong decided to go and take a walk to think about things. He was really confused and he needed to breathe fresh air. As he walked alone along the deserted path, the cool night air helped him clear his mind a bit.

“Do I like him?” Jaejoong mused. “Yes, I like him, as a friend. But do I see him as more than a friend?”

“And if I do see him as more than a friend, that means that...” Jaejoong paused. “I’m gay?”

Jaejoong shook his head vigorously while trying to erase that thought from his mind. “No no no! This isn’t right. How can I have feelings for a guy?!”

Unknown to him, his true feelings was being clouded by his mentality. He already had a few relationships in the past but never did he imagine himself being with a guy.

Jaejoong stopped walking and decided to sit under a nearby tree. He collected his thoughts and tried his best to come to a decision. Different thoughts were swirling inside his mind and it was confusing him.

Jaejoong perfectly knew that his friendship with Yunho had something else in it, something more special but he wasn’t sure exactly what that “something” was. Being with Yunho brought him happiness and comfort. He always found himself smiling whenever Yunho was around. There was something about Yunho that deeply attracts him.

“Maybe I do like him...” Jaejoong whispered softly.

The silence around Jaejoong was suddenly disturbed by the appearance of someone. Footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer to where Jaejoong was. He tried to see who it was but it was too dark.

“Jae?” a voice that was too familiar to Jaejoong said. He was a few meters from where Jaejoong sat under the tree.

“Yunho?” Jaejoong said with a surprised expression. He had just been thinking about Yunho and it shocked him to see the man right before his eyes.

“I didn’t expect to see you here.” Yunho said as he approached Jaejoong.

“Me too.” Jaejoong responded.

“But I’m glad to see you tonight.” Yunho said and sat beside Jaejoong, leaning his back on the tree trunk. As both of them sat beside each other, Jaejoong felt his heart racing inside his chest.

‘Why am I getting nervous?’ Jaejoong thought.

“Jae, actually, I have something to tell you.” Yunho said while intensely staring straight into Jaejoong’s brown orbs.

“W-what is it?” Jaejoong managed to say. His nervousness and heart beat were rapidly increasing as the seconds passed by. He wanted to know what Yunho wanted to tell him but he was slightly afraid of what he would fear. Yunho’s words might change everything between the two of them; it may be for the better or for the worst.

“Do you remember what you asked me the last time that we saw each other?” Yunho asked, not breaking his gaze on Jaejoong.

Yunho’s question stumped Jaejoong. Because of all the things inside his mind at that moment, he couldn’t remember what his question was. He racked his brain for an answer but nothing came.

“Uhm, no. Sorry.” Jaejoong said with slight embarrassment.

“But you still remember our kiss, right?” Yunho asked again.

“Yunho, what kind of question is that? Of course I remember that. How can I forget? That kiss has been stuck in my mind ever since and it’s driving me crazy!” Jaejoong said. ‘Whoa, I think I said too much.’

“You’re right. How could you forget something like that?” Yunho said and smiled sheepishly. “Well, you asked me what that kiss was for.”

“Oh, right.” Jaejoong said as he remembered his question. Yunho didn’t answer him that night.

“I know that I didn’t answer you that night and I’m sorry.” Yunho apologized. “But I already have an answer now.”

Jaejoong didn’t say anything as he just stared at Yunho’s face, waiting for Yunho’s answer with eagerness and worry.

“I don’t expect you to understand or to feel the same way Jae. I will totally understand if you don’t want to see me anymore because of this. But I really need to tell you this because I won’t be able to have a peaceful mind until you hear what I feel.” Yunho explained.

“I love you Jaejoong. As weird as it sounds, that’s what I truly feel about you.” Yunho said and patiently waited for a response from the man beside him.

‘Yunho loves me? Did I hear it right? He has feelings for me?’ Jaejoong thought in disbelief.

“This isn’t a joke right?” Jaejoong said as he broke the silence.

“Of course it’s not a joke. I’m serious here Jaejoong.” Yunho said, slightly hurt.

“Do you really know what you are saying Yunho? I mean, we’re both guys.” Jaejoong said.

“Well so what? I don’t care if you’re a guy or a girl or even Jae. What matters is that I love you.” Yunho said with an air of absolute sureness. His words surprised Jaejoong and made him speechless.

“And I also want to know one thing.” Yunho said. “How do you feel about me?”

Yunho just asked the one question that Jaejoong was having a hard time answering.

“I...I’m not sure Yunho.” Jaejoong admitted as he looked away from Yunho, fixing his stare at the ground.

“I’ll help you know the answer.” Yunho said as he moved closer to Jaejoong, closing the distance between them. He gently placed his hand on Jaejoong’s face and cupped it. He lovingly stared at Jaejoong, looking straight into his eyes. He slowly leaned in towards Jaejoong.

Jaejoong on the other hand felt like he was unable to move. He wanted to stop Yunho but there was a part of him that wanted to feel Yunho’s lips again. Jaejoong was still struggling with his thoughts when Yunho’s lips captured his.

Yunho’s lips were gentle against Jaejoong’s. They were moving in a slow and careful way, not wanting to scare the other man. Slowly, Jaejoong unexpectedly found himself responding to Yunho’s kiss. His lips moved in perfect unison with Yunho’s.

The longer their kiss lasted, the more that the both of them wanted each other. Their kiss turned from gentle to a rough one, both of them hungry for more. Jaejoong found himself wrapping his arms around Yunho’s neck, pulling him closer.

Jaejoong had a ton of questions inside his head but ignored all of those as he just let himself follow his heart. Even though his mind was telling him to stop, he just couldn’t because everything seemed right.

Jaejoong knew that he couldn’t keep lying to himself anymore. He loved Yunho. It was something that he kept denying to himself before. He already had an answer to Yunho. He broke their kiss and gazed at Yunho’s face with a smile.

“Jae, what’s wrong?” Yunho asked with a confused face while catching his breath.

“I already have an answer to your question Yunho. I have decided to stop lying to myself and accept my true feelings.” Jaejoong said. “I love you.”

Yunho smiled as he felt extreme happiness overflow through him. It was his first time to feel something such as that. The fact that Jaejoong returned his feelings brought smiles to his face.

Jaejoong couldn’t stop smiling as he felt happy at that moment. He knew that he made the right decision. Both of them loved each other and it was all that mattered.

“Yunho, are you ready to take this to the next level?” Jaejoong asked.

“What do you mean by that?” Yunho asked innocently.

Jaejoong gazed at Yunho with lust in his eyes. “I’m not about to stop this now Yunho. I’m going to let you have the best night of your life.” he said in a seductive voice.


Chapter 12

A Night to Remember

WARNING! This chapter contains scenes that are not suitable for the general readers. If you are not mature enough for smut scenes...read at your own risk. For those who are mature enough to read...enjoy!

Chapter 12: A Night to Remember

“Yunho, are you ready to take this to the next level?” Jaejoong asked.

“What do you mean by that?” Yunho asked innocently.

Jaejoong gazed at Yunho with lust in his eyes. “I’m not about to stop this now Yunho. I’m going to let you have the best night of your life.” he said in a seductive voice.

Jaejoong slowly advanced towards Yunho, inching closer every second, his eyes never leaving Yunho’s.

With every second that Jaejoong moved closer, Yunho felt his heart beating like crazy, threatening to burst out of his chest. His nervousness was reaching its height as their distance became smaller and smaller. But all of his doubts, hesitation, and nervousness instantly disappeared as Jaejoong captured his lips. The other man’s lips were soft and gentle against his. They were both moving their lips against each other slowly, while tasting and savouring each other.

Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck, pulling him closer. Yunho on the other hand wrapped his arm securely on Jaejoong’s waist while his other arm held the other man’s nape.

“Jae” Yunho whispered as he broke their kiss and caught his breath.

“What’s wrong Yunho?” Jaejoong asked with concern as he looked at his lover’s face.

“Uhm...” Yunho shyly said. “Won’t...won’t someone see us...? You know...doing...uhm....that.”

“Oh, right.” Jaejoong responded and couldn’t help smiling at Yunho’s shyness. It was his first time seeing him like that and it was deeply entertaining.

Yunho was definitely right. They were in a place where people could accidentally oversee them doing something that shouldn’t be seen. It could be trouble if someone sees them. Even if it was already night time, they could risk themselves being seen.

“I know the perfect place.” Yunho said as he remembered something. He quickly got up and held Jaejoong’s hand, pulling him up in the process.

They found themselves running and entering the forest. They ran as they held each other’s hand.

“Yunho, why are we running?” Jaejoong asked while running.

“We have to be there quickly Jae. I can’t take this anymore. I’ve got to have you right away.” Yunho answered as he pulled Jaejoong along with him.

“Same here.” Jaejoong said with a smile as he increased his speed while keeping up to Yunho.

After a few minutes of running inside the forest, they stopped inside a clearing of the forest. The place that Yunho mentioned was in fact a small meadow hidden inside the forest. The grass-filled clearing was being flooded by the moon’s light, giving it a beautiful effect. Half of the meadow was swallowed by the darkness of the night and half was showered with moonlight. It was a beautiful scene.

“This is beautiful Yunho.” Jaejoong said as he took in the surroundings.

“Not as beautiful as you Jae.” Yunho responded. This compliment made Jaejoong slightly blush.

It was Yunho’s turn to take initiative. He closed the distance between him and Jaejoong and snaked his arm on Jaejoong’s waist, pulling him closer. He lowered his head and kissed his lover.

Jaejoong immediately responded to Yunho’s kiss. Their lips moved against each other slowly at first. Their slow and gentle kiss became rough as their hunger and lust grew. Yunho slipped his tongue inside Jaejoong’s mouth, meeting with Jaejoong’s. They both explored each other’s mouth for the first time and savoured each other’s taste.

Jaejoong’s hands moved up to Yunho’s clothing as he started removing the jeogori or shirt of Yunho’s hanbok. Sensing that Jaejoong was having a hard time removing his shirt, Yunho withdrew his tongue from Jaejoong’s mouth and broke their kiss.

“Let me help you with that.” Yunho whispered as he quickly stripped the upper portion of his body, revealing his well-toned torso.

“Damn these hanboks. I’m still not used to removing them.” Jaejoong commented.

“That’s odd. We’ve been wearing them since we were little.” Yunho mentioned.

‘Oh shit! I forgot that Yunho doesn’t know yet.’ Jaejoong mentally said. “Oh, I mean, that kind that you wear. It’s quite different from what I wear.”

“Well, you’re right. They are slightly different.” Yunho said as he remembered that the hanboks of royalty were slightly different from the common ones.

Yunho watched as Jaejoong removed the shirt of his own hanbok and noticed Jaejoong’s frustrated face.

“I’m really not good at this.” Jaejoong admitted shyly as he gave up on removing his jeogori.

Yunho smiled and moved closer to his lover.

“You really don’t fail to make me smile every time.” Yunho sincerely said as he helped Jaejoong remove his shirt. Being very experienced, Yunho stripped Jaejoong of his jeogori in no time, revealing Jaejoong’s beautiful abs and porcelain-like skin. He also removed Jaejoong’s necklace with the hourglass pendant and put it aside.

Yunho slowly laid Jaejoong on the ground, using their shirts as covering to the slightly damp grass beneath them. He kissed Jaejoong’s upper body, starting from his abdomen, moving upwards to his nipples.

Yunho grazed his teeth on one of Jaejoong’s nipple, making his lover moan with pleasure. He proceeded upward, laying kisses to Jaejoong’s collar bone and neck. He further moved upward, licking Jaejoong’s jawline and capturing Jaejoong’s lips again. Yunho’s arm wrapped itself around Jaejoong’s body while his free hand moved down Jaejoong’s body and stopped at his hard member. He slowly caressed Jaejoong’s member, making him slightly quiver beneath him.

“Wait Yunho.” Jaejoong whispered as he broke their kiss. He stripped himself of his lower garment and Yunho did the same.

They were both naked under the beautiful moon, its light shining down on them. Jaejoong once again moved closer to Yunho and lowered his head to Yunho’s neck. He began sucking on the skin of his lover’s neck and moved down to Yunho’s erect nipple. Jaejoong slipped his tongue outside his mouth and licked Yunho’s nipple in circles. This made Yunho moan with excitement and Jaejoong put his lover’s sensitive nipple in between his teeth and gave it a light squeeze, earning another moan of pleasure from Yunho.

“I love you Yunho.” Jaejoong whispered in the dark as he gazed at Yunho’s face lovingly.

“I love you too Jae.” Yunho said back, his voice full of sincerity.

Jaejoong laid Yunho beneath him and brought his hand down to Yunho’s hard member. He started to caress it slowly with his hand, making Yunho go insane with his every touch. He positioned his hand, Yunho’s hard length inside it, with the head visible outside of Jaejoong’s fist. He lowered and licked the head of Yunho’s member. He continuously teased it by licking his tongue back and forth. Feeling that he had teased Yunho enough, he put Yunho’s aching member completely inside his mouth.

Yunho moaned not too loudly by Jaejoong’s actions. He suppressed moaning loudly because he was afraid that someone might hear him. He saw Jaejoong pouting cutely.

“I was expecting a louder one from you.” Jaejoong said while smiling.

“Someone might hear me Jae.” Yunho said shyly.

“Yunho, we’re in the middle of the forest. No one could possibly hear us.” Jaejoong reminded him. “Moan for me Yunho, as loud as you can.”

Jaejoong went back to Yunho’s cock and once again put it inside his mouth. He started bobbing his head and Yunho loudly moaned with pleasure. Yunho’s fingers entangled themselves on Jaejoong’s hair, making him go faster. Once Jaejoong was finished, he removed his mouth from Yunho’s cock. Wasting no time, he went up Yunho’s body and pulled him into a passionate kiss, their tongues lashing against each other.

Yunho then switched their positions so that he was hovering on top of Jaejoong. He lowered his body towards Jaejoong and planted kisses on his lover’s face. He once again proceeded downwards, claiming every inch of Jaejoong his. He kissed his lover’s jawline, going down to his neck and shoulders, further to Jaejoong’s abdomen.

Yunho’s fingers found their way at Jaejoong’s entrance. He spread Jaejoong’s legs as wide as he could and inserted a finger first. He then brought a second finger inside and continued the scissoring action to stretch Jaejoong as much as possible. He stopped fingering and moved his cock near Jaejoong’s entrance.

“Jae, I’m going inside you now.” Yunho said with slight hesitation. He was afraid of hurting Jaejoong.

“Oh, please do Yunho.” Jaejoong said sarcastically. “Hurry up.”

“How impatient.” Yunho commented with a smirk.

Yunho slid his cock inside Jaejoong’s entrance and slowly pushed it in. Jaejoong arched his back as he felt the pain while Yunho penetrated inside him. Yunho saw the pain mirrored in Jaejoong’s face and it alarmed him.

“Jae, are you alright?” Yunho said with concern.

“Yunho, just fuck me! I can’t wait anymore!” Jaejoong screamed. Yunho obliged and pulled out, only to push back inside Jaejoong once again.

“Oh God! Yunho....aaahhhh!” Jaejoong cried with immense pleasure.

Jaejoong’s loud and sensual moans encouraged Yunho to go faster and deeper.

“More Yunho! I want more! Aaahh...” Jaejoong screamed.

Yunho thrust inside Jaejoong back and forth, hitting Jaejoong’s spot over and over again. With Yunho’s every thrust turning harder than the last one, Jaejoong’s moans also became louder than the last. Jaejoong also started to thrust his body, making Yunho go deeper inside him.

Their speed increased and their bodies moved in perfect unison. Both of them were slowly reaching their climax. Yunho’s hand began to pump Jaejoong’s neglected length. His pumping was in the same rhythm as his thrusts. Their loud moans and groans filled the night air in the small meadow.

Yunho leaned down and Jaejoong lifted himself a little to meet Yunho and they shared passionate kisses as they both thrust their bodies to each other.

Jaejoong soon released his cum and Yunho followed after. He removed his member from Jaejoong’s hole and laid right next to Jaejoong. He held his lover’s hand as they both tried to catch their breath. They were both drained from making love for the first time.

Yunho embraced Jaejoong tightly and Jaejoong also wrapped his arms around Yunho.

“I didn’t know that making love with another man was as good as this.” Yunho said and laughed.

“Me too.” Jaejoong said as he laughed along with Yunho.

“Thank you for returning my feelings back Jae. I love you.” Yunho said happily as he pecked Jaejoong on the lips.

“And thank you for making me realize how much I love you Yunho.” Jaejoong said with a smile.

They shared one last kiss, a kiss of pure love, before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Jaejoong’s hourglass stood on the slightly damp grass of the meadow. The moonlight shined down on it, revealing its content. One half of the gold dust was on one side, the other half on the other side. Time was slowly running out.


Chapter 13

Getting Serious

Chapter 13: Getting Serious

The bright light of the sun shined down on the small beautiful meadow in the middle of the forest, making everything visible. Yunho and Jaejoong were sleeping under a tree, their arms wrapped around each other. The beautiful auburn-haired man woke up first before his lover and the sunlight blinded his eyes as he opened them.

“Ugh...” Jaejoong mumbled and brought his hand to his eyes to cover them from the harsh sunlight. He felt someone else’s body beside him and remembered that he was with Yunho.

‘Oh, right. Yunho’s also here with me.’ Jaejoong thought as he turned his gaze on the man beside him. He just remained in Yunho’s arms as he thought about things.

Jaejoong remembered everything that happened between them last night and he instantly blushed.

‘I still can’t believe that I did that with Yunho. I never imagined myself having sex with another man. And to think that I was the one who seduced him...’ Jaejoong thought and mentally screamed. He didn’t know how he would face Yunho.

‘But still, I’m happy that I did it with the one I love.’ Jaejoong smiled as he continued to gaze at Yunho’s sleeping face.

“Mnnn..” Yunho murmured as he stirred in his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing that he saw was a pair of big beautiful eyes staring at him.

“Y-Yunho! You’re already awake!” Jaejoong said awkwardly. He turned his gaze away from Yunho and avoided eye contact. He pulled away from him and noticed that he was still naked.

“I’m still naked?!” Jaejoong said and immediately darted his eyes for his clothes. Yunho just watched him with amusement.

“Jae, why are so worried about being naked in front of me?” Yunho asked.

“I...It’s embarrassing Yunho.” Jaejoong answered as he struggled to put on his clothes quickly. “And don’t look!”

“We already did it last night and now you’re getting embarrassed about not having any clothes on in front of me?” Yunho laughed.

“Well...” Jaejoong paused to think. “Well it’s different!”

“And it’s broad daylight now! Someone might see us Yunho!” Jaejoong added.

“Oh, right.” Yunho realized as he grabbed his own clothes and hurriedly put them on.

“Yunho, how do we get back?” Jaejoong asked once he was already dressed.

“I don’t know.” Yunho answered, half-naked with only his pants on.

“Yah! What do you mean you don’t know?” Jaejoong said worriedly.

“I was only joking Jae. Of course I know the way out. I lead us here last night, remember?” Yunho answered with a smile. “You worry too much.”

“That wasn’t funny. I thought we were going to be stuck again like last time.” Jaejoong said, slightly upset.

“Aw, I’m sorry Jae.” Yunho said and embraced Jaejoong tightly. Jaejoong pressed his cheek on Yunho’s bare chest and felt his warmth.

“And you don’t have to be embarrassed about anything whenever you’re with me.” Yunho whispered in Jaejoong’s ears as he held on him.

“Yeah.” Jaejoong answered as he felt himself melting and going weak in Yunho’s arms.

“Let’s go back now.” Yunho said as he broke their hug. He held Jaejoong’s hand in his and the two of them followed the path leading outside the forest.

“God, my ass hurts like hell.” Jaejoong complained as they walked through the forest.

“Sorry Jae.” Yunho said as he smiled sheepishly.


“Jae! Where have you been?” Yoochun said as he saw Jaejoong enter his house. He stood up from his seat and immediately went to Jaejoong. “When I went to your room this morning, I didn’t see you. I also searched the whole house but I didn’t find you anywhere.”

‘Oh, shit! I forgot about Yoochun! Think about something Jaejoong!’Jaejoong thought.

“Oh, uhm, I...” Jaejoong tried to think of a good excuse. “I woke up very early this morning and I couldn’t go back to sleep so I just strolled nearby.”

“Why is your hanbok like that? Did something happen to you?” Yoochun asked as he noticed Jaejoong’s slightly dirty hanbok.

“Oh, this.” Jaejoong started to explain, racking his brain for an excuse. “Uhm, I tripped over something and I ended up staining my hanbok.”

“I’m so relieved that you’re alright. I thought something bad might have happened to you.” Yoochun said.

“Thanks for your concern Yoochun.” Jaejoong smiled. “Sorry for making you worry.”

“It’s alright. What’s important is that you’re alright.” Yoochun answered.


Back in the palace, Yunho snuck on the back to prevent being seen by the guards in the front gate. He managed to go to his room without being seen by anyone. As he opened the door to his room, Donghae was already waiting for him inside.

“Yah! Where have you been? I was worried sick about you!” Donghae said angrily.

“Sorry Hae. I didn’t plan on not coming back last night. I was...umm...caught up with something.” Yunho explained.

“So, what happened?” Donghae asked curiously as his anger subsided.

“He loves me Hae.” Yunho said quietly at first. “Jaejoong loves me!” he shouted happily.

“That’s great!” Donghae said as he gave a quick hug to his friend.

“But Yunho” Donghae started, the happiness and excitement in his tone being replaced by a serious one. “I know that both of you love each other, but there’s one thing that’s bothering me.”

“What is it?” Yunho asked.

“You’re the Royal Prince.” Donghae stated.

“Yes, I know that already.” Yunho said, not knowing what Donghae wanted to point out to him.

“You are next in line to the throne Yunho. You are the next King of the Kingdom of Joseon. You are not allowed to be with anyone else but the Royal Princess.”

“Yes, I also know that.” Yunho admitted as the truth hit him.

“Well, what are you planning to do? You perfectly know that your relationship with Jaejoong isn’t allowed. He isn’t of noble birth and most of all, he’s a guy.” Donghae asked.

“I’m not about to give up Jaejoong. I can’t do that.” Yunho said, his voice full of determination. Donghae saw the seriousness on Yunho’s face. It was his first time seeing his friend that serious about something.

“You’re really serious about him, right?” Donghae asked.

“Yes, definitely.” Yunho answered confidently.

“If that’s your answer, I’ll support you with your decision.” Donghae put his hand on Yunho’s shoulder and prepared to leave the room.

“Thank you.” Yunho sincerely said.


Even if his relationship with Jaejoong wasn’t allowed, nothing could stop Yunho from seeing the one that he loved. He still escaped from the palace to meet up with Jaejoong. That night, he arrived at their meeting place not far from the trading place earlier than Jaejoong.

“Jae’s not here yet.” Yunho said as he sat on the ground. He looked around him for any sign of Jaejoong. “I’ll just wait for him to come.”

Meanwhile, Jaejoong was still in Yoochun’s house preparing to leave. He just finished feeding Yoochun’s horse. Seeing that Yoochun was in his work place as usual, Jaejoong left the house.

“Jae?” Yoochun called but no one answered. His eye caught a figure not far from his house and knew that it was Jaejoong.

“Where is he going this late in the night?” Yoochun said to himself. Getting curious about Jaejoong’s suspicious actions, Yoochun followed him.

Jaejoong walked on his usual path to their meeting place. He was oblivious to Yoochun silently following him. When he was close enough to his destination, he saw in the distance a figure of a man sitting on the ground and knew that it was Yunho. Yoochun also saw that there was someone not far away from Jaejoong.

‘Is he meeting someone here?’ Yoochun thought as he hid himself in the trees. He moved closer to see them more clearly.

Yoochun saw Jaejoong walk towards the unknown person and assumed that the person wasn’t a stranger to Jaejoong. His assumption was confirmed as the unknown man got up and hugged Jaejoong.

‘Oh, he’s Jaejoong’s friend.’ Yoochun was relieved to know that Jaejoong was safe. One of his reasons on following Jaejoong was that he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t in danger. Yoochun was about to leave but something made him stop. He saw Jaejoong kissing the man in front of him. At that moment, Yoochun felt pain in his heart.


Chapter 14

The Royal Princess

Chapter 14: The Royal Princess

Yoochun felt sudden pain in his heart as he saw Jaejoong kissing someone. He couldn’t see who the unknown man was but he didn’t care. All that he wanted was to flee from the scene in front of him for it was causing him unbearable pain the longer that he watched. He forced himself to move and dragged his feet back to his house.

Once Yoochun was inside his house, he immediately went to his room and collapsed on his bed. He just stared at the ceiling as he tried to collect his thoughts.

‘Why am I feeling like this?’ Yoochun wondered. ‘When I saw Jae kissing that man, I was really hurt. Does this mean anything?’

“Wait!” Yoochun suddenly shouted as he lifted himself in a sitting position on his bed. “Do I like Jae? That’s the only reason that I can think of.”

“Argh! What the hell! Just forget about what you saw earlier Yoochun!” Yoochun said in frustration as his head ached from thinking about what he witnessed. He forced himself to sleep.

The next day, Yoochun woke up to find Jaejoong already preparing their breakfast.

“Good morning!” Jaejoong greeted cheerfully.

“Morning Jae.” Yoochun said groggily, still a bit sleepy. He sat on the dining table and watched Jaejoong go about the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Jaejoong set the food on the table and sat opposite to Yoochun. They ate in silence as Yoochun kept stealing glances at Jaejoong. He remembered the scene from last night and it was greatly bothering him.

‘Is that man last night Jaejoong’s lover?’ Yoochun mused.

Jaejoong noticed that Yoochun was spacing out as he wasn’t eating his food. “Yoochun, are you alright?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m alright.” Yoochun said, slightly startled.

“Are you sure? You looked like something was bothering you.” Jaejoong stated.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me.” Yoochun lied and gave a smile.

“Well, okay.” Jaejoong said, not fully convinced. “You know that you can always talk to me if you have a problem right?”

“Yes, I know that Jae.” Yoochun responded. “Thanks for your concern.”

“No problem.” Jaejoong smiled. “We’re friends and friends worry for each other.”

“Yeah.” Yoochun said softly. “We’re....friends.”


“Your highness, the King summons your presence.” one of the palace maids said.

“Alright. I’ll be right there.” Yunho answered. He exited his room and went straight to his father’s quarters. When he opened the door, he saw that his father wasn’t alone. There were three other people in the room besides the king and they were all strangers to Yunho. It was his first time seeing them. One of the three was a girl that was slightly younger than Yunho. Beside the girl were people who were older than her and seemed to be her parents.

Yunho entered the room and bowed to his father and the visitors. He sat beside his father, opposite the visitors. He was about to question his father about what was happening when his father spoke.

“I summoned you here to introduce you to the future queen of Hanseong.” King Jeongjo said. “This is Yoon EunHye, the Royal Princess of the Kingdom of Joseon and your future wife.”

Yunho couldn’t believe what he heard. The Royal Princess had already been decided.

“It’s...n-nice to meet you.” Yunho managed to say as he overcame the shock of the news.

“Same here.” EunHye said and smiled.

“By the way, they are EunHye’s parents.” King Jeongjo motioned to the two people beside EunHye. Yunho properly greeted them.

“We will be properly declaring EunHye as the Royal Princess next week. The preparations are already being taken care of.” the king continued.

“Next week?” Yunho said in disbelief. Things were really going fast for him.

“Yes, next week. We have already decided to hold it next week. Is something wrong with that Yunho?” King Jeongjo turned to his son.

“Uhm, no, no father.” Yunho lied. He wanted to protest about everything that his father was saying but he couldn’t due to the presence of the visitors.

“So that’s settled then.” King Jeongjo said. “And Yunho, accompany EunHye to the trading place.”

“Yes father.” Yunho agreed.


“Jae, I’ll be leaving for while. I have to deliver this to one of my customers in the other village. Take care of the stall for me.” Yoochun said as he prepared to leave.

“Alright.” Jaejoong agreed. “Take care.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Yoochun said. “And if you encounter problems, just ask for Junsu’s help.”


“I’ll be going then.” Yoochun left the stall.

“See you later.” Jaejoong said as he watched Yoochun leave.


Yunho and EunHye went out of the palace walls and they were accompanied by a few palace guards. Yunho led his future wife, not that he wanted to be her husband, in different places in the trading place. Once the people in the trading place saw them, they started gossiping and not long enough, the news that the Royal Prince was outside the palace had already spread.

“The Royal Prince is here!”

“Really? Where?”

“Over there. Beside that girl.”

“And who is that girl?”

“I don’t know. It’s my first time seeing her.”

“They look like a couple. Wait! Maybe she’s...”

“Maybe she’s what?”

“Maybe she’s the Royal Prince’s fiancé!”

“Oooh! Yes, yes! I think you’re right about that!”

Yunho noticed that almost all of the people around them were aware that he was the Royal Prince. He was getting too much attention because all eyes were on him and EunHye. It was starting to irritate him and he worried that EunHye was feeling uncomfortable. He turned his gaze on his soon to be Royal Princess and saw that she was busy happily looking at the different ornaments, completely oblivious of the people gossiping and staring at her.

‘She’s so carefree.’ Yunho commented about EunHye in his head.

“Yunho, let’s go that way.” EunHye said as she left the ornament store and joined Yunho. “I want to look at ceramics. I’m thinking of buying one for my father.”

“Alright then.” Yunho said. One of the guards accompanying them led the way to one of the finest ceramic maker in the trading place.


“Junsu, what’s going on?” Jaejoong asked as he noticed the commotion going on in the trading place. The people near their stall were leaving excitedly towards one direction. It was like some superstar was in the vicinity and people were flocking to get a glance at the artist.

“It seems to be that the Royal Prince is here in the trading place.” Junsu answered. He had already asked a girl hurrying towards the increasing number of people and she told him about the Royal Prince.

“Why are people making such a fuss about it?” Jaejoong asked.

“Well, it’s because people rarely see the Royal Prince. Not just the Royal Prince, but all of the royalty in the palace. They are not allowed to just go outside the palace. They must have palace guards with them at all times to ensure their safety. I have seen the Royal Prince only once, when he was with his father, King Jeongjo. People are acting like that because the opportunity to see the Royal Prince is very rare. It’s not every day that you get to see someone of royal birth right?” Junsu explained. “And one more thing, one of the reasons why all of the girls flock like that is because the Royal Prince is very handsome. Even though I’m a guy, I admit that he really is good-looking.”

“Really?” Jaejoong said, quite unimpressed with all the attention that the Royal Prince was getting.

“Oh! Look Jae! The people are heading over here! That means that the prince is moving in this direction. You’ll get to see him.” Junsu pointed at the flock of people.

Jaejoong turned to look at the direction Junsu was pointing at and Junsu was right. People were starting to go near their stall. He caught a glance of a tall man clad in a very special looking hanbok. His clothing was standing out in the crowd of people and Jaejoong assumed that he was the price because of his princely clothes. But he couldn’t see the face of the prince because of the people hovering near him.

Jaejoong and Junsu continued to watch the crowd of people and noticed that they were getting closer and closer to their spot.

“Jae, do you think the Royal Prince is going to visit our stall?” Junsu said excitedly. “I mean, he looks like he’s going in this direction!”

“I don’t know Junsu.” Jaejoong answered as he noticed the man in the princely clothes was walking towards their direction.

Jaejoong and Junsu’s guess were right. The guard leading Yunho and EunHye halted in front of Yoochun’s stall and the other guards motioned for the people to maintain their distance. The people around immediately obeyed the palace guards. Once the people near the prince disappeared, his face became visible. The moment that Jaejoong’s eyes landed on the Royal Prince’s face, his eyes widened and his face mirrored shock.

“Jae, are you alright?” Junsu noticed Jaejoong’s shocked expression.

Jaejoong instantly ducked down to hide himself from Yunho.

“Junsu, come over here! Take care of the stall for me! This is very urgent!” Jaejoong hissed, still hiding himself.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Junsu was getting curious at Jaejoong’s weird actions.

“I’ll explain to you later.” Jaejoong said and left the stall, exiting in the back to avoid being seen.

‘I wonder what’s wrong with Jae.’ Junsu mused as he left his own stall to tend Yoochun’s.

“Good morning!” Junsu greeted the customers.

“Go ahead and look EunHye.” Yunho said.

“Okay.” EunHye said as she left Yunho’s side to look at the ceramic pieces being sold.

“This one is beautiful.” EunHye pointed at a small ceramic pot with intricate designs.

“Oh yes it is. You have a good eye.” Junsu commented.

“Thanks.” EunHye smiled. “Are you the one who made this one?”

“Oh no. My friend is the one who made that. It’s a pity that the maker of these beautiful ceramics isn’t here.” Junsu explained.

“Yeah.” EunHye agreed. “His works are really beautiful.”

“Well, you can meet him some other time.” Junsu suggested.

“Oh, I don’t live near this trading place. I’m from another village quite far from here.” EunHye said. “But I hope to really meet him in the future when I transfer in the palace.”

“Whoa? You’re going to live in the palace?” Junsu couldn’t help but ask.

“Uhm, yeah.” EunHye admitted. She sensed that Junsu was a good person and she leaned in closer and said, “Actually, I’m soon going to be the Royal Princess.”

“Really? That’s great!” Junsu squeeled.

“Shh!” EunHye hissed as she put her index finger near her lips to silence Junsu.

“Oh, sorry about that.” Junsu said, slightly embarrassed.

“It’s okay.” EunHye said and smiled. “So, I’ll buy this one.”

“Alright.” Junsu said and wrapped the small ceramic pot. He accepted the payment and bade goodbye to the soon to be Royal Princess.

“Thanks for purchasing! Good bye...uhmm...” Junsu paused as he was about to say the Royal Princess’ name but realized that he didn’t know her name.

“EunHye. My name is Yoon EunHye.”

“Right. Bye EunHye! Come back again.” Junsu said cheerfully.

“You haven’t told me your name yet.” EunHye reminded Junsu. She was really glad to meet someone friendly and cheerful as Junsu.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kim Junsu. It’s nice to meet you EunHye, or should I say Your Highness?” Junsu apologized.

“Silly. I’m not the Royal Princess yet and I prefer to be called by my name. It’s nice to meet you too Junsu. I’ll definitely go back here. See you again.” EunHye bade goodbye and returned to Yunho’s side. One of the guards carried the pot that she bought.

“Wah, she’s so nice! The Royal Prince is lucky to have her.” Junsu said as the Royal Prince and his company left.


Jaejoong ran away as fast as he could from the trading place. He ended up near the edge of the forest and sat under a tree to rest. He tried to catch his breath and allowed his racing heart to come back to its normal pace.

“I can’t believe this! My boyfriend is a prince!”


Chapter 15

She's not You

Chapter 15: She’s not you

EunHye and her family left the palace before dusk. King Jeongjo, Yunho, Changmin, Donghae, and the people working in the palace bade their goodbyes to the guests and sent them off. That night, as part of his everyday routine, Yunho sneaked out of the palace to see Jaejoong. Also, as part of their everyday routine, Yunho expected that he would be waiting as usual for Jaejoong but his assumption was wrong. Under their self-claimed tree, Jaejoong sat on the ground.

“Jae!” Yunho shouted excitedly at the sight of his lover. He quickly ran towards him and gave him a tight hug. Jaejoong embraced Yunho back and rested his chin on Yunho’s shoulders.

“I missed you Yunho.” Jaejoong whispered, still in Yunho’s arms.

“Me too. I wish that I could always see you Jae.” Yunho said. “It’s very frustrating not knowing what you are doing, or where you are, or if you’re safe and not sick.”

“I didn’t know that you think about those things.” Jaejoong chuckled.

“I’ll let you in on my little secret.” Yunho started.

“That you’re a prince?” Jaejoong said bluntly.

Yunho’s eyes widened in surprise at what Jaejoong said. He slowly pulled away from Jaejoong and looked away from his face.

“Yunho, why didn’t you tell me?” Jaejoong asked, his tone unaccusing.

Yunho fixed himself to sit beside Jaejoong before answering.

“I’m sorry for not telling you about my true identity Jae.” Yunho explained. “In fact, I was scared.”

Jaejoong didn’t say anything and Yunho continued. “I didn’t tell you that I am the Royal Prince because I was afraid that you might stay away from me. You know, you’re my first friend outside of the palace. I thought that you might think differently of me once you knew what I really am. I didn’t want you to treat me as a prince like the others do. I wanted you to treat me as an equal, not a person with a high status in this society because I was born with it.”

Jaejoong was still quiet as he stared at the ground. Yunho also fell silent as both of them thought about things.

“This changes things, doesn’t it?” Yunho broke the silence.

“No it doesn’t.” Jaejoong finally spoke. “It doesn’t change anything Yunho. The fact that you’re a prince doesn’t change anything. I really don’t care if you’re a prince or even an alien. I love you and that’s what’s important.”

“Really?” Yunho asked in relief. He was so afraid that Jaejoong would not feel the same about him anymore.

“Of course.” Jaejoong assured and gave a warm smile.

“And, by the way, what’s an alien?” Yunho asked innocently.

“Oh, it’s just some strange creature.” Jaejoong answered, suddenly feeling guilty. He already knew Yunho’s secret but he hadn’t told him about his own secret. Jaejoong wasn’t still sure if he was ready to tell it to anybody aside from Yoochun who knew his secret. He trusts Yunho with his life but he was not sure if Yunho was ready to know that he was from the future.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard about it.” Yunho said.

‘Of course. I don’t think people already know about aliens in this part of history.’ Jaejoong said to himself.

“I’m curious about something. How did you find out that I was a prince?” Yunho asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, that. I saw you earlier at the trading place.” Jaejoong explained. “My friend told me that you were the Royal Prince. That’s how I found out.”

“Really? So you were also there earlier. Why didn’t I see you?”

“That’s because I hid from you.” Jaejoong admitted.

“You hid from me?” Yunho asked and smiled.

“You remember the ceramics stall that you visited in the trading place?”


“I work there so I saw your party approaching our stall. And when I saw your face, I just ducked down to hide myself from you and I snuck out of the stall. I guess I was so shocked to discover that you were actually a prince so out of instinct, I hid myself so that you won’t know that I already know about your true identity.” Jaejoong explained.

“That’s so mean of you. I was so surprised when you said that I was a prince just minutes ago. I had no idea that you saw me earlier.” Yunho said and pouted.

“Sorry about that. But it’s just fair right? I mean, I was also surprised to know that my lover is actually a prince of this kingdom. That was really shocking.” Jaejoong said with a bit of sarcasm.

“Yeah, we’re even now.” Yunho agreed.

“Yunho” Jaejoong said for he wanted to ask something.


“I’m just curious about something.”

“What is it?”

“Uhm...” Jaejoong hesitated for a bit. “Who was that girl beside you earlier in the trading place?”

Yunho thought that there was no point in lying to Jaejoong and he just decided to tell the truth. “Jae, she’s Yoon EunHye. The soon to be Royal Princess.”

“The Royal Princess? Wait, you’re the Royal Prince right?” Jaejoong wanted to confirm.

“Yeah.” Yunho admitted. As much as he didn’t want to be the Royal Prince, he couldn’t escape reality.

“So that means that...she’s your fiancé?” Jaejoong choked.

Yunho sighed before answering “Yes”. “I knew about it earlier this day, right before I accompanied EunHye into the trading place. My father already planned it out and he just told me about it today.”

Jaejoong didn’t respond to Yunho’s answer because he couldn’t think of anything to say. His mind was so confused about the things that he was discovering one by one. Their problem finally dawned on Jaejoong.

“But don’t get me wrong about the thing with my fiancé Jae. I don’t want you to think that I’ve been cheating on you all this time that we’ve been together. The fact that I already have a fiancé also shocked me. I have no intention to hurt you Jae.” Yunho said worriedly.

Jaejoong held Yunho’s hand and said, “I know Yunho. I believe in you.”

“I want you to know one thing Jae.” Yunho said seriously.

“What is it?”

“I won’t get married to her. She’s not you.” Yunho sincerely stated, which made Jaejoong’s heart melt.

“You really don’t fail to make me smile.” Jaejoong commented with a smile. He leaned in and kissed Yunho.

“I want you to come with me Jae. We’ll go far away from here.” Yunho proposed.


“I’ve already thought about this Jae.” Yunho said as he looked straight into Jaejoong’s beautiful wide eyes.

“But Yunho...you’re Joseon’s Royal Prince.” Jaejoong said.

“I know. But I can’t lose you Jae. I don’t care about losing my title as the Royal Prince but not you. Definitely not you.” Yunho said with a voice full of determination.


“I’ll give you time to think Jae. I won’t force you into something that you don’t like. I’ll respect your answer, whatever it is and no matter how painful it is.” Yunho said. “But we have a little time left before EunHye gets proclaimed as the Royal Princess. We should leave before that time comes.”

“When is the proclamation?” Jaejoong asked.

“Next week.” Yunho answered.

‘Next week already?’ Jaejoong thought. “Alright. I’ll give my answer as soon as possible.”


Hidden from everyone’s eyes, four men were meeting inside a house far from prying eyes and eavesdroppers. They were immersed in discussing about their plan, one that could change everything.

“How is everything progressing?” the leader asked his followers.

“Everything is going as planned sir. In a few days time, everything will be ready.” one of the three men reported.

“Good!” the leader exclaimed. He couldn’t suppress his excitement anymore. He waited for 24 long years just to get his revenge one day. And that day was soon to come.

“Are the allegiances of the prisoners completely on our side?” the leader asked again.

“Yes sir. One of my men already convinced them to come to our side.”

“And the bandits?”

“All of them are ready to serve you, my lord.”

“The weapons?”

“That’s what we’re waiting for. The weapons will be ready in a few days.”

“Brilliant! Men, a few days from now, victory will be ours!” the leader shouted, the seed of revenge on his eyes.


Chapter 16

Jaejoong's Decision

Chapter 16: Jaejoong’s Decision

“Yoochun, have you ever loved someone?” Jaejoong asked out of the blue one day while they were eating breakfast.

“Huh?” Yoochun was surprised at the sudden question.

“Have you ever loved someone?” Jaejoong repeated.

“Uhm...I don’t think so.” Yoochun admitted, thinking about how he felt at Jaejoong.

“What do you mean by that? You’re not sure?” Jaejoong asked curiously.

“Yeah. I’m not really sure about how I feel.” Yoochun answered, avoiding eye contact with Jaejoong.

“Really? So who is that lucky person?” Jaejoong asked, getting interested.

Yoochun thought that it wasn’t a good idea to tell Jaejoong that he wasn’t sure if he loved him and decided to lie, “Uhm, it’s someone you don’t know.”

“Oh.” Jaejoong sensed that Yoochun doesn’t want to talk about it and just asked what he wanted to from the start. “Well, I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?” Yoochun asked.

“If you love someone so deeply, would you do anything if there was a way to be with that person? Even if you have to sacrifice something that is also very important?” Jaejoong asked seriously.

“Well, if there was a way that I could be with the one I love, then why not? If I really love someone, I would be ready to sacrifice to be with that person. I don’t want to regret anything in my life and just keep on wondering what would have happened if I didn’t give up the one I love.” Yoochun answered. “I believe in one thing. If you are very sure that you love someone, you shouldn’t give up no matter what. I mean, it’s not every day that we meet someone that we would want to spend the rest of our life with, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Jaejoong responded but his mind was thinking about something else.

“By the way, why did you ask that question?”

“Oh, nothing. I was just curious.” Jaejoong answered and smiled.


After Jaejoong’s conversation with Yunho, the Royal Prince’s offer was all that Jaejoong could think about. It was something that Jaejoong was having a hard time figuring out what to do. The decision that he would be making was something that could change everything. So far, it was the most difficult decision that he faced. All of his programming problems were nothing compared to the decision he needed to make.

“Aah! I could take on all kinds of programming problems but why can’t I solve my own life problem?!” Jaejoong huffed.

There were many implications to the decision he would be making.

If Jaejoong chose to flee away from Hanseong with Yunho, Yunho would be abandoning his family and his title as the Royal Prince. He would be giving up the life that he was used to all of his life to be with the one he loved.

Jaejoong understood the sacrifices that Yunho was ready to make. He didn’t know if it was right to let Yunho sacrifice everything like that. Just thinking about it made Jaejoong feel guilty.

Another problem was the fact that Jaejoong didn’t belong to the past. That simple fact was a big problem because he didn’t know when he would be able to go back to his own time or whether he would just be allowed to stay in the past if he wanted to. But the fact that Jaejoong was able to stay in Ancient Korea for a month already somehow gave him confidence about things.

Staying in Ancient Korea for a month changed Jaejoong’s perspective in life. Going back to a very simple life helped him appreciate more about life. He realized that he had taken things for granted. Living the life of Koreans in the past made him appreciate the wonders of his own country.

But if he decides to stay in the past, he wouldn’t be able to see his family anymore. Yes, he would be together with Yunho, but he would need to sacrifice his family. Jaejoong wasn’t sure if he was ready for that. Another thing that he realized by living in the past was the importance of his family in his life. He realized that he didn’t give much significance to his family in the years that he spent in America and that it was really selfish of him to bear not seeing them because of his ambition. If given a chance, Jaejoong wanted to correct things. But he wouldn’t be able to do that if he would stay in Ancient Korea.

For Jaejoong, it was his first time to love someone so deeply. Yes, he had some relationships in the past, but those were nothing compared to how he felt about Yunho. His love for Yunho was something that was completely unexpected. It didn’t even cross his mind that he would be able to meet someone that he would love with all of his heart. What he had with Yunho was something that Jaejoong was very thankful about.

In fact, if Jaejoong wasn’t transported to the past, he wouldn’t be able to meet Yunho. He wouldn’t be able to experience what it was like to love someone with all your heart and be loved in return. What seemed to be a very bad thing at the start turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to Jaejoong.

If Jaejoong chose not to come with Yunho, the obvious implication was they would have to end their relationship. If they don’t go far away, their relationship would be discovered in no time and Jaejoong was sure that it would only end badly. Yunho was a prince and not just a prince but the Royal Prince, who was next to the throne of the Kingdom of Joseon. He wasn’t allowed to have a relationship with anyone aside from the Royal Princess, his soon-to-be wife. Jaejoong was definitely not the Royal Princess, nor was he of noble birth, and furthermore, he was a man. His relationship with Yunho was something that people would not easily understand, especially in Ancient Korea. If they met each other in the present time, their relationship would have worked because being gay wasn’t that much of an issue anymore. But that wasn’t the case at hand. People were much more open-minded and liberated in the present time compared to the past.

Yunho was bound to be the next ruler of the Kingdom of Joseon and if they don’t escape, they wouldn’t be able to stay with each other. Jaejoong wouldn’t be allowed to be with Yunho and he would be hurt in the process.

But the main reason why Jaejoong was having a hard time making his decision was because of the uncertainty of his stay in Ancient Korea. He didn’t know when he would go back to the future or he would be stuck forever in the past. That problem greatly affects his decision. If Jaejoong decides to go away with Yunho, there was no assurance that he would be able to stay with him. Who knows, one day he might just be gone and be back in the future, leaving Yunho behind and making Yunho’s sacrifice be for nothing. If Jaejoong decides to stay in Hanseong, there was also no assurance that he would be able to go back to his own time. There was a possibility that Jaejoong would not be able to back to the future and he would regret it forever that he let the chance to be with Yunho pass.

No matter what Jaejoong chooses, he was sure to get hurt in the end.


“Donghae, I have something to tell you.” Yunho said to his friend. As usual, Donghae was in Yunho’s room. They both lay in Yunho’s bed.

Donghae and Yunho had been friends since they were little. Donghae lost his parents at an early age because of an accident and he was sent to the palace to live there. His parents were close friends of King Jeongjo. Donghae didn’t have any living family relatives anymore so the King decided to let him live in the palace. He owed his life to King Jeongjo and his family.

When Donghae first lived in the palace, he didn’t talk to anyone nor play with the other kids. He would only talk if it was the King that was conversing with him. He preferred to be alone. Losing his parents at a very young age made him like that.

Yunho was the very opposite of Donghae. He was a very playful and energetic kid who liked to meet new people. He was always full of smiles no matter what happens. Donghae’s attitude made Yunho curious. One day, he approached Donghae when he saw him alone in a corner of the palace’s courtyard.

“Hi!” Yunho greeted cheerfully. He always wanted to make friends. Being brought up as a prince, his childhood wasn’t a normal one. He wasn’t allowed to just make friends with anybody. Also, his chances of making friends with anybody were very limited because he wasn’t allowed to go out of the palace without the palace guards as escorts.

Yunho was very lonely before Donghae came to the palace. Even though he got everything he wanted, he didn’t have any true friends. Yes, he had several friends, those kids who were sons and daughters of his father’s friends, but he knew that they were only friends with him because he was a prince.

When Donghae came to the palace, Yunho saw that as an opportunity to have a friend. Donghae was just his age and he was also a boy.

“...” Donghae ignored Yunho.

“Why don’t you talk to anybody?” Yunho asked, sitting in front of Donghae. Donghae shifted his position.


“Your name is Donghae, right? My father told me.”


“I’m Yunho.” Yunho said with a friendly smile and stretched out his hand. He waited until Donghae reached out for his hand but it didn’t happen. Donghae kept on ignoring him, like Yunho wasn’t there in the first place.

“Yah, you’re being rude now, you know? It’s bad to ignore people who are talking to you.” Yunho scolded like an adult.

Still not wanting to talk to Yunho, Donghae got up and left Yunho. Yunho immediately followed him.

“Hey! Wait!” Yunho shouted as he ran to catch up with Donghae. Donghae noticed that Yunho was catching up to him and sprinted across the courtyard.

“Wait!” Yunho increased his speed as he ran after Donghae. Being faster than Donghae, he caught up to him in no time and grabbed his arm.

“What do you want?!” Donghae screamed, tears brimming in his eyes.

Yunho saw the pain mirrored in Donghae’s eyes and he felt pity for him. He immediately let go of Donghae’s arm.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Yunho apologized, his head hung low.

“I-I’m not crying!” Donghae denied as he wiped the tears on his eyes.

“Then what do you call this?” Yunho said as he helped Donghae wipe a tear with his thumb.

“T-That’s not a tear.” Donghae insisted.

“Well, okay, if you say so.” Yunho said and smiled. His smile instantly disappeared and shock painted his face.

“Wait a minute! You talked! You already talked!” Yunho said excitedly.

“Yah! Stop that already! I’m not talking anymore! It’s just because you were so annoying earlier that I was forced to open my mouth!” Donghae said as he tried to cover Yunho’s mouth with his hand.

“But why?” Yunho whined. “Why do you insist on not talking? Don’t you get bored?”

“I-I just don’t want to.” Donghae said quietly.

“I thought you’re not talking anymore?” Yunho asked cheekily.

“Wha-I’m really not talking anymore!”

Yunho laughed at Donghae’s flushed face.

“Hey! Why are you laughing?!” Donghae shouted to Yunho who was clutching his belly from laughing.

“You should look at your face. It’s so red right now. You’re like a tomato.” Yunho continued laughing.

“I look like a tomato? Well look at yourself, you look like a porcupine!” Donghae said and laughed. It was his first time to laugh since he moved in the palace.

“So, you’re not a weirdo after all. You’re talking and laughing now.” Yunho commented as he watched Donghae laugh happily for the first time.

“Who said I’m a weirdo? Of course not.” Donghae responded.

“Well you acted like one.” Yunho said matter-of-factly.

“I...I was just so lonely because I have no one anymore.” Donghae said, his voice quivering as he fought his tears from falling.

“You won’t be lonely anymore.” Yunho said and smiled. “I’ll be your friend.”

“Really?” Donghae’s eyes brightened.

“Yes!” Yunho said excitedly.

“What is it, Yunho?” an older Donghae asked beside Yunho.

“I’m telling you this because I trust you.” Yunho started. “I’m going to go far away from Hanseong with Jaejoong.”

“What?” Donghae was surprised by his friend’s news. He sat up straight on Yunho’s bed and Yunho did the same.

“Hae, I can’t lose Jaejoong.” Yunho simply said but his words were full of emotion.

“You’re going to give up your title and responsibility as the Royal Prince?” Donghae questioned.


“But what about your father? He’ll be heartbroken when he finds out that you’re gone for good.” Donghae tried to reason.

“You know very well from the start that I have no intention of being the next ruler of this kingdom. Besides, father still has Changmin.”

“I know that.” Donghae said quietly. “When do you plan on leaving?”

“Before EunHye gets proclaimed as the Royal Princess.”

“That’s...that’s already next week!” Donghae exclaimed.

“Yes. We need to leave as soon as we can.” Yunho said. “But that plan is still not sure.”

“What do you mean by that?” Donghae asked with a confused expression.

“Jaejoong still hasn’t given me his answer whether he’ll come with me or not.” Yunho answered. “I don’t want to force him to come with me, that’s why I’ve given him a chance to decide.”

“You really love him, right?” Donghae stated.

“Yes. So much.”

“I’m proud of you Yunho.” Donghae smiled. “This is the first time that I’ve seen you so determined about something. You can count on me. I’ll help you with your plan of escape.”



Three days after their conversation, Yunho and Jaejoong met up at their usual place. Yunho was the first to arrive and he sat under their tree as he waited for Jaejoong. After a couple of minutes, footsteps could be heard approaching Yunho’s spot, and a figure of a man appeared. It was no other than Jaejoong.

Yunho’s heart instantly raced because of his nervousness. He anticipated Jaejoong’s decision. With Jaejoong’s every step closer, Yunho’s heart beat escalated.

“Yunho, I have already decided.”


Chapter 17


Chapter 17: Infiltration

“Yunho, I have already decided.” Jaejoong said as he approached Yunho. Yunho got up from his sitting position under the tree and waited for Jaejoong, his heart racing with extreme nervousness. Jaejoong stopped just in front of Yunho and looked at him straight in the eyes.

“So...uhm...” Yunho stuttered as he couldn’t find the right words to say. “What’s your decision Jae?”

It was true that Yunho told Jaejoong that he would respect whatever decision Jaejoong came up with. But deep inside, he was strongly hoping and praying that Jaejoong would choose to flee away from Hanseong and be with him. He didn’t know if he could take it if Jaejoong chose otherwise.

Before Jaejoong met up with Yunho again, his mind had already been set on a decision. But as he stood in front of Yunho, he was starting to have doubts about his decision.

‘Is this right? Is my decision the right thing to do?’ Jaejoong thought as he gazed at Yunho’s eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. A war was going on in Jaejoong’s mind regarding his decision.

“Jae, are you alright?” Yunho asked worriedly because Jaejoong’s face was getting pale by each minute.

“Yeah.” Jaejoong gave a smile. “I’m alright.”

‘What is he thinking now?’ Yunho thought as he waited for Jaejoong to give his answer. Jaejoong was just looking at Yunho and he was thinking hard about something.

As Jaejoong continued to gaze at Yunho, something suddenly crossed his mind and it made him realize something. He knew that he couldn’t take it if he wouldn’t be able to see that ever-so-familiar face of Yunho anymore. Jaejoong advanced forward and suddenly embraced the man in front of him, taking him by surprise.

“Jae...” Yunho said with slightly surprised eyes. “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong Yunho. In fact, everything is right.” Jaejoong said and smiled as he hugged Yunho tighter, pulling him closer in the process.

“Huh?” Yunho said in a dumbfounded expression.

Jaejoong chuckled at the clueless Yunho.

‘I have decided already and I know that it’s the right thing.’ Jaejoong thought, happy with the decision that he was about to make.

“Yunho” Jaejoong whispered quietly.


“I’ll go with you.” Jaejoong answered. The moment that Yunho heard what Jaejoong said, he immediately got himself out of Jaejoong’s embrace and looked at his lover with a surprised and smiling face.

“Jae, did I hear it right?” Yunho wanted to confirm.

“Yes. You heard me, I’ll go with you. Wherever you are Yunho, I’ll be there.” Jaejoong said with a blissful face.

A smile came across Yunho’s face and he wrapped his arms around Jaejoong, pulling him close.

“Thank you Jae.” Yunho sincerely said. “I’m so happy right now.”

Jaejoong chose to just follow his heart. Despite all of the consequences of his decision, he was ready to risk everything to be with Yunho. He knew that he would just regret it if he didn’t follow what he really wanted. What he wanted was Yunho. Just Yunho and nothing else.

The two of them just stood there and were in each other’s arms, unaware of the dangers occurring.

The silence was broken as the sound of hooves could be heard approaching. The sound became louder as the seconds passed. Yunho and Jaejoong pulled away from each other and looked at their surroundings.

“What’s that noise?” Jaejoong asked, his eyes darting in different directions.

“It sounded like the hooves of horses.” Yunho answered. “I think someone is approaching.”

“Do you think we are in danger?” Jaejoong asked again, eying his surroundings with slight fear in his eyes.

“I don’t think so.” Yunho answered but wasn’t totally convinced himself. “It might just be someone passing by. Don’t worry Jae. I’m here.”

Yunho went beside Jaejoong and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.

“I know.” Jaejoong said. Yunho’s presence made Jaejoong feel safe and secured.

They waited for the source of the sounds while holding each other’s hands. After a few seconds, a horse with a man riding on its back appeared.

“Yunho? Is that you?” the man said while trying to catch his breath.

“Donghae?” Yunho said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“We’ve got to go now! The palace! We are under attack!” Donghae said with a panicked voice.

“What?!” Yunho couldn’t believe what he heard. That night was really full of surprises for Yunho.

“Come on now!” Donghae shouted urgently.

“Alright.” Yunho said and turned to Jaejoong. “Jae, I’ve got to go now. Will you be alright going home by yourself?”

“Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself. Now hurry, you have no time to lose.” Jaejoong said, his voice full of understanding.

Yunho let go of Jaejoong’s hand and quickly got on Donghae’s horse. Jaejoong watched them leave and his heart felt uneasy.

‘Yunho, take care of yourself.’ Jaejoong thought worriedly as he prayed for Yunho’s safety.


That night, after Yunho escaped from the palace, the plan was finally executed. The whole palace was completely unaware of the danger that was about to come. As usual, the palace guards were stationed at the different entrances to the palace.

A knock was heard on the large wooden door in the main entrance of the palace and one of the guards opened it, revealing a familiar man to him.

“Sir” the guard bowed politely in respect to the man before him. It was no other than Prime Minister Jang.

“I already have some of the things needed for the proclamation ceremony of the Royal Princess next week delivered.” Prime Minister Jang said. The guard took a glance outside the main entrance and saw three large wooden crates, each crate on a wooden platform with wheels. The three platforms were being pulled by two horses each.

“Open up the main entrance so that these could be put in the main store room of the palace.” the minister ordered.

“Yes sir.” the guard said and turned to his fellow palace guards. “Open the doors!”

The palace guards obeyed and quickly opened the door to admit the crates being delivered. One by one, the horses pulled the three crates inside the palace. Prime Minister Jang also went inside. The guards closed the door once the crates were inside.

“Call the other guards to help transfer these to the main store room.” the minister said.

“Yes, minister.” one of the guards obeyed and called the palace guards stationed on the other nearby halls of the palace.

They pried open the crates with slight difficulty and what happened next was completely unexpected. Instead of seeing the things needed for the preparation of the ceremony next week, the palace guards were greeted with armed men inside the crates. One by one, the men inside the three crates got out and killed every palace guard within their reach on their way out. Being caught with surprise at the sudden attack, the guards weren’t able to react quickly and they were killed one by one.

One palace guard who was at a far distance from the crates was able to analyze the situation quickly and reacted on time. He ran towards the main entrance of the palace and rang the bell that signalled that the palace was under attack.

Once the other guards heard the ringing of the bell, they immediately swarmed towards where the enemy were, which was near the main entrance of the palace. They abandoned their stations to help their comrades. But it was a wrong decision. They didn’t know that the enemy were also waiting outside the other entrances to the palace. Once the guards abandoned the entrances, the enemy knocked down the doors and caused a loud bang. They entered the palace and attacked, slashing their swords at every palace guard that they encountered.

Every entrance to the palace was open and the enemy proceeded with their plan. The remaining people outside the palace entered and joined their comrades. Every palace guard was on the palace grounds, doing his duty of protecting the palace, fighting the enemy until his last breath. The palace guards were slowly becoming outnumbered as many of them were killed by the sudden appearance and attack of the enemy. The sound of screams and clashing of swords filled the palace grounds.

When the bell rang signalling the attack on the palace, Changmin was inside his room reading a book. As soon as he heard the ringing of the bell, which was the first time for him because he hadn’t experienced an attack on the palace until that time, he felt fear. He quickly grabbed his sword and dashed to his father’s quarters.

On Changmin’s way to his father, he was able to come across Donghae.

“Changmin, have you seen Yunho?” Donghae asked worriedly.

“No.” Changmin answered. “Wait, you mean he’s not here?!”

“I’m afraid so.” Donghae admitted. Yunho had once again sneaked out of the palace like he always used to without informing Donghae.

“Aish, and at a time like this!” Changmin said, his temper rising. “You have to find him Donghae, and bring him back here!”

“I know.” Donghae said and started to run. Changmin also ran towards his father’s room.

“Father!” Changmin said as he burst open the door and rushed inside. He saw his father holding on his sword.

“Changmin, what are you doing here?” King Jeongjo asked as he walked past Changmin and was about to leave his room.

“Father, where are you going?” Changmin asked worriedly.

“What do you mean by that? Of course I’m going outside to fight.” King Jeongjo said and was about to leave when Changmin blocked his way.

“No, Father! You might get killed!” Changmin said with fear in his eyes.

“Son, who am I?” King Jeongjo asked as he put one of his hands on Changmin’s shoulder.

“Huh?” Changmin was confused.

“Who am I?”

“You’re my father.”


“The King of this Kingdom.”

“Exactly. I have a huge responsibility here Changmin. I can’t just sit here in my room as my men get killed protecting the palace. I have to fight.” King Jeongjo said, his voice full of determination.

“I understand father.” Changmin said as he hung his head low.

“And you have to do the same.” King Jeongjo said and gave a smile of encouragement to his son.

Changmin saw how brave and determined his father was and realized that he needed to be the same. He set aside his fears and was determined to protect the palace from the enemies.

Both of them set off and their way was blocked by the enemy. The King glanced at the man in front of him and his son and saw a face that he hasn’t seen for 24 years.

“You...” King Jeongjo said with disbelief.

“Well hello there, dear cousin. Did you miss me?” the man in front of the King said and smirked.

“Cousin? Father, who is he?” Changmin asked.

“Changmin, go and help the others.” the King ordered without taking his eyes off the enemy.

“No father! I won’t leave you!” Changmin disagreed.

“I can take care of myself son. You need to help the others. Now go!”

Realizing that his father had a point, Changmin obeyed and left his father alone with the unknown man.


“Donghae, what happened? How did the enemy enter the palace?” Yunho asked as the two of them rode on the back of Donghae’s horse. He was hoping that everyone was alright, especially Changmin and his father.

“I don’t know Yunho. I was just inside my room when I heard the bell ring. When I got outside, the enemy were already inside the palace.” Donghae answered.

“We have to hurry. Will we be able to go back in time?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be there in no time.” Donghae said as he increased their speed.

After a few minutes, they arrived outside the palace and what they saw surprised them. Half of the palace was already on fire and people were standing outside, curious and scared about what was going on inside the palace.

“Out of the way!” Donghae shouted as he forced his way on the throng of people blocking the main entrance to the palace. Once they were inside, Yunho immediately hopped down from the horse and ran towards the fight.

“Yah, Yunho! Where do you think you’re going?” Donghae said to his friend.

“What now Donghae? Of course I’m going to fight!” Yunho said in frustration as he stopped.

“I know that.” Donghae said and smiled. “But before you go running towards the enemy, you need this.” He threw his sword towards Yunho and Yunho caught it with ease.

“Thanks.” Yunho said and left. Donghae also ran in the direction that Yunho was going. Both of them expertly wielded their swords and slashed every enemy that they encountered. Their years of training were put into good use that night.

“You, go and alert our allies from the other villages. Bring back as many people as you can. We are greatly outnumbered and we need all the help that we can get.” Yunho ordered to one palace guard.

“Yes, Your Highness.” the palace guard obeyed and ran off from the fight.

“Changmin!” Yunho shouted as he saw his younger brother.

“Hyung!” Changmin said. He ran towards Yunho and didn’t notice someone behind him. Good thing that Yunho was very quick to spot the man that was about to attack his younger brother. He quickly ran towards Changmin and avoided clashing with him, just in time to slash the enemy.

“Thanks.” Changmin said as he realized that he was so close from being killed.

“Where is father?”

“Last time I saw him was in the hallway of Tongmyeongjeon Hall. We were together before I went here to help the others.” Changmin answered. “Hyung, I think you better check on father. I’m afraid that something might have happened to him.”

“Alright.” Yunho said and ran towards where his father was.


“Yoochun, i-is that fire?” Jaejoong asked worriedly as he saw the smoke coming from the palace. They were outside Yoochun’s house.

“I think so. The palace is already on fire.” Yoochun said.

“I can’t take this anymore! I’ll die of worry just waiting here!” Jaejoong said and started to run when a hand grabbed his wrist.

“Jae! What are you doing?” Yoochun asked.

“I can’t just wait here doing nothing Yoochun!” Jaejoong shouted in frustration.

“What do you mean by that? You’re going to the palace?” Yoochun said in disbelief. “Jae, the palace is under attack!”

“That’s exactly why I need to go!”

“What?” Yoochun was confused at Jaejoong’s reasoning.

“I...I’ll just explain to you later. I need to go.” Jaejoong said and left. Yoochun didn’t know about his relationship with the Royal Prince, that was why Yoochun didn’t understand what he felt at that moment.

“Wait!” Yoochun said and Jaejoong stopped in his tracks. “I’ll go with you Jae.”

“Alright, let’s go.” Jaejoong said and ran with Yoochun.


Yunho entered Tongmyeongjeon Hall and quickly searched for his father. He entered every room that he passed. He was starting to worry when he heard the sound of clashing swords nearby. He saw the King’s throne room and guessed that his father was inside. He ran towards the throne room, nervous about his father’s condition.

When he burst open the door, what he witnessed was the most painful thing that he had experienced in his entire life. His father was on his knees, looking very weak and entirely vulnerable, and his face was almost pleading. The man in front of him just laughed and he struck his sword straight into the King’s heart.


Chapter 18

24 years ago

After a gazillion years....I finally finished an update! Yey!!!! ^-^

Chapter 18: 24 years ago

“How are you my dear cousin?” the man in front of King Jeongjo spoke pompously. He was facing the person that he had hated for 24 full years and dedicated to get his revenge on.

“Sungmo” King Jeongjo said as he still couldn’t believe everything.

“How cold of you. It has been 24 years since we last saw each other and this is how you treat me?”

“No, I just...” the King said but was cut off by Sungmo.

“What? You thought I was already dead?” Sungmo smirked.

King Jeongjo didn’t answer and Sungmo continued.

“Let’s stop the friendly tone and the pretending. I’ll get down to business.”

“Why are you doing this?” King Jeongjo asked.

Sungmo let out a sarcastic laugh and said, “Oh please! Don’t act innocent Jihoon! You’re the reason why my life was ruined 24 years ago! You took away everything from me!”

“What are you talking about?”

“You weren’t supposed to be the ruler of this kingdom! Joseon was originally mine! It should have been mine!” Sungmo’s resentment of 24 long years towards Jihoon, also known was King Jeongjo, was resurfacing.

“Sungmo, I didn’t steal anything from you. It’s not my fault that your father chose me as the next king.” King Jeongjo tried talking some sense into his cousin.

“Shut up!”

“Sungmo, listen to me.”

“I said shut up! You stole Joseon away from me! And as if that wasn’t enough, you also took the only thing that remained mine.”

“What?” King Jeongjo said with a confused face.

“You stole Hyewon from me!”

“Look Sungmo. You’ve totally misunderstood things. From the very start, Hyewon wasn’t yours. She just saw you as a friend. We both loved each other.” the King explained.

Before what happened 24 years ago, Jihoon and Sungmo were very close cousins and treated each other as brothers. Their brotherly relationship was slowly ruined because of Sungmo’s greed and ambition.

Both of them practically grew up with each other. They received classes and training together. One thing was obvious. It was that Jihoon completely outshined Sungmo in everything. Ever since they were little, Jihoon always had been in the spotlight. He was the one who always received praises from their teachers and other people. At first, Sungmo didn’t mind this because Jihoon was like a brother to him. But as they grew up, it was slowly growing into him that he didn’t want to be shadowed by Jihoon. He tried his best to surpass his cousin but was unsuccessful.

Technically, Sungmo should have been the next king of the Kingdom of Joseon because he was the king’s son. But it wasn’t what happened. Sungmo’s father didn’t choose him as the next ruler because Jihoon was better than him. Knowing what was best for the kingdom, the King chose Jihoon over his own son.

As if that wasn’t enough, both Jihoon and Sungmo fell in love with the same girl, Hyewon. Sungmo met Hyewon first before Jihoon, but she fell in love with Jihoon. He didn’t know that Hyewon and Jihoon were in love with each other.

When Sungmo’s father chose his cousin over him for the throne, he was very hurt but was able to accept it because Jihoon was like a true brother to him. But when he found out about Jihoon and Hyewon’s relationship, it was something that he couldn’t accept anymore and it made him go crazy. Everything was just too much for Sungmo. He was blinded by his anger, frustration, jealousy, greed, and dark ambition.


“How can you do this to me Hyewon? You were the only one that I had left! How could you abandon me like this?” Sungmo said to Hyewon one fateful night. They were outside of the palace in a place where no one passed during the night.

“Sungmo, I’m not abandoning you. I’m still your friend.” Hyewon said.

“Friend? I don’t want to be just your friend! I love you Hyewon!” Sungmo said angrily and it was starting to scare Hyewon.

“Sungmo, please understand me. We can’t be more than friends. I love your cousin.”

“Jihoon again! Why is it always him? Why Hyewon? Why?!” Sungmo burst out his raging emotions. “First my father chose him over me, and now you?”

“Calm down Sungmo. You’re not on your right mind.” Hyewon said.

“Of course I’m not on my right mind! I can’t calm down when I know that I can’t have you!”

“I’m sorry Sungmo.” Hyewon silently said as she stared at the ground.

“If you’re really sorry, then come to me Hyewon! Don’t be with Jihoon!” Sungmo said as he forcefully grabbed Hyewon’s arm.

“I can’t do that Sungmo.”

“Why? Why can’t you leave him and just be with me?!”

“I told you, I love Jihoon!” Hyewon raised her voice as her patience was slowly disappearing. Upon hearing Hyewon, Sungmo was blinded by his anger and jealousy and forced himself on Hyewon. He put his hands on the sides of Hyewon’s face and kissed her. Hyewon struggled to remove Sungmo from her.

“Get away from me!” Hyewon screamed once she was able to free herself and slapped Sungmo on the face.

“Why, you don’t want to be kissed by me? Only Jihoon has the right to do that?”

Hyewon had enough of Sungmo and didn’t respond. She turned away from Sungmo and was about to walk away when a hand forcefully grabbed her arm, making her wince in pain.

“You’re not going anywhere Hyewon.” Sungmo said in an ominous voice that made Hyewon very scared.

“What are you doing?! Let go of me!”

Sungmo didn’t let go of Hyewon and kissed her roughly. Hyewon was struggling with all of her might but it was a feeble attempt because Sungmo overpowered her. He pinned her against the cement wall and started removing her hanbok.

“Sungmo! Don’t! Please!” Hyewon pleaded and tried to stop Sungmo. He didn’t listen to her.

“Help! Please! Anyone! Help!”

“Sungmo! Let go of Hyewon, you bastard!” a voice was suddenly heard and it was Jihoon. Sungmo removed himself from Hyewon and faced his cousin.

Upon seeing Jihoon, Hyewon ran towards him once she was free from Sungmo’s grasp. She burst into tears once she was in his arms.

Jihoon wasn’t alone. Some of the palace guards were with him and they immediately arrested Sungmo. He was put into prison for attempting rape and also because he wasn’t emotionally and mentally stable. He had escaped from prison and that was the last news of him.


“I don’t want to hear your explanation. You took away everything from me 24 years ago, and now I’m back to claim what’s mine.” Sungmo said, not wanting to accept the truth.

“Nothing I say will make you change your mind right?” King Jeongjo said sadly.

“That’s right.” Sungmo said as he slowly moved his hand towards the handle of his sword. King Jeongjo did the same. They were about five meters away from each other, both of them looking intensely at their enemy.

“Get ready for your downfall, Your Highness.” Sungmo said and wielded his sword. He charged forward to attack King Jeongjo. The clashing of metal to metal could be heard in Tongmyeongjeon Hall. The two men fought seriously and used all of their strength to try and beat his opponent. Sungmo fought to claim what he thought was rightfully his. King Jeongjo fought for his kingdom.

After a few minutes of their intense battle, Sungmo got ready to slash his sword at the King. King Jeongjo’s reflex was still exceptional for he was able to use his sword just in time to block Sungmo’s attack, but his strength was diminishing. His cousin’s attack was stronger and he fell to the ground and lost his grip on his sword. His sword was a few feet away from him.

“What happened Jihoon? You weren’t like this 24 years ago. You would have beaten me minutes ago.” Sungmo said cockily and quickly used his feet to kick the King’s sword. The sword further moved away from its owner.

“Stand up!” Sungmo ordered. King Jeongjo tried getting up from the floor but Sungmo kicked him on the stomach and prevented him from standing up.

“What’s wrong King Jeongjo? Too weak to get up?!” Sungmo said and gave another kick straight to the King’s ribs.

“How can the King of Joseon Kingdom be this weak?” Sungmo laughed evilly at what he thought was a wonderful sight before him. The person that he despised the most in whole wide world was crumbling beneath him. He continued on torturing the King until he was depleted of his strength and it was impossible for him to get up.

“You look pitiful.” Sungmo said in disgust.

“Don’t worry Jihoon. I won’t let you suffer any longer. I’ll put you out of your misery.” Sungmo said softly.

“Sungmo....I beg you...don’t do this.” King Jeongjo pleaded and he was already on his knees.

“You should have done that 24 years ago.” Sungmo said coldly. “Goodbye my dear cousin.”

Sungmo slowly lifted his sword and King Jeongjo watched him with frightened eyes.

“Joseon is mine.” Sungmo said his final words to the King and struck his sword straight into the King’s heart.

“Father!” Yunho shouted and ran as fast as he could to his father’s side.

“Y-Yun...ho...” the King struggled to speak. He was greatly wounded and losing large amounts of blood.

“Shh, don’t speak anymore. You’ll lose your strength.” Yunho said, his voice close to cracking. Tears were already on the verge of falling down from his eyes.

“I...I don’t have much time.” the King said with closed eyes.

“Father, don’t talk like that. You’re not going to die.” Yunho convinced himself and his father.

“Yunho promise me...promise me that you’ll take care of this Kingdom.” King Jeongjo used all of his remaining strength to say what he needed to tell his son.

“Father” Yunho started but was silenced by his father’s piercing stare. King Jeongjo had this determined look that made Yunho close his mouth.

“You’ve got to listen to me Yunho. You have to take care of this Kingdom. Don’t...don’t let our kingdom fall into the wrong hands.” the King said his last wish to his son. He moved his hand with difficulty and reached for his son’s hand. He held on and took a great effort to keep on holding it.

“Yunho, promise me....” King Jeongjo said again and waited for Yunho to speak.

Yunho on the other hand wasn’t able to say anything. He couldn’t answer right away because he didn’t want to make a promise to his dying father that he wasn’t sure he could fulfill. But after a few seconds after the King spoke, his eyes slowly fluttered close and his grasp on Yunho’s hand loosened as he took his last breath. The King’s hand slipped from Yunho’s hand and it fell to the floor. He was already gone.

“No...no! Father!” Yunho screamed as incredible pain shot inside him. Tears fell from his eyes as the truth was unfolded to him. His father was dead.

“Enough of the drama.” King Jeongjo’s murderer spoke.

Upon hearing that ominous voice, Yunho’s blood boiled with anger. He couldn’t take hearing the voice of the man that took the life of his father. He stopped crying as anger took over him. He looked at the man with full loathing.

“Whoa, what a piercing stare!” Sungmo mocked Yunho. “So you’re my nephew?”

“What did you just say? Did you just call me your nephew?” Yunho said, his face full of disgust for being related with his father’s killer.

“Yes, because I’m your father’s cousin.” Sungmo revealed.

“Don’t associate yourself with us.” Yunho said while controlling his raging emotions.

“Ha! Like father like son! And just like your father, you’ll both end up dead!” Sungmo was very quick. He made the first move to attack Yunho. Fortunately, Yunho was very skilled in fighting and had very quick reflex. He responded to Sungmo’s attack by blocking his sword from the attack and pushed his attacker with incredible force. Sungmo was taken aback by Yunho’s showcase of strength and slightly lost his balance. Yunho didn’t stop there. Seizing the chance, he attacked again. Both of them fought for their lives.


Jaejoong and Yoochun arrived outside the palace gates and even outside, the chaos inside the palace was visible. Jaejoong saw it with his own eyes and surprisingly, he didn’t feel scared. He wasn’t scared of being physically hurt if he entered the palace. All that he cared about was Yunho’s safety.

There was no one guarding the entrance to the palace so anybody could enter as they pleased. Jaejoong was about to dash inside when Yoochun grabbed his hand.

“Jae, don’t be rash. You could be killed if you go inside.” Yoochun tried to reason out.

“I’ve got to go Yoochun.” Jaejoong said and his look said that nothing could change his mind.

“Why? Why do you have to go inside and risk your safety?” Yoochun challenged, not understanding Jaejoong’s decision.

“You don’t understand Yoochun. I have to go. I’m sorry.” Jaejoong removed Yoochun’s grip on his hand and immediately went inside. Yoochun wasn’t able to do anything.

‘Aish. Such a hard-headed person.’ Yoochun thought.

“I guess I have no choice but to go after him.” Yoochun said and followed Jaejoong inside.


Chapter 19

Another life lost

Chapter 19: Another life lost

“Jae! Wait up!” Yoochun shouted to Jaejoong’s running figure. As soon as Jaejoong heard his friend’s voice, he stopped and turned back.

“Yoochun, what are you doing here?”

“You really thought I’ll just leave you here?” Yoochun said and smiled. Around them were dead bodies, blood, and abandoned weapons. He approached the nearest body to him and grabbed the dead person’s sword.

“Here.” Yoochun handed Jaejoong the sword and the later stared at him incredulously.

“What am I going to do with this?” Jaejoong asked as he grabbed the sword from Yoochun.

“You don’t know how to use one?”

“You must be forgetting something. I’m from the future Yoochun. We no longer use swords in my time.”

“Oh. Well, just keep that. Just in case.” Yoochun said and picked up another sword from the ground.

‘Yunho, where are you?’ Jaejoong thought worriedly as he looked around him.

Yoochun was right to give Jaejoong a weapon as a means of protection. A few seconds ago, it was only the two of them that were alive in the vicinity. Both of them were taken by surprise when they saw hundreds of armed men running towards their direction, with their swords out of their sheaths and ready to strike.

“Yoochun! What’s happening?! What do we do?! Are they going to attack us?!” Jaejoong asked as panic was rising inside him. He didn’t expect that he would get to experience being in the middle of a war, an ancient war in his case. It was only in the movies that he saw scenes like that.

“Come on! Let’s run!” Yoochun said and grabbed Jaejoong’s hand. They were about to run in the opposite direction, going deeper inside the palace when more armed men suddenly appeared. Yoochun and Jaejoong were caught in between them. Their eyes widened with fear as they stood at the center of another impending fight. Of course, both of them didn’t want to die.

Suddenly, Yoochun moved in front of Jaejoong, making himself a personal shield.

“Yoochun! What the hell are you doing?!” Jaejoong shouted.

“Isn’t it obvious Jae? I’m protecting you.” Yoochun simply answered like he was just doing addition. His answer stumped Jaejoong and made him unable to answer back. Jaejoong stayed silent and didn’t argue anymore. They had nowhere to go. They were trapped between two opposing sides of the war. It’s either they fight or they die.

The new fight finally started. The clashing of swords filled the night air. There were screams of rage from the warriors as they attacked their enemy, and also screams of defeat from those who lost in the battle.

“Jae, stay close to me.” Yoochun said as he fixed his body into a defensive stance. He realized that the armed men who came from outside the palace were the allies of the King. They were the warriors from the other provinces. The people who came from inside the palace were the infiltrators of the palace.

One man noticed Yoochun and Jaejoong’s presence and after killing with ease one of the warriors of Joseon Kingdom, he attacked Yoochun next. Yoochun was quite skilled with swordfighting but his opponent was not to be underestimated. They were both good and it was hard to have an easy win. When one attacked, the other one blocked, and vice versa. Yoochun knew that he had to be more serious in order to defeat the enemy. The longer their fight lasted, the further away Yoochun moved from Jaejoong. Jaejoong couldn’t and didn’t want to move close to Yoochun because he knew that he would just distract him.

Jaejoong glanced around and he saw that more people came to join the battlegrounds. He just watched with scared eyes and prayed hard that no one would notice him. He started to move away from Yoochun and out of the midst of the war. He still needed to find Yunho.

While walking, he carefully moved his away from the battlegrounds and cautiously looked at all directions. He was just finished checking behind him and was about to dart forward when he bumped into somebody.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” the man spoke, who clearly looked like a prisoner. Even if Jaejoong wasn’t knowledgable with his history, he knew that the man was from the side of the enemy. Jaejoong didn’t answer back as he stared at the huge body built of the man. He looked thin compared to him. Also, the man was carrying a sword on his right and an axe on his left. That’s right. An axe. Jaejoong just gulped down his saliva. He clumsily put his sword in front him in a feeble attempt to defend himself.

“Yah! D-don’t come near me or-or...” Jaejoong stuttered in fear.

“Or what? You’ll kill me?” the man mocked Jaejoong and laughed. He lifted his sword and launched an attack at Jaejoong. Out of instinct, even though he didn’t know what he was doing at the moment, Jaejoong blocked the attack. They were doing a battle of strength as their swords rubbed against each other.

Of course, just like any person from the enemy side, Jaejoong’s opponent was not someone to play fair. He still had another weapon in his other hand and started to lift it up. Jaejoong’s eyes just stared at the axe. He didn’t know what to do.

‘Shit! What do I do?! I can’t die here!’

The sharp edge of the axe was getting very close to Jaejoong’s body and his eyes fluttered close and waited for the pain to come. Surprisingly, it didn’t come. He opened his eyes and checked his body. There was no blood nor a single scratch on his body.

“Wha-! I-I’m alive?!”

“Of course you are! Now get out of here!” someone screamed at Jaejoong.

‘It can’t be.’ Jaejoong said to himself as he recognized the familiar voice. He looked at the owner of the voice and it was no other than Changmin.

Changmin was the one who blocked the enemy’s attack. He was in front of Jaejoong, keeping him safe and out of the enemy’s reach.

“Changmin!” Jaejoong shouted in delight. He forgot that the Changmin in front of him was not his friend. Changmin was struggling to keep the huge axe from slashing his body. He kicked the enemy in the stomach and was successful in removing himself away from the axe. He also took the opportunity to attack.

“You, how do you know me?” Changmin asked as he fought.

It took Jaejoong a few seconds before he realized that he needed to answer back. He was too busy admiring Changmin because of the fact that he could still talk to him while fighting.

“Uhm, I, uhm” Jaejoong tried to think of a good excuse but failed. His brain was not functioning properly as of the moment.

“And what is a civilian like you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.”

Jaejoong was reminded of his purpose of boldly entering the palace despite of the obvious danger.

“I’m looking for Yunho. Where is he?” Jaejoong said and his expression changed. His face was full of worry.

‘Yunho? He also knows Yunho hyung. And how dare he address us with just our first names?’ Changmin thought but dismissed those when he saw Jaejoong’s face. He didn’t understand why the person that he saved looked like knowing his brother’s whereabouts was the most important thing in the whole wide world, but still, he answered him.

“He’s at...” Changmin started but wasn’t able to finish because his opponent prevented him from speaking. Getting annoyed at being interrupted and not wanting to prolong their fight anymore, he finished his opponent with two swift moves with his sword.

“I’ll show you the way.” Changmin said and Jaejoong followed him. He didn’t know why he was helping a totally unknown person to him but he just felt that it was right to do so. Another reason was that Jaejoong would probably face another incident just like with the enemy he just killed and he didn’t want that to happen. He safely led Jaejoong out of the heated battlefield.

“Yunho is there in that hall.” Changmin pointed to a very large structure in the middle of the palace.

“Thank you Changmin.” Jaejoong said and suddenly embraced the younger man. Changmin was caught off guard and he just stood still with confused eyes. Jaejoong’s actions were just so weird for him.

“I-I need to go back now.” Changmin couldn’t talk straight and he dashed back to the battlefield.


Yunho’s intense battle with Sungmo was still in progress. Having fought earlier with King Jeongjo, Sungmo’s strength wasn’t high anymore. Based on their strength, Yunho had an advantage. Another was their age. The gap between them was very large.

Yunho showed who was in control when he attacked and Sungmo staggered on his feet. He landed a hard kick on Sungmo’s chest and Sungmo finally fell to the ground. Yunho stood over him and pointed his sword at Sungmo’s neck.

“You’re going to kill me just like I did to your father?” Sungmo said, trying to keep his cool.

“Don’t compare me with your rotten self. I’m not a murderer like you.” Yunho hissed. No matter how much he wanted to kill the man below him and avenge his father’s death, he knew that it wasn’t the right thing to do.

As soon as Yunho finished talking, a burst of victory was heard that enveloped the whole palace.

“Heard that? You won’t last long in this world. Your side is fighting a losing battle.” Sungmo said confidently. They were disturbed when allies of the palace entered Tongmyeongjeon Hall. More backup came and with that, the tables were turned. They outnumbered the enemy.

“You were saying?” Yunho said and smirked at the pitiful sight. Sungmo couldn’t believe that they were losing the battle. He truly believed that they had won.

“Take this man away.” Yunho ordered to the newly arrived guards.

The guards obeyed Yunho’s orders and quickly took Sungmo and put him in prison. Sungmo didn’t utter a single word as the guards dragged him out of Tongmyeongjeon Hall. Losing the battle that he had prepared for many years was a big blow to him. He spent 24 years of his life waiting for that fateful day and it was all wasted. He looked like his soul was taken away from him for his eyes were lifeless.

Silence filled the hall once the guards were gone. Yunho was left alone with King Jeongjo’s dead body. He was thankful that they had won the battle but the price of that victory was the lives of many people, including his father. He was drained physically and emotionally. He let go of his sword and it fell on the wooden floor. He sat beside his father.

That night was definitely the most tiring night in Yunho’s entire life. He needed someone to comfort him, to take away all of his worry, sadness, and pain. He could only think of one and only one person. Jaejoong. As if someone heard his prayer, Jaejoong came into sight.

“Yunho!” Jaejoong said with great relief when he saw that his lover was safe from any harm. He quickly ran towards him.

Yunho on the other hand couldn’t believe his eyes. He even contemplated whether his eyes were playing on him. Once Jaejoong was close enough, Yunho immediately embraced him. Jaejoong’s warmth was very comforting and Yunho tightened his embrace.

Yunho’s sudden action slightly alarmed Jaejoong. He knew that something bad happened to Yunho. He decided on staying silent and just wait for Yunho to tell him what was wrong.

Just outside the hall was Yoochun, who witnessed everything. He searched for Jaejoong as soon as he got rid of his opponent and saw him entering the hall. He quickly followed and didn’t expect to learn the true identity of Jaejoong’s lover.

‘Jae’s lover is the Royal Prince.’ Yoochun couldn’t believe what he saw.


Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Yunho shed tears of sorrow. Jaejoong knew that Yunho started crying and hugged him tighter. Even though he didn’t know the reason behind Yunho’s tears, he knew that it was something very painful. While he comforted Yunho, his eyes landed on the immobile body on the wooden floor not far from them. He suddenly let go Yunho and subconsciously found himself approaching the unknown person.

The body was covered in blood and Jaejoong instantly knew that he was dead. The moment he saw the dead person’s face, everything became clear to him. The king of the Kingdom of Joseon was dead. Yunho’s father was dead.

“Yunho...” Jaejoong started but he didn’t know what to say next. He felt sorry for the tragedy that happened to Yunho’s family but he didn’t know how to express it in words.

“I feel so bad right now Jae. I wasn’t a good son to my father...and now...I can’t make up to him anymore. He’s already gone.” Yunho said what was on his mind.

It was Jaejoong’s turn to hug Yunho. He knew that all he could for Yunho was to be by his side. He wasn’t God to bring Yunho’s father back to life. They were interrupted when Donghae appeared in the hall.

“Yunho” Donghae whispered and approached Yunho. He noticed the dead body and his eyes widened in disbelief. He moved closer to the King’s dead body and kneeled beside it.

“King Jeongjo...no...how could this happen...?” Donghae said and tears fell from his eyes. King Jeongjo was his second father. He owed his life to the King and looked up to him. Knowing about his death was a big blow to Donghae, just like it was to Yunho. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. It was Yunho and both of them were feeling the same way. Donghae rose up and faced his friend.

They didn’t need to speak anymore to know that both of them were hurting inside. They lost someone important in their lives. Yunho wrapped his arms around Donghae and they cried in each other’s arms to ease themselves of even a little bit of the pain.

Jaejoong watched Yunho and Donghae and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the two of them. It was such a painful sight watching them comfort each other because they lost a very important person. Yoochun appeared beside him.

“The King is dead?” Yoochun asked as he tried to analyze the situation.

“Yes.” Jaejoong answered.

Yoochun didn’t mention anything regarding Jaejoong’s relationship with Yunho because the time and place wasn’t appropriate. But sooner or later, he needed to say his thoughts, especially when the King was already dead.

“What’s the situation outside?” Yunho asked Donghae once they were both calm enough.

“The guards are removing the dead bodies in the palace. Those that are still alive from the side of our enemy are being put into prison.” Donghae answered. “And you need to know something Yunho.”

“What is it?”

“Follow me outside.” Donghae said. As much as he didn’t want to add up anymore to Yunho’s pain and sorrow, he didn’t have much choice. His friend would eventually know about it. Yunho and Jaejoong, with Yoochun behind them, followed Donghae outside of Tongmyeongjeon Hall.

They arrived at the place where the battle took place earlier and approached the group of people huddled close to each other. They were looking onto something but Yunho’s party couldn’t see it. When they saw that Yunho was walking towards them, they immediately moved apart, making Yunho see something that would further make his heart break.


Chapter 20

The Letter

Chapter 20: The Letter

Nothing prepared Yunho for another heartbreaking moment. It was too much for him in one night. He saw Changmin lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Crimson blood was all around his body. His brother was dead.

“No, no, no! This can’t be. Not you too Changmin.” Yunho said as he kneeled beside his brother and new tears fell from his eyes. His family was taken away from him in one night. Life was just so unfair. He still hadn’t fully accepted his father’s death and then another heartbreaking experience was given to him. He lost two important people in the longest hours of his life.

Unexpectedly, Jaejoong was crying because of Changmin’s death. He barely knew the Changmin in ancient Korea but he saw him as his friend from the present. He was also guilty of something. He was saved by Changmin from nearly dying in the hands of the enemy but his saviour ended up being the one dead. He would be eternally grateful to Changmin.

That night was filled with both joy and sadness. There was joy because they won against the enemy. There was sadness because of the hundreds of people who sacrificed their life for their country. But their sacrifice didn’t lead to nothing. The enemy was defeated. They would be forever remembered in history and in the hearts of the people who love them.


The battle for supremacy was over, but the aftershocks of the sudden infiltration were innumerable. Many of the palace buildings were burned down to ashes. Hundreds of lives were taken away in a single night. Broken hearts were left that would take a long time to heal. Abandoned families were mourning for their dead relatives. The Kingdom of Joseon lost their king and someone needed to step up immediately. Someone needed to run the country and the people that inhabited it.

Despite all of those problems that needed to be solved right away, Yunho let himself have the luxury of resting his tired mind and body. He had asked Jaejoong to accompany him even for just a while. He badly needed to be near Jaejoong because he was the only one who could keep him sane. A very heavy responsibility was left hanging on Yunho’s shoulders and during that moment, he didn’t want to think about it.

They were in the palace garden and took a stroll. Yunho intertwined his fingers on Jaejoong’s and his touch made the later slightly jump.

“Yunho, is it alright to, uhm, you know, hold hands here?” Jaejoong asked as he consciously looked around him for any onlookers.

“Don’t worry Jae. No one is here. And even if there is, I don’t care.” Yunho said and smiled. It wasn’t his usual smile that could make rain clouds go away because of the brightness that he radiates. It was a very tired smile that made Jaejoong’s heart hurt.

They walked side by side in a peaceful silence as they held each other’s hand. Being with Jaejoong made Yunho feel much better. Knowing that Jaejoong would be by his side made him gain strength to face whatever tomorrow had in store for him.

“It’s my first time here inside the palace.” Jaejoong mentioned. They stopped walking and they were standing in the middle of a small wooden bridge on top of a small pond. It was still night time and moonlight shined down on the water, making it sparkle.

“That’s to be expected. People can’t just enter the palace whenever they want to.” Yunho said. “So, how do you find my home?”

“Uhm, it’s just so-so.” Jaejoong joked and successfully made Yunho smile.

‘That’s it Yunho. You have to smile.’

“Ouch Jae. The great Joseon Kingdom’s palace is just so-so?” Yunho rode along.

‘Thank you Jae. I can endure everything because I still have you.’

“Well, I didn’t see anything impressive here. Aside from my boyfriend, of course.”

‘Even if everything is very hard on you, I know that you can overcome it.’

Yunho laughed out loud. “Are you flirting with me Jaejoong?”

‘You’re my strength Jae.’

“Isn’t it obvious?” Jaejoong said and grinned.

“Honestly, it’s not working.” Yunho said and smirked playfully.

“Oh really?” Jaejoong challenged.

“I think you lost your touch.” Yunho teased.

“We’ll see about that Royal Prince. I’ll have you wrapped around my finger in a little while.”

Jaejoong turned on his seductive mode and gave piercing stares at his lover. He advanced on Yunho while the later backed away. After taking a few steps back, Yunho finally had nowhere to go. Jaejoong had him cornered. A victorious smile graced Jaejoong’s face.

“Yunnie~~~~” Jaejoong teased. “You have nowhere to go now.”

“I could jump from here.” Yunho said randomly without thinking much about it.

“Yeah right.” Jaejoong smiled as he advanced further. Yunho was leaning too much backwards while playfully avoiding Jaejoong. He knew that one step forward from Jaejoong would make him fall. It gave him an idea.

“Come closer Jae.” Yunho suddenly said.

“Huh?” Jaejoong said with a surprised expression. Yunho pulled Jaejoong towards him and Jaejoong’s weight made him stagger backwards, finally making him fall in the pond’s water. But he wasn’t the only one who fell. He took Jaejoong along with him.

“Yunho! We’re both soaking wet!” Jaejoong screamed.

“What happened to ‘Yunnie’?” Yunho asked as he enjoyed watching the slightly angry Jaejoong. They were sitting in the middle of the pond.

“I won’t call you that anymore.” Jaejoong said and pouted.

“Alright, I’m sorry Jae.” Yunho apologized and stood up. “Let’s get up and dry ourselves. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

He held out his hand for Jaejoong to grab hold to. Jaejoong stretched out his arms and held Yunho’s hand, only to drag him back down on the cold water.

“That’s punishment for making me fall in the water with you.” Jaejoong said and stuck out his tongue.

The next thing Jaejoong knew, Yunho stole a quick kiss from him.

“That’s your punishment for making me fall for you.”

“Are you sure that was a punishment?” Jaejoong said and laughed. Yunho laughed along with him.

‘I love you Yunho.’

‘I love you Jae.’

They both enjoyed their precious time with each other. Without speaking about it, they knew that their time with each other was running out.


Jaejoong slept in the palace that night. He was already fast asleep because he was tired from the very exhausting day full of danger, worry, excitement, and sorrow. He was in one of the many guest rooms in the palace and Yunho watched over him.

Watching Jaejoong’s peaceful and beautiful sleeping face made Yunho smile and feel sad both at the same time. It brought a smile to his face because seeing the one that he loved was enough for him. It brought him sadness because his relationship with Jaejoong was something that he wasn’t sure would last, especially with what happened to the palace.

Yunho’s love for Jaejoong wasn’t something to be questioned because he loved Jaejoong with all his heart. He was ready to do anything for him. Everything was going smoothly because Jaejoong had already agreed to go with Yunho and escape, but taking the recent events into account, their plan had to be cancelled.

Yunho was distracted from his thoughts when a soft knock on the door was heard. The door opened and revealed Donghae.

“Yunho, could I have a moment?” Donghae asked as he entered the room. Yunho nodded and quietly left the room. He knew that he couldn’t avoid that conversation with his friend. It would come sooner or later, so why delay it?

They went to one of their favourite spots in the palace. It was at the top of one of the towers. It was slightly chilly because it was night time and they were exposed to the cold rushing wind.

“Are you feeling better?” Donghae asked worriedly as he gazed at the magnificent view of Hanseong.

“Yes, thanks to you and Jae.” Yunho answered. All that he had left were Donghae and Jaejoong and he was very thankful that they were there for him.

“I bet you already know what I want to talk to you about.” Donghae said and smiled.

“Of course. It’s easy to read your face, Hae. I could do it even with my eyes closed.” Yunho joked to lessen the tension. They were about to discuss important matters.

“Yeah right.” Donghae laughed along with Yunho. When the friendly and comfortable atmosphere ended, it was replaced with a very serious one. The two men were both silent for a moment.

“Yunho, you do know that you need to choose, right?” Donghae broke the silence. They were both facing the night view of Hanseong as they spoke with each other.


“I know how much you love Jaejoong, but you have a responsibility to this country Yunho.” Donghae reminded his friend. “Now that King Jeongjo and Changmin are gone, you’re the only one left for the throne.”

“But don’t get me wrong Yunho. I’m not trying to convince you to decide on anything. As your friend, I won’t push you to take over the throne. You’re free to decide for yourself because it’s your life, your future, and your happiness that’s on the line.”

“Honestly Hae, I’m so confused right now. I don’t know what to do.” Yunho confessed. “I love Jaejoong too much that I don’t have the strength to give him up. I don’t know if I’ll survive without him.”

Donghae wrapped an arm on Yunho’s shoulders and comforted him.

“No matter what you choose Yunho, I’ll be here for you.”

“Thank you.”


Sleep was evading Yunho and he decided to walk around the palace. He found himself in front of Changmin’s room and entered it. It looked the same. His brother’s neatness was reflected in his private room. As expected, it was far away from Yunho’s extremely messy room. Changmin’s room was very orderly. His bed was neatly fixed and the things on his table were in their right places. There wasn’t a single thing that was out of order. One thing was missing though, which was the owner of the room.

Yunho truly missed his brother. He wasn’t that close to his dongsaeng because they had opposite personalities, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t love Changmin. He loved his brother and he was feeling guilty that he hadn’t had the chance to reach out to him and strengthen their bond as brothers. Changmin was already gone; it was something that he had to accept no matter how painful it was.

Memories came back to Yunho the longer he stayed in Changmin’s room. Not wanting to dwell on the past memories which only brought pain to his heart, he quickly left the room. He let his racing heart go back to its normal pace and walked some more. As if he wasn’t hurting too much, he found himself next outside his father’s room. It was weird for Yunho to be outside that room because the only instances that he goes there were when the King summons for his presence. Feeling that being in Changmin and King Jeongjo’s room was telling him something, he opened the door and entered the room.

The first thing that Yunho saw was a portrait hanging on the wall. It was a painting of King Jeongjo and his two sons, Yunho and Changmin. Once again, pain eveloped Yunho’s heart. He looked away from the portrait and what he saw next was a painting of a very beautiful woman. It was Yunho’s mother.

Anyone who saw the painting would feel entranced because of the beauty that Yunho’s mother exuded. On the few times that he got to see his mother’s face, he always feels something weird and unfamiliar, but it was comforting.

Yunho didn’t know much about his mother because she died at an early age. She died while giving birth to Changmin. Yunho and Changmin hadn’t had the chance to be close to their mother. They were deprived of a mother’s love. Changmin had no memory of his mother, while Yunho remembered only one distinct memory of her when he was young. It was on a snowy, cold, winter night. He was sitting on his mother’s lap and his mother was softly patting his hair. He remembered his mother saying something to him but he couldn’t remember what it was because he was too young at the time. He wondered all his life why that memory was the only one that he could remember and what his mother was saying to him.

He soon found himself absentmindedly exploring his father’s room. There were parchments sprawled in his working desk, a brush, and an ink bottle. He deduced that his father was probably writing something on his last moment in his room. Feeling curious, he took one of the parchments and took a glance at the contents.

Unexpectedly, it was a letter addressed to his mother. He saw a box with its lid slightly open and Yunho took it. The box contained more letters inside. He opened a few and they were all addressed to a woman named Hyewon, which was no other than his mother. It was a new discovery for Yunho. He didn’t know that his father constantly wrote to his mother. It was a gentle side of King Jeongjo that he didn’t have a clue about until that moment. He always knew his father as a very strict man. It made Yunho happy to know that his father never once forgot about his mother.

There were about more than a hundred letters in the box and Yunho started opening some. The letters contained his father’s hidden feelings that he could only voice out in his letters to his beloved wife. Sometimes, King Jeongjo wrote to Hyewon to tell her what was happening to her two sons. King Jeongjo always recounted everything to her. One letter contained the king’s account of Changmin’s first birthday and how it would have been happier if Hyewon was there with them. The letter also had visible patches of blots and smeared ink. Yunho guessed that his father was crying as he wrote that letter.

One letter was about King Jeongjo pouring out his feelings on how hard it was to run the Kingdom of Joseon. He didn’t know that his father experienced those difficult times. His father only put up a strong front whenever he faced him and other people. It was only with his mother that the king could be his true self. Yunho could feel the loneliness that his father felt; living a life without the one that he loved the most.

He opened up another letter, this time it was a recent letter.


You know, you have been totally unfair with me, leaving me to care for our children all alone. It’s really hard to be a single parent. Our two boys are now grown ups and they are very hard to control, especially Yunho. I really have no problem with our youngest because he’s very obedient. Yunho on the other hand, he’s not someone that could be controlled and tied up with a leash. He has a very strong personality, very much like me. He really resembles me too much right? We look alike and even have the same strong personality. He’s really my son.

What I want to say is that, I don’t think I’ll be able to fulfill my promise to you. I know that it was your dream to see Yunho as the next King of this Kingdom, but our son doesn’t want the responsibility. If you were in my position, what would you do?

I really don’t know what else to do with our son, Hyewon. I’m thinking about giving up on forcing him to be the next king. I don’t want him to do what he doesn’t like. I think that would be the right thing to do, right?

I really miss you so much Hyewon. I wish you were here to share my problems with me.

Yunho finished reading the letter and it made him feel extreme guilt and pain. He didn’t know how much problems he had given his father in the past. It was already very hard for his father raising him and Changmin on his own, and Yunho added up on the difficulty by being a very disobedient and problem-causing son. He badly wanted to say sorry to his father. He wanted to embrace him and feel his warmth, something that he hadn’t done even once in the past. But facing the painful reality, his father was already gone. Tears silently fell down his face.

He was reminded of his father’s last wish before he died. His father wanted him to take care of the Kingdom of Joseon. He wanted to fulfill that wish for his father, but in order to do that, he needed to give up one thing, Jaejoong. Yunho was torn between his love for Jaejoong and his desire to fulfil his father’s last wish. Sooner or later, Yunho knew that he needed to choose. He needed to choose what was right. But what was really the right thing? Yunho still didn’t have an answer to that. No matter what Yunho chose, someone was bound to be hurt.


Chapter 21

The Inevitable

Chapter 21: The inevitable

The hustle and bustle inside the palace woke Jaejoong up. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Yunho beside him. He must have snuck in his room during the night. Thinking about it brought a smile to Jaejoong’s face. He also felt something in his hand. Yunho was tightly clutching on it the whole time.

“Yunho, wake up now.” Jaejoong softly whispered with a smile. Yunho didn’t budge an inch.

“Royal Prince, you should get up at this instant.” Jaejoong tried again with a louder voice but failed.

“Aish, it’s so hard to wake you up.” Jaejoong complained and saw Yunho’s eyes twitch. It was only for a split second but Jaejoong’s eyes caught it.

‘Ah, pretending to still be asleep huh?’ Jaejoong thought and smirked.

Jaejoong positioned himself on top of Yunho and hovered above him like a lion eyeing his food. He was greatly enjoying himself while Yunho on the other hand didn’t know what Jaejoong was up to because he had his eyes closed.

“Yunnie ~~~~ get up now ~~~~” Jaejoong said in a sing-song voice. He slid his hand inside Yunho’s hanbok and began roaming around Yunho’s torso. He gave him light, feathery touches which made Yunho slightly shudder beneath him. Jaejoong leaned his head closer to Yunho’s ears and whispered in it in a very seductive voice.

“Yunho, stop pretending already.” Jaejoong then lightly grazed his teeth on Yunho’s ear, earning a soft moan from the pretending-to-be-asleep-but-widely-awake Royal Prince. Yunho opened his eyes and saw Jaejoong above him with a smirk plastered on his beautiful face.

“Yah, Jae, it’s too early for this.” Yunho said as his mind was starting to imagine things.

“What are you talking about Yunho? I was just waking you up.” Jaejoong answered innocently. “Don’t tell me that you’re thinking about perverted things?”

“Huh, I’m not!” Yunho defended as his cheeks turned a slight pink.

“Then why are you blushing?” Jaejoong teased.

“Who’s blushing? I’m not blushing.” Yunho said, not meeting Jaejoong’s eyes. He was trying hard to control his raging hormones. Jaejoong had no mercy for the man underneath him. How could Yunho not have perverted thoughts when Jaejoong was behaving like a seductive god? He was even on top of him for God’s sake!

Jaejoong just laughed as he enjoyed teasing Yunho.

“Jae, you’re so bad. Why are you doing this to me? This is torture.” Yunho voiced out.

“Hmm? I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re turning me on Jae, and in a place where we can’t do it. Good thing I have a lot of self-control or I may have pounced on you minutes ago.” Yunho said, getting embarrassed.

“Aww, poor Yunnie. I had no idea I had such effect on you.” Jaejoong said and smiled. He gave Yunho a quick peck on the lips and said, “I’ll stop now.” Jaejoong was about to move away from Yunho when someone opened the door. It was Donghae and his eyes widened with what he saw.

“Yah! What are you two doing?” Donghae quickly closed the door before anyone could see. Jaejoong quickly moved away and sat at the edge of the bed.

“It’s too early for that! And you absolutely can’t do that inside the palace!” Donghae scolded the two lovers.

“Donghae, we weren’t about to do that.” Jaejoong explained.

“I trust you to do the right thing Jae, but not my friend here. If you’re the lamb, then Yunho’s the fox.” Donghae joked.

“That’s wrong! I wasn’t the one being seductive and all!” Yunho whined. “I’m the lamb here.”

“Hey, I wasn’t seducing you!” Jaejoong defended and playfully slapped Yunho.

“By the way, what are you doing here in Jae’s room in the first place?” Donghae asked his friend.

“Oh, uhm, I couldn’t sleep well last night so I went here.” Yunho answered.

“Really?” Donghae asked suspiciously.


“Alright. There’s no point in arguing about that anymore. Come on Yunho, you better prepare for breakfast. You too, Jae.” Donghae said and grabbed Yunho’s arms, dragging him away.

“Okay.” Jaejoong answered.


Once Jaejoong was finished washing up and getting dressed, one of the palace maids accompanied him to where he would have breakfast with Yunho and Donghae. The three of them talked and laughed like friends did as they enjoyed their breakfast. When they finished eating, it was time for Jaejoong to leave the palace. The three of them proceeded to the stables where Yunho’s horse was resting.

“See you Donghae. Thanks for everything.” Jaejoong bade goodbye.

“Take care Jae.” Donghae said and gave Jaejoong a quick hug.

“I’ll be back Hae.” Yunho said as he helped Jaejoong get on the horse. Jaejoong still wasn’t good with horses and it was something Yunho noted mentally that he should teach Jaejoong.

“You better be back on time Yunho. Don’t wander around, okay?” Donghae reminded.

“I won’t Hae. Don’t worry.” Yunho said and he and Jaejoong were all set to go. “You’re starting to sound like a mother.”

Before Donghae could say anything, Yunho rode away with his horse and Jaejoong and his laughter reverberated in the air.

‘Silly Yunho.’ Donghae said and walked back with a smile.


The speed of Yunho’s horse was amazing. They were riding very fast that the scenery around them were just blurs. The wind was refreshing as it collided with their faces. Jaejoong stayed close to Yunho as he was still afraid of riding on horses.

The ride to Yoochun’s house was a very short one. They arrived after a few minutes. Yunho’s horse halted just in front of the house and Yunho went down first. He helped the struggling Jaejoong go down from his horse.

“This brings back memories.” Jaejoong said.

“Yeah, and I should seriously give you horseback riding lessons. You really suck at riding on horses.” Yunho teased.

Yunho’s words brought pain and sadness to Jaejoong’s heart.

‘Will we still be able to do that Yunho?’ Jaejoong thought. Their time together was very uncertain.

“Are you alright Jae?” Yunho asked as he saw Jaejoong thinking about something seriously.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” Jaejoong said and smiled to convince his lover. “Thanks for taking me home Yunho.”

“No problem.”

Both of them just stood there and didn’t make an effort to move and go to where they should be.

“Shouldn’t you be going inside now?” Yunho asked.

“Shouldn’t you be going back to the palace?” Jaejoong responded with a question.

“Honestly, I don’t want to go back.”


“Because you’re not there.”

Jaejoong smiled happily and wrapped his arms around Yunho. Yunho did the same. Both of them didn’t want to be in a place where the other wasn’t there.

“Why can’t we just stay like this? Life is so unfair.” Yunho whispered in Jaejoong’s ears. The other man didn’t respond and just tightened his embrace.

After minutes of being in each other’s arms, Jaejoong noticed that they were still in the same spot.

“Yunho, you should go now.” Jaejoong said and removed himself from Yunho’s embrace. They held on each other’s hands.

“Yes, I know.” Yunho leaned in and kissed Jaejoong.

“Take care.” Jaejoong said. He was starting to feel sad with just the thought of Yunho leaving even though his lover was still there. Yunho was about to remove his hands that were intertwined with Jaejoong’s and walk back to his horse when Jaejoong tightened his grip on them.

“I thought you wanted me to go now?” Yunho smiled.

“I hate it when I see you leaving.” Jaejoong said.

“Jae, if we keep on doing this, we will end up in this very same place when night comes.” Yunho said. “Why don’t you go inside first? I’ll wait until you’re inside and then I’ll leave.”

“Alright.” Jaejoong said and removed his hands from Yunho’s. He started moving backwards towards Yoochun’s house while he faced Yunho who was silently watching him. As Yunho went further away from him, his heart was crumbling inside. There was a very weird feeling inside Jaejoong. At that moment, all he wanted was to be in Yunho’s arms and never let go. It was as if it was their last time together and they wouldn’t see each other ever again.

“Yunho, I can’t do this.” Jaejoong said as tears brimmed in his eyes. He ran back to Yunho’s waiting arms.


“I can’t bear this Yunho. I can’t leave you.” Jaejoong admitted as he buried his face in Yunho’s chest.

“Jae, it’s not like you’ll suddenly disappear and we won’t see each other again, right?” Yunho asked as he glanced down on Jaejoong. Jaejoong raised his head and met Yunho’s eyes. There was fear in Jaejoong’s eyes and Yunho wondered why. He felt that Jaejoong wasn’t telling him something.

“Jae?” a voice spoke. The tension between Yunho and Jaejoong was broken. Jaejoong removed himself from Yunho and saw that Yoochun was standing near them. As he gazed at Yoochun, he could see that he was in pain, but he didn’t know the reason why.

“You better go now Yunho.” Jaejoong said as he calmed himself down. Yoochun bowed down in respect to the Royal Prince. Yunho didn’t say anything else and walked back to his horse. Jaejoong and Yoochun watched as Yunho rode away.

Both Jaejoong and Yoochun were silent as they entered the house. They were both trapped in their thoughts as they sat opposite each other in the dining table.

“What happened Jae?” Yoochun broke the silence between them.

It took Jaejoong a few seconds before he answered. “I’m scared Yoochun. I’m scared because I don’t know what will happen to me.”

“Jae, you know that you can’t be with Yunho. He’s the Royal Prince and he would be taking over the throne now that his father is gone.”

“But Yoochun, what if Yunho doesn’t choose to be the next king of this kingdom?”

“Jae, you can’t be selfish.”

“Isn’t being in love also being selfish?” Jaejoong said his stubborn thoughts.

“No it’s not. If you really love someone, you are ready to let that person go.” Yoochun answered.

“Why are you contradicting me? Shouldn’t you be on my side Yoochun?” Jaejoong started raising his voice.

“Jae, I’m not contradicting you. I’m saying what is right.” Yoochun said calmly.

“How can you know what is right? You have never been in love!” Jaejoong said heatedly as he stood up from his chair.

“Don’t you dare say that to me Jae! I have experienced falling in love, and with a person who doesn’t have feelings for me and loves another. I love that person enough to let him go and not fight for his love.” Yoochun said as he too stood up from his chair. His every word held the pain that was in his heart the whole time. He loved Jaejoong and he couldn’t even tell it to him. Jaejoong loved another man and it brought pain to Yoochun’s heart.

Jaejoong felt the pain that Yoochun had been hiding and it made him silent. He fell back to his seat and didn’t dare look into Yoochun’s eyes. They allowed themselves to calm down.

“I’m sorry Yoochun.” Jaejoong said quietly as he locked his gaze on the worn out stub of candle on the table.

“It’s okay Jae. I know how you are feeling right now and I’m also sorry for bursting like that earlier.” Yoochun said and smiled.

“Now Jae, I want you to listen to me. With what I will be saying to you, I want you to listen hard and accept the possibilities. I’m not telling you this because I want to break your relationship with the Royal Prince. It’s still up to you what you should do. What is right is what you think is right.” Yoochun started.

“You really can’t be with Yunho, Jae. You belong to the future while Yunho belongs here in the past. This is only my conclusion, but I think that you won’t be allowed to stay here in the past. Sooner of later, you’ll be brought back to the future. Think about what would happen if both you and Yunho choose to be with each other, and you suddenly disappear one day. That would be bad right?”

Jaejoong nodded as he took in all the things that Yoochun was pointing out.

“Another thing is that no one is suitable to be the next king of Joseon Kingdom except Yunho. I know that he would make a fine king and would lead this country well. Without him, this kingdom would crumble and it would also affect the future Jae. You are living in the past. Everything that happens here affects the future. If Yunho really became the next King and that was what already happened in the future, changing it would cause bad effects. One wrong move and history will be altered forever.” Yoochun said what he wanted.

‘One wrong move and history will be altered forever.’

That sentence kept on repeating itself in Jaejoong’s head like a broken record. A very difficult and heavy decision was put into Jaejoong’s hands. There was no escape to that. The inevitable had come his way.

Hidden from Jaejoong’s eyes, the hourglass on his necklace was changing. Three-fourths of the gold dust had already moved to the other side, leaving one-fourth on the other. Precious time was not on Jaejoong’s side.


Chapter 22

Please stop the time

Chapter 22: Please stop the time

It had been a week since Jaejoong and Yunho were last together and they used that time to think things through. Both of them had difficult decisions to make. They needed to choose between love and the welfare of many.

For the mean time, Yunho was left in-charge of running the palace since they had no official ruler yet. He was learning under the guidance of the King’s adviser. Taking the responsibility of the King was such a heavy job for someone young like Yunho. He was tired everyday because he was still adjusting to the situation. Everything was new to him. He often forgot things and made mistakes but good thing his friend Donghae was there for support.

Though everything was tiring, it was also fun and it showed Yunho a new side of him. Being the one to handle everything let him understand the pain and suffering that his father and past rulers of their kingdom went through. It also made him want to be better and handle his responsibility well. He had never worked that hard before.

Jaejoong on the other hand used their time away from each other by weighing his options and thinking hard about what was really right to do. If he chose to be with Yunho and not let him take over the throne, it would be very selfish of him. He would deprive the people of Joseon with a rightful ruler. He also had no clue on how long he would be able to stay in the past. Yoochun said that Jaejoong wouldn’t be allowed to stay in the past and he would go back to the future sooner or later.

Jaejoong’s heart was torn. He wanted to stay in the past to be with Yunho but there was still a part of him that wanted to go back to the future. He knew that he really didn’t belong to the past. There were people waiting for him in the future. He knew that his family and friends were waiting for him.

Regarding his loved ones back in the future, his decision had implications to them. If Yunho abandons the throne and chooses to be with Jaejoong, it could change history and also in turn, change the future. He didn’t know what effects it would make. It could be bad and it could be good. But taking a risk was dangerous.

“Jaejoong, are you alright? You don’t look good lately.” Junsu asked in concern because Jaejoong looked pale and he was staring blankly on the ground. They were in the trading place. Everyone was busy except for Jaejoong who was trapped in his own world.

“I’m alright Junsu.” Jaejoong said. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Are you sure? You look like you have a very heavy problem. I can see that something is troubling you.”

“This is nothing. I was just thinking about things.” Jaejoong responded and gave a forced smile.

Junsu wasn’t totally convinced but he didn’t press on anymore.

“Junsu, if you were to choose between love and the welfare of everybody around you, what would you choose?” Jaejoong suddenly asked.

“I-I don’t know Jae. I guess it depends on the situation.” Junsu answered and wondered why Jaejoong raised that question.

“Would choosing love be selfish?”

Junsu though how to best respond with Jaejoong’s question.

“In a way, yes, it would be selfish. Because if choosing love would mean sacrificing the welfare of many, it could be considered as selfish.” Junsu answered and smiled. “But isn’t love sometimes selfish?”

“Yes, I guess so.” Jaejoong said and smiled back.

“By the way, why did you ask those things?”

“I was just curious.” Jaejoong answered and went back to what he was doing before he was trapped in his own thoughts.

“Oh yeah.” Junsu remembered something. “You know the Royal Prince right, Jae?”

“Yes.” Jaejoong answered as Junsu caught his attention by mentioning Yunho. He knew the Royal Prince alright, more than Junsu knew. “What about him?”

“Well, he’s the talk of the trading place lately. You know that he’s running the kingdom temporarily since there’s not yet an official king?”

Jaejoong nodded.

“Everyone is saying that Prince Yunho should be the next King of the Kingdom of Joseon. He’s doing a great job and everyone hopes that he would be able to continue it. He really has a good heart and he can emphatize well with his subjects. I personally believe that he would make a great King. What do you think?”

“Y-Yeah, he would definitely be a good king.” Jaejoong said half-heartedly. Junsu noticed the sadness in his friend’s eyes as he let out those words.

‘I wonder what happened to Jae.’


“Jae, you’ve been very quiet this whole week.” Yoochun asked as they ate dinner that night. He was very worried about him.

“I-I’ve been thinking about what you said Yoochun. Actually, it’s all that I’ve done this week.” Jaejoong said and gave a slightly embarrassed laugh.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said those things.” Yoochun said quietly as he blamed himself.

“No. You have no reason to feel that way Yoochun. You are just concerned about me, that’s why you said all of those things.”

“So, uhm, are there any results yet with all the thinking that you have done?” Yoochun asked a bit jokingly to lighten the mood.

“Honestly, no. It’s so damn hard.” Jaejoong smiled.

“Jae, I’m just curious about something.” Yoochun said as he suddenly remembered his first encounter with Jaejoong.

“What is it?” Jaejoong asked as he put down his chopsticks.

“You remember our first meeting? When you slept inside the stable?”

“Of course. How can I forget that?” Jaejoong answered as he recalled trespassing in Yoochun’s property.

“How did you know my name? Because it was really weird of you to know my name in our very first meeting.”

“Oh that. You look exactly like one of my friends in the future. Not just you, also Junsu and Changmin, Yunho’s brother. It’s really creepy in a way, almost like I’m in a dream. The three of you look like my friends and you even have the same names.” Jaejoong explained.

“Really? Amazing! So, what’s the difference between me and your friend?” Yoochun said, amazed at Jaejoong’s revelation.

“Hmm, let’s see. You don’t have any difference in terms of looks. You’re like an exact clone of Yoochun in the future. Now that you mentioned my friend, I have only realized just now that you’re exactly the same! Same looks and personality!” Jaejoong announced excitedly.

“Do you think he’s from my bloodline?” Yoochun curiously asked.

“I don’t know. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. I know that it’s very hard to know because I’m just an ordinary person and my name is not written in history.” Yoochun said and smiled.

“Even if you’re name is in history books, I probably won’t be able to remember it. I really suck at History.” Jaejoong confessed and laughed along with Yoochun. He reminisced his past History classes and how he suffered going through Korea’s history, memorizing all of those important events, dates, and names. He remembered that one time when he was forced to memorize all of Korea’s past presidents and kings.

‘Wait- kings?’ Jaejoong thought as his eyes widened with suprise.

“Why hadn’t I remembered this before?” Jaejoong whispered to no one in particular.

“Yoochun, I have to go somewhere.” Jaejoong got up from his seat and raced for the door. He quickly ran outside the house and wasn’t able to go further because he was pulled back by Yoochun.

“Jae, where are you going?” Yoochun asked, not understanding Jaejoong’s sudden behaviour. His eyes met Jaejoong’s and he saw that it was full of determination and strength.

“Yoochun, thank you for everything.” Jaejoong sincerely said.

“Why are you suddenly thanking me?” Yoochun didn’t get what Jaejoong was saying. He just ran out of the house and then all of a sudden, says thank you to him.

Jaejoong just smiled sweetly and wrapped his arms around Yoochun.

“Meeting you and being your friend is one of the best things that have happened to me in my stay here in the past.” Jaejoong said as he embraced Yoochun tightly.

“Me too Jae. Me too.” Yoochun responded and hugged Jaejoong back.

Yoochun watched as Jaejoong ran further away from him until he was completely out of sight. Even if Jaejoong didn’t tell him what was happening, he had a feeling that he knew what it was. He was happy to be able to feel Jaejoong’s warmth even for a short while and see his bright and sweet smile. Jaejoong’s smile was something that was already etched in his heart and mind and he knew that it would stay there forever.


(I recommend you to listen to Toki wo Tomete ^_^)

Jaejoong wasn’t dressed properly when he left Yoochun’s house but he didn’t mind the cold air outside that pierced through his skin. He ran as fast as he could. Nothing could stop him that night. He needed to be somewhere.

That place that Jaejoong badly needed to be in was no other than the palace. He approached the main palace gate.

“I need to see the Prince Yunho.” Jaejoong said to the guard outside the palace who was watching over the entrance.

“It’s already late Sir. You are not allowed to see the Royal Prince at this time.” the palace guard said in his authoritative voice.

“Please! I need to talk to him!” Jaejoong begged entrance.

“That could wait tomorrow morning.”

“No! You don’t understand! I have to see him right now!” Jaejoong tried walking past the guard but it was no use. The guard blocked him with one swift move.

“Please keep quiet and just leave silently.”

“I said that I need to talk to Yunho! Open the damn gate!” Jaejoong screamed.

“Sir, you need to stop that now or I’ll have no choice but to use force on you.” the guard threatened.

“What’s happening here?” another voice was heard. A man came out when the main palace gate opened. It was Donghae. He came to check out the commotion.

“Donghae!” Jaejoong said as relief took over him.

“Jae? What are you doing here?” He was very surprised to see Jaejoong.

“Donghae, I need to talk to Yunho.” Jaejoong said as he left the guard alone and approached Donghae. Donghae saw the urgency in Jaejoong’s voice and the determination in his eyes that he couldn’t say no.

“Alright. Come inside.” Donghae said and motioned for the palace guard to remain in his position and allow Jaejoong to pass through.

“Thank you.” Jaejoong said and followed Donghae inside. Donghae led him to the palace garden and asked him to wait. He left him to go and fetch Yunho.

Jaejoong was all alone in the beautiful palace garden and looked for something to do to pass the time while waiting for Yunho. He was slightly shaking from the cold night air and from the nervousness that he was feeling at the moment. He saw little rocks near his feet. He bent down and picked one small, flat rock. He threw it sidewards, intending for the rock to bounce on the water, but it just sank immediately after hitting the pond’s surface once.

“Ahh! I suck at this!” Jaejoong complained and gave up. He started walking back and forth and hugged himself in an attempt to keep himself warm and calm.

‘You can do this Jaejoong. There’s no need to be afraid. It’s either now or never.’ Jaejoong kept on saying to himself.

What he was about to do would surely hurt both him and Yunho, but he knew that it was the right thing to do. There was no time to be wasted. He needed to tell the truth to Yunho.

“Jae!” Yunho spoke as he arrived in the garden. “What are you doing here at this hour?”

“I need to tell you something.” Jaejoong said, his nervousness and fear hitting its highest as he saw Yunho.

“It’s something very important right? Because you won’t suddenly come here if it wasn’t.” Yunho said as he took in the nervousness and fear in Jaejoong’s eyes.

Jaejoong nodded and didn’t say a word.

“Alright. But let’s not talk here. It’s freezing out here and you must be very cold Jae. Come on.” Yunho said and extended his hand for Jaejoong to take. Jaejoong held it.

“I was right. You’re hands are like ice.” Yunho lightly chuckled. Jaejoong once again didn’t speak and slightly smiled.

Yunho led Jaejoong into the nearest palace hall. He dismissed the guard and they entered inside.

“Jae, before you tell me what you came here for, I want to give you something.” Yunho spoke first and let go of Jaejoong’s hand. Jaejoong blinked a few times and stared at Yunho confusedly. He watched as Yunho slipped his hand in his pocket and retrieved what seemed to be a bracelet. It was a silver-chained bracelet with a small precious gem in it. The small red gem connected the two ends of the silver chain.

“Give me your hand.” Yunho instructed and Jaejoong obeyed. He put it on Jaejoong. It was perfect on him. It was slightly lit inside the hall so the red gem glimmered in the dark.

“You like it?” Yunho asked with a smile.

“It’s beautiful Yunho. Thank you.” Jaejoong responded as he looked at the bracelet with both happiness and sadness.

“That bracelet represents our love for each other Jae. The gem in the bracelet is known for making love stronger. The gem connects the two ends of the chain, just like how love connects us both.” Yunho explained.

Jaejoong immediately flung his arms around Yunho. His emotions were about to burst inside him and he needed to borrow strength from Yunho. His lover’s act was making things much more difficult for him. Even though he felt something was wrong with Jaejoong, Yunho didn’t say anything and hugged him back.

Jaejoong closed his eyes as he enjoyed Yunho’s warmth and prepared himself for what he was about to do.

‘I can’t delay this anymore.’ Jaejoong said to himself and opened his eyes. He gently pushed Yunho and faced him. Without his eyes wandering in all places, he kept his eyes on Yunho’s and opened his mouth to speak.

“Yunho, we need to stop this. We can’t be together.” Jaejoong let out the words and it hurt his heart. It was as if he stabbed his own heart with a knife. Yunho wasn’t able to respond as he felt weak inside. He gave Jaejoong a bewildered stare.

“J-Jae, why are you saying that?” Yunho stuttered.

“You heard me.” Jaejoong looked away from Yunho as he couldn’t bear the sight of his lover. Yunho lost all of his princely and strong aura. What Jaejoong saw was a scared and lost child.

“Jae, don’t you love me? Why are you doing this?” Yunho asked and there was a hint of desperation in his voice.

“I love you so much Yunho. That’s why I’m doing this.” Jaejoong forced himself to look straight into Yunho’s brown orbs.

“I don’t understand.” Yunho said with a very confused expression.

“I don’t belong here Yunho.”

“Jae, I don’t care if you’re not of royal descent or if you’re a man. I love you.” Yunho said.

“That’s not what I mean, Yunho. I don’t belong here in the past.” Jaejoong finally confessed his long-kept secret.

“In the past?” Yunho said as Jaejoong’s statement made him even more confused. “What do you mean ‘in the past’? T-this is the present.”

“Exactly Yunho. This is your present. This is my past. That’s why I don’t belong here.” Jaejoong explained.

Yunho’s eyes widened from Jaejoong’s confession. He couldn’t believe everything that he was hearing. He was still trying to get a grip on things.

“You mean, you’re from the future?” Yunho asked.

“Yes, I time-travelled from your future which is also my present.” Jaejoong said, a bit uneasy because what he revealed was hard to believe.

“I’m sorry for lying Yunho.” Jaejoong bit his lip and lowered his head. Silence fell over the whole hall and no one uttered a single word for some time.

Yunho remembered when he first saw Jaejoong. He looked like a Korean and could speak Korean but there was something different about him, not just his odd clothes that didn’t fit in the Kingdom of Joseon. His accent was different from everyone else’s and just Jaejoong’s aura hinted that he didn’t belong in the trading place. Everything made sense because he doesn’t belong in Yunho’s time.

“Jae, can’t you just stay here with me?” Yunho asked quietly as he broke the silence.

“As much as I want to Yunho, I can’t.” Jaejoong said. He wanted to stop hurting both himself and Yunho, but it was something that couldn’t be avoided.

“Jae, I can’t give you up. I tried my best taking responsibility of the palace this past week, but at the end of the day, I always end up thinking and longing for you.” Yunho admitted.

“Yunho listen to me. I already know your future, I’ve read about it already.” Jaejoong said in his soft voice. He gently put his hand on Yunho’s cheeks.

“You’re going to be the King of this country, Yunho. You will lead the people of Joseon and make this country prosper. You’re going to be a great King.” Jaejoong smiled sweetly though deep down inside, his heart was breaking into pieces.

“Can’t we make our own future? Can’t I make my own future? I only see myself with you Jae.”

“Yunho, we shouldn’t be selfish. The people of Joseon depend on you. You’re the only one for the position. And we can’t challenge time Yunho. It’s too dangerous. We can’t change what has already happened.” Jaejoong’s voice quivered as he spoke.

“Nothing I say can make you change your mind?”

Jaejoong nodded. It was Yunho’s turn to take Jaejoong into his arms. He embraced him tightly and didn’t want to let go. Jaejoong did the same. They held on each other as if they were each other’s sole means for living.

If time was able to stop, it was that moment where both Yunho and Jaejoong wished it to happen. They loved each other deeply but the circumstances weren’t right for them. Time was against them. Who could win against it? They were fighting a losing battle.

As much as they loved and wanted to be with each other, they knew that they couldn’t.

Ever since Yunho met Jaejoong, his life slowly changed and was taken to the right path. Before Jaejoong, his life had no direction and all he wanted to do was to roam around. He didn’t want any kind of responsibility. Meeting and falling in love with Jaejoong changed that.

Before Jaejoong met Yunho, he was stuck in his own little world where he only cared about himself and no one else. To be exact, he was selfish and ambitious. He deprived his family of his presence for ten straight years. He denied his parents of a son. He denied his siblings of a brother. He only cared about his status and position in America. But after being able to sincerely fall in love with someone, he changed for the better. He was no longer the selfish Jaejoong that he once was. He learned to care for someone else besides himself. He was ready to give up his love for Yunho no matter how painful it was. He was willing to do it for Yunho, for the people of Joseon, for his family, and for the people of modern-day Korea.

“Jae” Yunho whispered.

“Hmm?” Jaejoong lifted his head a bit to look at his lover.

"No matter where you are, whether in this lifetime or not, I will always love you." Yunho said and leaned in to kiss Jaejoong’s waiting lips.

With Yunho’s words, the tears that Jaejoong tried so hard to fight back won in the end. Drop by drop, they fell from Jaejoong’s eyes and wet his cheeks. They were disturbed when a bright light emanated from Jaejoong’s chest.

“What’s happening Jae?”

“The hourglass.” Jaejoong said as he took it from inside his hanbok. The little hourglass was glowing and it was getting brighter and brighter. Jaejoong could see the remaining one-fourth of the gold dust moving to the other side.

‘Oh no! No!’ Jaejoong watched the hourglass with fear in his eyes. He then gazed at Yunho.


“This is goodbye Yunho.” Jaejoong said and forced a smile. Tears kept on falling down his cheeks.

“G-goodbye?” Yunho asked as his heart beat madly with fear. Everything was happening too fast.

“My time is up.” Jaejoong said and moved closer to Yunho. “You’re the best thing that has happened to me Yunho. I want you to know that. Thank you for the love that you gave me. I’ll always keep you in my heart.”

Yunho moved his hand to Jaejoong’s face and began wiping the tears away.

“Promise me that you’ll be a great king.” Jaejoong said as he stared at Yunho’s face. He wanted it to be the last thing that he’ll see from the past.

“I promise” Yunho replied.

‘I love you Yunho.’

Jaejoong placed a soft kiss on Yunho’s lips and Yunho’s eyes fluttered close. A flash of blinding light filled the entire hall. When Yunho opened his eyes, not a single trace of Jaejoong could be seen. He was forever gone.

‘Goodbye Jae.’ Yunho’s body gave up and he fell on the hard wooden floor of the palace hall. He silently cried as Jaejoong’s absence became a reality for him.

~I want to be with you forever, my love

I want to hold you always

As I've recognized you step by step

I just believed in an eternal love~


Chapter 23

History repeats itself

Chapter 23: History repeats itself (Last Chapter)

Jaejoong once again experienced the sensation of being pushed through a very small tube. He wasn’t able to breathe for a short while and endured the uncomfortable experience. Precious air then rushed inside his lungs and he was thankful that it was all over.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself inside his room. It looked the same as when he left it. The sheets were slightly crumpled and looked like someone just slept in them. The pillows were scattered in the bed. The blanket was lying on the floor.

Jaejoong just stood in the middle of his room, not knowing what he should do. He should be happy to be back in the present, right? But he felt the opposite.

“Yunho” Jaejoong whispered and new tears fell on his cheeks. He no longer had strength left and allowed himself to fall to the ground. The longer the time went by that Jaejoong remained in the present and reality struck him that he could never see Yunho again made him cry harder. His whole body was shaking.

“Jaejoong, dear” Mrs. Kim softly said as she peeked inside Jaejoong’s room and she saw him on the floor crying.

“Jaejoong! What happened?” she burst inside the room and rushed to her son.

“Umma” Jaejoong’s voice cracked from crying. His eyes were already red. He embraced his mother and her warmth soothed his broken soul. He felt safe and secure in his mother’s arms. Mrs. Kim tightened her embrace. She didn’t know what exactly happened to her son but she didn’t ask him anymore.

After a while, Mrs. Kim noticed that Jaejoong had stopped crying. She glanced at her son and he was already asleep.

“I wonder what happened to you.” she spoke to her son and she noticed something weird. She saw that Jaejoong was wearing a hanbok.

“Why is he wearing a hanbok?” Mrs. Kim wondered.

“Jaejoong, dear, wake up.” she lightly shook Jaejoong’s body to awaken him from his short slumber. She wanted Jaejoong to take a rest in his bed and she couldn’t possibly lift her grown son to the bed.

Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother smiling sweetly at him. She stood up and supported Jaejoong. She led him to the bed and they both sat at the edge.

“Umma, I’m sorry for worrying you.” Jaejoong apologized.

“It’s alright Jaejoong.” Mrs. Kim answered.

“I was gone for a long time without a word. Sorry.” he said, guilt building up inside.

“I – what? What are you talking about Jaejoong? I just saw you yesterday.” Mrs. Kim eyed her son.

“Y-you saw me yesterday? But I was...” Jaejoong stopped. He knew that he shouldn’t tell his mother that he had time-travelled back to 1800 because she would think that he was crazy.

“Junki told me that you and your friends got drunk last night and I came up here to check on you. Are you having a hangover?” Mrs. Kim asked concernedly.

“Last night?” Jaejoong repeated to be sure that he heard correctly.

“Yes, last night.”

‘What the hell is happening? I stayed in the past for more than a month! But Umma said that it was just last night that I was with my friends. So I wasn’t actually gone?’ Jaejoong thought as he processed everything.

“Jaejoong, are you alright?”

Jaejoong was brought back to reality as he heard his mother’s voice.

“Y-yes Umma. Don’t worry about me.” Jaejoong said and smiled to assure his mother.

“Okay. Take a rest first, okay?”

Jaejoong nodded.

“And dear, change your clothes first, okay? You’re wearing, uhm, a hanbok.” Mrs. Kim said awkwardly. Jaejoong’s eyes darted to the clothes that he was wearing and he was indeed wearing a hanbok.

“Ah, yes.” Jaejoong gave a weird laugh.

“I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” Mrs. Kim said and left her son alone.

“Was everything just a dream?” Jaejoong said to himself.

“But that can’t be. Everything felt real. I’m even wearing a hanbok.” Jaejoong quickly put his hand on his neck and was relieved to know that he was wearing a necklace. He took the little hourglass and gazed on it. Something caught his eye and it convinced him that everything that happened to him in the past was real. His friendship with Yoochun and Junsu was real. His love for Yunho was real.

Jaejoong’s eyes were focused on the hand that was grasping on the hourglass. On his wrist was a silver-chained bracelet with a small red gem. It was Yunho’s gift.

Knowing that their love was real was enough for Jaejoong. He put the bracelet near his heart and smiled.


Jaejoong got very used to his life in the past and it took him a while to adjust. Wearing hanboks for a long time made him very comfortable with it and he was having trouble wearing ‘modern-day’ clothing. Also, Seoul in the past was very ancient-looking. He was used to seeing a vast expanse of mountains and trees, traditional houses, stalls in the trading place, horses and other farm animals, and the great palace of Joseon Kingdom. Being back in the present Seoul was weird. He felt weird seeing building after building, modern houses, cars, shopping malls, restaurants, and everything else that couldn’t be found in the year 1800.

Even talking to the people in the present became weird for Jaejoong. He had gotten used to interacting with people wearing ancient clothing. Talking to a young lady wearing a pretty white dress, heels, and a hat was weird than talking to one wearing a hanbok.

Also, it took Jaejoong a while before he got used to seeing Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin in the present time. Especially Changmin, whom he saw with his own eyes had gotten killed by the infiltrators in the past. He had to undergo mental processing that he was no longer in Ancient Korea.

Jaejoong made himself cope up with the differences by making a mental switch in his head. Whenever he interacted with his family, friends, and random people, he would switch the ‘modern day Jaejoong’ on. He didn’t want to forget about his experiences in the past because it was important for him. His memory was one of the things that made him believe that what he had with Yunho was real.

On Jaejoong’s last night in Seoul, Mrs. Kim prepared a special dinner. Their family was complete except for his grandmother who was still in the hospital. Jaejoong’s friends were also invited.

“I have something to tell everybody.” Jaejoong announced as they finished eating. Everyone fell silent and all eyes were on Jaejoong.

“I want to set everything in my life right. I want to start fresh, so I decided to stay here in Korea.” Jaejoong said and waited for everyone’s reaction.

“Permanently?” Sohee asked with a hopeful expression.

“Yes puffycheeks. I’m staying here permanently.” Jaejoong said and smiled.

“Oppa!” Sohee’s face instantly lit up with happiness. She stood up from her chair and hugged her brother.

“Jae! Why did you have to wait until we threw a goodbye party for you? You should have told us earlier!” Junsu teased.

“It’s okay Jae. I was able to eat your Umma’s heavenly food.” Changmin joked.

“This is great Jae!” Yoochun said.

“Yah Jae! I really thought that we aren’t going to see you again for a long time!” Junki said with a bright smile.

“Junki oppa is right! That was mean of you.” Jaejoong’s older sister pouted cutely.

“We’re so happy that you’ll stay here Jae.” his other sister spoke.

“This is good news son. I’m sure that your grandmother will want to hear this right away.” Mr. Kim said. All of them hugged Jaejoong one by one, starting from Sohee to Mr. Kim. Jaejoong then turned to his mother and saw her crying.

“Umma, why are you crying?” Jaejoong asked as he went near her.

“I’m just so happy right now Jaejoong. You now that it has always been my wish for you to stay here in Korea. I didn’t even need to convince you to do that, you decided on your own. Now, our family is really complete. Thank you son.” Mrs. Kim said and embraced her son.

Jaejoong saw everyone’s smiles and he knew that he made the right decision.


Jaejoong went back to America to settle everything. He resigned his post in the company that he was working for and visited his uncle to tell him that he was going back to Korea to live there permanently. He left his possessions under the care of his uncle. His uncle was happy that his nephew realized the important things in life.

Jaejoong went back to Korea with a smile on his face. Unlike last time, no one forced him to come back. He returned with his own free will. He was ready to start his new life.

He first went to look for a job. It wasn’t that hard for him to get one because he had good educational background and working experience. He landed a job at a big IT company in Seoul and he was excited to start his work. In celebration, he asked his three friends out on a drink.

“Jae, we thought you were going to ditch us.” Junsu teased.

“Sorry for being late.” Jaejoong said as he took the seat next to Junsu.

“And we thought you were going to start a new life.” Changmin joined in the teasing.

“Here we go again.” Jaejoong said and laughed. He was used to his friends teasing about his tardiness.

“It’s one of the things that Jae can’t change about him. Being always late is what makes him Jae.” Yoochun said and it made Jaejoong as still as a statue as he looked at Yoochun.

“Jae” Changmin brought Jaejoong back to reality.

“Sorry, I remembered something.” Jaejoong said. He was reminded of Yoochun in the past.

“You know Jae, there’s something weird happening with you. You sometimes stare at me and you freeze like a statue at times like earlier.” Yoochun stated. “Just tell me if you like me, okay?”

“Not in a million years Chun.” Jaejoong said and laughed along with his friends.

Jaejoong didn’t tell anyone about his time-travelling experience. It was something that he was going to keep as a secret until the day that he dies. Besides, who would believe him?

“By the way Jae, I thought you hate that necklace? Why are you always wearing it now?” Junsu asked after they ordered their drinks.

“That was before Su. This is like my lucky charm.” Jaejoong said and smiled.

“Is it still broken?” Changmin asked.

“No, it’s not broken Min. This is just the way that it works.” Jaejoong explained.

“Huh? I didn’t get that. Then it doesn’t work if it’s the same as before right?” Changmin said with a confused expression. Jaejoong laughed.

“I guess so.” Jaejoong said as he didn’t want to explain how the hourglass works because it meant that he also needed to tell them about time travelling.

“Where did you get that Jae?” Yoochun asked as he noticed the bracelet on Jaejoong’s wrist.

“Can I see it Jae?” Junsu asked and grabbed Jaejoong’s hand. He analyzed the red gem and he smiled.

“I know this gem!” Junsu said excitedly. “It’s a very precious gem in Ancient Korea. It is known for making love stronger.”

“How do you know these things Su?” Jaejoong asked.

“Jae, I work in the government, remember? I have access to the history archives and it has been a hobby of mine to read some.” Junsu answered.

“It can make love stronger? So that means that...” Changmin said. “Jae! You have a lover!”

“Yah, Jae. How could you keep your friends in the dark?” Yoochun teased.

“Hey, you two are jumping into conclusions again.” Jaejoong said to Yoochun and Changmin.

“Care to explain then?” Changmin said as he smiled mischievously.

“Wipe that smile off of you face Min. I don’t have a lover.” Jaejoong said and grabbed his drink. He drained the contents in one go.

“Jae, drink slowly. You’ll end up being drunk again.” Yoochun reminded.

“This bracelet is a gift from my parents.” Jaejoong lied. He couldn’t possibly tell his friends that he received the bracelet from someone who lived in 1800.

“Oh” Changmin said as he believed Jaejoong. He looked disappointed like he was expecting something else.

Junsu’s face lit up with excitement when he remembered something.

“I’m going to tell you guys something interesting.”

“What is it Su?” Yoochun asked.

“Don’t tell me that it has something to do with the history archives again?” Changmin said.

“Yes it does.” Junsu answered.

“This better be interesting Su.” Jaejoong said.

“I promise. Especially you Jae, you’ll find this really interesting.” Junsu said and smiled.

‘Me? I wonder what Junsu’s talking about.’Jaejoong thought.

“You all know King Sunjo of the Joseon dynasty?” Junsu asked as he started his story.

“Of course. Didn’t all of us study the past kings?” Yoochun said.

“Yes, we did study them. Okay, here it goes. I read that before King Sunjo married the Royal Princess, he had a lover before her. Not just any lover, but a man just like himself.” Junsu stopped.

“And?” Changmin said, urging Junsu to continue to the interesting part.

“And King Sunjo’s male lover was named Jaejoong.” Junsu said and made Jaejoong almost choke on the vodka that he was drinking.

“Jae, are you alright?” Yoochun said and patted Jaejoong’s back.

“I’m okay Chun.” Jaejoong said as the pain in his throat subsided.

‘So it really happened? Yunho was really my lover and we did part from each other. He became the King and married Eunhye.’ Jaejoong thought.

“What a concidence.” Jaejoong commented. “What is King Sunjo’s real name?”

“Yunho” Junsu said and confirmed Jaejoong’s thoughts.

“So he did become King.” Jaejoong whispered and Junsu caught what he said.

“Of course he did. It’s not like you know Yunho’s life.” Junsu said.

“Ah.” Jaejoong laughed awkwardly. “That’s right. I don’t know his life. I was bad at History.”

“Here’s more. There was a rough sketch of Jaejoong in the archives, and I swear, he looked just like Jae!” Junsu spilled. For the second time, Jaejoong once again was on the verge of blowing the liquid inside his mouth on whoever was in front of him because of everything that Junsu was saying.

“Really? Wow. That’s what you call COINCIDENCE.” Changmin said in amazement and emphasized the word ‘coincidence’. What Jaejoong’s three friends didn’t know was that it wasn’t a coincidence. The Jaejoong in the past and Jaejoong in the present were the same.

“Yah, let’s stop talking about that. It’s freaking me out.” Jaejoong said and the others complied.

Jaejoong wasn’t able to monitor his drinking and ended up being drunk. Good thing the others weren’t and they drove Jaejoong to his house.

“Ugh, Jae reeks of alcohol.” Yoochun said as he supported Jaejoong. Junsu pressed the doorbell. The four of them were standing outside the gate.

“Good thing that it’s Sunday today and there’s no work or Jae will be working with a nasty headache.” Changmin said.

“Yah, why did we leave? I-I’m not drunk yet.” Jaejoong suddenly spoke.

“Jae, you can’t even stand up straight.” Junsu pointed out.

“I still want to drink!” Jaejoong whined.

“You know what, you really should have a Yunho in your life.” Changmin said as a joke.

“He’s here.” Jaejoong said and placed his hand on his chest. He then passed out again. Yoochun, Junsu, and Changmin at first were surprised with Jaejoong’s words but didn’t take him seriously in the end. They all thought that Jaejoong was really drunk and didn’t know what he was saying.


Jaejoong had already started his work in his new company. The working environment was great and his co-workers were very friendly. One day, one of the main servers of their company crashed and needed immediate fixing. All of the top programmers of the company worked hand in hand to fix the problem, and that included Jaejoong. Everyone worked until it was late in the night. Fortunately, the main server was fixed that night.

On his way home, he thought of buying sushi for his family at home. He decided to drop by his favourite sushi restaurant first before going home. It was just a few blocks from his company so Jaejoong didn’t bring his car anymore. Besides, he wanted to take a walk to stretch his fatigued body.

Jaejoong passed by a dark alley which was only lit by a single lamp post. He was about to continue walking when he heard voices coming from inside the alley. He peeked inside and indeed saw people.

“Please, I don’t have money. Let me go.” a voice said which seemed to belong to a young woman.

“Yah, grab her bag.” another voice spoke.

“What are you doing? I said I don’t have money!”

“If you don’t want anything to happen to you, you better shut up and hand over your money.” the voice threathened.

“Yah! What the hell are you doing?!” Jaejoong shouted as he bravely entered the dark alley. The woman was in danger and he just couldn’t pass by and pretend that nothing was wrong.

“Don’t meddle in other people’s business.” one of the gangsters said and blocked Jaejoong’s way.

“Let the girl go.” Jaejoong said.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Some kind of hero?” the gangster said and all of them laughed.

Jaejoong knew that it was no use talking to a bunch of idiots and he landed a punch on the gangster nearest him. His comrades were shocked with Jaejoong’s actions and prepared to beat the hell out of him.

One of the gangsters launched himself at Jaejoong and the later luckily dodged the attack. The others one by one attacked Jaejoong.

“Agashii, get out of here!” Jaejoong said to the young woman as he continued to fight. The frightened young woman obeyed. She grabbed her bag from the ground and quickly fled from the dark alley.

“You lowlifes! You should be ashamed of yourselves for threatening a defenseless woman. Why not use those bulky bodies to work, huh?” Jaejoong said as he was slowly getting tired. He wasn’t used to fighting and his endurance was short.

“Shut up!” the gangster said as he grabbed a Swiss army knife from his pocket.

‘Shit! This is bad!’ Jaejoong thought as he eyed the sharp object.

“This will surely make your big mouth shut up.” the gangster said and smiled evilly. He once again launched himself to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong on the other hand wasn’t able to react on time. There was no time to avoid the sharp knife that was about to pierce through his skin so he just closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come. Luckily it didn’t.

As if his guardian angel was always there to protect Jaejoong from harm, someone threw a large stone at Jaejoong’s attacker and made him unconscious. When Jaejoong opened his eyes, he saw the man sprawled on the dirty ground.

“It’s you guys again. Don’t you have anything good to do other than bullying people?” Jaejoong’s saviour spoke.

“Y-yah! D-don’t meddle with our business.” one of the gangsters said as his voice shook.

“Get the hell out of here now before I beat the crap out of you guys!” the unknown man warned.

“We aren’t going anywhere!”

The poor gangster made a bad a choice. He attacked Jaejoong’s saviour, only to get himself badly beaten with bruises all over his body, a broken nose and arm, and bleeding lips. Jaejoong watched in awe. The remaining gangsters knew better than to mess with the man who beat the hell out of their member. They hurriedly ran away, leaving behind their two members.

“Cowards.” the unknown man whispered. He then noticed Jaejoong and asked, “Are you alright?”

It was Jaejoong’s first time hearing his saviour’s voice clearly. He was too scared at almost being killed by the gangster earlier that he didn’t notice the low baritone voice of the stranger who helped him. His heart thumped rapidly as he recognized the voice.

‘Could it be...’

“I’m alright.” Jaejoong answered.

“You shouldn’t wander around alone this late in the night.”

“Uhm, excuse me but, can we talk outside this alley?” Jaejoong said as he wanted to see the man’s face.

“Oh, okay.” the man complied and they silently walked out of the dark alley. They stopped just outside, enough for them to clearly see each other’s faces. Jaejoong faced his saviour and almost had a heart attack when he saw the other’s face. It was exactly like Yunho’s. He felt mixed emotions. He missed Yunho so much that he had the urge to embrace the man who looked exactly like Yunho but he knew that he shouldn’t do that. The man didn’t know him and it would be extremely weird for him to go hugging Yunho’s look-a-like.

“Uhm, could you stop staring?” his saviour said, a bit annoyed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You reminded me of someone.” Jaejoong bowed in apology. “By the way, thank you for saving me.”

“It wasn’t really my intention to save you. I just don’t like people bullying someone who is helpless.” the man replied.

‘Wait, didn’t I hear that line before?’ Jaejoong thought.

“Yunho! Yah! Where did you go? I looked all over the place for you!” a voice shouted. Jaejoong looked behind him and saw Changmin running towards them.

“Changmin?” Jaejoong was surprised to see Changmin.

“Jae? What are you doing here?” Changmin asked and saw some cuts on Jaejoong’s face. “Did you fight? Yunho, you did this to him?”

“Min, stop jumping into conclusions. He didn’t do this to me. He was actually the one who saved me from those gangsters earlier.” Jaejoong explained.

“Changmin, you know him?” Yunho and Jaejoong spoke at the same time.

“Yunho, this is Kim Jaejoong. He’s my friend. Jae, this is Jung Yunho, my cousin.” Changmin answered.

“He’s not your brother? And his surname is really Jung?” Jaejoong asked.

“Jae, you know that I don’t have a brother.” Changmin eyed Jaejoong weirdly.

“Oh, right.”

“Why are you asking if my surname is really Jung? Why? You have a problem with it?” Yunho turned to Jaejoong.

“Ah, nothing. Don’t mind me.” Jaejoong answered and laughed awkwardly.

‘Jaejoong you idiot! Why did you have to ask those stupid questions? He’s not Yunho from the past!’

“Jae, we need to get going now. Yunho’s mom is already looking for us.” Changmin said.

“Alright. Take care.”

“Bye Jae.” Changmin waved goodbye and left with Yunho. Jaejoong watched them walk away.

“Why do I feel like all of this has happened to me before?” Jaejoong asked himself. He continued to watch Yunho’s back and his memories of the past began to enter his mind. He remembered his first meeting with Yunho in the past. It was exactly like that night.

“What a coincidence” Jaejoong said in awe and smiled.

Everything was complete in Jaejoong’s new life; his family, his friends, and Yunho. Even if things didn’t work out in the past, Jaejoong was going to find happiness this time. As the saying goes, history repeats itself, but in a different context.


Chapter 24



Jaejoong really did make the right decision to stay in Korea. He was happy and satisfied with his current life because he had his loving family and his loyal friends. He was complete. Having Yunho back in his life was the missing piece to the puzzle. Even though they were just friends, it was already enough for him.

Even before Jaejoong met Yunho, who was Changmin’s cousin, he already loved him. His feelings for Yunho in the past were the same with Yunho in the present. He didn’t think of them as separate individuals. Because of this, Jaejoong had his hopes up that Yunho would return his feelings in the end.

Everything was going according to what happened in the past. History was really repeating itself. The events that happened between Yunho and Jaejoong in the past were happening in the present, only in a different context. It was also in the same order.

Their first meeting was when Yunho saved Jaejoong from the gangsters. Their next encounter was when Yunho was running away from the gangsters that he beat up. The gangsters brought every one of their people to get revenge on Yunho. He knew that he was no match to them because he was outnumbered. No matter how skilled Yunho was, he had no choice but to escape. While running for his dear life, it was by chance that he bumped into Jaejoong and dragged him along. Also, instead of being trapped inside a cave, they got trapped inside an elevator and were stuck there the whole night. For their third meeting, they met one night along the streets of Seoul. With everything that happened to them, they just couldn’t ignore each other and took the opportunity to talk. Since that night, it had already been a routine for them to meet up and just talk like friends do, with Jaejoong trying hard to hide his true feelings. With that, they got closer.

On a bright and beautiful Sunday, every important person in Jaejoong’s life was present in their barbeque party; his grandmother, parents, brother, sisters, nieces and nephews, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, and his friends. Everyone gathered in Jaejoong’s house. It was a get-together that Jaejoong planned.

Jaejoong introduced Yunho to his family because it was Yunho’s first time being with them. They welcomed him warmly and treated him as part of the family just like Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin.

Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun sat beside each other in the table that they had set up an hour ago. Jaejoong’s grandmother was inside the house taking a rest and his father watched over her. His mother was inside fixing some things in the kitchen. His nephew and nieces were playing with Sohee and their parents. Yunho and Changmin were helping Junki and his wife barbeque the meat. Changmin was not exactly helping, more like standing there being a supervisor and being the first one to taste the barbecued meat.

“Looks like you have your Yunho now.” Yoochun teased Jaejoong.

“Yah, Yoochun! Stop that!” Jaejoong hissed.

“I know what you’re going to say next, ‘We’re just friends.’ right?” Junsu joined Yoochun in the teasing.

“Well that’s the truth. We are just friends.” Jaejoong defended.

“If you are just friends, then why can’t you take your eyes off of Yunho? I’m starting to wonder why he hasn’t melted yet.” Junsu challenged.

“When did I ever stare at him?” Jaejoong said as his cheeks flushed red.

“Look who’s blushing now!” Yoochun said and laughed along with Junsu. The two were teaming up against Jaejoong.

“FYI Jae, the whole time that we were sitting here, your eyes were always on Yunho. Even when we were setting up the table with him, I caught you staring at Yunho.” Junsu said.

“Yah Junsu, I wasn’t staring at him. It was just a coincidence that you saw me looking at him. What’s wrong with me looking at him? Is it wrong to look at you too?” Jaejoong said and took Junsu’s face between his hands and stared at him.

“Jae, you’re being so defensive that it’s even getting more suspicious.” Yoochun commented.

“Ah whatever you two!” Jaejoong huffed and left Junsu and Yoochun.

“Hey, what happened to Jae?” Yunho asked as he went to the table to place the platter full of barbequed meat.

“Don’t mind him Yunho. We were just teasing Jae.” Yoochun smiled.

“Go get him Yunho. He’ll listen to you.” Junsu said.

Yunho followed Jaejoong inside the house. He found him sitting alone in the living room watching television but wasn’t paying attention to any word that the reporter on the screen was saying.

“Jae, are you alright?” Yunho asked as he sat next to Jaejoong.

“Huh, nothing’s wrong with me.” Jaejoong said as he forced himself to focus on the reporter blabbing away about traffic instead of thinking about the close proximity of him and Yunho. His heart beat rapidly inside his chest.

“Come on, let’s go outside. Everyone is already there.”

“You go first.” Jaejoong said as he didn’t want to go together with Yunho. He knew that Junsu and Yoochun would tease him further.

“I won’t go without you.” the stubborn Yunho said. He grabbed the remote from Jaejoong’s hand and turned off the television.

“Let’s go.” Yunho said as he stood up and held out his hand for Jaejoong. Jaejoong smiled and took Yunho’s hand in the end. He knew he couldn’t resist him. The touching of their skin didn’t last long as Yunho let go of Jaejoong’s hand once Jaejoong was up from the couch.

‘What was I expecting?’ Jaejoong thought and his smile disappeared. They went back outside together.

Two long tables were joined together to accommodate everybody. Everyone was already seated. Yunho and Jaejoong were the only ones who were missing.

“Where did you two go? Come on, sit down. Yunho dear, enjoy yourself okay?” Mrs. Kim said when she saw them approaching.

“Thank you Mrs. Kim.” Yunho said with a smile. He was very happy to meet Jaejoong’s family. They treated him like a true family member.

“Oppa, here, try this.” Sohee put some pieces of meat on Yunho’s bowl.

“What about me Sohee?” Jaejoong whined.

“Jaejoong oppa, you’re too far from me. Let Yunho oppa get you some.” Sohee said and smiled.

“Here you go Jae.” Yunho grabbed some of the barbequed meat with his chopsticks and put it on Jaejoong’s bowl.

“T-thanks.” Jaejoong said, his cheeks turning a slight pink. When Yunho did things like that, how could he prevent himself from falling for him even more?

Jaejoong glanced at Junsu and Yoochun and they were smiling at him, their expression saying “I told you so”.

‘Aish! Why these two!’ Jaejoong thought and forcefully ate the meat.

“Omo! I forgot the glasses!” Mrs. Kim suddenly said.

“I’ll get it Eomma.” Jaejoong said and immediately got up from his seat. He wanted to escape so he volunteered himself.

“Thanks son. But I don’t think you can carry it by yourself.” Mrs. Kim said.

“Auntie, Yunho can help Jae.” Junsu interrupted in the conversation and winked at Jaejoong. “Right Yunho?”

“Sure” Yunho said and left the table with Jaejoong.

‘Kim Junsu! I’ll get you for this!’ Jaejoong planned to take revenge.

“Hmm, where are those glasses?” Jaejoong mused as he looked around the kitchen.

“Maybe on the cupboards?” Yunho suggested.

“Oh, right. Let’s look for it together. I’ll start here on the left side.” Jaejoong said and started opening the cupboards.

“Okay, I’ll start on the right.”

After a few seconds, Jaejoong said, “Oh, here it is!” The glasses were on the top-most cupboard. He dragged a chair from the dining room and placed it exactly below the cupboard. Stepping on it, Jaejoong got the glasses one by one and started handing them to Yunho.

“Jae, be careful.” Yunho reminded as he grabbed another glass from Jaejoong.

“Don’t worry about me.” Jaejoong said and took another glass from the cupboard.

“Just watching from here makes me scared. Let’s switch places.” Yunho suggested.

“Yah, Jung Yunho. What do you take me for? This is such an easy job. Tch.” Jaejoong pretended to ignore Yunho and continued on the task at hand. Deep inside, his happiness was overflowing. Seeing that Yunho worried for him made him happy.

“You should have just let me do that.” Yunho persisted. “I’m taller than you.”

“What does this have to do with height?” Jaejoong said while trying to fight back a smile. “And you are just a few centimeters taller than me Yunho. That’s not much.”

“Fine, fine, fine. If you suddenly slip there and fall on your butt, don’t blame me okay?” Yunho said back.

“Here, last one.” Jaejoong handed one last glass to Yunho. “I won’t blame you because that won’t happen.”

Yunho pouted cutely and as a joke, he put unnecessary force on taking the glass from Jaejoong. The sudden force surprised Jaejoong and made him wobble dangerously. There wasn’t enough time to make himself stable and he was about to fall from the chair when a pair of hands caught him.

“See? I told you to be careful.” Yunho spoke, his face just a few inches from Jaejoong’s. His arms were wrapped around Jaejoong’s waist. Meanwhile, Jaejoong had a dumbfounded expression on his face as he stared at Yunho with his mouth slightly open.

“Jae” Yunho stared back and gazed at Jaejoong’s big beautiful eyes. Jaejoong blinked a few times before he came back to reality.

“Yunho” Jaejoong whispered and didn’t take his eyes off of Yunho. It was like he was under some kind of spell. His heart thumped crazily and he wondered if Yunho could feel it because his chest was pressed on Yunho’s. Blood rushed to his cheeks, making it blush.

The two were in a staring contest as nobody dared to break eye contact. Jaejoong was about to push Yunho away from him when the other started leaning forward slowly.

‘What is he doing? No way...he’s going to kiss me?!’ Jaejoong thought as his mind panicked.

While staring and being caught in Jaejoong’s alluring eyes, Yunho had the urge to kiss the man in front of him. It was a very impulsive feeling, almost as if someone was telling him to do it. He knew that they were just friends, but at that moment he felt that it was the right thing to do. His instinct was telling him that it was right for Jaejoong to be in his arms, that it was right for him to kiss Jaejoong. There was a sudden change to his heart. It was screaming, craving, and beating for the beautiful man in his arms.

Yunho moved closer and closer but suddenly stopped when his lips were dangerously too close to Jaejoong’s inviting ones. Just like how the sudden urge came, it also disappeared that way. He immediately let go of Jaejoong and distanced himself.

‘What was I thinking?’ Yunho thought as he realized what he was so close to doing.

“Jae, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know what went through my head.” Yunho stuttered as he worried what Jaejoong might think of him. “Ah! Right! The glasses! We have to hurry back.”

Yunho quickly took half of the glasses and left first from the kitchen without waiting for Jaejoong. He was too embarrassed to face him.

“What...what just happened?” Jaejoong said. He was standing alone in the kitchen as he stared emptily in front of him like he was hypnotized. His heart was still racing.

“Was all that true, or did I just imagine it?” he wondered, still not moving from where he stood. He tried to recall everything and convinced himself that it was true. He could still feel Yunho’s touch lingering.

“If he was trying to kiss me, could it be that...Yunho is starting to have feelings for me?”


Yunho was deeply distracted by the events that happened earlier. Nothing entered and occupied his mind except Jaejoong. Being so close to kissing his friend monopolized him. He was the one tasked to wash the dishes in their home but all he did was hold the sponge and stare at the dirty dishes.

“Yunho! What are you doing?” Mrs. Jung scolded as she saw the water running from the open faucet and Yunho was doing nothing.

“Huh?” Yunho broke from his trance and looked at his mother.

“Yunho, the dishes won’t magically clean themselves if you don’t wash them.” Mrs. Jung said and observed her son’s face. She noticed that Yunho was troubled by something. “Let me do this. Go up to your room and get some rest, okay?”

“Ah, Eomma, there’s no need for that. I’m okay. I was just thinking about something and got distracted.” Yunho said and smiled apologetically. “I’ll wash the dishes now. Don’t worry about me and just take a rest.”

“Well, if you say so.” Mrs. Jung said and left the kitchen.

When Yunho was finished washing the dishes, he went straight to his room and lay on his bed. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to his chest.

“Hmm, what was wrong with me earlier? How could I try and kiss Jae?” Yunho spoke out loud and wondered about his behaviour. His mind then wandered to Jaejoong’s plump and luscious lips.

“I wonder how his lips would taste like.” Yunho thought and his eyes widened with surprise.

“Did I just say that? What the hell is going through my head lately?!”

After exhausting himself by thinking about the kissing incident all night, Yunho fell asleep. He thought that sleep was the best way to forget everything that happened that day, but he was wrong. Even in his dreams, Jaejoong was still there.

Yunho watched his dream play in his head like a movie. It was deep in the night and the place was very dark. He saw Jaejoong sitting under a tree. It was like watching a historical Korean movie because Jaejoong was wearing a hanbok and the setting looked like Ancient Korea.

Jaejoong wasn’t alone. He was soon joined by another man. He was also wearing a hanbok like Jaejoong. Yunho squinted his eyes to clearly see the man’s face in the dark and was shocked to see his own face. It was like looking into a mirror. They looked exactly the same.

Jaejoong and the man that looked the same as Yunho started talking. Yunho listened to their conversation and discovered that the man with Jaejoong was also named Yunho. The conversation then went to their kiss.

“But you still remember our kiss, right?”

“Yunho, what kind of question is that? Of course I remember. How can I forget? That kiss has been stuck in my mind ever since and it’s driving me crazy!”

“You’re right. How could you forget something like that? Well, you asked me what that kiss was for.”

“Oh, right.”

“I know that I didn’t answer you that night and I’m sorry. But I already have an answer now.”

“I don’t expect you to understand or to feel the same way Jae. I will totally understand if you don’t want to see me anymore because of this. But I really need to tell you this because I won’t be able to have a peaceful mind until you hear what I feel.”

“I love you Jaejoong. As weird as it sounds, that’s what I truly feel about you.”

The scene before Yunho’s eyes disappeared and it was replaced by a different place. Jaejoong and Yunho were standing inside what looked like an ancient hall. Once again, Yunho watched them and listened to the conversation.

Yunho saw the other Yunho retrieve something inside his pocket. It was a bracelet that looked very familiar to Yunho’s eyes. He knew that he had seen that bracelet somewhere and remembered Jaejoong. Jaejoong’s bracelet was exactly the same in his dream. Everything was starting to get very odd.

“I don’t belong here Yunho.”

“Jae, I don’t care if you’re not of royal descent or if you’re a man. I love you.”

“That’s not what I mean, Yunho. I don’t belong here in the past.”

“In the past? What do you mean ‘in the past’? T-this is the present.”

“Exactly Yunho. This is your present. This is my past. That’s why I don’t belong here.”

‘What is happening? Why do I feel like saw this happening before?’ Yunho thought, still caught in his dream.

He heard the other Yunho say "No matter where you are, whether in this lifetime or not, I will always love you." He then gently kissed Jaejoong. The following events happened too fast. There was an exchange of words between Jaejoong and the other Yunho and then a flash of light appeared that momentarily blinded Yunho. When he opened his eyes, Jaejoong was gone and the other Yunho fell on his knees and cried.

The last thing that Yunho saw was the other Yunho crying and then everything dissolved into nothingness. It was the end of Yunho’s dream. He woke up in the middle of the night with his mind and emotions completely messed up.

“What was that?” Yunho said as his heart beat crazily inside his chest. He knew that it was just a dream, but why did he feel that it was real at the same time?


Junsu needed to go to Changgyeong Palace for his work and he asked Yoochun to accompany him. Changmin heard their conversation and wanted to tag along so the two agreed. Also, Changmin remembered Junsu’s story about King Sunjo and suggested that they should take Yunho and Jaejoong along. Junsu and Yoochun’s eyes sparkled with delight at their friend’s suggestion.

Changgyeong Palace was one of the “Five Grand Palaces” of the Joseon Dynasty. It was the home of the past Kings and their families. It was turned and preserved into a national historical site.

The five of them went there on a Sunday where they were all free from work. Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin didn’t tell Jaejoong and Yunho where they were going. They wanted it to be a surprise so the two were clueless until they arrived.

The palace was usually closed on Sundays but Junsu and his friends were made an exception because Junsu was there for work and he was close to the person maintaining and managing the palace. When they arrived outside the palace, they weren’t able to enter right away because the gates were closed. Junsu contacted the curator of the palace and was told to wait first.

The four of them waited outside and kept on blabbering about random things while Jaejoong was silent as he realized where they were. His memory of the past flooded his mind as he stared at the grand entrance to the palace that meant so much to him. It still looked the same after many years.

Yunho and Jaejoong had become very awkward towards each other ever since the incident in the kitchen. It was worsened because of Yunho’s weird dreams. The two avoided eye contact and conversation as much as possible. Yunho stayed close to Changmin and the others while Jaejoong was enveloped in his own world, reminiscing the past.

Everyone fell silent as the wooden gates opened and revealed an old man in his 50’s. Junsu greeted him and introduced his friends. They were asked to go inside by the curator.

“Junsu, the documents are in the museum. I suggest that your friends look around the palace. I assume that this is their first time here?” the curator said as they stood in the palace courtyard.

“Yes sir.” Junsu answered. It was true for Yoochun, Changmin, and Yunho, but not for Jaejoong. The others didn’t know that.

“I will ask one of the guides to accompany your friends and show them around the palace. You come with me to the museum.”

Junsu left with the curator and the other four waited for their guide to show up. Yoochun, Changmin, and Yunho eyed the palace with awe. Jaejoong on the other hand eyed the place with longing and happiness. He missed the palace and was glad to be back. He looked around the familiar buildings with a smile on his face.

Their guide appeared after a few minutes and their tour inside the palace started. The guide told them facts about the palace and Yoochun, Changmin, and Yunho listened carefully. Jaejoong didn’t pay any attention because he was busy reminiscing the past. As they walked through the palace, he was reminded of everything about Yunho. He felt that it was just yesterday when he was last in the palace.

Because Jaejoong was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn’t notice that he was no longer with his friends. He stood alone in some place in the palace.

“Huh, where are they?” Jaejoong looked around but he didn’t see his friends. He decided to go and look for them and he ended up entering a large hall inside one of the palace buildings. He slowly walked inside the room and it was full of portraits. He went close to the first painting. Inside the wooden frame was a portrait of a man. Jaejoong bent down and read the caption “King Taejo”. He went to the next portrait and it was the king next to King Taejo, King Jeongjong.

Jaejoong glanced at the portraits that hung on the wall one by one. He passed the different kings of Joseon dynasty; next to King Jeongjong was King Taejong, then Sejong the Great, Munjong, Danjong, Sejo, Yejong, Seongjong, Yeonsangun, Jungjong, Injong, Myeongjong, Seonjo, Gwanghaegun, Injo, Hyojong, Hyeonjong, Sukjong, Gyeongjong, Yeongjo, Jeongjo. Jaejoong stopped at King Jeongjo’s portrait.

“This is Yunho’s father.” Jaejoong said in a low voice. He had only seen King Jeongjo once. It was pitiful that he didn’t have the chance to see him when he was still alive. His first and last encounter with King Jeongjo was inside the Tongmyeongjeon Hall during the night that the palace was infiltrated.

Jaejoong knew who the next king was. He was about to move to the next portrait when a voice greeted him and almost made him jump.

“Hello Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong turned to see who was inside the room with him and was surprised to see the old woman who gave him the hourglass and was the one responsible for everything that happened to him. He stared at the old woman with surprised eyes while she looked back with a calm and serene smile.

“Grandmother from the hospital?”

“Young man, that is not my name.” the old woman chuckled. “But you can call me Grandma.”

“Uhm, grandma, uhhh, how are you?” It was the best that Jaejoong could come up with. He didn’t know what to say to the old woman in front of him.

“I’m perfectly fine. Now, enough about me. I came here for you. How was your experience?”

“It was a great experience, something that I would treasure for the rest of my life.” Jaejoong answered as he relaxed.

“I’m glad to hear that. I was very worried at first because I thought you wouldn’t be able to come back to the present. I was wrong.” the old woman said and smiled.

“Grandma, why was it me? Of all the people, why me?” Jaejoong was curious.

“Because you needed help. Not because you are special or anything. It’s just that the runes randomly chose you out of all the people who need help.”

“I must be lucky then.”

“Well, in a way, yes.” the old woman walked closer to Jaejoong. “Now you need to pass the luck to someone else.”

“H-how do I do that?”

“I’m here to take the hourglass back.”

“Of course.” Jaejoong took off the necklace that he was wearing. The little hourglass was dangling on it. He looked at it with a bit of sadness in his eyes. It was a very important thing to him because if it wasn’t for the hourglass, he wouldn’t have stayed in the past and met Yunho. He wouldn’t have experienced falling in love and realized the important things in life. He handed the necklace back to the old woman.

“Thank you for lending it. It means a lot to me.” Jaejoong sincerely said and bowed.

“You’re welcome Jaejoong. I’m happy that you have changed for the better.” the old woman said with a tender expression.

“Is this our last meeting?”

“I’m afraid so. Before I go, I want you to know that I have a gift for you. I know that you’ll like it.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll know about it soon.” the old woman said and smiled. ‘Sooner than you think.’

“I guess I’ll just have to wait for it.” Jaejoong had absolutely no clue about the gift that the old woman was talking about.

“Goodbye Jaejoong. Instead of finding happiness, it will find you.” the old woman said and disappeared in front of Jaejoong.

“What does she mean by that?” Jaejoong said with a puzzled expression. Everything about the old woman was mysterious. He turned back to King Jeongjo’s portrait and walked past it to the next one.

Jaejoong stood in front of the large portrait and just as he thought, the picture of King Sunjo stared back at him. King Sunjo was indeed Yunho, Jaejoong’s Yunho. Yunho was wearing clothes fit for a king and the whole feeling of the portrait was majestic. While Jaejoong gazed upon Yunho’s picture, different questions entered his mind. How was Yunho when he left? Did Yunho miss him as much as he did? Did Yunho face many difficulties without him by his side? Jaejoong had many questions but he knew that he wouldn’t have answers. It was impossible for him to ask Yunho for answers.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” a voice said. Jaejoong recognized the voice and quickly turned to see who it was. He was right. The voice belonged to Yunho.

“What do you mean staring at you? I was staring at the portrait.” Jaejoong said and felt it weird to see Yunho in the present when he was just thinking about Yunho from the past. But at the same time, all of the awkwardness that he felt suddenly disappeared, as if it was thrown to the air and taken away by the wind.

“Exactly.” Yunho said and smiled.

“Just because you look alike doesn’t mean I’m staring at you Yunho.” Jaejoong replied.

“But I’m the one in the portrait.”

“Alright. Enough of the jokes Yunho. Come on. Let’s find the others.” Jaejoong said and was about to walk past Yunho. Yunho prevented Jaejoong from walking any further by holding on to his arm.

“That hurt. You don’t recognize me?” Yunho said as he gazed at Jaejoong’s surprised eyes. Jaejoong didn’t understand what was going on.

“What do you mean?” Jaejoong maintained eye contact with Yunho and searched his eyes for some answer.

“We first met when I saved you from those thugs in the forest. In our next meeting, I dragged you inside the forest, we got lost, and ended up being trapped inside a cave. We hated each other at first, but ended up being good friends.” Yunho started.

“H-how did you..” Jaejoong wanted to ask but Yunho continued his story.

“I confessed to you first and I was very happy when you returned my feelings. We even had our first night in the meadow inside the forest. We loved each other but it was at the wrong time. I was the Royal Prince and I had a big responsibility. You didn’t belong in the past. We were forced to separate no matter how much we loved each other.”

“Yunho? You’re my Yunho from the past?” Jaejoong asked and couldn’t believe what was happening.

“You’re right, and at the same time, wrong.” Yunho answered.

“What?” Jaejoong was very confused.

“I’m both.”

“Would you care to explain? I’m seriously at at a loss.”

“I’m still Changmin’s cousin and at the same time King Sunjo. How do I say this? It’s like Yunho from the past lives inside me. His memories have been awakened and that’s why I know everything.” Yunho explained and then smiled sweetly.

“I-I thought I wouldn’t get to see you again.” Jaejoong said as he began crying. Yunho went closer and brought Jaejoong into his waiting arms.

“I’m here now Jae, in the present. We are both here and nothing will separate us anymore.” Yunho said and held Jaejoong closer. He used his thumb to wipe Jaejoong’s tears away.

“Are you sure this isn’t a dream?” Jaejoong wondered. He was very happy that it would be very painful if everything was just a dream.

“This isn’t a dream Jae. Want me to pinch your cheeks to check?” Yunho said and gave a hearty laugh. Jaejoong saw the truth in Yunho’s eyes.

“I missed you so much Yunho.” Jaejoong tightened his embrace.

“Not as much as I have missed you Jae. I’m surprised myself how I survived for more than 200 years without you.”

“It has been more than 200 years?” Jaejoong looked up to see Yunho’s face.

Yunho nodded and let his hands travel upwards. He caressed Jaejoong’s face and looked at him lovingly. It was one of the things that he missed about his lover.

“209 years, 500 years, even a millennium, it doesn’t matter how many years. As I told you before, I will always love you Kim Jaejoong.”

“The same goes for me Jung Yunho.”

The two of them looked at each other with much love and happiness. Yunho slowly leaned in captured those lips that he missed so much. Jaejoong’s lips tasted as sweet as ever. Their kiss was very gentle as their lips molded with each other.

“Let’s go?” Yunho asked and held out his had for Jaejoong to hold. His smile never disappeared from his face. Jaejoong returned the smile and held Yunho’s hands in his. Their warm hands were intertwined.

“I have something to confess to you Jae.” Yunho said as they walked hand in hand. The two of them were already outside the hall.

“What is it?” Jaejoong asked with a curious expression.

“I stole something from you 209 years ago.” Yunho admitted and smiled sheepishly.

“You stole something from me?” Jaejoong was confused. ‘What is Yunho talking about?’

“Remember that night that we got trapped inside the cave?”

Jaejoong nodded.

“Well, uhm, I kissed you that night, while you were sleeping.” Yunho said and looked at Jaejoong with a very cute expression. “I’m sorry.”

Jaejoong laughed out loud at Yunho’s sudden confession. “So you already liked me at that time?”

“Uhm, I guess so, subconsciously.” Yunho said and gave out a slightly embarrassed laugh.

“You don’t have to steal kisses from me anymore because you already have me Yunho. All of me.” Jaejoong voiced out.

Yunho didn’t say anything and just smiled. They walked through the palace while holding each other’s hand. Their genuine smiles radiated so much love and happiness. When Jaejoong met Yunho from the present, his life became complete, and when his Yunho from the past came back, his life was perfect. Happiness finally found him and it wasn’t going to disappear.


~ The End ~

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