Fallen Piece of Haven

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10:44 pm. Two days after my 18th birthday. I was the only adult in the house. The kids were in bed; asleep.

I was still doing school. Wearing the traditional homeschooler uniform: navy tank top, black basketball shorts, hot pinkie robe (hoody included!!!) and Christmas knee socks. Ain't it the truth!

I was nearing the end of this endless biology test when suddenly there was a knock at the door. There was no way it was my dad. He was on a weeklong business trip. As for my mom... well that's another story. I was kind of scared so I got out my costume gun. Another knock came, this time more frantic. I opened the door and he grabbed me at both my shoulders, shaking me a little. "Please, you have to help. My girlfriend... she is hurt, badly! And she is pregnant. I need a place to keep her safe from-..." his voice trailed off as he looked me directly in the eyes. I dropped the fake gun.

"Y-you look exactly like..." I stopped myself.

I was hallucinating! Yup, that was it. It was late at night and my brain wasn't working right. That is why I had opened the door to find one of my favorite fictional characters. Knowing this was all a dream and tomorrow everything would be back to normal; I told myself "why not live this moment?"

Then out loud: "Okay. Help me get Calypso to my dad's bed."

He didn't stop to ask how I knew her name. We put her on the king sized bed. I looked at her sleeping, so angelically. Oh, my hatred for that women. I could kill her... I could! I instantly started planning, then he slide into bed beside her.

"No!" I scolded him as if he was a bad puppy. "You two sleep in separate beds. You are not married yet! Leo Valdez, go to my room!"

He glared at me but got up, "fine, fine!"

I pointed him towards my room and he slammed the door behind him like a small child throwing a huge fight. I would know what that's like, I have a lot of siblings. I knew by reading about him and how he treated his room. His real room not the engine room. I didn't want my room to end up with cables and gears everywhere, but it was the right thing to do to let the guest have the real beds.

I fell asleep on the couch watching Doctor Who. I snored loudly with a hint of sadness at the thought of repair boy not being there in the morning, this was all a dream.

Though, when I woke I went to get the mail. Oh, the grass looks more chard than normal. I walked past the metallic dragon, "hi Festus!" I turned to face the heavy hunk of junk. "Hiiii fesssstus..." I said slowly. Ever since I read The Heroes of Olympus I had been teaching myself mores code. A slightly evil smirk came upon my face. I tapped in mores code on the dragon's leg: "want to take a ride" Within seconds I was soaring through the sky on my new winged friend.

When I landed in my own front yard, I jumped off. Leo came out, slamming the front door after him.

"You enjoy the power of slamming doors, don't you? Show that door who is boss!"

He ignored me and stomped over to check on Festus.

"Wow, you like to show the ground who is boss too" I muttered.

He turned to me. He didn't look to happy. "YOU don't touch MY dragon!" he was yelling.

Me, just being me had to yell back. Only cause it seemed like fun to mess with him. "Maybe... HE JUST LIKES ME BETTER!!!" I flashed him a tacky smile. "I have always been good with dragons."

He raised an eyebrow at this, "you shouldn't even be able to see him. The mist should cover him up."

My grin widened, "That only works on mortals."

His jaw dropped a little, "You... are a demigod?!"

I laughed and put forth my best Hera act, "No, foolish hero! I am truly immortal. Daughter of..." I had to think fast but I couldn't pull the mythology out right. So I ended up making an idiot out of myself. "Apollo and Hecate... that was a one night thing"

All of this was a total lie of course. I'm just a puny mortal with good eyesight. But then I realized he feared me and I stood tall.

He knelt, "I'm sorry I slammed your door."

I tried not to laugh, keeping the act up. "It's okay. I won't kill you. This time!"

He nodded; wide eyed, "Thanks... we will leave today. Calypso is fine. Just some minor harpy scratches. We'll leave as soon as she wakes"

I didn't want them to leave. This was a once in a life time opportunity. I had a plan though.

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