I Leo V. you!

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Can I just say that love is a made up of MANY emotions. Fear, sadness, passion... even hate.

It was a little later, he came out. He was dressed nice, he looked really amazing despite all his glass scraps. I personally thought the scars were kinna hot. I didn't look nearly as good as he did, which made me fell a little out of place. I was already uncomfortable due to the fact that I was wearing a dress... I'm much to humble to describe.



In case ya'll hadn't noticed, I'm not the slight bit humble. Might I say, that dress was amazing!!! It ended a lil below the knee, showing of some highly appreciated calf. It was like, a Christmas-y green with a white lace belt and matching lace along the colar, which was a little higher than normal. (I found that VERY inconvenate) But it was simply the most marvelous dress, the thing is, no one else would have looked as good in it as she did. The way her raven hair waved slowly down her shoulders and her fair skin made her seems so delicate and her eyes, oh don't even get me started! Solid green, just a shade lighter than the dress an-


That's nice. Ignore him. Please.

Anyways, I'm sure you're wondering why we are dressed all nice? Well I'm sure you are all smart enough to guess. Yes, he asked me out. Rachel, being such a kind and supportive friend, offered to watch the kids while we were out.

We walked, since the weather permitted, to a small pizza king (the one with the train!) We were ushered to a both in the back, away from the Sunday afternoon crowds. He scooted closer and leaned in for a kiss, I stopped him "wha-" before I could finish my sentence he interrupted.

"You talked about a second chance and how we should live the rest of our lives the right way."

"Yeah, but-"

"I promise to love you the right way. Not the way I loved Calypso. Though, I did love her... a LOT! I didn't always treat her the way I should have. I got her pregnant when I should have married her, I cheated on her, I didn't make her feel good... the way I should have... and lastly, I should have s-stayed by her side and took care of her and protect her. But I didn't... now she's gone..." He was getting teary.

"Leo, I-"

"I will love you the way you desever to be loved. Tell you how beautiful you are and how much you mean to me, everyday.  I will comfort you when you need me to and even when you don't. If you would just give us a chance." he took my hand into his, intertwining our fingers.

"That's a lot to say to a girl... especial when you... ha, don't even know her name." I gave a nervous little smile. His eyes widen as he realized how stupid he was for forgetting an important detail like that. I didn't care. I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. Naturally, he kissed me back. This was the first time we weren't fighting ourselves or each other as we kissed. I was allowed to enjoy it this it. I basked in the luxury of his soft lips and noticed more details- that I loved and would probably gross you out, so I wont got there.



My lips were awesome and it. Was. The. BEST. KISS. EEEVVVEEERRR!!!!



Again, ignore him.

We kissed for a long while until someone complained and we were asked to leave.

"They aren't getting a tip from me!" He mocked, but it was cute.

"So, we are going back home then?" before I could finish that thought, he scooped me up and started carrying me back home. He was holding me bridal style and giving me an idiot smile- I loved that smile.

Once we were home he threw me onto my bed, the bed he had been sleeping in. He joined me, falling onto, he rubbed his nose against mine and pecked my lips softly then laid down with me. His eyes were closed but he pulled me in closer to him. I had a thought, "Leo..." but he was already out.

I kissed his sweet lips once more and cuddled into him. "I love you, Leo Valdez." soon I was asleep as well.


CLARIFACTION: the NEXT post will be my last... I think. I'm having a very hard time ending this! :( AND did anyone get the Leo V... switch the letters around.... love sorry stupid... I know! XD

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