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The Leader
Taken by: EmmaTheHufflepuff
The leader is a kind child.  They are very competitive and stubborn.  They look out for everyone in the house and is kind.  Extremely competitive with The Puzzle Solver.

The Puzzle Solver
Taken by: russetfox12345
They are extremely intelligent,  despite their young age.  They are blunt and sarcastic but care for everyone.  Extremely competitive with the leader. 

The Coward
Taken by: SidTheDork
The coward doesn't do anything that involves getting in trouble. They refuse to go out when their not supposed to but The Wild Child always convinces them. Even they are cowardly in desperate moments they do things without thinking. The coward has a close bond with everyone in the house.

The Wild Child:
Taken by:TNTmutt
The Wild Child is what you expect them to be. Wild. They don't back down from a fight and stand up for any orphan in the house. They treat the family like that's their flesh and blood. They like to compete with the leader and the Puzzle Solver when they argue. They have a care free spirit and do anything they want.

The Mother
Taken by: Me babies
The mother is the kindest out of all the group. They are like the mother, always making sure they don't get in trouble. They is the oldest of them all. They are truly pure, but they knows a little about the horrors of the house. Refuses to tell any of the children afraid she may be taken away from them.

The Broken
Taken by: 123Fallen-Angel321
The broken is a broken child. They long to know the outside world and wish to get adopted sooner than later. But regardless of their feelings of the house they love their family in the house. They never particularly liked to learn until The Puzzle Solver began teaching them how to read.

The Athletic
Taken by: The_Darkmoon_
The athletic is a few days younger than the mother.  They are very serious and see things like an adult would.  They are very close with the mother.  They are very strong and run quickly.  They keep an eye on the children especially on the leader.  They know more things about the horrors of the house like the mother does.  But they refuse to tell the others.

The Sarcastic
Taken by: Music_Raccoon
The sarcastic is very rude sometimes and doesn't usually like being around the other children. They cause the most trouble and they like to tease the younger children. But they secretly love the other children.

The Curious
Taken by: 123Fallen-Angel321
The curious is a ditzy child. They don't usually pay attention to their surroundings and always have to be looked over. They never leave any of the children and they are extremely kind. They always smile and behave nicely with the other children.

The Cunning
Taken by: hiismyfaveword
The cunning is a quiet and and serious person.  They don't say much and they don't speak to the care giver.  They only spend time with the family.  They may not talk but they are extremely good at lying and making plans.

The Bite
Taken by: YuiHasNoLife
The bite is someone who is fearless.  They aren't afraid to yell at anyone.  They have anger issues and can't control it sometimes.  If you catch them in a good mood they are very sweet.

The Resilient
Taken by: leave_me_alone112
The resilient is a broken minded person. They don't like harmful things. But they can bounce back from any situation no matter the situation.

The Temper
Taken by: Music_Raccoon
The temper is something is very short tempered. They like to but heads with the child and even the mother. Since the mother and the temper are days apart in age they get along quite well. They are protective of their things but regardless being a bit mean and tempered hey love their family.

The Protective
Taken by:  TiredandHangry
The protective is someone who is very strong willed.  They love their family with all of their heart.  They like to be aware of everything as well. 

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