Chapter 1: First Day

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Yes, I know, Sagittarius got blonde Levi. Deal with it! XD By the way, it's supposed to say Pisces down where it says Piccollage.



"Are you going to stare at yourself all day?" Aries asked, a bit harshly, looking over at the blonde boy next to him that had been staring at himself for the past five minutes. Leo averted his gaze to the side, meeting Aries' gaze through the mirror with his eyebrows furrowed in slight anger.

"What's got you in such a bitchy mood?" Leo replied, trying his best to shrug off his anger for the red-head beside him.

"Well, we did just wake up, on the floor, in a house we've never even seen before, with no memory of anything," Aries stated, gritting his teeth as he tried his best to hide the obvious boiling rage inside of him. "And the first thing you do is admire yourself in the mirror!" Aries pointed at the mirror as his eyes never moved from Leo, clearly getting angry.

"Why don't you two loosen up?" Sagittarius asked, wrapping an arm around both Leo and Aries. "Think of the bright side; we're here together." Sagittarius sent a genuine smile to Leo, then Aries to calm them down, even though the kind gesture seemed to only make Aries get angrier.

"I would've preferred waking up in a strange house alone," Aries spat coldly, keeping his glare locked on Leo. They were broken out of their staring competition once a familiar voice was heard from the doorway of the large bathroom the fire signs was currently at.

"Aw, are you guys bonding without me?" The trio turned around, seeing a certain brunette boy with a fake pout on his face and a hand over his heart in fake pain.

Aries instantly growled and forced himself out of Sagittarius' grip before stomping out of the bathroom, shoving Gemini slightly. Gemini glared at Aries' angry form until he was out of eye sight, making sure he doesn't hear Gemini's next comment.

"Jeez, what's got him in such a bitchy mood?"

"I was asking the exact same thing," Leo explained. "I don't think he enjoys the thought of being cooped up in some maze with us."

"He'll get over it," Sagittarius said, waving his hand as if to wave off the thought. "He's just confused, like the rest of--" Sagittarius was cut off as Gemini gasped loudly, his eyes suddenly widening as his jaw dropped. Sagittarius and Leo looked at him confusedly as he brought his hand up, pointing at the mirror and walking towards it.

"Who is that handsome fellow?" Gemini asked, chuckling slightly as he touched his cheek gently. "Damn, I am hot!"

"You know it!" Leo joined in sassily, bringing his attention to his own reflection. "What about moi?" He smirked at his features, obviously proud of the way he looked. Gemini smirked as well as he looked over at the blonde.

"Definitely," he replied, his smirk never leaving his tan face as he brought his gaze back to his own reflection. "We'll have all the girls drooling over us."

"Damn right!" The two chuckled as they stared at their reflections. Sagittarius blinked a few times, before deciding to walk away awkwardly.

(Oh my God, I totally ship Leo and Gemini now!)


Capricorn stared at the door, his hand resting on his chin in thought. He continued staring at it, thinking of the possibilities of opening the door. If only it was as simple as pulling the handle.

Capricorn wasn't dumb, he knew the door was locked. Sure, there was quite a few locked doors in the mansion, but there was a bright light coming from the other side, making him curious. It looked like natural light, sunlight. He wondered if the door was the path to freedom.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't notice Aries walking past, stopping to look at Capricorn confusedly.

"What's up with people staring today...?" He muttered to no one in particular, walking away before Capricorn had time to realize his presence. Capricorn continued staring, searching the deepest depths of his mind for a solution.

"Capricorn?" Capricorn was broken from his train of thought when he heard a female voice, turning around and seeing Virgo before turning back around to face the door again.

"We could kick it down..." He muttered, his gaze locked to the door in front of him. Virgo looked over at her friend, before seeing where he was currently gazing at and realizing what he was talking about.

She looked at Capricorn once more, before looking back at the door and reaching for the handle. She let her hand drop back to her side when she twisted the doorknob and the door didn't open.

"Maybe the key is somewhere?" Virgo suggested, looking back over at the brunette next to her, who still had his gaze locked to the door, determined to get it open for the freedom he longed for.

"Or, maybe there's another exit?" Virgo and Capricorn turned to their left, seeing Taurus had joined the conversation. She brought her attention to the brunettes next to her, seeing how they both turned their attention towards the short-haired girl.

"There's plenty of rooms we haven't explored yet," she continued, looking back over at the door thoughtfully.

"Sometimes I forget how smart you can be when you put your mind to it," Capricorn explained, which Taurus decided to take as a compliment as she shrugged in response.

"It makes my brain hurt," she groaned as she walked away, tired of thinking. She felt a rumble in her stomach, making her stop in her tracks and put a hand over her stomach as she turned around to face the two other brunettes.

"Neither of you happen to know where the kitchen is, do you?" She asked, silently praying she could find some food before she died of hunger. And no, that is not an over-exaggeration.

"Down that hall to the left," Capricorn explained, pointing in the direction Taurus was heading. She instantly smiled as she rushed out of the room.

"And save some food for the rest of us!" Taurus heard Capricorn yell, causing her to giggle as she continued running down the hall.

"Can't promise anything!" She yelled back, turning a left and instantly falling on her butt. She groaned as she looked up, seeing a certain blonde boy had also fallen over. Taurus recognized him as none other than Cancer. His eyes widened and a bright shade of pink covered his cheeks as he realized what had happened.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Cancer exclaimed frantically, embarrassed over the situation. "I wasn't looking where I was going, and I was clumsy enough to bump into you! I'm truly sorry!"

"Don't worry about it," Taurus assured. Cancer almost didn't notice that Taurus had stood up and was offering a hand to help Cancer up with a genuine smile. Cancer looked up at the brunette before placing his hand on Taurus', standing up with her help.

"Th-thanks..." Cancer thanked, a slight blush still covering his cheeks in embarrassment. An awkward silence fell over the two, both fidgeting with their clothing and desperately thinking of something to say.

"Have you seen Pisces or Scorpio?" Cancer finally decided to ask, looking over at the brunette for an answer. She opened her mouth to talk, but was cut off.

"Someone say my name~?" Cancer turned around, seeing a certain blue-haired girl had entered the kitchen with an expressionless Scorpio by her side. Taurus decided she'd let the trio bond and left on her journey for food.

"You two disappeared so suddenly," Cancer explained. "Where did you go?"

"Probably to make out in a corner~" Libra smirked, deciding to join in on the conversation as well. When she and Aquarius had entered, no one knew.

"N-no!" Pisces argued, her face a dark shade of red and her eyes wide in embarrassment. Scorpio had a light tint of pink on her cheeks as well, but didn't seem as flustered as Pisces was. Scorpio probably enjoyed Libra's thought, but would never admit it in a million years.

A shatter was heard, along with a loud not-so-pretty word from Taurus, who everyone assumed had dropped a plate, and judging by the not-so-pretty word, her food along with it. Aquarius sighed loudly, walking past the girls plus Cancer and towards the fridge, where everyone knew Taurus was.

"I'll help her," she muttered, before disappearing behind the large counters. Libra smirked once Aquarius was gone, and inched towards the still flustered blue-haired girl.

"For the record, I totally ship you two," she explained, smirking at the two girls who looked confused in response, along with Cancer.

"Ship?" Cancer repeated, tilting his head to the side cutely in confusion. "What does that mean?" Judging by Pisces and Scorpio's confused looks, they wondered the same thing.

"Nevermind," Libra sighed, deciding to shrug it off. Before the trio had time to force Libra into explaining, footsteps could be heard and Virgo walked in.

"What broke this time?" She asked, keeping a straight face like she had expected something to break again. Not even a day had gone by in the strange mansion and two glasses and one plate had already been broken, all from the same short-haired brunette who happened to be addicted to food and, apparently, breaking kitchen supplies.

"N-nothing important!" Taurus yelled from the kitchen, slight panic obvious in her frantic voice. "Just a plate...or two..." Virgo sighed loudly, massaging the bridge of her nose as she made her way to behind the counters.

Just as Libra opened her mouth to talk, another not-so-pretty word was heard, but this time it was from Aquarius.

"Fuck, I cut myself!" She yelled. "Taurus, hand me the paper!" Movement could be heard, before Aquarius started yelling again.

"Does this look like paper to you?!"

"Stop yelling, your stressing me out!"

"How do you think I feel?!" Two slaps were heard, and a short silence followed after.

"What the hell, Virgo?!"


Any ideas? Comment! Any ships? Comment! Thoughts on this book so far? Comment!

Anyway, I hope you liked the first chapter!

- Kate ⭐️

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