Dating Help

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As I sat down in the Common Room bored I looked over to see Potter walking over to Weasley. "Hey Ginny. Er I just want to say... Well the thing is... I would like to say... How do I say this?" Potter said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.

I strutted over. "Oh god." Potter groaned. "Hello Potter, Weasley. Weasley, Potter wanted to say he was utterly completely in love with you. Whenever he sees you with someone else his heart feels like I'm glaring at it a million times. Then Potter, Weasley wants to say she feels the exact same thing. She feels like her heart is falling out of her butt whenever you're with someone else. Then Weasley, Potter asks if you would go on a date with at The 3 Broomsticks next Hogsmead trip at noon with him. Then Weasley, you squeal excitedly and say yes. Next you run over to Granger who helps you pick out an outfit. While Potter grins to himself nervously excited thinking a million times over that he hopes it doesn't go wrong." I said bored.

Everyone fell silent. Then Weasley ran over to Granger. "Eek I'm going on a date with Harry!" She squealed excitedly. "Let's get you ready!" Said Granger as her and Weasley ran upstairs. Potter grinned to himself.

"TOLD YOU!" I yelled as I smirked and strutted back to my seat. "Your welcome Potter." I added.

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