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Hermione's POV:

Since no one could complete the questions in Sex Ed, Professor McGonagall had decided to set it as homework.

So me, Ginny and Malfoy were the only ones in the dorm. "Do you want to start Sex Ed homework?" I asked bored. Malfoy looked up from her book and frowned. "I would rather not share my menstrual cycle and other stuff with Weasley number 9." Malfoy drawled.

Ginny grinned. "Are you scared?" She mocked. Malfoy frowned deeper. "Malfoy don't frown. You look prettier smiling."

Malfoy and Ginny turned to me. "Granger I know I'm hot. But please refrain from your inappropriate comments." Malfoy smirked. "I said that out loud. Didn't I?" I asked embarrassed. Ginny nodded slowly.

"Question 12 have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Malfoy hesitated and looked over at Ginny. "Yes." She replied quietly.

Ginny's eyes widened. "Wow. Do you... Swing that way?" Ginny said shocked. Malfoy shrugged. "Question 13 what's the furtherest you have gone?" Malfoy asked changing the subject swiftly.

I blushed. "Making out." I said uncomfortably. "Wait hold it Malfoy. I asked you a question. Answer it." Ginny said glaring at Malfoy. "Why do you care?" Malfoy asked avoiding the question.

Ginny took a deep breath. "Because I'm just curious." Ginny replied. Malfoy wriggled her eyebrows. "I didn't know. Thought you were all over Potter." Malfoy smirked. Ginny glared. "You know I didn't mean it like that. Answer. The. Question." Ginny snapped angrily.

Malfoy rolled her eyes. "I don't think that's your business Weasley." Malfoy replied calmly. I looked on in amusement. "Malfoy, your answer is obvious. We know your secret and we don't care." I replied shrugging.

Malfoy looked pained for a second and she fell back on the bed. "Ginny I think she's fainted." I whispered. Ginny rolled her eyes slightly. "I noticed." Ginny replied.

I grinned. "I'm starting to think Malfoy's rubbing off on you." I replied. "I'm not the only one Hermione." Ginny smiled.

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