Quidditch Tryouts Pt. 1

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It had been a few weeks. Luckily I had only had a few rude comments come my way. There was sign for Quidditch Tryouts. I smirked. "Dray. Wouldn't it be funny for me to tryout?" I asked thoughtfully turning to my brother. "I think you should." Dray replied smirking supportively.

I walked over to the Quidditch Pitch with the Gryffindor Quidditch robes on. "Malfoy? You're trying out?" Potter asked annoyed. "What's wrong Potter? I'm technically a Gryffindor right?" I asked smirking. Potter went to tell McGonagall.

"Why do you want to tryout Ms. Malfoy?" McGonagall asked confused and people started gathering. "What's going on?" Asked Granger confused. "I want to tryout for the Gryffindor Quidditch team." I replied smirking. "Why?" Potter asked annoyed. "Can't I have some House Pride?" I asked innocently.

"Since when have you had pride for Gryffindors, Malfoy?" Asked Weasley annoyed. "Who wouldn't? A strong, courageous house. You saved the world. I'm forever in debt to you. This is just my thanks." I said innocently. "I'm not sure I believe you, Ms. Malfoy." McGonagall said skeptically.

"Listen how is me trying out harming anyone? Plus it's Potter's choice whether I make the team. I just ask for an equal chance as my peers. Since I am technically Gryffindor now. I may as well embrace it." I said acting sincere. It must of worked because McGonagall's eyes softened. "Okay. You try out Ms. Malfoy." McGonagall said smiling.

"You can't seriously believe that, Professor?" Potter asked annoyed. "What just because I'm a Malfoy? That's prejudice. Look up the definition." I retorted. "That's actually true." Said Granger quietly sounding guilty. I smirked.

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