The Burrow

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It was nice to have a friend with me. A friend among the Gryffindors. I sat with Albert telling him about life in general.

"So you and Hermione, huh?" Albert asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes. "No. Me and her... We're like chalk and cheese. We don't work well together." I sighed annoyed.

Albert rolled his eyes. "Opposites attract. Right, Golden Horse?" Albert asked. I smirked. "She's just not my type, White Rabbit. But I'm certainly her type." I said laughing.

We both went in. "Hey Weasley 4!" I yelled. Weasley 4 turned around. "Yeah?" He asked. "Albert was wondering if you and him could go on a date tomorrow?" I asked shocking everyone. "Sure." He nodded.

Albert gaped at me. "Pay back's a bitch." I mouthed at him smirking. "Cool. Then it's settled. Right White Rabbit?" I asked my smirk widening. "Yeah." Albert blushed looking down.

"MISSON ACCOMPLISHED!" I yelled running around like a loony. Granger laughed at me. "Oh come on Granger. You know you love me." I smirked wriggling my eyebrows at her.

Granger blushed. "Shut up Malfoy." She muttered. I laughed. "That'll happen when Weasley 9 marries White Rabbit." I smirked laughing. Granger frowned at me. "I hate you." Granger muttered.

I held my heart dramatically. "Granger, your words are killing me." I pouted dramatically. Weasley 9 rolled her eyes at me. "You're so dramatic." Weasley 9 groaned.

"I've been told it makes me all the more loveable." I smirked and winked at Granger. Granger blushed a deeper red. "And people say it's hard to make you blush." I smirked at Granger. "Your uniform is too revealing." She muttered.

"Stop looking at my chest, Granger." I smirked as Granger looked at my chest. Granger blushed again. Mrs. Weasley laughed. "Hermione, you shouldn't think dirty thoughts about one of our guests." Mr. Weasley laughed.

Granger huffed. "I swear you all hate me." She said angrily. I smirked. "Maybe so." I shrugged. Weasley 3's wife laughed. "Zings 're alvays exziting wiv 'ou Alana Malfoy." She said in her thick French accent.

"I agree. My life is very exciting." I nodded smirking wider. "Malfoy looks hot." Granger said dazed.

"Why thank you Granger." I said extravagantly. "I said that out loud didn't I?" Granger asked looking as adorable as usual. I nodded smirking.

As I went to sleep I couldn't help but think of me and Granger's kiss. Her lips tasted of honey and peaches. My stomach filled with butterflies just thinking about it...

No. Bad Alana. Granger is nothing more than a person you happen to be sharing a room with. A very adorable, cute, hot person I might add. No you might not add. Oh, you're mean. Such a party pooper. Oh shut your mouth you horny idiot.

You could just kiss her again. Her beautiful lips. She would never know. Yes she would she's probably wake up. Plus why would I want to kiss Hermione Granger?

She has horrible fashion sense which is simple adorable. Okay Granger is an annoying know-it-all you like smart girls. Granger is so annoying and stubborn someone to compete with score. Granger is... Hot, amazing, cute and loveable. I know.

No she's annoying, stubborn, a know-it-all and has the worst fashion sense the world has ever seen. Cute isn't it?

"Malfoy?" Granger asked. "What Granger?" I growled annoyed. "Do you like me?" She asked sadly. "What?" I asked confused. "You seem like you really hate me." Granger said pouting. That pout is so adorable.

"Well I do." I lied. Why the hell did you say that? Because she doesn't deserve me. I'm a mess. True. I'll give you that one. Thank you. Jokes. Of course not. You're hot, amazing, cool, a bad girl and irresistible. Eww. Are you in love with me? Eww no. Just a confidence boost.

"Oh." Granger said sounding heartbroken. "Now get to sleep Granger. I don't need your idiotic nonsense keeping me up." I snapped annoyed at myself. "O-okay." She said crying.

Weasley 9 cornered me the next day after work. "What the hell Malfoy?" Weasley 9 yelled at me. "What?" I asked. "Hermione has being moping all day because you said you hated her last night." Weasley 9 said.

I kept my uncaring mask up even though my heart (if I even have one) broke even more then it already was. "And you think I care why?" I snapped at her.

"Because you're in love with her. Or so I thought. I guess I was wrong." Weasley 9 said. "Yes you were. Now get out of my way you annoying, blubbering idiot." I snapped as Weasley 9's eyes filled with tears.

"Listen I know you're a jerk, Malfoy. But I thought you were decent enough to let people down gently." Weasley 9 said. I rolled my eyes.

"Weasley, if this about me saving you then stop these delusions. I am not a nice person. Don't fool yourself that I'm a nice person. I'm not. Alright?" I snapped annoyed as I tried to reach for the top cupboard.

Weasley 9 rolled her eyes and handed me the coffee beans. "Just... Don't hurt Hermione even more. Please." Weasley 9 pleaded before walking out.

I sighed. I'm an idiot. This could've been my second chance at love. But I was to prideful. Or I'm not ready. I started quietly crying my head against the table.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" Potter asked sitting down. "Nothing." I mumble not lifting my head from the table. "You really hurt Hermione-" Potter started.

I jumped up. "I KNOW! I KNOW ALRIGHT! I HURT GRANGER BIG DEAL! NOW SHUT UP ABOUT IT!" I yelled annoyed. "Have you been crying Malfoy?" Potter asked quietly looking at the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I walked out The Burrow to the graveyard. "Hi Olivia. I had a dream about last night. Like most nights now. If you were still here you would probably tell me to go for it. But I'm too much of a coward. Aren't I? You said I was brave. But I'm not. Look what I did to Granger. I'm an idiot. Not a lion." I whispered to Olivia's gravestone.

"I thought you had more self confidence." Weasley 7 said. "I do. But it's just a bad day." I sighed. He laughed. "I heard." He chuckled.

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