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Author's note: I'm gonna tell you a little bit about Sam's background so that you understand her a little bit more. This is important as it will more than likely come up in later chapters. Byeyas.

Samantha Murphy was born in Drogheda, Ireland on the 19th of April 1994 and is currently 20, almost 21. Her mother is Aofie (ee-fa) O'Connor and father Rowan Murphy. She has a younger sister, Niamh and a twin brother Sonny. When they left Sixth year at age 17, Sonny got drunk at a celebration party. He attempted to drive home, but crashed. He drove into a lorry and tipped over. Sonny died instantly before the flames burnt him severely, leaving his family distraught, especially his twin. Sam blamed herself for his death and had nightmares for months so her parents took her to a psychologist. Her name was Donna Leyland and she stopped Amy blaming herself. Within a few weeks, the nightmares ceased but Sam started to feel guilty again for not thinking about Sonny as much any more.

One day, out of the blue, Sam disappeared from her home. She had left only a note on the kitchen side saying, "I'll be back when I'm ready." Aofie was devastated when she found it, but knew Sam would stick to her word. Sam, however, was halfway across the Irish sea at this point. She was heading to England to backpack across the country. Sam had taken a class in photography during senior cycle and wanted to pursue her passion by taking pictures of England in all it's rainy beauty.

Sam had been travelling for 6 months when she met Amy. Earlier that day, Sam had been walking through the streets of a city new to her, taking pictures every few steps. She was so engrossed that she didn't see a shadow creep up on her. A hand snaked around her and took her handbag. Sam swung around and grabbed it back. The two of them pulled at it until Sam kicked the mugger in the belly. They pulled out a gun. Sam ran off without the bag and into Starbucks where Amy was on duty. It was almost closing time and Amy told her she needed to leave. Sam explained about the mugging and the gun whilst Amy called 999 on her mobile. It wasn't long before red and blue lights pulled up and found the girl who took her bag, counting the money she'd stolen, in a side alley. Sam doesn't remember her name, Katy Green maybe? Once whatever-her-name was arrested, Sam mentioned that she forgot to book a hotel for that night. Amy offered her a bed and they hit off from there. They moved into an apartment together in December 2012.

8 months later, Sam's bank account that she had been living off dried up so she applied for a job at the Bellandini Hotel and was accepted. On the first day, she fell over a stray shoe and landed on her face. Jess saw her from the other end of the corridor and abandoned brushing her hair to help her up. Sam laughed at her own clumsiness and Jess joined in. After a few minutes, they exchanged numbers. Several talks over coffee later, Sam introduced Jess to Amy and the three of them remained friends, but Amy and Sam were still closer.

Sam has still not made contact with her mum or dad, but has been secretly skyping Niamh. She tells her how she's being bullied at school because of her looks. It began with her being teased for coming last on sports day but when she began putting the pounds on her hips, everyone cussed at her and called her fat and ugly. Niamh is afraid to tell her dad because he might get mad and make it worse. Niamh trusts Sam more than anyone and has only told her. When she's old enough, she wants to pack up and move to northern England, just like her big sister.

Author's note 2: This took a lot of Googleing. How do you spell Googleing? Googling? Goggling? I have no clue.... going on Google, there. That was much more difficult than I thought. I ramble too much. Anyways, byeyas

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