Chapter 27

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Author's note: Sorry for the short chapter, it's kinda late right now. I'll try and update something soon to make up for it. Also, I'm going on holiday at the end of the week so the next two Sunday chapters are a bit iffy depending on whether I have time to write with all the Halloween preparation and stuff. I will attempt to get at least one chapter up during my holiday though! Byeyas my wildflowers <3

"Wh.. whh.. what?! You're Sy-" I make my way out into the hall to see Tom standing in the doorway, one arm hanging from the top of it so I get a clear shot of his bicep. He's wearing another one of those lion t-shirts. He notices me and politely pushes past Amy to give me a brief one-sided hug. I catch her staring open mouthed- but hey, I practically had the same reaction when I first saw him too. Tom offers to take my bag but I insist that I can carry it seeing as it's only one of my arms that's useless.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you! Tom, Amy. Amy, Tom!" He smiles at her uncomfortably as she continues to stare at him. Ok, she's getting slightly weird now...

"Ready to go?" I nod just as Niamh wanders out the kitchen and straight into him. Her face instantly lights up red, hiding in the corner embarrassed. She doesn't half crack me up with her awkwardness. I chuckle slightly and dash out the door.

"Race you!" Faded shouts chase me as I flee to the stairs. If the lift is being it's typical self, this way will be much quicker. I emerge from the stairwell and find myself in the extremely chilly outside world. I mean, it's cold even for Britain's standards which is pretty bad as it is. The doors clatter open and a very out-of-breath blue haired man puffs out behind me.

"How... Did... You... Do... That... So... Fast?" He squeezes out between wheezes. I shrug and rub the goosebumps on my arm. "Are you cold?" He furrows his brow and steps towards me.

"It's just a bit nippy, that's all." He tuts slightly and pulls off his jacket. I refuse it but he manages to drape it over my shoulders.

"Nippy my ass, it's fucking freezing!" Now it's my turn to tut.

"Language, Thomas! But still thanks for the coat." He wraps one arm around my shoulder and laughs lightly. His breath steams up in his face and mixes with the steady fog escaping my mouth. I feel his chest flex as he pants deeply. I'm about to curl my arm around his torso when the door crashes open again.

Niamh rushes out, not as out of breath as Tom was. She spots how close we are standing and smiles a small grin before skipping off in the direction of the car. Amy traipses out after her with a scowl on her lips. She doesn't even look at me, she just slouches past. I wonder what got into her?

Before I can do anything, Tom tugs my good hand towards where he parked. He makes me close my eyes, to which I reluctantly agree. I blindly wander after him with only the touch of his fingers and the sound of his footsteps to guide me. I manage to crash into a few lampposts and a very confused cat but somehow, I make it to his car fairly unharmed. "And... open your eyes!"

I flicker them open to see him leant against the most awesome of all the awesome cars in the world. Seriously, there is no other words for it except awesome. That must've cost a ton of cash! With my mouth still catching flies, he escorts me to the passenger seat. Niamh and Amy hop in the back just as amazed as I am. Tom slots the key into the ignition and revs the engine. "I'm not just a pretty face..."

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