Chapter 38

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The Royce rolls up outside the hospital where Niamh and I are escorted inside. Wow, I didn't realise the Bellandini's were so... so... rich? Well, they own a freaking island but it didn't occur to me that we'd have bodyguards to visit Charlotte. That's right, two burly men dressed in the full works are ushering us into the building. They have ear pieces and everything!

As soon as we reach the reception, staff hurry to move patients out of our path. I was legitimately confused when they started scattering to the sides of the hall until I remembered that we were surrounded by flipping bodyguards. At first it was kind of cool to feel like a celebrity but then I realised how pretentious it is. We don't need to have a cleared runway- it's all unnecessary. It's dumb how we are treated like royalty but the two of us work to serve people!

Nevertheless, we reach Charlotte's room where the chaperones wait either side of the door. They continue to wear their tinted glasses despite the fact that we are inside. Whatever, not my fault they look stupid. Guess there's nothing more than to go inside....

I squeeze Niamh's hand as I slowly turn the handle and push the door open. The first thing I notice is that there is not a single balloon, card nor flower to be seen. It's spotless, so spotless that you wouldn't think someone is staying here. The curtains are drawn tightly, leaving the room dimly lit. A single bed is stood with the head against the back wall, a blonde head poking out from the covers.

"Hello Sam." Her voice is deeper than I remember, maybe from some kind of tonsillitis? That or she's suddenly gone down a few octaves for no reason. "Please, come in."

Tiptoeing across the floor, I make my way over to the bed. Niamh follows closely behind me. Her hand doesn't leave mine. I wipe our clammy palms on the corner of my skirt. "Hello Charlotte."

She winces slightly, ushering me to step closer. I watch as she presses a button that lifts the mattress up at the top end. Her face ends up about half a metre from mine, her bed almost bent to a right angle.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase- why did you ask for me? We all know you despise me. And why is Niamh here too?" My hands settle on my hips, one eyebrow raised. The sass is real.

A small gasp leaves her lips. She leans forwards and gawks at my sister. "Is that Niamh? I didn't see it before, but now it's so obvious!" Her hands reach up to touch her face until I bat them away.

I frown. "What the hell are you on about- you know what? It doesn't matter. You're crazy anyway. Just tell us why are you in hospital already?"

Machines beep obnoxiously, the only noise interrupting the sudden silence that fell between us. I suddenly regret how rude I was, shuffling my feet over the lino floor. The vibes Charlotte is giving off are scaring me slightly. She stops staring at Niamh and knots her fingers together, trembling. I can tell she's anxious to say something.

"I- I have cancer." Well, shit.

Author's note: As you may or may not have realised, I milked this chapter quite a bit so it was long enough for me to leave the next bit for tomorrow's update. That's why it's such drivel XD TWO DAYS TILL CHRISTMASSSSSS! Also, did you see what I did at the very start? Was it funny? No? Okay... ;-;

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