Desperate Measures.

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Siren sighed as she drooped down and leant against the window. She looked out into the night sky as she bit into another cookie. She let it melt in her mouth as she savoured the flavour.

She had been thinking about Pike all day... It was funny... She had gone her entire life without having to think about men. She had lovers before but they were just lovers. Pike was different, she felt the need to dress up around him and make herself look beautiful when he was around... What was that feeling?

Knock. Knock.

The Commander composed herself before walking over to the door.

Her heart sank as the huge beast of a man, Ganondorf stood there, his arms crossed.

"My King?" The Commander bowed.

Ganondorf pushed past her, almost knocking her to the floor but she managed to keep her balance. He made his way over to the other side of the room only to round on her with his glaring red eyes.

"There is something you're not telling me..." He growled through gritted teeth, "I want to know what it is!"

"I-I don't know what you are talking about!" Siren chuckled awkwardly.

She internally slapped herself as she bit down on her lip. She was usually extremely good at being able to keep up a charade when it came to being questioned. But she hadn't been her usual self these last few days...

Ganondorf threw his head back and laughed mercilessly before glaring down at her, "You do know what I mean!" He hissed.

The Commander matched his death stair as she glared back at him, "I don't." She deadpanned.

"Maybe you've forgotten... I pray you remember..." He chuckled, moving over towards the door where he picked up one of the cookies from the box on the table, "for the sake of the ones you love..."

With that, he stuffed the cookie in his mouth and stormed out of the room, his head thrown back as he laughed himself down the corridor.

Siren went pale as the words sunk in. Her voice hitched in her throat and she felt a growing pain well up in her heart. She clutched her stomach as she felt physically sick. She had to hold onto her bedposts to prevent her from collapsing from her nausea.


Zelda rolled over on the forest floor and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up slowly and stretched her arms over her head as she yawned tiredly.

It was roughly an hour before dawn as the stars were still out and Zelda forced herself to get up. She stumbled over to Epona with her eyes lids drooping tiredly. She begun to pack away the last few essentials they would need for the trip.

As she begun to awaken more and more, she could remember more and more of what had happened last night...

She remembered the bombfire. She remembered the dancing. But then could have sworn Link had kissed her.

Maybe it was just a dream...

Zelda touched her lips as she begun to realise that it wasn't a dream at all..

She stood there in shock before turning to look over at Link who was asleep against a tree. She felt something stir in her stomach as she remembered the sensations she had felt when he had kissed her...

She had at first felt paniced, the last time someone got that close to her and kissed her, they had mutilated her and ruined her life. Ganondorf had been rough and merciless; Link had been gentil and thoughtful. It had lasted only a few seconds, not enough time for Zelda to relax fully, but it was enough for her to realise that she had her entire idea of 'love' all wrong.

He wasn't forceful, she had plenty of time to back away. He wasn't rough, it was soft and slow. He wasn't grabbing onto her like Ganondorf used to do, if she put up any resistance, Link would have backed away.

Was Link like that with Lyrah?

What had she been missing out on these last eighteenth years?


Pike started with surprise as Siren banged against the door rapidly. She beat against the wood frantically so Pike scrambled over to the door.

As he opened it, Siren threw her arms around him, "Oh my Din, you're ok!"

It took Pike a few seconds for Pike to recover from the unexpected hug but he eventually managed to hug back, though he wasn't sure what had prompted her to do so. She was physically shaking and her voice was hoarse. She hugged him right and sobbed into his chest.

"Thank Din! Thank Nayru! Thank Farore! Thank Hylia!" She sobbed desperately and she held him in a bane crushing hug.

Pike stood there in complete shock.

In all the time he had known Siren, he had never once seen her so broken. She was always stoic and demanding. She could take control of a situation with a snap of her fingers. She was the most independent and capable person  Pike had ever met.

So what in the name of Hylia had happened to her to make her cry like this?!

"W-what's wrong?" Pike stammered as the two stood there while she sobbed into his chest.

"Hold me!" She mumbled into his chest, "And don't you let go!"

The two moved back and sat down on bed. Pike combed his fingers through her hair to help calm her. It took her what seemed like hours to finally slow her breathing and soothe her nerves. The two fell asleep that night in each others arms.

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