The Hero.

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"We understand..." Gyprah, the Sheikah Elder spoke gravely, looking down at the ground.

"We must begin the preparations for evacuation!" Another frail old man announced to the village.

The village bustled as families packed up the essentials and all the provisions they would need. The volunteers that had chosen to stay behind looked over at the small soldier that had brought them a message from their old friend, Impa.

"Thank you, great Knight." The elders bowed.

Pike's face went a deep shade of red and his voice hitched in his throat, "Well... Um... I'm not a great Knight..." He squeaked.

"Yes you are," Gyprah chuckled as she shuffled forward, "Look around..." She  gestured around the village.

Pike looked around the spectacular place that was Kakariko Village, it's inhabitants bustling around hurriedly. He could see the small children running around after each other, packing up their favourite toys. The adults were packing up their horses with all the provisions they would need.

"You've saved them..." Pike heard the old woman speak in her croaky voice as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"But..." Pike looked back at the Sheikah Elder, "You aren't safe yet... Princess Zelda is the only one who knows the layout of the Hyrulian catacombs..."

"Then we shall hide in the Lost Woods, the Temple of Time is not far from there." Both of them turned to look at the band of brave volunteers, "Pray to Nayru, that our sacrifice was not in vein."

Gyprah held up the small scroll that neared Impa's Sheikah signature, "And be sure to thank the rest of those hero's as well."

And with that, she shuffled over to the brave bunch, leaving Pike in the middle of the square. Slowly, he turned to his horse and stroked it's muzzle. The spotted grey and brown stallion nuzzled into his hands.

Pike jumped up into the saddle and led the horse into a slow trot as he left the village. All the villagers waved him off with blessings of good fortune and good health.

Pike had to leave. He didn't want to. He wanted to stay there, and make sure they were all properly evacuated in time but sadly, he couldn't. He had to go back to Hyrule Castle and help the others try and find Princess Zelda.

If they could just find her, if even for just a second, they would be able to hide all the Sheikah.


It had been two weeks since Zelda's and Link's arrival at Goron City and already Zelda felt trapped.

The stone walls of the city seemed to move in on her and the dark would overtake her. She could feel the weight of the entire Mountain pressing down on her.

The only upside of being in Goron City was the spiced wine. Both Link and Zelda had jumped at the chance to get their hands on more alcohol. It was extremely difficult to swallow the firery liquid but it didn't take long for them to adapt. They would force it down to help them both sleep.

Since their arrival, Cheif Ruduk had insisted that the two stay beneath Death Mountain for the soul purpose of keeping them safe.

Link had been against the idea at first but had agreed that it was the best way to keep Zelda safe.

Link hated the lack of nature around him. He missed the wind rushing through his hair and making his green cap flap around. He missed watching the sunset.

Zelda couldn't take being confined. She would often find herself hyperventilating in the corner of a dark room. At least, with the spiced wine, she could finally sleep.

Slowly and quietly, Zelda slipped the two knives into their slots in her belt. She buckled the red-hilted sword round her waist and slung her quivers over her shoulders before stringing her bow round her torso.

She fastened her forest green cloak over herself before silently slipping out of the room. Checking the coast was clear, Zelda tiptoed over to the room next door.


"You know, if you wanted to sneak out together, you could have just asked..."

"Since when did you become the comidian?" Zelda couldn't help but chuckle as she dragged Link out of his bed and pushed him towards the great stone entrance that lead out of th City.

"I can't take it in here!" Zelda hissed at him as they walked down the corridor.

Link passed her a bottle of their spiced wine and held up his own. They both carefully took out the corks and took a sip of the hot liquid.

It wasn't long before they had cleared the entrance and was begining to climb their way up the side of Death Mountain. When they found the perfect ledge, they sat down.

"So... If we get through this, where are you going to go? What are you going to do?" Zelda questioned as she took another small swig.

"Well..." Link thought, "Hopefully my Royal Guard friends are still alive..." He trailed off, "And Lyrah's gone..."

"I'm sorry..." Zelda hesitated before giving him a weak pat on the shoulder.

"Don't be." Link waved the statement off, "It wasn't your fault."

"But it was..." Zelda's eyes welled with tears she tried to force to stay hidden.

Link took another sip of his wine before looking at Zelda who sat next to him. She saw the tears in his eyes as well. She saw his pain and she matched it.

He was in pain and somehow that made her feel pain...

She didn't understand why that was...

"I should have left that night..." Zelda hung her head low, "I knew I shouldn't have stayed on the ranch. I knew I was putting them all at risk!" With each word, she raised her voice in anger.

"I wouldn't have let you..." Link muttered quietly.

In silence, the two stared off into the distance as the sun began to set. The wind rushed through their hair.

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