Arjun again

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Thank god I got the bus at right time.I looked for seat but I could not find one.Nevermind looks like have to stand like a lamp as usual. I took my phone out where else I will go if not Facebook. "Aadhiharian" I typed in the search bar.I went on scrolling his timeline looking for the comments he get for his design.Not bad good comments though.I sent him a text.

"Work starts at 6 itself,catch you later Dhi!"

I was thinking back about what Subi said.Do I really have to know how Aadhi looks like? But I have not posted any picture of mine so even he have not seen me before.It doesnt seems like a problem for him so what will he think if I ask about his picture.No no this Subi is a poison she urge me to think something I didn't even want to know.

Its the stop..I get down and look at the place I work. "Hmm One Pizza Point here I come inside for you to suck all my energy out".The blue red building of course makes my days hectic since the day I joined about 6 months ago.Wow 6 months I have been here but never tried even a slice.

"Nammaku briyani eh podhum Tara" (Briyani is enough for me)". I giggled.

I wore my uniform and came inside.Rajesh called me.Rajesh is my manager because of him I get this job.Subi helped me actually because Rajesh and Subi are childhood friends.

"Yes Rajesh" I replied.

"Sitara that day you told me you have some financial problem right?"

I nodded him yes.Thinking about how urgently I need it.

"I already talked about it to our boss.He said that we can increase your salary to RS 12k.

I was shocked at that moment and I cant control the happiness.

"Thank you Rajesh for helping me."

I went to the ordering counter and started to get the orders.

"Welcome One Pizza Point, your order please" I look at the customer.

Oh no.I panicked."Hey Tara you work here?"

"Umm yaa...A..aa.."

"Arjun" he replied.

"Umm ya Arjun we saw just now in the ice cafe right?"This guy looks super excited but I don't know why.

"So tell me your orders,Arjun," I asked looking a way to end my awkward feeling.

"Hey Jess,take this counter,Tara come to boss room"Arjun said.

This guy have gone made.Jess asking me to move away I suppose she wants to replace but why this is my work.Oh god save me from this guy because this guy is so handsome.I don't want to fall for him at any cost.Thats the reason I wanted to avoid his topic from Subi but he popped up in front of me just in 2 hours.

He opened the boss room door.I found no one inside.He welcomed me in like it was his office.For a second I thought who is this guy.Is he pagal? (crazy)

My eyes keep looking all over the room and he asked me to sit. I smiled and sit in front of him and that was when I saw "Arjun Shivakumar" Managing director.

What this guy is my boss,how come I don't know this for 6 months.Of course I heard them saying Arjun sir,Arjun sir but this is the Arjun,

"Hello..Tara what are you thinking for so long".

"Umm nothing nothing Arjun...Sir..." I replied.

He laughed.Oh god he is laughing.I think this guy can make a girl go crazy just with the laugh itself.Stay strong Tara.Never fall I said to my heart.

"So you work here for part time? He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Oh please stop calling me sir,call me Jun."

Jun? Looks like kinda puppy name.I laughed to myself.

"Ok jun" I said but I didn't feel comfortable at all.I freaking want to run away from this situation.

"Hey why not we go out"He insisted.

"No no Arjun I have to continue my work.Maybe some time later.Jess cant replace me for long time.I have to go Arjun." I explained.

His face changed.He look little disappointed.He agreed with me.

I left the place.

"I will make sure you come out with me Tara".Arjun said to himself.

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