Just Facebook?

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I woke up again in the midnight.I was feeling the sensation of urinating.Since my childhood I never admitted in any hospital but today there are almost 6 tubes fixed to my body.I start worrying if I had to be in rest for 2 months that is for 60 days.That means I cant get money.What can I do to save my dad.The worry pushed me so hard that I can barely think anything else.

I reached my phone and opened Aadhi's text.

Who is Arjun? Text from Aadhi.

I start typing a passage.

Dhi,Arjun is Subi's school friend.Oh my god he is so handsome Dhi.I saw him 2 days before in ice cream cafe.He looked damn smart man but you know I don't show if I like someone.So after that I got to know he is my boss.What a shock!

I tapped the sent button.

Ra,can you please tell about health first before blabbering about some idiot.

I quickly reacted harshly for this message.

Dhi,don't call Arjun idiot!

Oh sorry okay fine.He replied me.

I sighed and typed that Arjun is the one who saved my life.Aadhi then was convinced why I reacted like that when called Arjun a idiot.

So now the guy you called handsome is your boss and the saviour. Is that the thing Ra?

I smiled looking at the screen reading Aadhi's text.

I sent him a happy cat sticker.

Funny you Ra.Are you feeling ok now?

Yes Dhi,im okay Subi and Jun took care of me very well.

Jun? Replied Adhi.

Oops I forgot to tell you,I call Arjun as Jun.

Oh not bad just three days and there is already a nickname whereas it took you one year to call me Dhi from Aadhi.

Aiyo Dhi,is that the same.I saw Arjun in real life but you are just known in facebook right?

Messenger showed Aadhi read my message but no reply.

I waited some time but there were still no reply.

Dhi? There?

I texted him again.

He saw the message and no reply.

Did I just said something bad to him.Why he sees my messages but no replies.

I went to his timeline and found a new post posted few seconds ago.

"A facebook friendship is not always as you think,It is not real friends.It is just Facebook :)

With 5 likes and 2 comments from his friends saying it is true.

I rushed back to inbox and texted.

It is not what I meant Dhi, talk to me pleaseeee.

He was not responding at all.I was worried I sent him messages after messages but he was not even checking it.

 What you just said Tara i thought that too to Aadhi.He has been my listener for almost 2 years.How can I say something like this to him.

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