XIV: Huey, Dewey and... Goofy.

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None. It's just way too crazy to sum it up!!


Well, this chapter surely doesn't help develop the plot... supposing that there is a plot!

It's the most stupid, demented chapter I've written so far, that's why I hope you'll find it as funny as possible!

But mostly, among all the stories I've written so far, I think that this is the best title I have ever found for a chapter and I'm kinda proud of that, lol!

Chapter XIV: Huey, Dewey and... Goofy.

As punctual as a Swiss watch, even more than that, Muse arrives to the airport, ready to take the flight to Chicago.

In order to will the time away, Chris has sneaked in a bookstore and after wandering for a quarter of an hour he seems to have found what he was looking for.

As a matter of fact, with a lot of interest, he flips though a book named '101 ways to understand a woman. And yet they won't be enough!'

Obviously, he still has to make his Kelly forgive him after their last phone call and he still keeps ignoring why, of course.

Dominic has taken company to him, but just due to the simple reason that the store has plenty of mirrors, too.

After trying unsuccessfully to mirror himself in the windowpane with the schedule of all the flights, he has just given in, searching for an easier and more comfortable way.

Matthew hasn't followed them, in order to look after their suitcases, mostly because a certain one of them needs extreme surveillance.

Yeah, because if on the one hand he's happy due to the fact that Dominic this time hasn't mistreated his trolley running madly with it everyway, on the other hand it seems that now the blond's utter indifference towards it is even more damaging.

As a matter of fact, he has seen him forsake the trolley in an undefined point of the airport in order to follow Chris.

Instinctively, the frontman has rushed over the eccentric object, with the same mental alertness of a Baywatch lifeguard rushing over a beautiful woman who is about to drawn.

And after that so heroic 'rescue', Matthew has kept his protégé safe with the other baggage.

Plus, the temporary absence of his friends lets Matt have the privacy he needs.

Taking advantage of that, Matthew sits on the floor, next to his trolley, almost staring into his eyes... if only trolley had eyes!

"Oh, my poor Pinkie, you seem to be so frustrated. I bet Dom isn't taking good care of you, is he? He doesn't feed you, right? He doesn't take you out for your daily walk. He doesn't play with you anymore and he never sings a song to you... well, on second thought, you should be glad for the last point!" Matthew comments in what is supposed to be just and only a monologue, but not for him, evidently.

Confirming that, he also pats affectionately his trolley, almost as if he wanted to comfort it.

"C'mon, Pinkie, hold on. It's just three more journeys to go, and then you'll come back to me. We're going to celebrate pwoperly. I'll buy you a new set of wheels, golden ones! Plus, I'll cover you with glitter, you'll look so wonderful with that! I'm already thinking about covering also one of my guitars with glitter, maybe the one who will behave in the best way. And, to be honest, I'm thinking about covering even myself with glitter. It sounds so tempting!" Matthew confesses.

"Yep. I agree. Glitter sounds so damn exciting!" Dom states, behind his back, lowering his sunglasses in order to look better at him.

Matthew jolts and gets up abruptly as he tries to deny the obvious, but he knows that there's nothing left to deny.

"Gee, Dom, how long have you been listening?" he asks him awkwardly.

"Long enough to establish that you're even crazier than I thought!" the blond chuckles.

"Hello? Words coming from the guy who always talks with mirrors!" the brunette strikes back.

"I don't talk with mirrors. I talk with my reflection and my reflection happens to be a wonderful listener!" the other justifies.

"By the way, you were in a store, in front of a mirror. Since when are *only fifteen minutes* enough for you?" Matt questions him, amazed.

"You're right, it's not enough. But since the shopper gave me this, I'm ok with it!" the other replies as he shows to him the film pack silver bookmark that has an inestimable mirror effect.

"What about Chris?" the singer changes topic.

"When I left him there, he was all engrossed flipping through the pages of a book named something like '101 ways to...'"

"To do what?'" Matt cuts him off, with a mischievous look.

"No, my dear, it's not what you think. It's just to understand a woman." Dominic informs him.

"Well, I should have expected that form a guy whose main priority whenever he comes back to his wife is play scrabble!" Matt comments as he rolls his eyes, before being enlightened by a naughty thought.

"Hey, Dommeh, maybe is there in that store also a book about 101 ways to do *that* kind of stuff?" he wonders as his eyes sparkle with lust.

"Oh, C'mon, Mattie, how can you think about such things?" the drummer replies as he pretends to be annoyed. "You have me. We don't need any stupid book!" he adds fiercely.

"So, you really know 101 way to..." Matthew peers at him as he gets closer to the blonde, longing as a predator.

"Maybe even more!" Dom declares, before his mate flings himself to him for a kiss that he breaks immediately.

"No, wait. We can't do that here. Not in front of Pinkie!" he grumbles as he parts from him.

"What?! Fucking news release, Matt: trolleys *don't have* fucking eyes!" Dom snaps.

"But..." it's all the other manages to say, staring at Dom, as upset as a child who has just been told that Santa Claus doesn't exist, and looking at his trolley with something that is very similar to ... guilty sense.

"I can't believe I'm doing this for real!" Dom hisses as he takes off his coat and places it on the trolley, in order to cover it.

"Pinkie can't see us anymore. Is it better now?" the blond rolls his eyes.

"Very much better!" the brunet smiles.

"There's only a problem now..." the other warns him. "You gotta warm me up!" he ends the sentence as he embraces himself, shivering due to the cold.

"Mm. I guess I can do that." the frontman murmurs as he hugs him from behind, before opening his coat and wrapping him inside that.

The blond moans content as he glances up in order to give him a kiss that this time he breaks first.

"Just tell me, Matt, what exactly does a trolley eat?" he asks him, amused.

"Oh, shut up!" Matt pushes him away.

"Make me!" Dom teases him as he gets closer to him again, in order to kiss him.

"Hey! You're not allowed to steal my sentences!" the brunette warns him, backing off, indignant.

"And you're not allowed to reject my kisses!" the blond summons him as he drags him to himself and smashes his lips against his, whatever he agrees or not.

And there's no need to say that Matthew does agree, a lot!

They get lost in their kiss, but not so much not to hear Chris coming from afar.

Luckily for them, he's still engrossed reading that book that by then has become a definitive purchase.

That gives Matthew and Dominic the time to part from each other and appear as nonchalant as possible, or at least try, since the best of their inventiveness makes them look at the wall, with a thoughtful attitude.

"Guys, I need your help. I don't know which to choose between 'Way number 9' and 'Way number 12', so far, and..." he exclaims , but he stops as soon as he lifts his gaze from the book and sees, but mostly listens to them.

"Yes, Matt, you're right. This wall is really ochre!" Dominic comments, as he pretends to ignore that his friend is there.

"Told you so. And it's such a horrible colour!" the other replies with the same nonchalance, as the blonde nods.

"Excuse me, what exactly are you supposed to be doing?" the bassist wonders, kind of puzzled.

"It looks obvious to me. We are just staring at the walls and commenting them!" the frontman explains calmly.

"It's a very normal daily activity!" the drummer adds.

"And why the hell did you even take off your coat?" their friend goes on with his inquisition.

"It looks obvious to me. I did it in order to concentrate better on the walls!" the blonde justifies promptly as he shrugs and put his coat back.

"You two have a very curious way to make things obvious!" Chris grumbles, more and more confused.

"Anyway guys, don't think I haven't noticed that. There's something seriously wrong with you..." he adds, immediately after, as he glares deplorably at them.

Dominic and Matthew gulp as they wait for the final verdict, since they're sure that their excuse was just too lame to be believable, so Chris must have found out everything.

"I mean, c'mon, how can you say that ochre is a horrible colour? Everyone knows that it will be the main protagonist of next Summer!" he scolds them and, hidden from Chris, they both sigh with relief.

And then they all walk towards their plane.


They spend the rest of the day kinda serenely, among the take off, landing, hotel rooms and a little trip around that town but without overdoing, not to tire them too much since they have a gig the day after.

Although they have two different rooms plenty of every kind of comfort, for some strange reasons Matt and Dom have decided to share one together. Dom's one, for the record.

Since they had the flight on late afternoon, Chris hasn't taken his usual nap and they didn't get the chance to spend some time together in the proper way, so they want to make up for lost time.

They just have to never let Chris know about that, but by now they're more than expert in that field.

Plus, to share Dom's room for Matt means to get the chance to be closer to his Pinkie.


A few hours before the show begins, Muse are already at the Allstate Arena to rehearse, without caring about the fact that outside the crowd keeps inciting the My Chemical Romance to get out, calling every members' name out.

Matthew unashamedly ignores those people... or maybe he doesn't, since he has *casually* decided to perform a certain song from their new album that seems to invite them to burn in hell, over and over again... for their sins.

"Hey, Chris, speaking of Hell, you haven't set up another dinner with the My Terrible Lost Chance, have you?" Matt wonders at the end of that song.

"Hey! Their name is * My Chemical Romance* and you know that!" Dom corrects him, kinda rudely.

"Phew, I know, but the name I picked up is nicer and suits them better!" Matthew protests as he shrugs.

"Anyway, Bells, don't worry, there's no dinner and you're more than free to leave after our performance!" Chris informs him.

"Good to know. " Matthew rejoices and he pours his enthusiasm into the next song they play.


"Ok, mister, what do you think you're doing?" Dominic exclaims, putting his hands on his hips with an annoyed look, as soon as he sees Matthew come in his dressing room.

"No, what do * you* think you're doing?" Matthew strikes back, mirroring both of his actions and words.

"Go change yourself!" Dom summons him.

"No, *you* go change yourself!" the other retorts.

"Fucking stop repeating my words!" the blond snaps.

"I'm not repeating them utterly. I place a 'No' at the beginning and I also emphasize the 'you' part!" the brunette points out.

"It's irritating anyway!" the other protests.

"Why didn't you ask me before?" Matt wonders.

"Since when the bloody hell am I supposed to ask you permission to dress myself?"

"From now on, since we ended up wearing the same outfit!" Matt answers back, pointing first at his Christian Dior red blouse with white borderlines and then at Dominic's one which is identical, but silver with black borderlines.

"So? Let's wear them both!" Dom suggests.

"Sure, alright, why not? And maybe we also should make Chris wear another one in a different colour and then change the name of our band from 'Muse' to 'Huey, Dewey and Louie'!" Matt snaps and then he notices that the blonde has become thoughtful.

"What? I was too harsh, wasn't I?" he gets concerned.

"No, it's just that 'Huey, Dewey and Louie' doesn't sound good. It's much better 'Huey, Dewey and... Goofy'!" the drummer suggests, thrilled.

"I can't still believe that we managed to turn all this stupid stuff into a real conversation. Anyway, why just 'Huey, Dewey and...Goofy'?" the singer gets curious.

"Well, to begin with, Chris is taller than us, just like Goofy is taller than Huey and Dewey. Plus, if he hasn't figured out yet what's going on between you and me... well, he is a little dupe as Goofy is!" Dom explains and they both chuckle, but Matt becomes serious almost immediately.

"Why? What's going on between you and me?" he wonders rhetorically as he steps closer to the blond, moving like a cat, before making him back off, until he gets him pinned against the wall.

"Why don't you tell me?" the blond teases him, as he has already trouble bearing that closeness without betraying himself.

"I can do much better. I'm gonna show you!" Matthew announces, before taking possession of his lips, kissing him with burning passion as their hands wander everywhere, eager to get a more satisfying contact.

It's just a matter of a bunch of seconds, before they both lower each other's zipper of their blouses.

"Hey! You don't wear anything under that!" Matt exclaims. Instead, he wears a white t-shirt, so tight-fitting that he seems to have bought it ... not exactly in the 'Man' department of that store.

"Yeah. So, see? This is a more reason why I can wear it and you can't!" Dominic states. "Unless you want me to go outside half-naked, letting the whole crowd free to stare at my exposed chest. I guess that it would please tons of girls... and maybe some guys, too!" Dominic winks at him.

"Never! Your chest belongs to me, just like the rest of your body!" Matt protests, almost growling, before covering that exposed skin with kisses, caresses, and some bites, too.

"Mm. You're kinda possessive, aren't you? I like that!" the blond stares at him suggestively as he licks his own lips.

"Don't tempt me, otherwise I could end up chaining you up!" Matt warns him as he draws little circles with his fingers around his so sensitive nipples.

"Uh! I'm liking that more and more and you should even..." the blond groans, but the brunette makes him shut up with another kiss, an almost violent one.

"Anyway, I can't get out without my blouse. It's fucking cold!" Matt complains as they both lift their zipper up.

"Wait. I have the solution!" he exclaims after a while, enlightened, before leaving the room

He comes back after a minute as he holds in his hands a black blouse with blue squares printed on it which make it futuristic and three-dimensional.

"You can wear this!" he comments as he throws it to him.

"Do you often bring with you extra blouses? " Dom wonders as he analyzes that garment.

"Just in case, but now it's turning very useful!" the other replies.

"Anyway, I can't wear it. See? It doesn't match at all!" the drummer makes him notice, pointing at his orange pants. "Instead, it looks just perfect on you. So * you* are gonna wear it!" he goes on, as he throws it back to its owner.

And as he looks at his black jeans, Matt has to admit that Dom is right.

"Fine. I'll wear it and you can keep on the bloody blouse!" the singer gives in, taking off his red blouse and putting on the black and blue one. "Why the bloody hell do you always win?" he snaps a second after.

"Because you love me and would do anything for me, wouldn't you?" the other strikes back, making him smile.

"That's true!" he whispers as he gets closer to him.

"So, do you really think that Huey and Dewey love each other?" he wonders as he plays with his blond hair.

"Of course they do. Do you have the slightest idea of how many times they have their fun during every camp meeting of the Junior Woodchucks? And Louie knows that and helps them hide that secret from everyone, although Donald Duck starts getting suspicious." Dom informs him, before they both burst out laughing madly.

"Gee, I hope that every kid will never ever hear about this very twisted, immoral and incestuous version of the Disney World!" Matt comments between laughs.

"Yeah. This is even worse than what we did to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson!" Dominic adds, amused as well.

In that exact moment Chris bursts into the room as he raises up the famous book he bought at the airport, with a victory smile.

"I succeeded! Kelly and I made it up and now she is in love with me more than ever! Way Number 85 was bloody perfect!" the bassist cheers.

"Hey, why are you so amused?" he asks them immediately after.

"For no specific reasons. You know us, don't you? We were just mucking around and acting stupid, as always!" Matt shrugs.

"Yeah. Stupid me for asking. C'mon guy, let's just go, it's about time to make the show start!" the youngest guy states.

"As you wish... *Goofy*!" Dominic answers back as both he and Matt burst out laughing again, before leaving the room.

< Goofy?! > Chris repeats in his mind, dumbfound, as he scratches his head in confusion.

Deep down, maybe Matthew and Dominic have a point.



Yes, I know, I know, poor Chris, I'm so terrible with him.

Well, on second thought, it's not that I treat Dom and Matt any better... lol!

As always, I hope you had fun reading this delirium.

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