Chapter Fourteen

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"From now on I'll never let you go
Our Romance has started
You are ready, I am ready
There is no fear, there is no hesitation
Let's go up up our Love
Our Romance has started
You are ready, I am ready
There is no fear, there is no hesitation
Let's go up up our Love
Never Ever
Ever gonna let you go
I won't leave you again, don't worry
Baby you're mine, mine, mine"

"Tae! Why'd you do that?" Jungkook tried to wipe the paint off his cheek, with minimal success. Taehyung loved it when Jungkook would whine like a five-year old.

Taehyung giggled. "Because you said that you wouldn't let me have a dog!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, somewhat jokingly. "Tae, baby, we've only lived together officially for two weeks. We haven't even finished redecorating or anything yet and you want a dog?"

Taehyung pouted. "You must not be a dog person." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't know if I can be with a man who doesn't like dogs."

Jungkook chuckled as he poked Taehyung's nose. "I love dogs. Why don't we wait a week or so before we start looking though? Give us a little more time to get settled."

The older nodded. "Fine. As long as I get to name him!" He was already excited, jumping out of the chair and dancing around the paint studio, earning looks from the other people in the painting class.

"You got a deal, love."

"What do you want to name him, Tae?" Jungkook held the fluffy dog in his hands while Taehyung placed kisses all on the dog's head and face.

"Yeontan!" Taehyung jumped around excitedly while the lady at the pet shop stared at him with crazy eyes.

Jungkook gave her a glare. "My boyfriend isn't crazy, lady. He just really wanted a dog. Now, where can we fill out the adoption paperwork?"

She scurried off to grab the paperwork. Taehyung was still distracted by their soon-to-be dog. Jungkook was hardly having any attention paid to him by the younger.

"Here we go," he mumbled under his breath.

"Tae, why did you change the wallpaper on your phone?"

"Because it's my phone and I wanted to." Taehyung didn't look back up at him as he rolled around on the floor with Yeontan.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "But you replaced a picture of us with a picture of you and Yeontan."

(The wallpaper on Tae's phone)


"So, obviously you love the dog more than me." Jungkook crossed his arms and pouted as he sat down on the couch, watching his boyfriend play with the dog.

Taehyung giggled. "Are you jealous of a dog, Jungkookie?"

"Pft... no."

Taehyung got up from the floor and made his way over to the couch Jungkook sat at. "I love Yeontan, but I can't do this with him." Taehyung sat on Jungkook's lap, facing him. He smirked at the younger as he pressed his lips on his. Before Jungkook could respond, Taehyung pulled away.

"Man. First you choose the dog over me and now you tease me? I can only imagine what will happen when we have children running around."

Taehyung's eyes went as big as saucers, followed by Jungkook's. "Wha-what did you say?"

Jungkook shook his head. "N-Nothing." He tried to pry Taehyung off of his lap, but Taehyung forced all of his weight down, making it hard for the younger to move him.

"Did you just say children?"

Jungkook gave a small smile. "I guess I did. I don't know where that came from."

Taehyung smiled before kissing Jungkook's cheek. "It came from your mouth when you weren't thinking. That means that you want children."

Jungkook nodded after a moment, his lips in a thin line. "And I apparently want them with you. Shit, that's the worst part." Taehyung laughed as he playfully punched his boyfriend's arm.

Taehyung climbed off of his lap, laying down next to him. He placed his head now on Jungkook's thighs, closing his eyes. He felt Yeontan jump up and curl into a ball next to him.

"How many children would you want?"

The question caught Jungkook off-guard. "I'm not sure. I haven't thought about it much. Maybe two? A boy and a girl? But the boy would have to be older so he can protect his sister." Jungkook ran his fingers through Taehyung's soft locks, listening to the other's breaths slow down.

Taehyung nodded, eyes remaining closed. "That sounds perfect."

A few minutes later, the sound of soft snores filled Jungkook's ears and he couldn't help but smile. He could picture them in ten years, cuddled up on the couch like they were now, with two kids asleep in their arms, just like how Yeontan had fallen asleep in Taehyung's. Jungkook had to hold back his excitement as it dawned on him just how badly he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the man laying in front of him.

I wanted to write a cute and fluffy filler chapter for you all. It's super short compared to my other chapters, but it'll have to do for the next few days while I work on the next chapter.


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