Chapter Nineteen

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"You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

With you, I'm alive.

Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,

'Cause I don't ever want to close my eyes."

Taehyung skipped along while swinging his and Jungkook's intertwined hands. His box-smile hadn't gone away since last night when Jungkook suggested a trip to the dog cafè. Jungkook's free hand held onto Yeontan's leash. He was having to force the dog back slightly due to him trying to go the same speed as Taehyung.

"Baby, slow down a little. I'm getting old!"

Taehyung giggled as he slowed his pace slightly, no longer dragging the younger along. "I thought Yoongi was the grandpa?"

Jungkook laughed at that, his bunny teeth exposing themselves to the world. The dog-shaped sign of the café came into view, and Taehyung couldn't contain his excitement anymore and started skipping once again, this time breaking apart his and Jungkook's hands. Jungkook sighed in adoration as he watched his boyfriend skipping like a little kid.

Surprisingly, they were some of the only people in the café. Taehyung immediately ran over to the dogs while Jungkook ordered two drinks. While waiting for the order, he unclipped Yeontan's leash and let the dog run with his little legs to Taehyung. Yeontan pounced on his owner, making Taehyung squeal from a "cuteness overload," as he calls it.

"Kookie! Come play with the puppies!" Taehyung called as was laying on the dirty floor, dogs climbing on top of him. The smile that Taehyung's face had on it was one of the brightest he has ever seen, and Jungkook could feel his heart doing backflips like it did every time Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook wandered over and sat criss-cross on the floor next to his boyfriend, immediately getting the attention of two of the bigger dogs. One of the dogs, Jungkook soon discovered, was only after the coffee in his hand, as the dog walked off when the boy would continuously take the coffee cup out of the dog's reach.

"Babe, I don't understand why dogs love you so much more than me." Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung giggled as a small puppy attacked his face with doggie kisses. "It's because I'm cute."

"Am I not cute?"

"Nope!" Taehyung was now scratching the stomachs of two dogs, with one dog asleep by his feet, and another sniffing and licking his face.

"Gee, thanks, babe."

Taehyung sat up enough to peck Jungkook's arm. "You're not cute because you are smoking hot. The dogs don't want to get burned by your hotness so they come to me."

It was now Jungkook's turn to giggle. "Oh my God that so unbelievably cheesy."

Yeontan must've felt bad for Jungkook as he made his way over and climbed into the male's lap, instantly dozing off. Jungkook couldn't help but feel accomplished that one, a dog had chosen him over Taehyung, and two, that Yeontan specifically chose Jungkook over the other. He stuck his tongue out playfully at Taehyung.


Ding Dong

Jungkook groaned as he climbed out of bed, headed toward the front door. It was only 7:15 in the morning. Him and Taehyung hadn't gone to bed until around 2:00 am since the older was too worked up after the exciting day they had.

The younger rubbed his eyes as he tried to hurry to answer the door before the doorbell went off again, which could wake up Taehyung. He swung the door open without looking through the peephole. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi was hunched over, panting heavily. He had obviously run here. "Hey," breath, "Kook."

"What are you doing here so freaking early, hyung?"

Yoongi wiped some sweat from his brow. "Well, Hoseok and I were cleaning up some stuff in my apartment since he is moving in with me, and I found this, and I knew it was important."

The oldest handed Jungkook an envelope addressed to Yoongi. The younger raised an eyebrow. "Why are you handing me a letter addressed to you?"

The sound of  shuffling feet appeared behind Jungkook, who still stood in the doorway. Tae's raspy voice spoke up. "Kookie?"

Jungkook smiled at his boyfriend, who came from the bedroom, still wearing his boxers, with a blanket wrapped over him. His brown hair was going every which way, and Jungkook still found it to be the most adorable thing ever. "Hey, Tae. Sorry to wake you. Yoongi came to give me something and he was just about to explain what the hell he is giving to me and why it was important enough to run here so early."

Taehyung eyed the envelope and gasped. "Kookie... That's the letter I mailed you. The one you claimed you never received. I guess you never did get it."

Jungkook's eyes went large as it all started to make sense. He motioned for Yoongi to come inside, but the younger was unable to make any more movements. He was too shocked and nervous to read the letter.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Yoongi was currently digging through the younger boys' fridge for food.

Jungkook shook his head. "Not in front of you all. This is something I need to be by myself to do. I will, um, be right back I guess." The youngest went into the bathroom, locking the door. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and slowly and carefully opened the envelope, unfolding the piece of paper inside. He was immediately met with Taehyung's sloppy handwriting.

My Jungkookie,

           Today would've been our six month anniversary, so Happy Six Month! I love you soooo much <3 . I haven't stopped crying once since I woke up this morning, but I'm sure you can see the ink smudges from my tears. I can't help but feel responsible for not being there. Hell, I'm the reason my father does all of this. It was all my fault after all.

         I don't want to burden you anymore with my problems than I already have. This letter I am writing is about you. About us.

          I do not think that you understand just how deep my love for you lies, Jungkook. I had no idea myself until I was taken away and couldn't see you. It's been almost two months now since I last saw you... Every day it hurts more and more. I want to end my suffering but I know that I can't do that to you, or, quite frankly, to myself. The idea of never being able to see the one true love of my life again is heartbreaking. Being away from you is the most painful thing I have ever been through. It is more painful than all of the beatings I have received combined together.

       I don't know if I will ever get to see you again, my love, but please know that even if we don't, you will forever be mine in my mind and heart. I can't imagine being with anybody else. (I still am not sure how I even managed to get you to like me enough to date me. I'm kind of a handful). You mean the absolute world to me, Jeon Jungkook. Before we got together, I wanted to be taken away from this world. I wished I was dead. I felt completely alone, and unwanted and unloved. You changed me. You saved me. With you, I have never felt more alive. I know that I am never alone. I know that I am loved and wanted. And I know that not being with you right now is killing you too. I fucking hate that I can't be there with you, kissing your face or cuddling up and watching a movie.

      I miss you. So fucking much, Kookie. But I love you more than I miss you. I know that that is kind of corny but I hope it shows you how much I love you. I am fighting to get back to you. I hope you don't get too upset while I am away. I don't like it when you're upset, especially when it involves me.

      Please just know that I will see you again. I will go out fighting if it means getting to kiss your lips one more time. I have said it so many times in this letter but I love you, and I miss you so much. I cannot wait until I get to see you again. Happy Six Month Anniversary babe! I can't wait until we hit one year!

Much Love,

Jungkook wiped away the hot tears as he shakily stood up from where he sat. He found himself running towards the love of his life, who stood nervously in the kitchen speaking with Yoongi. Jungkook just about tackled Taehyung in a hug, lifting the older off of the ground. Taehyung wrapped his legs instinctively around the younger's waist, nuzzling his head in his neck. Taehyung could feel Jungkook's tears soaking through his tanned skin, but he didn't care. He let the younger sob, finally releasing every ounce of emotion he has held in for the last few months. He had wanted to act tough for Taehyung, since what he went through was much worse than what Jungkook experienced.

Jungkook broke apart from the hug suddenly with a huge smile on his face. "Wait here, Tae!" He ran into their bedroom, practically jumping. Yoongi pulled out his phone and held it in front of his face with a light smirk. Taehyung figured he was sending a selca to Hoseok and shrugged it off. "Tae! Close your eyes!"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!" Taehyung did as he was asked. He heard faint shuffling before the distinctive sounds of Jungkook's feet. Taehyung felt something being thrown on top of his head. "Here, slip your arms through, but no peeking!"

Taehyung hummed in acknowledgement as he let Jungkook dress him. He blushed slightly when he remembered that Yoongi was still standing their in the kitchen. Finally, after having a pair of pants and shirt placed on him, he heard Jungkook sigh, followed by some more shuffling.

"Okay, Tae. Open your eyes."

Taehyung hesitantly opened his eyes and gasped as Jungkook was in front of him on one knee with a box in his hand.


I am so bad at writing cute, fluffy stuff, so the letter was probably hella corny, I'm sorry lol


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