Chapter Twenty-Five

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Wattpad deleted this fucking chapter like five times and it was very frustrating to have to write the same thing over and over. Anyway, sorry for the wait! 😘

"Her eyes and words are so icy

Oh, but she burns

Like rum on the fire

Hot and fast and angry as she can be

I walk my days on a wire."

Change the pronouns again to "He" for it to work with the story :)

Jungkook wandered through the aisles with a basket in hand as he searched for all of the food him and his Taehyung would want or need for the next week or two. Hoseok wandered alongside him, hands in his pockets, humming a song softly. Jungkook couldn't shake the uneasiness, but he figured that was due to not leaving the house in so long.

Jungkook stood in line at the register, with a basket full of food, when his phone rang. He frowned when he saw Yoongi's collar ID, and immediately picked it up. He heard loud noises on the other end.

"Kook! Come back! He's here."

Jungkook felt his heart stop as he dropped the basket and its contents, sprinting to head back to the apartment. He wanted to run faster and faster but his feet wouldn't let him. He even tried running like Naruto, but his speed would not increase anymore. He could feel his lungs constricting from lack of oxygen, but he didn't care at this point. The only important thing in his eyes was rescuing his prince. He pulled his phone out and dialed the police while he ran. He didn't even think about what happened to Hoseok and whether the other was following him or not.

The door to the apartment was wide open, and Jungkook slowed down, hoping to make a slow and sneaky attack. That all went to shit when he saw Taehyung's father throw a lamp at him, causing Taehyung to collapse to the ground, unconscious.

"What are the fuck are you doing?" I screamed before jumping onto his father's back, gripping onto his neck in frustration. Yoongi had run over to check on Taehyung, who had blood spilling from a wound on his head and cheek. "I told you to never fucking hurt him you bastard!"

His father rammed Jungkook into the wall, earning a wince from the youngest. Yoongi stood up and rolled up his sleeves before storming up and punching Taehyung's father directly in the nose. The sound of the bone breaking made Jungkook cringe, but it didn't slow the older man down. Mr Kim's face was red with anger as he slammed Yoongi against the wall, kicking him in the stomach. Yoongi cried in pain at the force of the kick before collapsing to in the ground, panting.

Jungkook's eyes flicked quickly over to Taehyung, who had started to come out of consciousness. Jungkook could hear the faint sounds of sirens and smirked. Taehyung's father must've heard the sirens too as his whole body tensed before he ran to his son. His hands wrapped around Taehyung's throat, quickly sucking the life out of him. Taehyung's weak body scratched at his arms and tried to kick him off with no success. Jungkook growled before tackling Mr Kim to the ground, off of Taehyung.

Jungkook lay another strong punch into the man's windpipe before the front door was thrown open. The sound of policemen announcing their arrival made Jungkook breath a sigh of relief. He brought his guard down too soon as Mr Kim threw Jungkook off of his body, hauling ass to the far end of the living room and climbing out through the open window. Jungkook chose not to chase after him as he turned his attention to Taehyung, who was barely conscious and in tears in the corner. Jungkook wrapped his arms firmly around his husband while telling the cops what happened and how the male had escaped. A few cops immediately took off to try and chase after the fugitive.

"H-He a-actually c-came b-b-back." Taehyung sobbed, gripping tightly onto Jungkook's shirt. Taehyung's head wound had stopped bleeding, which made Jungkook feel a sense of relief. His eyes glanced at Yoongi, who was awake and being helped to an ambulance outside. An EMT finally came and helped the couple, taking them to get checked for any damage.

Taehyung couldn't stop shaking. All of the horrors from the past few years of his life all came flooding back in crashing waves, slowly drowning him. He watched as his biggest nightmare was, once again, taken away in handcuffs.

The EMT had cleared the boys, only instructing that they take it easy for the next week or two. The commotion that once was soon turned into silence as the three boys stood alone on the porch, shivering, but whether from the chilly air or the event that just ensued, it was hard to tell.

Yoongi finally exhaled sharply before turning to face the couple. He hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry I didn't take any of this seriously. I thought you were just paranoid. I-I shouldn't have gone to the bathroom. I'm so sorry."

Jungkook put a hand gently on the oldest's shoulder. "Yoongi, it's okay. We are not mad."

That is when realization hit Yoongi. "Wait, Kook, where's Hoseok?"

"I'm here, I'm here!" Hoseok called pecking his husband's cheek. "Don't get your panties in a wad." He winked, making Taehyung giggle quietly.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, but relaxed when he saw the bags in Hoseok's hands. "Hoseok, you didn't..."

The male smiled while holding the bags on display. "Groceries are on me this time!"

And that made Taehyung burst into tears.

I had the Taco Bell Saga stuck in my head the entire time I was writing this...


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