Chapter Two

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"I believe that my heart will not leave you
My heart will reach past beyond the wind
I am always under the same sky my baby"

Jungkook was sitting in the cafè, surrounded by his (and Taehyung's) friends. They had dragged him here with the hopes of cheering him up. Little did they know how much this place meant to Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship. Jungkook, not wanting to make his friends feel bad, decided to keep those memories to himself.

"What about a game of Would You Rather?" Hoseok suggested, earning a head shake from the group.

"We play that a lot, babe. We should do something we haven't played in a while." Yoongi kissed Hoseok's cheek when he saw him pouting.

The group was silent while they thought of something to take Jungkook's mind off of Taehyung. The youngest was not in good shape. He had bruises up and down his arms from him pinching himself. He had dark bags around his eyes, he was losing weight. He would only sleep two or three hours a night before waking up from the nightmare. The same one that always woke him up.

"What about Desert Island?" Jimin perked up. Jimin also was not looking too well. He had been beating himself up since he found out about Taehyung. He regretted making new friends and not being there for Taehyung when his friend obviously needed him.

The group nodded in agreement. "Okay, if you were stuck on a desert island, pick the five movies you would want. Jin, why don't you go first?"

Jin tapped his index finger on his chin while he thought. "Legends of the Fall, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Legally Blonde, Bridges of Madison County, and Ghost." If you get the reference, we're officially best friends.

The group chuckled at Jin's choices. After everyone had named off the movies, it was time for a new round. "Okay, if you could bring any three things with you, what would you bring?"

It was Hoseok's turn to go first. "Well, there are only two things I would bring. I would bring Yoongi and Yoongi's piano." Once again, if you get the reference, I will love you forever.

"Jungkook, what about you?" Jimin chimed in, wanting to bring the youngest into the game more.

The group's laughter stopped when Jungkook spoke, barely above a whisper. "I- I would bring Taehyung."

Jungkook had five eyes on him in that moment, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. "What?" He asked with an annoyed tone. After nobody responded, he spoke up again, this time a little more bitter. "Listen you guys. I'm not going to burst in to tears or throw things just by saying his name. I was asked what I would bring, and I answered honestly. I would bring Taehyung. Now," Jungkook stood up from his chair, cringing on the inside at the sound of the chair scraping on the tile floor. "If you'll allow me, I would like to go home and get some sleep." Jungkook shoved his way through his group of friends, exiting the café.

He wrapped his jacket around him a little tighter once the cool breeze hit his skin. He had to contain his shivers. His mind was empty.

His heart was empty.

He didn't know what to feel anymore. He missed Taehyung more than he ever thought possible. The worst part was not knowing if he was even alive. Taehyung's father could've beaten him to death at this point and there would be no way of knowing.

It started raining as Jungkook got closer to his apartment. Before walking through the door, he stopped on the sidewalk and raised his head up, closing his eyes. He took in a deep breath. The deepest breath he has taken in in a while. Despite the rain, Jungkook opened his eyes, watching the stars he had gotten so used to watching lately. He couldn't help but wonder if Taehyung was watching the same sky.

He tried to hold in the tears. He had gotten good at holding them in. He didn't want to be weak. He wanted to be strong for Taehyung. He knew that Taehyung is probably going through worse. Physical and emotional abuse. Of course, this thought just made Jungkook burst. The tears came out uncontrollably. His chest was heaving, he was unable to take full breaths. He bent over, gripping his knees, trying to catch his breath.

His eyes drifted to the sky one more time, before he whispered an "I miss you," hoping the stars would carry his message to Taehyung.

Author-nim is being very dramatic so far. Whoops.


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