Finished them!

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Well, I finished the requests! Most of them, anyway.

Wolf! One of more to come!
Requested by:
stefana_nanu (A friend new to the role-play community!)
AdolphaSelrah (Mama Wolfy!!)

I think I did OK for my second attempt at a wolf drawing. For reference, here is what I was drawing:


This one is FillThePage 's OC Olivia Lockhart.

*Sigh* The camera quality doesn't do this pic much justice, tbh. I'm sorry. T_T

She was fun to draw, as I got to brush up on drawing hair again. Sorry I couldn't do a full body drawing.. my level of art skill is not there yet, and might not ever be. Maybe one day I can draw things like this (the art I basically copied):

Btw, the parentheses read: "Sorry about the 'she' looking like a 'he'."

For some odd reason, I can draw eyes okay but boobs are a FRICKIN no go. Curse my lack of human body drawing experience!!


That's um.. me kissing someone. Found it cool that I could draw this based off of what I saw/traced.

3D words are pretty awesome, so I thought, why not try them out? I am happy with my work, actually.

The last one is basically vore. It's for a friend. TinyGlen He's new to Wattpad.
I also made this for him too:

He turned out pretty good, considering I drew everything about him from scratch!

You see, Wolfy is slowly but surely creating his own style!! Don't be afraid to request that I draw things, because I will draw anything what you ask for (to the best of my current ability)!

Working on drawing more wolves and even a cat or two! Updates in this book may be hella slow compared to other doods out here on Wattpad.  BUT, an art book is an art book!

That's all I have for now, cya later guys!

I hope you enjoyed reading exactly three hundred thirty words from this update!

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