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Lauryn smiled as she remembered that night. That was her first time, and it was everything she had hoped it would be. She had been nervous, but Conrad had made her feel safe and comfortable. He had been patient and understanding, making sure she was okay the whole time. He was gentle and loving, and it was the most amazing experience of her life.

Now she stared at the familiar house. Her heart pounded. She hadn't been here in a long time, and it felt weird. It was a beautiful place. Though still without Susannah, it wasn't the same. She had been nervous about coming back, but she knew she had to. She wanted to make sure Conrad was okay. She took a deep breath and got out of the car, seeing Belly and Jeremiah had already gone in. They left her alone, figuring she'd like some time. She appreciated it. She didn't think it would be this hard, but here she was, staring at the house with her heart pounding. She shook her head, clearing her mind and taking another deep breath before walking in. She overheard Jeremiah and Conrad talking as she walked into the house. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. He still looked the same yet somehow more handsome than before. He looked tired and frustrated, but his face softened when he saw her.

"Lu?" He whispered, his voice cracking.

Lauryn's eyes stung, and her lower lip trembles. "Hey, Coco."

She didn't say anything else, just ran into his arms. Conrad's arms wrapped around her tightly, and she buried her face in his neck, breathing him in. She had been so worried about him, and now she felt like she could breathe again. Conrad held her close, his heart racing. He had missed her so much, and he was so glad to have her back in his arms. He felt awful for not telling her what happened but he just needed to get away and he thought he could deal with this himself. He should've known better, though. They were a team, and he would never be able to truly handle anything without her.

"I missed you." He whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"I missed you too." Lauryn mumbled, her voice cracking.

Conrad pulls back, cupping her cheeks. "I'm so sorry for not telling you, sweetheart. I just...Everything happened so fast and I thought I could handle things myself. I didn't want to burden you with everything else you had going on with classes and everything."

Lauryn bit her lip, her eyes watering. "It's okay, I understand. You were just trying to protect me, and I get that. But, please, promise me, next time something is going on, tell me, okay?" She pulls away to punch his arm, surprising him as he winced and rubbed the spot he hit. "That's for making me have a meltdown and worry about you for days!"

"Ow! Geez, I'm sorry, baby." Conrad apologizes, feeling guilty. He really hadn't meant to worry her or make her cry. He should've confided in her from the start. He nods solemnly. "I promise, no more keeping secrets. We're in this together, always."

Lauryn gives him a small smile, her eyes still shimmering with unshed tears. "Good, because I don't think I can handle another surprise disappearance like that."

Conrad chuckles softly, pulling her into another hug. "Noted. From now on, you'll know everything." As they stood there in each other's arms, they both knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a team. They would always be there for each other, no matter what.

Lauryn smiles as Conrad's lips press against her forehead. She missed him so much and was relieved to be back with him. "So what's going on?" She asks softly when they pulled away. His arm moved to wrap around her waist to pull her close as she noticed he and the others shared a worried look. She frowns, starting to get concerned. "What?"

"The house is up for sale." Conrad responded and Lauryn felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. She had to be hearing things. She couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening.

"Wait, what?" Lauryn questioned, hoping she had misheard him. But he repeated himself and her heart sank. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't imagine not being able to come back here. To the place she considered a second home. She felt her heart drop and her eyes start to sting with unshed tears.

"So, this is why you haven't answered any of my phone calls and texts?" Jeremiah questioned. Lauryn couldn't believe that's what he was thinking about now.

"Jere. Jere. Did you not hear what I just said? Mom's house." Conrad replied.

"There's no way your dad would do this, right?" She questioned, looking surprised.

"It's not our dad who is selling it." Conrad sighs. "It's our Aunt Julia."

"Susannah's sister?" Belly asked with shock.

"Half sister. Apparently," Conrad rolls his eyes. "The house belonged to the both of them. And when mom..." His voice trails off, not being able to say it. "Now Aunt Julia owns the whole thing, so..."

"Okay, we'll just call dad and figure something out. That's it." Jeremiah suggested.

"You don't think I haven't already done that? He says legally the house is hers." Conrad told him.

"Okay, then we'll buy it." Jeremiah replied.

"He doesn't have the money to buy it." Conrad raises his voice, his frustration evident. "Between Brown and the medical bills and the-"

"Yeah, I know how much the medical bills cost because I was there." Jeremiah interrupts, his comment surprising everyone. Lauryn could tell that hurt Conrad. "How long did you know about this and not tell me?"

"Jere, this was all happening so fast. I was going to tell you after I'd taken care of it." Conrad admitted.

Jeremiah chuckles dryly. "And this is you taking care of it? Going AWOL, ditching school, not talking to us."

"F*** school! I don't care!" Conrad argued.

"Connie, you have to go back or you'll fail your classes." Jeremiah pointed out.

"How are you going to become a doctor if you fail out of college, Conrad?" Belly spoke up.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Conrad told her, glaring at her.

"Guys." Lauryn chimed in, her voice wavering slightly but she tried her best to keep her composure. She didn't like how this was escalating.

"Seriously?" Jeremiah scoffs, glaring at Conrad. "We went to Brown to check on your a**. You know what? I didn't think you'd pull this s*** again, but you don't give a s*** about anyone but yourself." With that, he stormed out of the house, not saying another word. Belly shared a worried look with Lauryn.

"I'll go check on him." Belly murmured to her and left the house to check on her boyfriend.

Lauryn takes a deep shaky breath, wiping her watery eyes and swallowing hard. She could barely believe this was happening. "So, what now?" She questions softly, looking at Conrad with worry and concern. He was leaning against the fire place mantle, his hands gripping the wood tightly. "Coco, talk to me."

"There's nothing to say. Nothing can change the fact that Aunt Julia wants the house sold and our dad won't step in." Conrad told her bitterly, his jaw clenching.

Lauryn sighs softly. She hated seeing him like this. She could see the stress and worry on his face, and her heart ached for him. She knew he was taking this hard. She knew he loved this place as much as she did. She moves over to stand by Conrad, her hand moving to rub his back. "Hey, I know this is hard, but we'll figure something out, okay? I promise." She assures him. She pauses before adding, "So, um, why haven't you called or texted me back?"

"Because I'm a stupid idiot." Conrad huffs, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could handle this on my own. I wanted to call and text you, I really did. But, uh, I didn't want to upset you or make you worry more. And like I said, I thought I could do this on my own."

"I'll always worry about you, Coco. But we're a team, remember?" Lauryn reminds him, moving closer to him. She looks at him, her gaze never wavering. "Please, don't ever do that again. Even if you think you're doing the right thing. I was freaking out not knowing what happened to you. We all were so worried. We all thought something bad had happened to you." She gently turns him to face her, her hands moving up to cup his face. "I know things have been rough lately, and I know this is an added stress that none of us need. But I'm here, okay? I'm here for you, always. I love you."

Conrad's eyes stung with tears and he swallowed hard, his voice cracking slightly. "I love you too." He murmurs, his hands resting on her hips. He pulls her closer, leaning his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry. I really am. For everything."

Lauryn closes her eyes, letting his words wash over her. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." She whispers, her eyes fluttering open to meet his. She gently strokes his cheek, her gaze never wavering. "I mean it. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

Conrad leans forward and kisses her forehead. "Same goes to you." He murmurs, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry I scared you, gorgeous. I really didn't mean to." He buried his face in her neck, his lips brushing her soft skin.

Lauryn's heart swelled and she clung to him tightly, her eyes closing as she breathed in his familiar scent. She could feel the tension leaving his body as he held her. "I know. I forgive you. Just please, don't ever do that again." She pleaded.

"I promise." Conrad whispers, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. It's quiet for a few moments before he speaks up again. "I got a call to days ago."

"Oh?" Lauryn said softly, curious and confused.

"Yeah, it was from Liam. He was asking me about a 'for sale' sign in our front yard. I thought it was a misunderstanding so I drove straight here. I pulled the stupid sign out of the ground, and I threw it in the garbage. Seeing that sign was like losing her all over again, and I didn't want that for Jere. I'm going to use my trust as down payment for the house. Talking to my mom's financial guys in the morning. I didn't mean to worry anybody." Conrad explained, his voice breaking as he struggled to hold back his emotions.

"Conrad, you're an amazing person. And an amazing brother. What you're doing, it's really brave." Lauryn murmurs. "But you don't have to do this alone," Lauryn continues gently. "We're in this together, remember? We'll figure out a way to save the house and get through this. You've already done so much, and I know it must be incredibly hard. But you don't have to carry all this weight by yourself."

Conrad nods, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just...I thought I could fix everything on my own. I didn't want to drag anyone else into it or make things worse."

Lauryn shakes her head. "Conrad, it's not about dragging people down. It's about leaning on the people who love you. We're here for you, and we want to help. Whatever happens, we'll face it together." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, "And if the house does end up being sold, it won't be the end of the world. We can still come here and visit Cousins and make new memories. It won't be the same, but it'll still be special. Just like every summer was."

Conrad takes a deep breath, his lips curving up in a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. Thank you." He murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you." He added, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too." Lauryn whispers back, her eyes fluttering closed as his lips captured hers in a tender kiss. Her arms wrap around his neck, her fingers threading through his soft hair. Conrad pulled her closer, his hands gripping her hips tightly. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with love and reassurance. They knew they would get through this, no matter what.

When they broke the kiss, Conrad presses a tender kiss to her forehead. "I'm glad you're here. I really did miss you." He confessed, his eyes filled with emotion.

"I missed you too, babe. So much." Lauryn sighs, snuggling into him. She knew they had a lot to deal with, but she was relieved to be back in his arms and know that they were in this together. She didn't know how they would get through this, but she was confident they could handle whatever challenges they faced, as long as they had each other. "I love you, so much."

Conrad smiles, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too, gorgeous." He replied, holding her close. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what happened, they would always have each other. And that was enough.

A/N conrad & lauryn <3

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