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My!!!Child!!! I love her!!!

Also this is a contest entry for monochrome_monarch

Wattpad lowered the quality, so I'm sorry the shading looks bad :/ but I am extremely proud of this

The song I based him off of is this one:

Here's a bio for him, I guess? Idk.
Name: Cass King (was originally born Cassiopeia, but shortened it to cass when he started questioning his gender)
Gender: Genderfluid, usually uses she/her pronouns
Age: 23 Atm
Race: Biracial, 1/2 African american, 1/2 Caucasian
Hair: Dark brown, dyes it blue.
Eyes: Light brown (like that honey-colored hazel-ish?)
Skin: Light brown

Her backstory, and how's she relates to the song:

When she was 17 to the time he was 22, Cass used to be in a relationship with a man named Matt. She had fallen in love with a man 4 years older than her. She wasn't a very rebellious teen, and was very kind with her friends (Sawyer, Falcon and Lily-Anne.)
She had Matt to be extremely sweet, and he spent a lot of time around her. She was content, and happy. Until she moved in with him.
They had gone on dates, sure, but once she turned 19, she packed up and moved in with him. It went well at first, but that was when she started questioning her gender. When she came out to him, he promised her that it was okay, but in fact, it was not. He started emotionally abusing her, causing her confidence and self-love to shatter. She grew distant from her group of friends, stopped taking her mother's calls, and all she knew was herself and her boyfriend. Soon enough, Matt started cheating on her, and she left, because her friends had found out, and had worked her through it.
That didn't mean she still didn't love him.
Matt was the first person she had ever loved, and though she hated the fact and loathed the fact, she couldn't just stop loving him. She beat herself up over it, finding herself missing him even through all the little things she did during the day.
It took a lot to get her back on her feet. She was caught in between an extremely bad breakup, and an identity crisis, shutting out most people around her, including one of her best friends, Sawyer. It hurt her everytime she saw Matt out with his new girlfriend, hurt in such a bad way that she would just start to cry.

So, all in all, she needs to be protected. She fell in love with a man that did not deserve her, and pushed away the only person who did.

Also I have come to the conclusion that I cannot write backstories

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