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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the song used

May's POV

Let's see... I need flour, sugar, eggs, milk, butter, vanilla extract, and marshmallows. What, might you ask, was I doing grocery shopping? I was getting the ingredients to make a cake. A birthday cake. For the surprise party me and most of my friends were throwing. Why not all of my friends? Because the party is for one of them.

Let me start this over. The party is for my friend Drew. Ash, Misty, Dawn, and Paul are helping me throw it. What's better is it's my dad's week off, so he is letting us use the gym!

Any way, back to what I was doing. I had gotten stuck on cake duty because Dawn really wanted to decorate, Ash would most likely eat all of the batter before it went in the oven, and Misty and Paul can't cook. Not that I'm such a great cook myself.

Hurry up check out line lady, please! I have a cake to make, frost, and decorate before five o'clock. Its eleven o'clock now leaving me only six hours!

-Back at the gym-

Misty and Dawn were setting up a happy birthday banner, and Ash and Paul were carrying some heavy tables into the main room. I headed into the next room, which happened to be the gym kitchen. Let's get this started!

=Take 1=

I hummed softly while I added each ingredient. (A/N this not a real recipe, I am making this up as I go)

Two eggs, one cup of flour, 1/4 cup of milk, tablespoon of vanilla extract, one quarter of a stick of butter, 3/4 cup of sugar.

I stirred and stirred the yellowish brown mixture until it was completely smooth. I pulled out a pan and sprayed it with non-stick spray. Then I poured the batter into the pan, and put it in the oven.

-45 minutes later-

I pulled the cake out of the oven. It was perfect. I set it on the counter to cool.

Back in the main area, Misty and Dawn had finally finished putting up the hanging decorations and were now covering the table with a green and blue table cloth.

Ash and Paul had set up all of the tables and finished warping the presents. They were currently taking a break. Ash was nowhere in sight.

"Uh... Where is Ash?" I asked

"Sorry, I saw him five minutes ago, but I don't know where he is now."

"I wasn't paying attention. Sorry May.

"Why should I know?"

Guess who said that last one.

I sighed. "I'm going to go make the icing." I walked into the kitchen. I screamed.

"May! May, what is wrong!?" I heard Dawn ask in the background.

"M-my cake!!!!!!!! Its destroyed!! Someone ate it!!!!"

It was then that Ash decided to make his grand entrance.

"Oh... Was that your cake... Heh, heh..."

Enters Dawn. Enters Paul. Enters Misty. Enters Mallet.

"Asher Red Ketchum!! You are so going to get it! May worked hard on that cake!!!" Misty yelled. Ash ran for his life, and with good reason. Misty had already begun to charge.

I sweat dropped. "I guess I should get started with another one." I began pulling out the ingredients again.

=take 2=

This time I began softly singing. More eggs, more flour, more milk, more vanilla extract, more butter, more sugar.

More stirring, more non-stick spray, another pan. Another 45 minutes. In the oven you go.

-45 minutes later-

I took the cake out of the oven. Finished. Only, it wasn't finished. It hadn't hardened at all. It was still a gloppy mess.

Maybe it just needs more time. I put it in for another 15 minutes.

-15 minutes later-

No improvement, at all, whatsoever. Time to make a new one.

=take three=

I began singing again, this time a little louder.

🎶 "You swept me off my my feet from the moment I met you,
Thought I was so lucky, baby I let you into my heart,
Into my heart.🎶

A couple eggs, a bit of flour, a splash of milk, a spoonful of vanilla extract, a chunk of butter, a sprinkle of sugar.

🎶"when you started messing around, boy I was blind sighted,
Never saw the real you, you were just hiding your lies in the dark,
But now I see who you are.🎶

(A/N cheesecake to whoever can guess the song)

Stir, stir, stir. Spray. Pour. Put in oven. Please work this time.

-45 minutes later-

Out of the oven you go! Let's see... Perfect! It was at that moment that Dawn bounced through the door.

"Hi May! We are almost done decorating, so I thought I could come make the punch. Almost done with the cake?"

I nodded. "Yep. I just finished."

She frowned. "You do realize that Drew hates vanilla cake right?"


"Sorry, I thought you remembered. Oh, that's right. You weren't there at Ash's party last year, were you. I completely forgot to tell you."

I sighed. "Hey, Ash! Snack break!"

=take 4=

By now, I was able to make it from memory. Egg, egg, flour, milk, butter, sugar. Only this time I substituted vanilla extract for a half cup of cocoa powder.

I sprayed the pan, poured and put it in the oven.

-45 minutes later-

The cake reappeared from the depths of the oven. It was burnt to a crisp. Completely black. Not again... In to the trash you go.

=take 5=

This time I was chatting with Dawn as I made the cake. She had finished with the punch and had begun making the sweet marshmallow, butter, and sugar icing.

"So how are we going to get Drew here without him suspecting anything? He is pretty smart."

"Actually Max is going to be taking care of that. His excuse is that he got a new two player video game that he wants to try, and he can't do it with me because I would stink. That is just what he came up with." I replied.

"Ha ha!! You realize that he insults you in the process of his excuse, right?"


By this time, the batter was ready to go in the oven.

"Please work..."

-45 minutes later-

Finally. My perfect chocolate cake was done. There was nothing wrong with it, and I wasn't going to let Ash within twenty feet of it.

-5 minutes later-

Time to ice it. And hurry! Drew will be here any second now! Everything must be perfect.

Quickly, I set it on the snack tray. And not a moment too soon.

"Turn off the lights!!!!! He is coming!!!!!!" Someone flicked the lights off.

The door opened, the lights flashed on, and...



The song is 'Famous' by Kelleigh Bannen. I own no part of it.

This is my second oneshot, so I hope you like it.

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