How It Should Have Happened Part 12

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Rita managed to get a cab to take her to the school. She knew that Lynn would be unstable, but she never imagined that she would hit Lincoln when she told her not to. Opening the doors..Everyone stopped and stared while parting the way. They knew that she was mad and it was shown on her face.

"Hello Mrs. Loud, I see that you managed to get her fast." Said Principal Huggins. He was no stranger to the antics of the Loud family and often had most of them visit his office during his work hours. To be honest..He saw the sisters more than their sole brother.

"I came as soon as I heard that Lynn punched Lincoln on the nose." Rita Said. Rita glared at Lynn who started to become nervous since she disobeyed her parents warning.

"Mrs. Loud..Lynn Junior has come in here multiple times for fighting with other students. The only other student that also had that record was Ronnie Ann Santiago who transfered schools. I hate to say this, but she's expelled for the next three weeks." Principal Huggins Said. Rita looked shocked and felt ashamed of her daughter. She couldn't believe that her baby got herself expelled and now they need to figure out what to do with her. Nodding..Rita grabbed Lynn's arm and slowly started to drag her to a cab before the Coach stopped her.

"Mrs. Loud..I have something to say to Lynn..I would have said it later, but she got herself expelled before I could say it." The Coach Said. Rita nodded and placed Lynn in front of her to face the coach.

"Lynn..You were an excellent player and we (The coaches) had high hopes for you. However it seems like our hopes in you were misplaced. So it's with a heavy heart that we have to let you go so when you come have to clean out your locker. You also have to wash and clean your uniforms and return them." The Coach Said. Lynn felt her heart break hearing this and slowly nodded. She lost her dream and passion and now she felt numb.

Slowly Lynn and her mother went outside the school and waited for a cab to show up. 

Meanwhile the other Loud sisters didn't fare much better than her. For one..All of their lovers broke up with them (Chad said that he and Leni needed a break from each other and maybe after a while they can get back together. Also their friends cut them off (Leni's friends don't trust her mush, but she will have to earn their trust in her back). Needless to say that it was a terrible day for all of the Loud sisters and they silently went to Vanzilla and drove back home.

"Sigh...Today wasn't good." Lucy Said. 

"No it wasn't however it could be worse." Lori Said. She heard what Lynn did and felt angry mainly because she just made it worse for all of them. Now they can't get close to Lincoln and ask for forgiveness.

"I know what you mean. Lynn made things bananas." Luan Said. It wasn't a good joke and just made everyone groan. Luan lost her humor once she saw that her pranks were menacing towards society.

They silently pulled into the drive way of the house and walked in. No one could say a word because of the tension that was in the house. So the girls silently went to their rooms to do homework while Lucy had to come into Lori's and Leni's rooms to do hers since she didn't know how Lynn's temperament was going to be.

After a while..the girls just lead down and heard the door open and close shut.


Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions? Or questions?

Bye 👋 

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