How It Should Have Happened Part 14

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Lynn woke up after a while and slowly started to head towards the bathroom. After using the toilet, She looked at herself in the mirror. Sighing..Lynn quickly looked away from her reflection ashamed of herself. She couldn't stand looking at her reflection because it reminded her of the girl that she used to be before the Bad Luck Incident. Slowly Lynn walked away from the bathroom and went back to her room before she saw Lucy. However she noticed something off about her when it hit her. Lucy has her bangs cut so she could see Lucy's blue eyes which was slightly unnerving. Lucy never said anything and just headed downstairs to avoid speaking to Lynn.

Lynn stood there for a couple of minutes before moving towards her room before she heard her mother call that Dinner's ready. The other girls silently went downstairs while glaring at Lynn. Meanwhile Lynn slowly followed a couple of seconds after they went downstairs. Rita immediately noticed that she seemed down so she tried to confront her on it. 

"How are you feeling Lynn?" Rita Asked. She was still angry with her daughter, but she knew that she still needed to give Lynn a chance to make things right with Lincoln. Lynn stared at her for a couple of moments before she placed her head down at the table.

"I'm fine mom." Lynn mumbled. Lynn slowly ate her food while sensing the unnerving tension in the room. She also noticed that some of the girls were angry with her which didn't help ease the tension up.

Suddenly Luna slammed her hands on the table ready to ask questions from her sister.

"Lynn..Why would you say that Lincoln wasn't your sibling anymore?" Luna Asked with a glare.

"I did it because...because he ruined our lives." Lynn stated quietly. 

"No..he didn't. We made a mistake and we're paying the price for it." Lori states.

"YES HE DID!!! LINCOLN CAUSED ALL OF THIS WHEN HE CAME TO MY GAME!! I WISH THAT BE WAS NEVER BORN SO I CAN KEEP WINNING." Lynn yelled. The table gasped and Lynn slowly figured out the severity of what she just said.

"Why would you say that Lynn? Why wouldn't you want Linky born? Why don't you want Linky and Lily to come back?" Leni Asked before bursting into tears and running towards her room.

"Look what you did Lynn...You made Leni upset and you're contempt on keeping this family separated. Sometimes I wonder whether or not you want Lincoln and Lily back in the family however this shows that you don't want them in the house." Lori Said before she finished eating to go comfort Leni. 

"Lynn..Go to your room. Your dad and I will talk about your punishment again later tonight." Rita Said.

Lynn quickly jumped up and knocked over her chair. She quickly ran towards her room and went towards her bed. Meanwhile the rest of the family was still eating.

"Mom..Where will I sleep tonight?" Lucy Asked.

"How about you share with Lana and Lola? When we call Lynn for more punishment then you can gather some things to take towards their room." Rita Said.

"Okay. Mom..Why is Lynn set on breaking this family apart? We already lost Lincoln and Lily...What if she causes us to split apart too.." Lucy Asked before she burst into tears.

Rita quickly got up and hugged Lucy which helped comfort her daughter.

"That won't happen Lucy. We just need to figure out why she's acting like this and maybe Lincoln and Lily will come back." Rita Said. 

Sighing Lucy kept hugging her mother while looking away. She knew that it was nearly impossible for Lincoln and Lily to come back however she wanted her mothers comfort to help her feel better. 

She didn't know that Lynn would keep causing trouble for the rest of the family.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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