How it Should Have Happened Part 23

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Lynn slowly started to get up and start her day only to remember that she was in jail. Jail for punishing Lincoln for what he did to her and her family. She didn't do anything wrong was what she told her self. Lynn..often felt the glares of glares from the police officers yet paid it no mind. She was a hero. She saved everyone from Lincoln and his numerous faults yet..people are acting like she was the villain in this case. 

In the afternoon, she had visitors. Her family. When she walked up to them, she saw that they weren't smiling. Instead they were glaring at her with hatred which startled her. 

"Why are you glaring at me for? You should be thanking me." Lynn Said.

"Thanking you?! You put Lincoln in the hospital. You could've ruined our chance to apologize to him due to your selfish ways." Lori Said.

"Selfish? I did it so we can get our normal lives back." Lynn argued.

"No you didn't. If you wanted to do something for us..Why couldn't you say you're sorry and help us get him back. We've been tolerant of your actions for far too long Lynn and I'm ashamed to call you my sister." Lucy Said.

"Ashamed?! I'm the hero who saved you from him and his bad luck."Lynn Said.

"Hero? Hero?!'re the furtherest thing from being a hero. You're a villain who tried to kill her brother over her misguided beliefs that he's the source of our problems. When in're the source of our problems. We've been trying to redeem ourselves for this mess yet you refuse to help us. Like Lucy..I'm ashamed to call you my sister because no sister or mine would do something so cruel and selfish." Lori stated.

To Lynn's shock her other sisters nodded in agreement while also glaring at her. It almost destroyed her, but she held it together. Her parents haven't said anything so maybe they're on her side. 

"So Mom..Dad, When will you bond me out?" Lynn Asked.

"Young Lady, We're not bonding you out. You destroyed the bond that you had with your brother..your only brother mind you and the rest of your siblings. We're here to speak to you for a bit then head home where we'll speak The CPS Worker and Chief of Police for a punishment for you." Rita Said.

"You can't do this. Then who will save us from his bad luck." Lynn Shouted.

"Junior...You're the only one who still believes in Bad Luck. Your mother and I have tried to straighten you out, but I see that it's not enough. Young Lady..You Have nobody to blame except for yourself. Continue on this path then I have 9 daughters instead of 10. I'm so disappointed in you Junior." Lynn Sr. said.

"But Dad.." Lynn started, but stopped when her mother held her hand up.

"Lynn...I don't want to here your excuses. You tried to kill Lincoln for this silly notion of Bad Luck..And like it or not you need to hold some responsibility for your own actions. If you don't shape up after this then consider this your last months as a Loud." Rita Said before she turned to leave.

Eventually the rest of the Louds left, leaving Lynn alone in the cell. She couldn't believe that her family would threaten her with being disowned if she still believed in bad luck. Shaking her head...She looked around and saw the glares directed at her. Was what she did wrong?

No...She was right. Everyone else was wrong. Right?

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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