How it Should Have Happened Part 25

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After her family left her, Lynn felt betrayed. Betrayed by her family...the people who always had her back no matter what. Sighing...She sat down her bed and gripped the ends of it hard. Why? Why did they betray her? She was their hero...the one who freed them from the Jinx's clutches. As she was thinking...she never noticed the footsteps of the CPS worker coming closer and closer to her cell until she heard someone cough.

"Oh...It's you." Lynn said.

"Who else would it be?" The CPS worker asked.

"I don't know. Someone who actually appreciates what I did to that no good jinx." Lynn said with an eye roll.

"Lynn...He isn't a jinx. He was only doing that to avoid going to all of your events." The CPS worker said.

"That's a lie. He is an jinx. He cursed my game and he cursed my family. Anyone would have done the same thing if everything fell apart whenever he was in the area." Lynn said.

"Lynn...Are you that blind to see the truth in front of your face? Lincoln was never a jinx...sure he lied about being one, but that doesn't excuse what your parents did." The CPS worker said.

"Ugh...Has everyone in Royal Woods gone blind? Lincoln is a jinx...think about it...he ruined my game and he even ruined my family's lives." Lynn said.

The CPS worker just shook her head and walked away. She knew that there was no changing her mind...Lynn truly believed that Lincoln was badluck and now she ruined her bonds with her loved ones.

"How was the interview?" The Police Chief asked.

"She truly believes that Lincoln cursed her game and her family. Sigh...I never met someone so in denial. She couldn't even listen to reason." The CPS worker said.

"Sadly some people can't accept the truth. No matter how much evidence is in front of their face. Besides we still have to talk to the family about her punishment tomorrow." The Police Chief stated.

The CPS worker nodded and walked towards her car. This case was becoming problematic...and it wasn't the parent's fault for it..this time. Lynn keeps thinking that she's a hero when she's really not. And look at what happened...her brother is in the hospital with injuries caused by a bat and her family is in shambles. 

Hopefully she'll realize what she's doing because if she doesn't then....

She'll lose every single member of her family by the time that it's over.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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