Soccer Girl Joke

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A/N: I just really want to apologize to those of you who have been patiently waiting for the next chapter. The chapter the girls and I were working on kind of got until I can recover it here is a short filler chapter. Enjoy!
SquirrelAndWings and I have a running joke from school that we constantly say to our guy friends. When they piss us off we just tell them something we saw somewhere on google.
"Watch out for soccer girls, we kick balls!"
So now they know not to mess with us. The first time we said this, their faces were priceless!!!! XD It still works now though, and it's been about a year since we started saying that to them. It never gets old.
A/N: Sorry to the girls who are normally in this book, I know you are all busy, and I don't blame you guys because I am busy too. I just really wanted to update, even if it wasn't a proper update, so now it gives us more time to creative a proper chapter that people will actually enjoy. It's just hard to find a time when we are all available, that's all. We have not abandoned this book! There will be more updates! The next one should hopefully be soon, thanks for putting up with this non-sense! -Ella :)

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