Silverear's Prophecy

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SilverEar was born behind a barn by his mother HoneyTail. She couldn't keep him because he was born from half StormClan and half FrostClan cats. AdderFang was from StormClan and HoneyTail was originally from FrostClan. She had to leave her kit at the barn because if anyone ever found out her job as a Medicine Cat would be in danger, and her life. SilverEar lived a simple life as a Rogue/Kittypet, util one day when he met WildLegs, a peach she-cat with orange stripes and chocolate colored eyes. SilverEar was hanging out with his friend MIttens the kittypet who usually hangs around the barn looking for food from the barn animals that was left over or not eaten. SilverEar and Mittens were daring each other to do stuff when, Mittens: I dare you to go out into the woods and bring me back a dead mouse that you hunted. SilverEar: thats gotta be easy its a bet, and if I come back with a dead mouse then you gotta eat the pig slop for a week, nothing else just pig slop. Mittens gagged then shivered, "Oook, fine but if I win the bet then you have to pick 200 poison berries without swallowing or taking a break." SilverEar: It's a deal! SilverEar slowly walked closer to the entrance to his thought to be doom. He had never laid foot in the forest before, he had only heard stories about the cats and beasts inside the forest. He heard the cats only ate meat and had to hunt for all their food fought with other cats so they could have a bigger place to sleep and hunt and how they all had ticks and fleas. SilverEar hated the thought of that. Suddenly in the corner of his eye SilverEar saw the grass moving, It was a mouse! SilverEar ran up to it and tried to catch it before the mouse noticed him. But right when he jumped to get the mouse something hit his head. Before he lost consciousness he saw a female cat that eyes sparkled in the sunlight he thought he was looking at an angel at first, then he saw black. The whole time he was unconscious he was having visions of cats and a heavenly forest. He saw a cat walk torwards him he was a fire-like color of orange and he had green eyes. Orange-Cat: Hello, SilverEar. SilverEar: Where am I and who is SilverEar? Orange-Cat: You are having a vision in StarClan, why I called you here was to tell you to take care of a she-cat named WildLegs she is a new warrior, she is special and will become a great leader. SilverEar: But I don't know who she is or where to find her there is a whole world full of cats, and why should I be taking orders from a random cat that I saw in a place with glowing trees? Orange-Cat: Because your mother and sister live their also. I have to go now by the way my name is FireStar. SilverEar: Wait no don't go yet who is my mother, whats her name, how can I find her? FireStar: Go back into the forest and you will find a cat follow that cat into a place with many cats. When there ask for HoneyTail. SilverEar woke up and Mittens was staring at him. Mittens: Are you ok? I found you in the woods fast asleep. By the way I won the bet. SilverEar: Ok yeah fine i'll do that later. SilverEar seemed to be searching for someone, he ran into the woods and started looking for a tail or some fur so he could find the cat. Mittens: Hey, where are you going? SilverEar: Looking for something i'll be right back! He saw a golden streak walk into the bushes he followed it as told. What seemed like hours later he finally got to the stopping point. SilverEar opened his mouth with awe while looking at all those cats grooming each other, how am I going to find one cat in this big of a crowd?

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