Chapter 13: A Queens Training

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That night, as Luna fell asleep, she felt something. It seemed... familiar, comforting even. Where she recognized it from; the strange void.

As her eyes closed in the physical world, her eyes opened in the mental one.

She looked around, searching desperately for the woman, she now thinks might even be Echo.

Every step she took, the void seemed to grow less darker, a seemingly enchanted forest seem to grow around her.

As she walked, she found what seemed to be a cove.

Fireflies danced throughout in happy flips and twirls as if welcoming her. A sense of Deja-vu washed over her.

She slowly walked into the water that resided in the cove, wading through searching for something, ANYTHING.

She saw the familiar throne with the moon resting on it.

The only difference this time was the throne was in pristine condition. Not a single crack or discoloration could be found.

Luna waded through the water to reach the stage in which the throne sat.

As she climbed the stairs up to the throne, the water seemed to dry off her immediately.

Her hand seemed to slowly reach out to touch the moon on its own.

As soon as her hand touched it, she felt her mind grow dizzy and she seemed spiral downwards.

She closed her eyes waiting for the sensation to pass. She felt it slow down yet, she was still falling.

She let out an 'oof' when she felt her back hit the cold ground.

She opened her eyes to see she was in a beautiful clearing. The plants seemed to glow brighter than in the real world and all the colors seemed bolder. Most special of all the moon hovered in the sky moving slowly across.

Why would the moon have to move?

"The Moon slowly moves to make room for the sun."

Luna turned quickly to see who spoke and her eyes went wide.

It was Echo her eyes shone and a kind smile on her lips. She wore the same clothes she did last time Luna saw her.

Echo giggled a bit at Luna's reaction. "Hello again, child. It has been a while."

Luna's mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say.

"I-It's, honor..? What? I-I mean it's an honor to meet you your highness." Luna said with a slightly awkward curtsy.

Echo shook her head slightly. "No, we meet here as equals. I have come to you to train you. Exium trains his power as we speak. Though, he has grown lazy. He does not think you are a worthy rival. We, are going to show him wrong. I shall train you as long as the time you remain in the kind rabbits home. It may not be long enough for you to fully harness your power but it will give you an easier battle, not that it won't be hard though. Do you accept?"

Luna's eyes became even wider if even possible.

"I, yes, I mean... Of course! I, I mean I accept your offer!"

Echo smiled "Alright then, we shall train."

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
EDIT: 10/6/18

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