Chapter 19: The Catacombs

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Luna looked at and around the lever, searching for any traps. After seeing none, she steadily moved her hand to the lever.

She slowly pulled the lever and the ground began to shake. The ground beneath them collapsed and they tumbled into the hole below them. After the fall the two lay on the ground with the air knocked out of them. Terrance slowly got up and held his hand out to Luna who was still laying on the ground. Luna took his and he helped her up.

"It's pretty dark down here." Luna said wearily.

"Isn't it dark practically everywhere in this world?" Terrance said sarcastically.

Luna glared at him slightly and responded, "Not much with all the glowing vegetation and animals," before grabbing a torch off the wall. "Ugh! What is that smell!" Luna said pinching her nose. Terrance covered his mouth and nose with his shirt before saying "It could possibly be catacombs or sewage..." Luna just stared at him and said "Lets just get out of here as soon as possible."

The young Moon Queen and Terrance walked around the catacombs searching for a way into the palace but, they couldn't find it.

"This place is a literal maze!" Luna suddenly burst out. Terrance then poked her arm and pointed to a wall with writing on it.

Luna walked over to the wall and examined it the wall said: Find four statues The first of a Prince who rules the dark, The second of a Queen who rises the Moon, The third a King who keeps the Sun high in the Sky, The fourth a Princess who bends Light. Behind each statue you shall find a key to open the door into the Palace of Destruction. Good Luck.

"' Good luck,' hillarious..." Terrance said bitterly.

Luna wondered what a "sun" was but soon shrugged it off. Then her and Terrance once again set out to find the four statues and to get the keys.

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
EDIT: 1/3/18
EDIT: 12/20/18

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