Chapter 3: The Forest

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As Luna walked through the forest she felt something new different even. What was that feeling? It was fear. No supplies but her bow and quiver, she wandered deeper and deeper into the woods.

As she was walking Luna saw a little rabbit.

"Perfect." She mumbled to herself.

As she aimed her arrow at the rabbit ready to shoot. The rabbit spoke.

"D-don't h-h-hurt me I h-have two little ch-children back at home who n-need m-me."

Confused, Luna dropped her bow and gaped at the strange bright, white rabbit. The color very different the normally blue rabbits.

"You can talk!?"

The rabbit chuckled nervously. "Well... I'm the only one, as far as I can tell."

Luna sighed, "Did I eat some mushrooms earlier? Probably..."

The rabbit shook her head. "No, I'm the real deal! I was just as shocked when I learned I could speak your tongue."

"Alright then..." "Maybe I did eat those mushrooms!"

"I heard that!" The rabbit groaned

"Look, if you really want some food I know where a patch of fireberries is."

"How do I know I can trust you... Strange-talking-rabbit-thing!"

"You're lucky you ran into me instead of a bloodthirsty jaguar."


"Just- never mind, I'll show you where those fireberries are."

"Really! Okay-"

The rabbit cut her off. "If, you do something for me."


The rabbit smirked.

"You see that tree there?"

Luna turned to see the tree the rabbit was gesturing towards.

The tree was huge! It seemed to reach a bit higher than the other trees. It also seemed magical. The way the glowing vines wrapped around the tree seemed perfect! The vines were unlike the other trees' glowing vines, this tree's vines weren't even the slightest bit crooked. The green leaves shined slightly in the vines glow. At the very top, there were glowing purple fruits. Just beautiful!

The rabbit's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I need you to climb to the top and get me some of the fruit. I promised my children I would get them some."

Luna's eyes widened at the bunny. "W-what! Up there!!!"

The rabbit nodded. "Yup, that's what you get for trying to kill me. If not, I'm not leading you to the best fireberries in the forest."

"Argh! Fine, Alright... I'll try and get some of the fruit."

"Great!" the rabbit grinned "Looks like we have a deal!"

Luna walked towards the tree. She looked up to see a low limb. She hoisted herself onto it and continued her way up that way.

The process repeated.

Jump, stand, jump, stand, jump, sta-

Luna slightly slipped, she regained her balance at the last second. She looked down and saw the rabbit, she looked like an ant from here! She gulped and continued her climb up.

Once reaching the near top, she began carefully grabbing the fruit and setting them gently in her quiver. Once she had five, she started her way down.

The way down was much worse than the way up.

The second her feet touched the ground, she let out a breath of which she had been holding in.

"I have your fruit."

The rabbit smiled. "Aren't you the sweetest thing!" The bunny cooed "Now, lets go!"

The rabbit hopped on while Luna slowly followed, out of breath from the climb.

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
EDIT 3/28/18
EDIT 8/19/18

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