Chapter 6: Trapped by Beetles

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As Luna woke up she felt sore. But as she looked around she saw stone bars. She was in a cage. As Luna struggled to escape she heard buzzing.

The buzz seemed to come closer and closer.

"Who's there! Sh-show yourself!" Luna yelled frightened.

The buzz proceeded to make seemingly annoyed sounds.

As Luna looked around and saw an ugly brown beetle. "You can't even speak but I can still feel sarcasm leaking out of you." Luna hissed.

The beetle buzzed this deep angry buzz.

"Aren't you just the sweetest thing..." Luna mumbled sarcastically.

The beetle was pissed now. It wrote messily in the dirt, 'Idiot Moon Queen.'

"One, why did you call me 'Moon Queen'? Two, why did you call me an idiot!? What did I ever do to you?" Luna asked.

The beetle just stared blankly at her and began to buzz angrily to itself.

Luna just raisied an eyebrow. The beetle seemed to roll its eyes and left.

Right as he left, Luna closed her eyes, 'Someone, please help me!'

As she opened her eyes, she heard a buzzing come closer and closer to her cage, much softer than the beetles'. In came three small fireflies carrying a teared up page. They set it down and begin flashing there lights every few seconds while making a 'hum' noise.

The cage door flew open and the fireflies seemed to bow and fly away.

Confused, Luna picked up the paper and hid it in the bottom of her shoe.

~*~ ~.~ ~*~ ~.~ ~*~
EDIT 3/29/18
EDIT 8/21/18

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