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Well would you want to know how our world started? I know I would, and so I will tell you.

One day in a far away land. A land high above, made of clouds. That no one knows how to find anymore, lived a giant. Now you might think giants are big and mean and scary but just hear me out. This giant loved to write and draw.

His name was John.

He would write for hours on end with nothing else to do. Writing stories about people and everyone and everything was short. The "plants" or so he called them were tiny, the people on this land were small.

Well, small compared to himself that is.

He wrote about these people and creatures because he was alone, so his stories and people and creatures were his friends.

He wrote about something called a human. Although John the Giant didn't know that the words he wrote would turn into real people and creatures, he would soon know it would happen.

One day John decided to take a walk. As he was walking, since he lived in clouds, he thought he saw something green, which was very strange. He kept walking closer and closer until he reached a forest. He saw something he thought he had drawn in a book of his. A plant with a trunk and green leaves. A tree. He looked at this tree and then looked past it. Seeing hundreds more, but as the trees went on they got smaller and smaller soon they were only the size of his foot.

For giant that was very, very small. He kept walking thinking, maybe if one of his creations in a book came real maybe everything else would too.

Then he remembered writing about something he liked to call a t-rex. It was very, very big and had long sharp teeth and loved to snack on meat. He ran back to his home and wrote about a land below his own below the clouds where trees grew wild and water flowed free and far. Where it would change between something he liked to call "seasons," there were four of them winter, spring, summer and fall. In the winter the water would cool and become "snow" and "ice." In the summer days were hot. In the fall leaves would turn brown, red, orange, yellow and they also tended to fall. In the spring flowers would sprout and grow.

You see, he didn't have anybody where he was and he was, trapped in a way. He couldn't go anywhere for there was nothing to see, nothing but clouds. He was alone.

Anyway, animals would wander around during all these seasons and would hunt and eat and play. The giant was their friend. He would come down and play with them, but one day he came across a human. It was a young boy named Jack who had lost his way. Jack was trying to find his way home, but had lost the trail. When Jack saw John he ran, he was scared and so John had decided to go back to his home in the clouds and hide. Not wanting to frighten anyone.

Some say you can hear John crying if you listen enough to a storm. He sends waves crashing and storms, because he is sad.

Don't worry though one day he thought about writing again and so he wrote one final story about a cat that was just his size named Fluffy. Fluffy had orange fur and white stripes across his back and a white tummy. John and Fluffy became great friends. To this very day John and Fluffy enjoy their games and times looking down at the world. Although John is still sad about not coming back down he still watches us and helps up when we need him. He sends storms and rays of sunshine to let us know he's there. Though many may have forgotten, John won't and he will always be there, waiting. I hope one day soon he might just write another story about another animal, so Fluffy can have a friend.

The End is just the beginning...  

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