Chapter Eleven - Criminally Me

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~♡~Mac's POV~♡~

I'm going to jail for this.

Sweat fills my hands and drips from my temple. My heart is pounding so loud I'm afraid it will fall off my chest anytime soon. I bite my lip, trying to calm myself down, but my hands won't stop shaking.

I'm so going to jail for this!

I close my eyes, shake my head ferociously and take a long, deep breath. Relax, Mackenzie. No one's going to catch you if you act normal.

... Right?

The sound of fingers being snapped in front of my face brings me back to reality. When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Sophia's fair hand. Today she's wearing a black nail-polish to complete her grunge look: black leather outfits, smoky eyes, and dark lipstick.

"Hello? Earth to Mackenzie?" Sophia asks, still snapping her fingers back and forth in front of me.

"Uh-huh." I gulp and try to put on a calm face. "You were saying?"

"Remember the plan," she continues, her determination shines in her blue-green eyes. "Get in, take a few photos, and collect as much information as you can. Got it?"

I try to give a firm nod but ends up giving a small, hesitated one instead. "Got it."

Sophia takes a deep breath and puts on her sunglasses. Then, she turns around and walks towards the tall building not far from us.

The luxurious apartment building has exactly thirty-four floors. How do I know this? Because our target lives on the 34th floor – the top floor.

The penthouse.

The guy is filthy rich, for Christ's sake! Way richer than Dylan!

A small sigh escapes my lips. Sophia told me our target's family owns a hotel chain – the biggest one in the state; which is why it makes sense for a twenty-one-year-old heir like him to live alone in a freaking penthouse.

Sophia also said he's one of the most unattainable bachelors in the area and my first mission as a bad girl is to seduce him.

Seduce him.

Who am I? Mata Hari?

Sophia and I both know how impossible that is. That's why we're about to break into his apartment to gain information that can be used to my advantage.

Ugh. Why am I doing this again?

"W-wait, wait, wait!" I chase after her. Walking backward in front of her, I ask, "Are you sure we should do this?"

She stops abruptly, causing me to do the same. Slipping her sunglasses down a little, she raises her brow and glares at me. Her glare is so sharp I flinch a little. "We've talked about this, remember?"

"I-I mean..." my voice trembles a little out of fear. At this point, I'm not sure which I fear the most: jail or Sophia. "We could get arrested, Sophia!"

She lets out a small sigh and takes off her sunglasses. "I've told you, we are not going to jail, Mac. Relax! Don't be so paranoid!"

"B-b-but, we're going to commit breaking and entering, and the last time I check, it is still a crime!" I say with a pace faster than a bullet train.

Her lips twitch a little, making me think she's having second thoughts. A quick second later, she puts her poker face back on. "It's not if we don't get caught."

"And if we do?"

"That's why we're doing this together, Mac. I'll distract the security guard so we don't get caught while you..." She inhaled, her lips form a straight line as she lowers her gaze slightly. For a moment, I see the hesitation in her eyes. "While you go upstairs and make sure you get all the information you need."

Every ounce of hesitation on her face is wiped clean when she flashes a wide grin at me. "Simple, right?"

But her grin makes me even more scared than before. "B-b-but what if he gets home while I'm in his apartment?"

"He won't," she replies with utmost confidence. "Every day at 7 A.M. sharp, he always drives his red Ferrari" – she rolls her eyes – "to the park on 5th street to jog – which is heavenly to watch, by the way – and he won't be back until 9!"

I jerk my head back a little, my forehead scrunches as a tinge of fear seeps into my blood. How does she know that much about him?

"Well... You seem to be more..." I shrug a little. "Experienced in doing this, so why don't I distract the guard?"

Her eyelids droop a little and she folds her arms in front of her chest. She throws me her resting bitch face. Uh-oh. Did I say something wrong?

"Experienced, huh?" her voice was cold and flat. "FYI, I've never committed a crime before, and remember, I'm doing this for you."

She puts the tip of her index finger on my chest and flicks it. "You!" she repeats, her loud voice sends me a few steps backward.

I blink repeatedly and gulp. "O-okay, okay."

"Now, shall we go?"

I give repeated, anxious nods and start walking beside her. She puts her shades back on and continues to walk with her head held high.

Within seconds, I start to talk again, "Why is this guy so important anyway? I mean, he's cute and all, but I bet he's not worth going to jail for!"

"You said it yourself, you want to get your revenge on those girls who bullied you. And you know what is the best way to do that?" She gives a short, dramatic pause and glances at me. "Get them jealous!"

"I know. But... surely there are plenty of other fish in the sea – fish that doesn't need us to commit a crime to catch."

Sophia stops and lets out a small sigh. Her hand then roams inside her black leather jacket and takes out a photo – his photo.

The boy – or should I say, man – in the photo looks not much older than I am, but his aura radiates his maturity. He has a perfectly symmetrical oval face; his five o'clock shadow makes his jawline more prominent than it really is. His eyes – ugh, don't even get me started on those small, deep-set, blue eyes. Even though it's a candid photo of his, it's as if he's staring right into my soul.

My eyes then trail down to his body. In the photo, he's wearing a loose gray tank top and black shorts, allowing me to see his huge biceps and the silhouette of his perfect upper body.

Conclusion? He's way out of my league.

"See this guy? He's the blue marlin of fishing, Mac."

"Huh?" I tilt my head to the side, having absolutely no idea what she's talking about.

"He's uber-rich, hella handsome, and have the body of a Greek God!" You can say that again. "What do you think people would think when they see you sticking your tongue down his throat?"

My cheeks blush in a split second. "I-I barely even know him! Why would I wanna–"

"That's why we're doing this! Getting to know him!" Sophia replies with a surprising amount of enthusiasm in her voice – which reminds me: Why is she so obsessed with this guy?

"Well, can't we just do it the old-fashioned way? You know, by..." I shrug a little. "Talking?"

She gives a small sigh. "No offense, Mac. But if my friend, the number one heartbreaker in Southwood, can't get him to fall on his knees for her, then there's absolutely no way in the galaxy he would even look at you."

"Oh..." My lips curve down slightly as I lower my gaze, unsure if I should feel disappointed or insulted instead.

"Look." Sophia takes a step forward. "Do you still want to be a bad girl?"

"Of course I do!" I raise my gaze to meet hers.

"Then this is what you have to do." She puts both hands on my shoulders. "Bad girls don't have filters. They don't follow rules!"

"But..." My frustration peaks and before I know it, I start to blab, "I only want to be a bad girl, not a fucking criminal!"

Sophia and I gasp loudly in unison. I quickly draw my hands to close my mouth.

Did I just...

"Oh, Mac!" She retracts her hands and puts one on her chest. A proud smile is formed on her lips. "You just swore out loud! Oh!"

She bends forward to give me a tight hug. The scent of her elegant but alluring perfume fills my nose; it's the strong combination of red rose, violet, orchid, and other flowers I don't know the name of. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Uhm..." I shrug a little and purse my lips together, trying to hide the smile that is eager to take over my face. "Thanks... I guess."

"Okay, come on." She straightens herself. "We're not going to get caught, okay? Trust me!"

She hooks her left arm on my right arm and we continue to walk towards the luxurious building in front of us. "You have the key card that I gave you?"

My hand roams the inside of my sling bag and takes out the white key card. "Yeah." I nod. "How did you get this anyway?"

"Don't ask," she replies. I have a feeling I really don't want to know how she got it. After all, if we do get caught, I can just pretend that I'm forced to do this and blame her for everything.

I gasp mentally. Mackenzie Goode! What the heck has gotten into you?

Within a while, we arrive at the front gate of the apartment. Gold ornaments are carved around the sliding door while on my right is a granite sign with the words Le Grand Appartement carved in gold.

Wow. Even its name is posh.

A security guard is standing in front of the door. The tall, tanned man looks like he's not older than 30. Right now, he's greeting some people who are walking in and out of the building.

"Remember" – Sophia leans to her side slightly to match my height – "blend in with the crowd."

She unhooks her arm from mine and takes a deep breath. Giving a push to her boobs, she starts doing her 'walk' towards the security guard. Her perky breasts bounce up and down as she walks in slow motion. Every bit of her movement somehow makes everything around her stop and stare at her – in a good way.

As she approaches him, his eyes widen for a split second. A small gasp escapes his mouth when Sophia gives a toss to her now wavy hair. It's then clear from his expression – even though he tries his best to mask it – that he's now in Sophia's grip.

Okay, she's right. There's no way I can do that.

Sophia stops right before the lean man. I can't hear what she's saying from here, but I can tell it works. The security guard blushes, a shy smile comes across his rectangular face as Sophia runs a finger on his broad chest in a sultry manner.

Wow. I wonder if she can do that to a Queen's Guard...

Suddenly, she throws a glare at me. Slipping her glasses a little, her eyes widen as her head gestures to the apartment's door.

Oh, right. Got a mission to do.

I take a deep breath and put on my baseball cap and glasses like she has taught me. She said the disguise is needed so we won't be recognized, just in case we got caught by the security camera.

Taking a quick glance around me, I spot a group of high school students heading towards the front door from the right side of the building. Three of the teenagers are wearing white long-sleeved shirt and blue plaid skirts – the uniform of St. John's School, the most prestigious high school in Southwood.

Lucky for me, the other two girls are simply wearing T-shirts and jeans – albeit expensive ones from the looks of them. I tuck my hair behind my ears and quickly walk towards them.

Blend in, Mackenzie. Blend in.

As I approach them, I can vaguely hear their conversation.

"... have you seen Tony's new ride?"

"Uh, duh? Of course, I did. It's sooo gorgeous!" the blonde girl replies.

"Jeez, he can not get any more perfect!" the girl with the short brown hair replies before the five of them giggle like – well – school girls.

As we are about to enter the front gate, I walk beside the tallest, biggest girl – hiding in plain sight. Thank God I'm tiny.

While the girls continue to gossip, we stop right in front of the sliding door. The black-haired girl steps forward and places her right thumb on the fingerprint scanner. The security guard glances at us and I quickly lower my cap, hiding my face underneath it in an attempt to stay undetected.

"What's wrong with this machine?" the black-haired girl says to herself when a red light flashes on the scanner. She waves her fingers and blows on them before placing her thumb on the scanner again.

In the meantime, the other girls continue to gossip and laugh. The guard seems to feign his suspicion since all the girls but me are laughing loudly.

So, I fake a laugh too.

But my nervousness fills my laughter, making it sound a little – well, maybe too fake. The girls' laughter softens while they turn to look at me; their eyes are filled with confusion.

Seeing this, Sophia takes off her jacket in a slow, agonizing manner, revealing more of her perky breasts that bulge out of her skin-tight tube top. Just as the guard draws his gaze back at her, she takes off her glasses and whips her hair, the wind blowing it perfectly.

"Wow, that girl is super gorgeous!" the blonde girl in front of me whispers to her friends.

"Mm-hmm." The other girls give a few nods in return.

Sophia tips on her toes while she whispers something on the guard's ears, making him blush even more. Now that their faces are inches away from each other, his eyes are locked on her luscious lips as she gives a playful push to his broad shoulder.

Within seconds, a green light flashes on the small scanner by the door and the door slides open. Oh, thank God!

As fast as lightning, I enter the building. The vast lobby is as luxurious as it can be. There is a large, round table made of granite in the middle of the room; a huge flower vase filled with different kinds of flowers are placed on top of it. Around the room are some cozy, expensive sofas where some suit-wearing people are sitting at. Then, as I look up, I see a beautiful chandelier hanging on the roof.

Holy crap. What I'd do to live in a place like this!

I'd love to stay and admire the view, but unfortunately, I have a mission to do. I scan the room for the elevator and spot it right next to the receptionist table.

Jesus, it's like a freaking hotel here!

I shake my head ferociously. Focus, Mackenzie. Focus!

As I approach the elevator, the door slides open and an elderly couple exits from it. I press the 'up' button next to the elevator to hold the door for the couple – who surprisingly takes super long to get out.

Ugh! Move your asses, people!

I gasp mentally. I've always been nice to elderly people – to everyone, really! But... what has gotten into me?

Fear starts to surge in my blood and my forehead puckers. I find myself biting my lip in an attempt to calm myself down.

"Thank you, dear," the elderly lady says, giving me a warm smile.

I try to return the smile but it comes out awkward instead. As soon as the couple gets out of the elevator, I quickly slide into it. I shift my gaze to the button panel and press the 34th-floor button before hitting the close button like a lunatic.

Just as the door is about to close, the school girls from before walk towards the elevator that I'm in. My reflex causes me to hold the door for them.

"Ugh! She is such a bitch!" The blonde girl rolls her eyes.

Not a single 'thank you'? Geez. The door closes not long after the girls step into the elevator. I stay at the very back while listening to their conversation.

"I mean, can you believe she spilled water to my bag? It's fucking Prada, for God's sake!" the black-haired girl says. She then steps closer to the button panel. When she realizes the top floor's button is lit up, her eyes darts my way in a split second.

What? I don't look like someone who can afford to live in a penthouse?

I can at least be a guest, right?

While she scans me from head to toe, I avert her gaze by throwing my attention to the ceiling. Well, to be fair, it's not like I'm actually 'invited', so...

The elevator dings and the door slides open. I look to the panel and see that we're now on the 12th floor.

"Roe, come on!" The tallest girl grabs the black-haired girl's arm while the latter's gaze is still fixated on me.

Within a while, they exit the elevator and the door closes. I let out a long sigh.

The elevator takes about ten seconds that feels like forever to get to my destination. When the door finally opens, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Opening my eyes, I take a step forward and peek outside the elevator. Once I make sure no one is in the hallway, I step outside the elevator carefully. The hallway itself has a minimalist yet beautiful design. The walls were painted light grey, the marble floor is polished to the point that I can see my reflection on it, while recessed floor lights illuminate the room.

I lick my lips as I walk to the only door there is on that floor, waving my trembling hands beside me to try to calm myself down. It's okay, Mackenzie. You can do this.

You. Can. Do. This.

My gaze is fixated to the sleek black door as I stop right before it. My hand feels ice-cold as I take out the keycard that I put inside my jeans' pocket earlier. I take a long deep breath before shifting my gaze to the silver swipe-card reader next to the door's handle.

Then, I freeze.

Think about it. You're about to commit a crime, Mackenzie. Is it really worth it?

I bite my inner lip as my head begins to ache. Breathing gets harder and cold sweat runs down my temple. All my life I've always been taught to do the right thing; follow the rules and I'll be just fine.

But... people hate me for that.

If I do this and manage to win his heart, then everyone will look at me differently – everyone will finally stop laughing at me and I'll be able to laugh at them instead.

Yes... I'll be able to hear their shocked gasp and see their pathetic expressions while I stick my tongue down his throat.

With that in mind, my hand moves towards the card reader. But just as I'm about to swipe the card, another thought comes across my mind.

You're about to become a criminal, Mackenzie! Does it really matter what people think about you?

I retract my hand slowly, my common sense is starting to come back to me.

But then, the memory of Hailey's mockery comes surging back into my mind.

'You may change how you look, but you'll never change who you really are. You'll always be that same boring, good girl you've always been.'

The words ring loudly in my ears and on the spur of the moment, I swipe the card.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! So, Mac finally takes that step further into being a real bad girl. What do you think?

A little important message though, this is only a work of fiction! Under any circumstances, please don't do any of the things that Sophia or Mac did especially in this chapter. Obviously, Mac is not in her right mind. Breaking the law is totally NOT COOL guys!

Also, this book finally hits 1K reads!! OMG thank you so much, guys! 😘😘😘

Well, that's all for now! Hope you like it and see ya in the next chapter! ;)

P.S: Don't forget to vote if you like this chapter ^-^

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