Chapter Two - The Angel and The Clown

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~♡~Sophia's POV~♡~

"Get away from my date!" a voice shouts from behind me.

I break our kiss and turn my head slightly, only to catch a glimpse of my date – Mike, James, or whatever his name is – looking at the boy I was kissing with anger. A devilish grin slightly grows on the corner of my lips.


A fight is about to ensue between my date – or Hunk #1 as I'd like to call him – and Hunk #2, the firefighter wannabe I had been kissing until a few seconds ago. I wipe our saliva from my lips and take a few steps back to let the boys settle the score.

Boy, I am sure going to enjoy this. After all, Hunk #1 deserves it. How dare he hit on another girl while he's on a date with me?

Within seconds, the two boys begin to throw their punches at each other and everyone's eyes are on us.

I casually walk towards the food table and grab a red paper cup filled with beer while enjoying the view. When people start to take their phone out and film the fight, I move closer to the two fighting boys so that I can be in the video too. A contented smile comes across my lips while I strike a pose in front of the cameras, trying to act as natural as I can.

Perfect. By this time tomorrow, this will be trending on social media and the number of my followers will skyrocket to the roof. It's free publicity and that is absolutely perfect for business.

In the age of social media, the number of likes, views, and followers are all that matter. Especially when you're me.

Being a part-time model, social media plays an important part in whether companies would hire you to be the face of their brand or not. The more people know who you are, the more people would buy their products. It's simple math. That's why, I have to use every opportunity I get to become even more famous.

I'm used to being the talk around the town, even if it's not in a good way. People absolutely love to hate me and I'm fine with that. Besides, they might act like they hate me but deep down, they want to be me. Why else would I have 1,999,801 followers on Instagram?

By the end of the day, I'm sure people will call me a slut, a whore, or whatever it is they want to call me. But you know what? There's no such thing as bad publicity. Every publicity, no matter how bad, is still publicity.

"Not so tough now, are you Tough Guy?" Hunk #1 mocks the boy who's now lying on the floor, the veins on his neck look like they could explode any minute.

Not backing up easily, Hunk #2 gets up on his feet in no time and clenches his fist in anger. But just as they're about to continue the fight, a stupid boy in some stupid Joker costume suddenly pops out of nowhere. To my annoyance, he stands right in between the two pissed off boys with his arms stretched against them, trying to keep the two's distance from each other.

"Whoa, whoa, guys," Joker says, "Let's just take this outside, shall we?" Anxiety fills his eyes as he switches his gaze back and forth at the big, blue vase near them.

Hunk #1 growls, his rock-hard abs moving up and down in anger. "Move away, Clown Boy."

"He's right," Hunk #2 says, stretching his neck from side to side. "We've got some scores to settle."

"I know that," the Joker replies, sounding fidgety and slightly on the edge. "All I'm saying is, do it outside, where there are less expensive stuffs!"

Instead, Hunk #1 takes a step forward and brings both hands in front of his chest before cracking his knuckles.

"Last warning," Hunk #1 threatens. "Move away or else."

But the Joker lets out a sigh and stays still. Does this boy have a death wish or something?

He might be lean and slightly taller than the other two, but there's no way he stand a chance against two obvious gym freaks. Honestly, I almost feel bad for him. It's clear he owns the place and this fight may actually cause some pretty hefty damage.

But, well, he should've thought about that before throwing a college party.

Hunk #2 gives a smirk before he takes a false start and suddenly throws another punch intended for Hunk #1. Since Joker is standing right between the two, I'm pretty sure he'll be the first to go down. To my surprise, just as Hunk #2's fist is about to hit the Joker's face, the latter catches the fist with such speed and ease. Hunk #2 screams in pain as The Joker twists his arms to his back.

Huh. Interesting.

"You know, I was trying to play nice." The Joker shifts his gaze between the two startled boys. "But I don't think that works with you two."

In the heat of the moment, I throw my empty cup on the floor, grab a small bowl of popcorn from the table beside me and start shoving the popcorn to my mouth.

Hunk #1 lets out a loud growl before he crouches down and runs towards The Joker like a predator about to catch its prey.

The Joker shoves Hunk #2 to the floor with such force that the latter is sent sliding across the room, head bumping onto some people's shoes in the process. Now that the Joker gains both of his hands free again, right when Hunk #1 is about to grab him in the gut, he takes just the right amount of steps sideways. His left-hand grabs Hunk #1's right arm to incapacitate the latter, while his right-hand jabs to his opponent's cheek.

Even though clearly startled, Hunk #1 is not going down without a fight. He swings his one free hand towards the surprisingly apt fighter, but his movement is well read by The Joker, who draws his upper body back a little to evade the punch and catches it instead.

Now holding both of his opponent's arms, he clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval.

"Now, now, that's not very nice, isn't it?"

Hunk #1 growls again while trying to yank his arms away. But it's no use, he looks like a fish trying to swim out of the water instead. The Joker tightens his grip on both of Hunk #1's arms and the latter moans like a little girl. The pained look on the Hunk #1's face says it all.

The Joker is simply too strong.

Huh. Who would've expected a weirdo like him to be able to fight like this?

"Now" – The Joker leans forward –  "what do you say, shall we call it a night?" He concludes with a wide, creepy grin.

Hunk #1 gives repeatedly anxious nods and The Joker lets him go. The boy quickly runs out of the house without even giving me a single glance.

Now how am I supposed to get home?

I turn to look at Hunk #2 but he's nowhere to be found either. I guess he must've used the commotion to run away. What a loser.

Oh, well. I guess I'll have to find another way to get home.

"Okay, everyone! Show's over!" The Joker signals the DJ to turn the music louder. Within seconds, the crowd is back to doing their own thing.

"Oh!" He tucks his hands in his pockets and yells over the loud music, "And you!" He throws his gaze my way.

Shit! I must've looked like a fucking garbage-eating pig!

I turn around in a swift move to face the wall so that no one can see my face, shoving the bowl of popcorn to the hands of a fat girl in a cheerleader outfit next to me. The girl whines when some of the popcorn fall out of the bowl, but she picks them up from her shirt and eats them.


"Hey!" I can hear the Joker's voice closing in on me.

Quickly, I grab a pocket mirror that was hidden in my bra and observe my face, especially my lips and teeth. Some of the popcorn are stuck in betwee  my teeth so I desperately try to remove it with my tongue.

Dammit! I hate popcorn!

"You! Sophia Wilde, right?" the Joker's voice now sounds about a feet away from me.

Hmm. He might be a weirdo, but the way he fights kinda turns me on somehow.

Looks like I've found my ride for the night.

Noticing that my lipstick is a little smeared as a result of the heavy kissing I did earlier, I take my red lipstick out from my bra and quickly fix my lips. After I make sure my makeup looks perfect, I close the mirror and stash both the mirror and the lipstick back to their hiding place.

I put on my sexy smile before I turn around very agonizingly slow and toss my hair to the side, a move that never fails to sweep anyone off their feet.


My smile grows into a wicked smirk as he stops right before me. I put my left hand on my waist and hold my breath so that my waist looks smaller than it actually is. Tilting my head slightly to the left, I raise my brow a little and ask, "Yeah?"

Now that we're standing face-to-face, I find his height quite impressive; after all, not many are still taller than me when I'm wearing a 4-inch Stilleto.

Then, the corner of his lips curves up into a small smile. But there's something odd and wicked about his smile that makes me draw my brows together for a split second. What's this boy up to?

When he leans forward in an attempt to whisper to my ears, I decide to ignore my inner warnings and a victorious grin grows on my lips.

But then, he says the most unexpected words I had ever heard, coming from the mouth of anyone I've ever met. "Get out of my house."

My smile is gone without a trace and I'm left frozen in silence, trying to process what he just said.

Maybe I heard him wrong. "What?"

"You heard me," he says, his voice is so calm and cold at the same time. "Get. Out. Of. My. House."

I blink repeatedly. "This... This is a joke, right?"

"No," he shrugs, "You're the reason that happened, so if they should go, you should too."

I scoff. "You're serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" he retorts with a sarcastic smile.

Honestly? It's hard to take him seriously with that awful makeup on his face. But what irritates me the most is, why is this guy not falling for any of my tricks?

Oh. I know. He must be gay.

But even gay boys become straight when they see me. So what's up with him?

Maybe... he's just playing hard to get.

Okay, two can play this game.

"What if I refuse?" I say with a sultry voice before I take a step forward. With both hands on my hips, I suck my breath even more to the point of not breathing. My breasts are now bulging up from my tight dress.

But he doesn't even blink.

Instead, he takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. "Okay, this is me, playing nice. I swear to you, you don't wanna see my bad side. So, I'm asking you one more time, get out of my house, before–"

"Before you do what?" I interrupt as I continue to walk closer towards him, only stopping when our faces are merely an inch away from each other. "Before you make me, like the way you made those two losers go?" One side of my lips curves in a wicked but sexy way, creating a smirk that normally would make boys faint.

"Because..." I trace a finger on his broad shoulder. "You know what? I kinda have a thing for–"

That's when I feel a strong arm circles my waist, and not in a romantic way. Before I know it, my feet already left the ground as he puts me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing at all. My head is now facing his back and I begin to feel dizzy as a result of being upside down. For a while, my thick brown hair blocks my view. In a desperate attempt to see again, I throw my head back and blow the rest of my hair that's still covering parts of my face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yell at him, anger seeping through my voice.

Without a word, he tightens his grip on my waist and starts to walk. I open my mouth to protest, but the movement causes strands of my hair to fall over my face again. This time, they go straight to my open mouth. Struggling to get the hair out of my mouth, I begin to hit his back with all my strength. My days of drunken bar fight let me know for certain that my punches are strong enough to send a grown woman to the hospital. But this guy doesn't even flinch!

"I told you," he replies calmly like there is no trouble at all. "You don't want to get on my bad side. Now, this is just a..." he pauses while politely asking some people to make a way for us. "A sneak preview of what I will do if you don't leave right away."

This... this guy is a fucking psychopath!

When I look around, intending to play victim and get other boys to fight for me, I realize most of the crowd are laughing at me instead. My temper rises even more when a flash from someone's phone blinds my eye.

Shit. I take my words back. There is such thing as bad publicity and this is absolutely the worst of its kind!

Even worse, my lipstick falls to the ground. "Wait! My–"

My words are cut short when one of the partygoers step on it. I let out a loud growl. Does he know how much that cost?

"I swear to God if you don't put me down right this very second, I–"

Suddenly, my body is pulled backward, making me gasp loudly. I almost lose my balance when he puts me down gently on my feet.

Dammit! This bastard really did put me down. The only problem is, I'm now outside of the house.

Grinning ear-to-ear, he waves his hand in front of my face. "Ciao."

Oh, he did not just do that!

I stomp forward, intending to give him hell, when I accidentally slip on the puddle of water on the floor. Screaming out loud, I fall backward to the pool behind me. The loud splash as my body hits the water makes everyone – and I mean everyone – turn their eyes on me.

It takes me a while before I manage to float to the water's surface. But, by the time I do, people are now laughing at me, their demeaning eyes scream they're enjoying this.

Fuck! This is absolutely awful publicity!

Biting my lips in anger, I drag myself out of the pool and try to get away from the scene of the crime as fast as possible. I almost slip on the water puddle around the pool again, but this time I manage to keep my balance.

Ugh! That psycho is going to pay. Big time!

A string of curses spill out of my mouth as I take a turn and head to the house's backyard where there are the least people.

I let out another huff before stopping under a huge tree in the middle of the vast land. Taking out a cigarette from my bra, I curse more when I realize it's already soaking wet.

That's when it hit me. My phone!

I curse loudly as I take the phone out from underneath my bra. Seeing it to be a little wet, I press the button repeatedly to check if it's damaged. I let out a sigh of relief when the screen lights up, leaning back against the tree.

Who the heck is that guy anyway?

To satisfy my curiosity, I open my Instagram, intending to search for his. After all, you have to know your enemy first in order to defeat them, right?

The amount of new comments tagging my account makes a victorious smile grows on the corner of my lips. I quickly tap the video in which I'm tagged in.

Angel vs Firefighter at D's Halloween Party tonight!


Ha! It's only been ten minutes and it's already gone viral. I check the comment section right away.

realwildegirl is a total hoe!

Agreed. I don't know why those guys bothered to fight for her. She's not even that pretty you know!

I bet realwildegirl's boobs are fake anyway.

I raise my eyebrow at the remark. They're 100% real, excuse you. With a small huff, I ignore the haters and continue scrolling through the comments.

There is no mention of the house party's owner since the 30-second video doesn't feature him. So, I check the other video which I'm tagged at. This time, I hit bullseye.

Halloween Fight!!!


But, as I play the video, my smile turns into a frown when I can't find any sightings of me in that said video. The video focuses on the Joker beating the two losers' asses instead.

Well, at least the sight of me munching on a bowl of popcorn is nowhere in the video, so I guess that's a good thing. But that still doesn't stop people from tagging my account.

realwildegirl should have been banned from parties!

Blah, blah, blah. Whatever.

itsmedylan you're awesome, dude!

Bullseye. I quickly tap his name and opens his page. Through his profile picture, I find out he's a ginger; which — to be honest — suits him 1000 times more than that awful green hair he's sporting.

Dylan (Not So) Little.

Awesome since birth.

Ugh. Can this guy be anymore psychotic?

I shrug it off and continue checking his feed. Most of his photos are of him going around the world – Paris, Rome, Tokyo – which makes me hate him even more. This guy must've been born with a silver spoon shoved down his throat. What a lucky bastard.

Then, as I continue scrolling down the photos, something grabs my attention. A brunette girl is tagged in many photos of his, not those when he was traveling, but more like in his everyday life: Eating ice cream, studying in the library, going to the mall, and many more.

The girl is beautiful but clearly unpolished. She wears little to no makeup while her choice of clothes is bland and dull. In all the photos that feature her, her hair is tied neatly in a ponytail. With one quick look, I can tell she's the exact opposite of me.

He rejected me over this?

My curiosity grows even stronger so I check her page too. Her profile picture is a simple handwritten initial of hers: MG.


Student. 19. Future Graphic Designer.

Unfortunately, she locks her account. Hmm. Smart girl.

I decide to shrug it off and return to delve deeper into psycho's account. When I tap on his tagged photos, a lot of videos that were taken at the party tonight pop up. To my horror, one of them is of him, carrying me over his shoulder and another is of me slipping into the water.

Shit! Even I don't have the courage to check the comment sections. For now, at least.

As I check the other videos, one particular video grabs my attention simply because it features a nude boy covering his dick with a pillow as its thumbnail. Curious, I tap it.


What the fuck?!

I turn on the volume aloud to hear what the people on the video are talking about. From what I'm seeing, a couple of naked people are caught having sex by the boy's girlfriend.

Stupid girl. She should've seen it coming. The boy clearly looks like a sleazy cheater. I mean, the amount of hair gel he's using and that fake smile on his face tell me he's an egoistical person at the very least.

Meanwhile, the video now shows a purple-haired girl wrapped in a blanket, telling the other girl — who's still out of the frame — that the latter is boring.

I shake my head in return. Purple's fake tan and obviously one-hundred-times-filler-injected lips should've been a clear warning to that other girl.

When the video finally shows the girl's face, I squint my eyes to get a closer look. The girl is wearing a hairband with devil's ears on top of her long brown hair. Her haircut is very basic with blunt edges and absolutely no layers. Her hairdresser should've been burned to death for giving her that hairstyle.

But what surprises me is that she's the girl that was on psycho's photos! So... she's not his girlfriend?

Well, whoever she is, she must be important to him.

Hmm... As I continue to wreck my brains in order to plan my revenge to that psycho clown, the loud sobbing voice coming from the other side of the tree prevents me from thinking straight.

"Dammit! Would you just quit your crying and let me think?" I scold her.

"I..." she struggles to form a word in between her sobs. "I'm sorry..."

She continues to sob, but this time her crying sounds softer and muffled, as if she's holding her hands to cover her mouth.

Great. Now she makes me feel guilty.

Rolling my eyes, I look around me in search of a tissue. I figure the least I can do is give her that. My gaze falls to a few crumpled, used tissue on the ground.

Meh. This will do.

I pick one up and circle the tree to give it to the crying girl. When I finally see the girl, my eyes widen as I realize she's the girl in the video; Mary, Grace, or something.

That's when a brilliant idea pops into my mind.

There's no way I can defeat Psycho Clown by attacking him head-on. But I might have a chance if I destroy the person that matters to him the most.

Game on, sucker!

Author's Note:


So what do you think of this chapter and Sophia's POV? Let me know what you think in the comments :)

Hope you like it and if you do, don't forget to tap that little star button and make my day! xD

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