✧ Twisting Words

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Words are like knives. You use them to stab people in the back and twist them to make the pain beyond agonizing before slowly pulling the blade out. Words can also be twisted to turn bitches against each other, which aids in instigating.

This method has proven to be very effective in manipulation, especially when it comes to turning the tables. Nothing says 'fuck you' like a good slap to someone's face, and making them feel as if it was caused by their own hand.

Let's say you planned a date with a guy but cancelled at the last minute because you lost interest in him. Instead of telling him the truth (that he is a boring dipshit not worth a second of your time), you have an off day and decide to play it nice with a little white lie. You say that you're sick and ask for a rain check, even though you have no intention of responding afterwards.

Being the conniving bitch you are, you actually decide to go on the same date with a new toy and—while enjoying a lovely picnic at the park—you unfortunately run into the other guy you had just cancelled on. When he sees his replacement, tears immediately fill his eyes and he confronts you. What do you do?

Laugh in his face, making him feel insignificant and bluntly tell him your slightly twisted version of the truth. "Honestly, with the way you were texting me it was obvious that you weren't interested in anything more than a hookup. Bye bye now."

This will leave him second guessing his actions, wondering if he did screw up what could have potentially been the greatest thing in his life. But, throughout what's left of his miserable little existence, he'll never know.

Turning the tables can go hand in hand with playing the victim, which I will explain on the next page.

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